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[Government System of Qatar]

Volume # 1 | Issue # 1
Date: [September, 2014]
Constitutional Monarchy
Qatar is a constitutional monarchy lead by Emir
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. The primary
source of legislation is Sharia or Islamic law. The
population is around 1.7 million and only 225,000 are
citizens. The emir exercises full executive power.
Qatars 2005 constitution provides for hereditary rule
by the emirs male branch of the al-Thani family. The
leaders son took over the country in 1995 (see picture

Legislation by Emir
The emir approves of rejects legislation after consultation
with the appoints member Advisory Council and cabinet,
however the elections are being delayed. There are no
elections for the national leadership, and the law prohibits
political parties. In 2007 citizens elected the 29 member of
the Central Municipal Council. There are no rights for speech,
press, assembly, association and religion.

Interesting facts
Economy: With huge oil and gas resources, Qatar has emerged as one of the richest countries in
the world, with a GDP per capita of $102,700.

Gained Independence in September 3, 1971.

Election in 1999 for a 29-member council were the first in which the Emir allowed Qatari
women to vote and stand for office.

Blanchard, C. M. (2011). Qatar: Background and US Relations. DIANE Publishing.
Qatar Statistics Authority, BBC, CIA Factbook & Agencies

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