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Did you know?

Leap Year
It takes the earth one day to complete one spin on its axis. The time it takes the earth to complete
one trip around the sun is a year. But these units of time dont divide evenly, resulting in our
calendar year being 36 days, hours, !" minutes and a little over ! seconds long. #very !
years $e take those extra hours and minutes and fit it in an extra day, on %ebruary &'th, $hich
$e call Leap Day. #very fourth year thus is Leap Year. If $e did not have the extra day every !
years, in ()) years our calendar $ould be off by &! days
Our humble home
The stars that you see in the night sky are part of the *ilky +ay, our home galaxy. But the *ilky
+ay is not all around us because $e do not live in the middle of the *ilky +ay, our solar system
resides mid$ay bet$een the edge and the center of the *ilky +ay galaxy. If $e could travel at
the speed of light -("6,))) miles per second., it $ould take us about &,))) years to reach either
the rim or the center of the *ilky +ay.
Leonardo da Vinci the genius
/eonardo da 0inci, $ho $as born in 0inci, near %lorence in (!&, is kno$n for his visionary
ideas. 1e made sketches of scissors, the parachute, helicopter, airplanes, and engineering
designs, some of $hich came into use !)) years after his death in (('.
10 good uses for salt
2ust a pinch of it and its $orth it. +ere talking salt here. 3sed throughout human history,
mentioned often in the Bible, ubi4uitous and cheap. *ined from salt rocks and extracted from
sea $ater, salt is5 $ell, the 6salt of the earth.7 8ou cant live $ithout it healthily.
Teleision firsts
The first public television pictures $ere transmitted in ('&6. The first T0 intervie$ $as made
$ith Irish actress 9eggy :;eil in <pril ('3). The first televised sporting event $as a 2apanese
elementary school baseball game, broadcast in =eptember ('3(. The first daily broadcast $as
started by the BB> in ;ovember ('36.
Oldest boats
?ock dra$ings from the ?ed =ea site of +adi 1ammamat, dated to around !))) B>, sho$ that
ancient #gyptian boats $ere made from papyrus and reeds. 8et the $orlds earliest kno$n plank@
built ship, dated to &6)) B>, $as discovered next to the Areat 9yramid in ('&.
Sanjay Karki

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