Newsletter: Library News-Mrs - Wanamaker

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Friday September 26, 2014

Library News-Mrs.Wanamaker
For the past two weeks, the 6
graders have been studying vocabulary
words such as plagiarism, copyright and piracy. We will be using these
words all year long in our classes. They have also been practicing note
taking skills. Note taking is a skill they will use not only in 6
grade, but in
most classes in middle school and high school.
Art-Mrs. Smith
Class website:
This week students accomplished the following goals:
Learned shading techniques
Used techniques to check for accuracy until drawing was 100% accurate
Learned how to do finishing touches and complete their still life
ee art class website for details on the following poster contests
!eace !oster "optional# Contest posters due $ct% &
'adon "optional# contest posters due $ct 1(

quare 1 )rt *ates to remember:
Today: )ll artwork will be shipped to quare 1 )rt
$ctober 1(th: Custom catalogs will be distributed "students and parents will get
directions how to order products#
+o,ember 1-th: chool will recei,e products
Science Ms. Smith
Mrs. Simpson has been home sick the last two days so she was unable to compile a
newsletter. ope!ully she"ll be !eeling better ne#t week and we can let you know
any important in!ormation !or Science early in the week.
Ms. Loneman Lan"ua"e Arts
We took our lesson 11 assessments yesterday. Those scores are now in Infinite
Campus. If your child is required to retake an assessment or is choosing to retake an
assessment, a slip of paper will be going home today (riday! for you to indicate the
best time for him"her to retake that assessment. This slip is due on #onday.
$esson 1% will begin on #onday. This will be a three week lesson, so look for
assessments to be around &ctober 1'
Lesson 1.:
/ain selection( )irborn
0ig 1dea( *ometimes you need to gi+e it all you,+e got.
2ssential 3uestion( -ow does a sky setting shape a story,s e+ents.
Target kill( *tory *tructure Target trategy( Infer"/redict
4luency( 01pression
5ocabulary trategies( prefi1es en2, ad2
Target 5ocabulary( 3ostled, careening, relishing, falter, supple, taut, frail, engulf, frayed, and
Throughout this lesson, students will also be working on their ne1t writing assignment which
is a personal narrati+e. 4our child will be getting a packet ne1t week with all the necessary
information and materials. )s of now, the due dates for the writing assignment are(
&ctober 5
6hand2written rough draft
&ctober 7
6typed rough draft
&ctober 18
6final copy
*tudents will again ha+e access to computers and printers during class time. -owe+er,
please keep in mind that if your child is absent, has band"orchestra lessons during $) class, or
is unable to properly manage his"her class time, work outside of class time may be necessary.
6+ote regarding practice work on 1nfinite Campus:
When entering practice work into Infinite Campus, I use 9:; to indicate work that needs to be
fi1ed and returned, and 9/; to indicate work that met proficiency. typically write notes on the
work that needs to be fi1ed and returned to indicate what needs to be done to correctly fi1 the
work. -owe+er, if your child is ha+ing trouble understanding directions or skills"concepts, please
encourage him"her to ask for help either before school, after school, during guided study, or at
the beginning or end of language arts class. Thanks<
)s always, please contact me at any time with comments, questions, or concerns.
2mail: melissa%loneman7indianola%k1.%ia%us
!hone: 8&198(:0 e;t% :1:<
Twitter: 7msloneman "twitter%com=msloneman#
>ebsite: msloneman%weebly%com
?a,e a great weekend@
Box Tops
Send to school anytime# $ollection tubs are located in
Lan"ua"e Arts rooms
and main office.
Language Arts with Mr. Kotz
Hello all! We have just wrapped up our second lesson of the year. Coming up this week, we will
be beginning personal narratives about a challenge that your student has succeeded in
accomplishing. We will also be beginning our next lesson, esson !"# Airborn. $he focuses for
this lesson are as follows#
Lesson 12:
Main Selection: Airborn
Big Idea: %ometimes you need to give it all you&ve got.
Essential uestions: How does a sky setting shape a story&s events'
!arget S"ill: %tory %tructure !arget Strateg#: (nfer)*redict
$luenc#: +xpression
%oca&ular# Strategies: *refixes# en,, ad,
!arget 'oca&ular#: jostled, careening, relishing, falter, supple, taut, frail, engulf, frayed, undulating
$his lesson will take approximately three weeks to complete. $he pacing of each activity and
assessment may vary, depending on our daily progress.
Known (ue (ates:
Monda# )*2) + *aragraph summary of accomplishment
Monda# )*2) , *age - in dialogue packets
$urther ,otes:
$est retakes for our previous lesson will be available early next week.
Please feel free to use this link of our text book to have your students our main selection outside of
7s always, please feel free to contact me if you have 8uestions or concerns.
4!4,0.!,04-3 ext. -!!2
Social Studies-Mrs. Larsen
$ur plans !or the coming week include learning how the %arth&Sun
relationship causes seasons and creates temperature 'ones. We will
also do a !ormative assessment on the (eography Skills we have
learned so !ar by creating our (eo)*ournals. We can then determine i!
any re)teaching needs to be done be!ore the summative assessment
that will be done at the end o! the +uarter. We plan to pass out our (eography
,live- te#tbooks and begin .hapter /, which will teach us about physical !eatures,
climate 'ones, vegetation 'ones, economic activity, and population density.
Math-Mrs. %etter
This week in math we continued 0nit 1 o! %veryday Math)
.ollection 2isplay and 3nterpretation o! 2ata. We reviewed
4roken 5ine (raphs and 4ar (raphs and did some work with
.ircle (raphs. The results o! the +ui' over Mean, Median, Mode
and 6ange show that most students have a good grasp on how
to 7nd the di8erent landmarks.
Ne#t week we will 7nish up 0nit 1 and review !or the 0nit ,ssessment which
will be on Wednesday and Thursday o! ne#t week. Following are skills they will need
to be success!ul on the 0nit 1 ,ssessment9
Find the minimum, ma#imum, mean, median, mode and range o! a given set
o! numbers
Make a 5ine :lot
Make a Stem and 5ea! :lot
Make a 4ar (raph
6ead a 4roken)line (raph
%stimate and Measure Sectors o! a .ircle (raph

'lease contact me with any (uestions or concerns.
'hone) *+1-*,-. e/t. -101
2a&e a wonder3ul weekend#
4o 5N!5ANS#

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