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Holy Family Catholic Church

830 Main Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818

Telephone: 422-1135 Fax:423-0389
Email: and
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014
Mass Schedule
Monday-Saturday: 7:15 AM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM &
7:00 PM

1st SundaySamoan Mass-2 PM

3rd Sunday-Pohnpeian Mass-2 PM

Confessions Saturday:
4:004:45 PM
and after daily Masses

First Friday of the Month
After 7:15 am Mass




Come Follow me.

Matthew 4:19

Last Sunday we concluded our homilies that were based
on the Topic: THINKING LIKE GOD. The parable that
we had last Sunday was about the master of the Vineyard
giving the same pay to those who came in the morning
as well as to those who came towards the end of the
day.obviously, that was considered not to be fair.

This week-end, our First Reading from Ezekiel starts by
questioning us about whether our ways are fair, or are
Gods ways unfair? A sinner who at the end of his life
changes his/her ways is blessed. One who keeps all the
laws and commandments and at the end of his/her life
breaks them will be punished.does not seem to be
fair either. But that is Gods way to convert and change
us. If you are good how can you do something wrong?
After all, your practicing virtue all your life should
make you all the more strong to resist temptation!

Saint Paul, last week, told us that to him to live is
Christ. He had overcome all his personal feelings and
put on Christ. We too must put on Christ through humil-
ity and pursuing Gods commandment of love and
mercy. Jesus explains to the proud and stiff-necked
Pharisees that Tax-collectors and prostitutes will make it
to Heaven, but not them! What a shock it was for them
to hear that!!! They were people who in their pride, justi-
fied themselves and condemned others. They were not
humble. Their practices did not make them humble. Je-
sus condemned them. Our virtue is not to be self-
righteous, but to serve God and fellow human beings
with humility. To be happy we need to fair ourselves.
- Fr. Sebastian
St. Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi was a poor little man who astounded and inspired the Church by taking the gospel literallynot in a narrow
fundamentalist sense, but by actually following all that Jesus said and did, joyfully, without limit and without a sense of self-
importance. Serious illness brought the young Francis to see the emptiness of his frolicking life as leader of Assisi's youth.
Prayerlengthy and difficultled him to a self-emptying like that of Christ, climaxed by embracing a leper he met on the road.
It symbolized his complete obedience to what he had heard in prayer: "Francis! Everything you have loved and desired in the
flesh it is your duty to despise and hate, if you wish to know my will. And when you have begun this, all that now seems sweet
and lovely to you will become intolerable and bitter, but all that you used to avoid will turn itself to great sweetness and exceed-
ing joy." From the cross in the neglected field-chapel of San Damiano, Christ told him, "Francis, go out and build up my house,
for it is nearly falling down." Francis became the totally poor and humble workman. He was torn between a life devoted entirely
to prayer and a life of active preaching of the Good News. He decided in favor of the latter, but always returned to solitude when
he could. He wanted to be a missionary in Syria or in Africa, but was prevented by shipwreck and illness in both cases. He did
try to convert the sultan of Egypt during the Fifth Crusade. During the last years of his relatively short life (he died at 44), he
was half blind and seriously ill. Two years before his death, he received the stigmata, the real and painful wounds of Christ in his
hands, feet and side. On his deathbed, he said over and over again the last addition to his Canticle of the Sun, "Be praised, O
Lord, for our Sister Death."On his deathbed, he said over and over again the last addition to his Canticle of the Sun, "Be praised,
O Lord, for our Sister Death."
Church Bulletin: EditorJoe Padron, Phone 423-2439. Bulletin deadline is Tuesday 12:00 noon. Please
email notice and picture if applicable to
Our Weekly Offerings
September 21, 2014

5:00 PM $ 1,200.25
8:30 AM $ 1,450.00
11:00 AM $ 1,015.35
7:00 PM $ 1,171.40

TOTAL $ 4,837.00

OF THE CROSS. Four Stained glass panels and
14 stations of the Cross are planned for our Church.
The Stained Glass panels cost $1000 each and the
stations of the Cross are $500 each. I thank 3 fami-
lies for the Stations of the Cross donations and one
family for one of the Panels and the Samoan Divine
Mercy for another panel. So we have 11 Stations of
the Cross and two panels left. You can donate these
in your name or in the name of anyone else.

