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Costello Building Blocks- Weekly Happenings: September 22-26, 2014

Description KDIs
September is a big month for us here at Building Blocks! We use this
month to lay the groundwork and create a solid foundation that will
set us up for success all year long and beyond. We know that for many
children this is a big adjustment so spending ample time learning
rules, boundaries, structure and expectations is key. We have also
been working hard on our social and emotional skills. Learning to
properly regulate emotions-- put our feelings into words and react
properly when something doesnt go our way. Weve learned lots
about making good choices and treating our other classmates kindly
and respectfully. Sharing might not always be what we want to do,
but were learning that it is a very important part of preschool and
were figuring out that its nice when people share with us too.
Overall, were off to a great start and cant wait to see what the 2014-
2015 school year has in store for us!

To the right youll see our KDIs (Key Developmental Indicators) that
elaborate on the skills being put into practice.

Social and Emotional Development
Self-identity: Children have a positive self-identity.
Sense of competence: Children feel they are competent.
Emotions: Children recognize, label, and regulate their feelings.
Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others.
Community: Children participate in the community of the classroom.
Building relationships: Children build relationships with other children and adults.
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play.
Moral development: Children develop an internal sense of right and wrong.
Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts.

1. Getting To Know You:
In our small groups we took turns going around the circle,
saying our name and telling our group some things about us.
Some things that were talked about were: siblings, favorite
colors, favorite foods, things we like to do and our favorite
part of school.
Approaches to Learning: engagement, reflection
Social/Emotional: self-identity, sense of competence, community, building
Physical: body awareness
Language/Literacy: comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
Social Studies: diversity
2. Rules of the Classroom: Good choice vs. Bad Choice
Children help to recall the rules of the classroom and the
rules of school. Children help to sort choices by good
choice and bad choice. Children and students discuss the
importance of making good choices and following the rules
of school.
Approaches to Learning: use of resources, reflection
Social & Emotional: emotions, community, moral development, conflict resolution
Physical: body awareness
Language: comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
Science: communicating ideas
Social Studies: community roles, decision making
3. Sandbox:
Our small groups spent time in the sandbox today exploring
and creating. We discussed all the different types of tools
and toys we have and how we can use them and put our
imaginations to work. We made mountains, castles, food,
you name it! While we were engaged in the sandbox, we
were putting important skills to work, like the importance of
sharing, communicating nicely and waiting our turn.
Approaches to Learning: initiative, planning, engagement, use of resources,
problem solving
Social/Emotional: self-identity, sense of competence, community, cooperative
play, conflict resolution
Creative: art, movement, pretend play
Physical: fine motor, gross motor, body awareness
Language: comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
Math: counting, shapes, patterns, spatial awareness, unit
Science: observing, experimenting, communicating ideas
Social Studies: diversity, decision making, geography
Costello Building Blocks- Weekly Happenings: September 22-26, 2014

4. Chalk Art:
Outside, children were given chalk and asked to write their
name. If they didnt know how to write theyre name, they
were asked to give it a try and at least write the first letter of
their name. Children were then given the option of drawing
whatever they wanted. Some of the things we noticed the
children doing: drawing and then playing hopscotch while
others created rocket boards that launched into outer space,
into the moon and sun and stars.
Approaches to Learning: initiative, planning, engagement, use of resources,
problem solving
Social/Emotional: self-identity, sense of competence, community, cooperative
play, conflict resolution
Creative: art, movement, pretend play
Physical: fine motor, gross motor, body awareness
Language: comprehension, speaking, vocabulary, writing
Math: counting, shapes, patterns, spatial awareness, unit
Science: observing, experimenting, communicating ideas
Social Studies: diversity, decision making, geography

Songs, Fingerplays & Activities:

5 Little Fish
The Sunshine Song
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
5 Little Monkeys

Ollie The Otter
Kids In Motion

Approaches to Learning: engagement
Social/Emotional: sense of competence, community
Physical: gross motor skills, fine motor skills, body awareness
Language/Literacy: comprehension, speaking, vocabluary
Math: number words and symbols, counting, part-whole relationships
Creative: music, movement
Social Studies: diversity
Costello Building Blocks- Weekly Happenings: September 22-26, 2014

Literature: Book Title Author

Pet the Cat I Love My White

Eric Litwin
Pete the Cat-Rockin in my School
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy
Pete the Cat and His Magic
Eric Litwin

Eric Litwin

Eric Litwin

Froggy Goes To School Jonathan London
Animals In Fall Martha Rustad

Book Title Author

Language & Literacy: comprehension, speaking, vocabulary, phonological
awareness, alphabetic knowledge, concepts about print, book knowledge

Sand, sand rollers and cars

Approaches to Learning: initiative, planning, engagement, problem solving
Social/Emotional: self-identity, sense of competence, emotions, community,
cooperative play, conflict resolution
Physical: fine motor, body awareness
Creative: pretend play
Science: experimenting, communicating ideas, natural and physical world, tools

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