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September 25, 2014

Dear Second Grade Parents,

On Thursday, October 9, 2014, second grade wi be ta!ing a "ied trip to
Brookfield Zoo in #roo!"ied, $%& 'e are about to begin researching repties and this
trip wi be a "un way "or the students to get a coser oo! at some o" the these animas
they are earning about&
'e wi board the bus shorty a"ter schoo begins, so we as! that the chidren arri(e at
schoo by )*50 am& Pease ma!e sure your chid eats a good brea!"ast as we may be
eating our unch a itte ater than norma& 'e as! that a unch containers be disposabe,
as we wi not want to carry unch bo+es or water bottes the rest o" the day& Please do
not send money, as there wi not be an opportunity to ma!e any purchases at the ,oo&
Students shoud dress "or the weather since we do go rain or shine& $" it is a rainy day, we
as! that chidren wear raincoats or rain ponchos rather than carry umbreas that coud
become ost or possiby po!e another person& 'e wi be returning to schoo around -*00
pm& PT. is graciousy paying a portion o" this "ied trip, so the baance o" the trip "or the
bus is $5.00 Please remit the fee in cash or in a check made payable to Brookdale
School, along ith the attached permission slip by October !, 2014
The Second Grade Team
/y chid, 00000000000000000000000000000000 has my permission to go on the
second grade "ied trip to #roo!"ied 1oo on October 2, 2014& $ am encosing the "ee "or
4Parent or guardian signature5

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