Father Sebastian and 16 pilgrims will leave
for the Holy Land, Turkey and Greece on Saturday
October 4. They will return on October 19th. Please
pray for them and they will in turn remember our
Parish in all the Holy Places that they will visit.
Father Pat Freitas will be here on week-ends in
the absence of Father Sebastian.

SARY will take place at Noon on Saturday Octo-
ber 11. Please join and honor Mary and ask her for
Peace in the World, especially the Middle-East.
Terrorism has no place in this world. That so many
young men and women are attracted to the idea of
practicing terrorism is a SIN, that mankind cannot
live with. We must pray and get rid of this EVIL.

Hospitality Sunday is next week October 5th.
Please come and meet your fellow parishioners
after the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Masses. Your dona-
tion of pastries, cookies, cupcakes, or other re-
freshments to share with fellow parishioners will
be greatly appreciated. If you can assist with this
ministry or have any questions, please contact
Chet Malins at 456-3933 or email: ma-

Oct.11-Saturday-12:00 Noon-
2014 Public Square Rosary

Nov. 7-Friday-Holy Family Catholic Academy
Fall Festival

NEW PARISHIONERS: Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to par-
ticipate in all parish activities and ministries. Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.

Let God Enrich Your Free Time

In sermons and spiritual books we are told a great deal
about labor and how to sanctify it. We are told very lit-
tle about leisure, perhaps because there is far less of it.
But even in a busy persons life, there are bound to be
blank periods, and unless they are to remain blank peri-
ods, it is necessary that we should know what to do with
them. Certainly leisure needs every bit as much sanctify-
ing as does labor possibly more.

What, then, should be the procedure regarding leisure?
Must I use it all for God? The answer is: you must be
ready to use it all for God. In fact, He will not ask you to
spend all of your free time in prayer or on your knees do-
ing the stations of the Cross. What God wants is your
willingness, not your time. He is a jealous God, He tells
us through His prophet, but I suspect that He is more jeal-
ous of our desires than of our leisure.

Once you desire to spend time in the way that God wants
rather than in the way that you want, there should be no
further difficulty. It is, however, a desire that has to be
renewed and held up to the light from time to time, be-
cause we have a tendency in our characters to go back on
every offer that we make. But however bad we are at
abiding by it, the principle is clear: we should offer our
leisure to God, and then let Him decide how it is to be

Be assured that if you offer your freedom to God
whether it is a question of time or affection or place or any-
thing else He will take it. He will take it, and you will
no longer be free in the same way. But He will give you a
far greater liberty instead. You will be free with the liberty
of the children of God. But to attain this, you will have to
make quite sure that you are genuinely offering.

Now apply what has been said to the question of what to
do with free time. Having made your oblation, you sit back
and wait for the manifestation of Gods will. He will not
keep you waiting long: either you will feel an attraction for
this or that form of service, or, whether you are attracted to
it or not, a form of service will be exacted from you. Thus,
for example, you may discover a spiritual book it may
be The Cloud of Unknowing or Thomas Mertons Seeds of
Contemplation and you will want to spend every mo-
ment of your precious new-found leisure studying the doc-
trine of it and getting on with the practice. This will be the
way God accepts your offer: you will find yourself long-
ing to give Him more of your time; it will be no burden

To conclude: eliminate enjoyment, and you will ulti-mately
eliminate work. Work cannot survive a completely joyless
diet: it becomes either flat or fussy. In the same way, elimi-
nate in your life the time in which you follow your spiritual
attraction, and your prayer will either be slept through or
else become such a strain on your nerves that you will not
be able to keep it up.
2014 Public
Square Rosary

Please join the 2014 Pub-
lic Square Rosary Cru-
sade. As we all know,
the United States is in
great need of public
prayer, repentance and
conversion. We must ask
God to save America
through the Rosary of His
Most Holy Mother.
Please join us in praying
for our nation on October
11, Saturday, at 12:00
to Buy or Sell Real Estate
PHONE: 722-9678
Work To Sanctify Your Soul
Work is good for us! Why? Jesus taught us the importance of work
by spending most of His time on earth in Nazareth with Mary His
Mother and Saint Joseph, His foster-father. Among the many activities
that Jesus carried out was that of WORK. True! Saint Joseph taught
Jesus the hard and demanding work of a carpenter. No electric helps
back then! Nailing, and sawing and sanding and adjusting wood to
construct tables, doors, chairs, etc. This indeed was hard-work.
In my private meditations I have often imagined Jesus and Saint Jo-
seph arriving home after a hard-days work. Imagine them. Exhausted,
drenched with sweat, their hair filled with saw-dust, their hands grimy
and calloused. This was not on occasions, but day after day.

