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Unit: Nature of Science

Topic: The Scientific Method

Lesson #3
Aim: What is science?
Do Now: Which line is longer? >----------< ------
How does it relate to the scientific method?


1.1a Scientific explanations are built by combining evidence that can be observed with what
people already know about the world.

1.2a Inquiry involves asking questions and locating, interpreting, and processing information
from a variety of sources.

2.2a Development of a research plan involves researching background information and
understanding the major concepts in the area being investigated. Recommendations for
methodologies, use of technologies, proper equipment, and safety precautions should also be

Performance Objectives:
1. Students will be able to explain what is science.
2. Students will be able to exercise scientific practices by working together to form a hypothesis for
a problem and collect data.
3. Students will be able to analyze a scientific article about the asteroid that caused the extinction
of dinosaurs.

Vocabulary: Cretaceous period, Tertiary period, meteorites.

Materials: Cardboard boxes, mystery tubes, data collection worksheet, smart board, asteroid and
dinosaur article and science map. Website:

Safety and Disposal: Collect all materials immediately after activity

Anticipatory Opening: Students investigate mystery box and tube.

Development of Lesson:

Teacher Student

1) Have students read and copy down the Aim
into their check in boxes
2) Tell students to complete the Do Now

Copy Aim

Complete Do Now

3) Textbooks distribution
4) Go over the Do Now:
Optical Illusion: both lines are of equal
length. Human senses are not always
efficient. We see and perceive things as one
thing but we are often wrong and that is
why scientists depend on tools and
instruments for validation.
5) Show optical illusions on smart board
6) Mystery Box
Break students up in groups of 3, tell them not to
touch anything first. Pull up sheet on smart board
and guide them step-by-step with each prediction.
1. What are you initial observations?
2. How many objects are in each box? How do
you know?
3. What shape would you predict they have?
How do you know?
4. What is inside the box? How do you know?
-What senses were used? What sense has
not been used that may help answer the
question. (smell)
5. What color is the wrapper? How do you
- Chocolate Hershey kisses come in different colored
wrappers, can we somehow find out which one is in
the box without opening it?
-No, science cannot answer this question
-There is no way to test for color without opening
-Cannot do an x-ray to see color
-Science does not have all of the answers. It has
come a long way however there is still so much more
information we do not know.

Students can now open the box to check the color
6. Were you doing science? Why or why not?
Write down on the bottom of the sheet if you think
what you did was or was not science and why?

7) Collect materials

8) Mystery Tube
Distribute tubes to groups to play with.
1. Can you figure out how the tubes are connected?
2. Sketch with your groups your ideas.
3. Go around to different groups and check out
everyones sketches. Then be seated.
4. Was what you did science? Why or why not?

Break into groups and follow instructions on
filling out data table.

Answer question.

Do group work and then walk around to view
each others work.

-Scientists need collaboration and feedback from
other scientists.
9) Articles
1.Read and highlight areas in the article where you
see any examples of the scientific method map given

2. Now remove red paper and label the parts more
specifically according to the more complex map.
-Science is not simplified
-There is no chronological order of steps and
-This is the more realistic method that scientists use.

Check out: Answer the Aim.

Homework reminder

Read and highlight.

Check out

Differentiated Instruction:
There are two forms of the article: one advanced and one simplified version. Also, there are activities for
kinetic learners that learn better when participating in an activity. The class will be working in groups so
the students can help each other with the activity.

Homework: Research assigned topic and write a summary about what you discovered.
(Extinctions, Impact debris, Glass production from melting rock, shockwaves, tsunami debris, crater)

Summative Assessment:
Check out:

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