Emerging Leadership Syllabus 2014

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Emerging Leadership Syllabus 2014

Course: Emerging Leadership

Teacher: Mr.Shafie
E-mail: Kian_Shafie@scps.k12.fl.us

Welcome to South Seminole Middle Schools Emerging
Leadership Class! I am looking forward to an exciting
semester with you, as we work together to help you
become more aware of community and global issues that
affect our society. Together we will benefit from critical
thinking, exchange of diverse viewpoints, and cultural
awareness that characterize a good leader. Together we
can make a difference!
A. Course Overview
This course is designed to extend the vision of
middle school students by cultivating and
encouraging their achievement through Leadership
Development. Students will get involvement with
local communities, they will promote social
awareness in their school and emerge into global
topics, focusing on three major social issues:
Poverty/Hunger (3-4 weeks), Health/Nutrition (3-4
weeks) and Education (3-4 weeks).

Students will be introduced to the life philosophy
called Me to We, which according to the authors
Craig and Marc Kielburger, is a way of living that
feeds the positive in the world. One action, one act
of faith, one small step at a time.

B. Materials:
1 paper (or plastic) folder with prongs
1 packet of loose leaf notebook paper
1 poster board
2 pens/2 pencils
2 highlighters

Folders will be an important part of the class. You
will be using your folder as a journal in addition to
storing important class material. Your projects and
quizzes will also be stored in this folder. At the end
of the 9 weeks, your folder will be graded on its
organization and neatness. This should be an easy
C. Classroom Rules
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful (in particular to fellow classmates,
teacher, and other peoples property)
Be Productive

D. Tardies and Late Arrivals:
A student who is not in the classroom when the bell
sounds, is considered either late or tardy. A student
is tardy if he/she is without a pass after the bell.

E. Homework Policy:
Students will not have daily homework assignments,
unless they are absent and need to make up bell-
work and other group assignments. Occasional
projects will be assigned to complement class work.

F. Attendance:
If a student has an excused absence from class then he
or she will have the number of the days absent from
class plus one day to make up the assignment.
(Example: if a student misses 3 days from class and has
an excused absence, then he or she will have 4 days to
make up the assignment). It is the students
responsibility to find out what assignments they have
missed during days absent from class.
G. Late Work
For every day an assignment or project is turned in
late, there will be a 10 point deduction from the
grade up until the 5
day, where from there the
student will receive half credit for the assignment.
H. Quizzes, Projects and Final Exam
We will have some short quizzes, group assignments,
and Unit Projects. This will be helpful with your final
exam or project. The last week of class we will be
having a final exam, for which I will provide a study
guide for students to help prepare for the exam.

I. Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are at all times required to be on silent or
at the loudest on vibrate and are to be kept in a
students pocket or backpack at all times. Students
may not use their cell phones during class at any time
unless they have the expressed permission of
Mr.Shafie to do so for academic reasons or in the case
of an emergency. Cell phone policy is as follows:
time offense: verbal warning.
time offense: cell phone will be confiscated for the
remainder of the class period.
time offense: cell phone will be confiscated for the
remainder of the day and parent will be notified;
detention assigned.
time offense: discipline referral
J. Additional Behavior Expectations for this Classroom
- Raise your hand and make sure you have been
called on before you speak.
- Emphasize Good thoughts, good words, good
deeds philosophy in this class.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself (meaning
keep your hands and feet off other people and
their property)
- Keep your area clean and orderly- do not write on
a desk at any time! Also, please make sure your
chairs are tucked in and your desks are in your
row, and desk and floor is cleared of any paper
scraps or debris before leaving!

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