This being the case, in a world where the importance of the work-ethic
has largely gone by the wayside, where many choose the easy-path of
not working or cutting corners, where laziness and indolence is all the
more prevalent, we would like to present positive reasons why we
should truly value work in its many dimensions, shapes and forms and
embrace the work ethic all the days of our short lives on earth. St. Paul
says, Work out your salvation in fear and trembling. Saint Albert
Hurtado stated: There are two places to rest while on earth: the ceme-
tery and heaven. Let us work hard in this short stay on earth and then
we can rest forever in heaven with Jesus, Mary and good Saint Joseph.

Following are some reasons to motivate us to embrace a more serious
work ethic so as to perfect our lives on a human level, but even more
on a spiritual level. Here are five specific points to motivate us.
Imitation of Jesus and Mary. At Nazareth, where Jesus spent most of
His life on earth, He lived the family life, which consisted of loving
and obeying His parents, prayer to His heavenly Father, but also Jesus
worked and He worked hardthat of a carpenter. Therefore, one
very clear reason for work is to imitate Jesus, Mary and St. Jo-
seph; they are our models in everything and that includes

dedication to work. The three of them worked hard, orderly
and methodically and for the honor and glory of God. Such
should be our work ethic!
Charity Towards Others. Another reason and positive effect
of work well-done is that it can be turned into a service of
love towards others. An industrious mother and wife that
spends long hours in the kitchen both cooking, preparing
and cleaning can indeed be very hard work, but it can also
be an act of service towards others as well as an act of char-
ity. Saint Paul reminds us to purify our motives: Whether
you eat or drink do all for the honor and glory of God.
Avoid the Many Temptations of Sin. Saint John Bosco, the
well-known patron of the young, experienced a mortal fear
every year at the same time. Vacation time for the
young! Why? For the simple reason that many of his young
would leave the Oratory, where the young worked hard all
year at study, sports and other activities, and now they
would return to a home where they had too much free
time. The proverb rings so true: Idleness is the workshop
of the devil. If the young person does not have anything to
do then the devil will give him a lot to do in great abun-
dance. Hard work and diligence in work is a key means to
conquer the devil and his allies.
Eternity and Eternal Recompense. The Word of God
teaches us constantly that we will get our reward or punish-
ment on the quality of our lives and how we utilize out time,
treasures and talents. Look at the lives and the example of
the saints and how hard they prayed, but also how hard they
worked. The motto of Saint Benedict was Ora et Labora,
which is translate as pray and work. The great Doctor of
the Church and patron of moral theologians and great lover
of Mary, St. Alphonsus, made a private vow which con-
sisted of simply this: not wasting a moment of his life. Hon-
estly, all of the saints strive to live the spirit of this private
vow of Saint Alphonsus. Life is short and time indeed is of
the essence. A modern Chilean and Jesuit Saint, who died
in his early fifties of pancreatic cancer, Saint Alberto Hur-
tado expressed it succinctly: There are two places to rest:
the cemetery and heaven.

A Good Example to Others. We all know how true it is that
we often follow the example of others, be it for good or be it
for evil. The Hispanics have a proverb: El ejemplo ar-
rastratranslated: Example drags or pulls! As a child I
actually hated Saturday mornings for the simple reason that
my father made me, my older brother and then eventually
the younger ones work and work hard. I indeed hated Satur-
days. However, I do have to admit that the boys worked
hard but saw the harder work and example of Dad. In all
honesty, he worked harder and better than his sons. In other
words, he preached the ethic of work, not so much by many
words, but by the power of example, his own hard work-

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