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CSIT 120 Project - Fall 2014 Page 1 of 3

CSIT 120 - Diversity in a Technological Society

Diversity Project
The purpose of this assignment is to:
1. Create awareness of cultural diversity and to give you the opportunity to learn about another
culture and compare it to your own.
2. Create an awareness that specific cultural differences matter in cross-cultural interaction.
This assignment is related to course objectives 1 & 3.

Grading rubric:

This assignment is worth 40 points:
Content - 34 points:
o 1 point each for slides 4, 5, 10 - 25 outlined below.
o 2 points each for slides 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17 & 26 outlined below.
PPT formatting - 4 points - 1 point per feature outlined below.
Citations - 2 points: Sources cited in APA style.
5 points deducted if slide organization outlined is not followed.
2 points deducted if country selection directions are not followed or due date not met.
2 points will be deducted if presentation is not posted to the Discussion Board by the due

1. Select a country. The name of the country should begin with the first initial of your last
name. You may want to look at the country list in Global Road Warrior (see below) before making a
selection. You may also want to check to see if your country is listed on the following website -
** 2 points will be deducted if country selection directions on the discussion board are not
followed or due date not met.

2. Research the country using the Global Road Warrior database through the CCBC library site.
1. From CCBC's website, select Libraries from the Current Students tab.
2. Click Articles and Research Databases.
3. Click Cultures / Diversity Databases.
4. Click Global Road Warrior.
5. If you are accessing the site from a CCBC computer no log in required. However, if accessing
from home you will be prompted to enter a username and password. Use your CCBC username
and password to log in.
6. Select a country form the dropdown menu.

CSIT 120 Project - Fall 2014 Page 2 of 3

3. Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your research. Your presentation should contain the
following information. You should have 27 slides total as outlined below.
** 5 points will be deducted if slide organization is not followed.
Slide 1 - Name of country researched and your name.
Slide 2 - Capital city and image of flag
Slide 3 - Primary language and religion
Slide 4 - Tourist attraction 1 - short description & image
Slide 5 - Tourist attraction 2 - short description & image
Slide 6 - National cuisine - at least 2 with images
Slide 7 - Stereotypes by Americans of people of this culture - at least 2
Slide 8 - Superstitions - at least 2
Slide 9 Hand gestures used in this country (you will need to google this topic) - at least 2
Slide 10 - Business Culture - etiquette and body language
Slide 11 - Business Culture - relationship building
Slide 12 - Business Culture - communication styles in decision making
Slide 13 - Business Culture - power structures in decision making
Slides 14, 15, 16 - How does their business culture differ to that of the US? Include the
similarities/differences of both cultures on body language (slide 14), communication styles (slide
15) and power structures (slide 16) in your response.
Slide 17 Internet penetration rate and most popular social network sites in the country.
Slides 18, 19, 20, 21 - Write an overview of your country based on the Hofstedes four Cultural
Dimensions as discussed in the textbook - one slide for each dimension define the dimension and
describe how it applies to your country. Clearly identify which dimension applies to the country in
the title of slide. Note - Complete this section after reading chapter 7 in the diversity textbook.
Also, review the following links for help -
dimensions.html and
Slides 22 -25 - Compare and contrast your countrys dimensions and characteristics with those of
the USA - 1 dimension per slide (do not just list US dimensions you will not earn any points if you
do this)
Slide 26 Current events in the country (within the past month) - at least 2
Slide 27 Citations be sure to cite ALL sources used including Global Road Warrior

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4. Cite your sources in APA format. For help visit or go to You must cite ALL sources used including the Global Road Warrior Database.

5. Format your PPT presentation by including the following features:
1. Use a design template
2. Text should contrast with the background
3. Use bullets or short paragraphs not large blocks of text
4. Use slide transitions

6. Submit your PPT through the Assignment tool in Blackboard. On the Graded Assignments page
click on the Project title to access the Assignment Submission tool.

7. Share your PPT with the class by posting it on the Discussion Board under the Diversity Project
Presentations topic.
** 2 points will be deducted if presentation is not posted to the Discussion Board by the due date.

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