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September 26, 2014


*No school on Friday, Sept. 26.
It is a teacher institute day.

*Progress Reports will be sent
home on Wednesday, October 1.
Please sign and return the report
to school by Friday, October 3.

*Library books must be returned
on Thursday of each week.

Apple Week
Apple Week begins on Monday!
There will be many fun activities using
apples and their seeds. I will
supply the apples. There will be
many yummy activities.
Religion: We are practicing our prayer manners
each day. We are learning a special prayer
praising God for all that He has created. We
attended Mass on Wednesday morning. Fr. Moses
told us a wonderful story during his homily.

SuperKids: We read two stories in our reading text.
We talked about cause and effect. We continued
working with the sounds of ch, sh, and tch.
Using the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we
talked about the plot of the story. We listed things
that happened in the beginning, the middle, and
the end of the story. We described events, drew
pictures and then assembled a caterpillar that
shows the parts of the story.

Math: We started the next chapter about
subtraction strategies. We used connecting cubes
to model taking away to solve subtraction
problems. We have a new set of math vocabulary
words to use throughout this chapter.

Science: We are learning about plants. We
described the things plants need to grow. We
named the parts of a plant.

100 Book Challenge update: Some students have
reached the halfway point: 50 books. That is

Star of the Week
Ryan was our star this week.
He brought some of his favorite
things to share with us. He
showed us his fossil collection
and his favorite Star Wars
book. His grandmother was our
guest reader. She read a
wonderful story about working
together to make great things
happen. Ryan, you
are a super star!

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