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The Health Benefits of Green tea

The health benefits of green tea make it a good beverage for treating cancer,
heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid
arthritis, infection, tooth decay, etc. Green tea contains an antioxidant
epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG) which is helpful in treating a variety of

Green tea acquires a prestigious place among soft beverages and it is one of
the foremost things that come to the mind when the topic is anti oxidants.
Within a short time, it has made billions of fans around the world and many
lovers of normal tea have switched on to green tea, due to its health benefits.
Those who are habituated to normal tea may not like its taste for the first
time, but I am sure that it will be their favourite on very soon.
Whats there in green tea that makes it so special and so healthy? How to use
it? What are the products available in market that are based on green tea?
There are many such questions which we have tried to answer below.
What is Green Tea: Green tea comes from the same plant from which
normal tea is obtained. Scientifically, it is known as Camellia Sinensis. In
fact, it is the same tea but processed differently. The normal black tea is
obtained by fermenting the tea leaves. This fermentation changes its colour,
flavour and raises the level of caffeine and tannin in it. Whereas, in case of
Green Tea, the tea leaves are dried or slightly steamed but not fermented.
This makes it look green when brewed and otherwise.
Constituents: Apart from caffeine, which gives tea its characteristic taste,
bitterness and stimulating effect, Green Tea is rich in a group of chemicals,
called Catechin Polyphenols (Commonly known as Tannins which
contribute to bitter taste and astringency) like Catechin, Epicatechin,
Epicatechin Gallate (ECG), Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), Pro-
Anthocyanidins etc. They are also known as Flavonoids and are very
powerful anti oxidants. Flavonoids, together with some amino acids like
Thianine, are responsible for the flavour of green tea. Further, it also
contains Amino Acids like Theanine, Butyric Acid & Liganin; Xanthine
Alkaloids such as Adenine, Dimethylxanthine, Theobromine, Theophylline
and Xanthine; Pectin (also found in fruits); saccharides (sugar), Chlorophyll
and Triterpene Saponins. Some vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin
B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C and vitamin E are found in green tea.
Health Benefits: The health benefits from Green Tea are primarily due to its
anti oxidizing properties which come from its Caffeine, Catechin
Polyphenols and Theonine. These health
benefits can be listed as under;
Anti Ageing: The free radicals
created in body are responsible for
corroding the body, i.e. for ageing
and the related symptoms. The main
job of anti oxidants is to neutralize
the oxidants or free radicals present
in the body and green tea is very
rich in anti oxidants. The Catechin
Polyphenols present in green tea are mainly responsible for the anti
oxidizing effects, the most powerful among them being the
Epigallocatechin Gallate. Thus, regular consumption of green tea can
effectively delay symptoms of ageing.
Stimulating: The main reason behind acceptance of any kind of tea,
be it green, black or Wwwhe, by human civilizations and its
popularity, is its stimulating effect. This effect, again, is due to the
Caffeine and Tannins present in it. Caffeine & Tannins, despite their
adverse effects on health in the long run, are very good as stimulants.
That is why; a cup of tea makes you feel fresh and highly energized.
Tea is ideal to counter fatigue, laziness, sleepiness and lack of energy
and to improve blood circulation. No doubt it is so popular with any
kind of professionals, housewives and students.
Immunity Boosting: Researches show that people who regularly
drink green tea do not fall prey to common bacterial and viral
infections easily, and even if they do, it is far less frequently than
those not consuming it. The message is clear. Green Tea boosts
immunity. The Catechins present in green tea prevent bacterial and
virus from attaching themselves to cell walls and thus infecting them.
These Catechins also counter the toxins released by microbes. This
anti microbial property also protects from bad breathe, dysentery,
diarrhoea, tooth decay, indigestion, flu, cough & cold, colitis etc.
which are caused by microbial & fungal action.
Astringency: This is yet another benefit from green tea. It triggers
contraction in muscles and tissues and tones up muscles and skin.
Even if you do not wish to drink green tea, a mere mouthwash with
this daily will cause sufficient contraction in gums to keep them firm
and tight on teeth and thus prevent loosening and falling of teeth for
long. Wash your hair with it and see them grow stronger each day.
Anti Carcinogenic: Apart from ageing, free radicals are also
responsible for causing certain types of cancer. The Catechins present
in green tea neutralize these free radicals, prevent formation of
carcinogens like nitrosamines and reduce the chances of cancer. Green
tea is now being clinically used in prevention of cancer, particularly
those pertaining to colon, rectum, pancreas and intestines.
Reducing Cholesterol: Green tea has been seen effective in reducing
cholesterol level to some extent, probably due to its alkaline nature.
Cardiac & Arterial Health: Certain components in green tea prevents
thickening of blood, thereby reducing chances of Arterial Sclerosis,
Thrombosis, Cardiac and Cerebral Strokes etc.
Anti Diabetic: If not taken with sugar, the alkaline nature of green tea
helps reduce the blood glucose level. Moreover, the anti oxidizing and
astringent nature of its constituents ensure good health and better
functioning of pancreas and thereby better secretion of insulin and
resultant better decomposing and absorption of sugar. This helps keep
diabetes away.
Weight Loss: You believe it or not,
but green tea also helps lose weight
by enhancing rate of metabolism
and thereby faster consumption of
fat storage of the body. Recently
green tea has replaced other
beverages in the webstern world as
its helps in weight loss. Drink a cup
full of green tea in the morning
and you are sure to lose a few
pounds of excess weight.
Stamina & Endurance Booster:
You can prove this yourself. Just
have a cup of hot green tea after
rigorous exercise and within no
time you will be ready for a few
more sets. Further, it effectively
counters muscular pain due to over
exercise of muscles. Havent seen any athlete taking this? You must
visit Japan & China then, where it is a popular drink among
practitioners of Martial Arts.
De intoxicating: Green tea is the best cure to get rid of hangovers and
fatigue caused by consumption of alcoholic beverages and lack of
sleep due to late night parties. A big glass of green tea with lemon,
and lo, feels as if there was no hangover at all. Green tea with Lemon
juice is a very good and popular remedy to cut effect of alcohols
effect instantly.
Types of Green Tea: Green tea has four main varieties, prepared in Japan,
which depend upon its leaf-length, method of processing, season of
harvesting etc. They are as follows;
Gyokurocha: In this case, the tea leaves are plucked from the tip of
the branches. When brewed, the colour is clear green. Being picked
from the tip, this variety has the best taste and fragrance. This is also
considered best in terms of health and is less bitter, as it contains less
tannin and caffeine, the leaves being younger and budding. The only
drawback it has is that it is very costly. But then, there is price you
need to pay for every good thing.
Sencha: Sencha Comes from the same plant, but this time, the leaves
are from middle of the branch and are bigger, older and less tender
than Gyokurocha and gives a clear, light green tea on brewing.
Naturally, it is bitter and stronger than the former variety. Being of
less noble origin (middle of the branch) and having more caffeine and
tannin, it is cheaper and more popular than Gyokurocha.
Bancha: Bancha is made from the tender twigs of the tea plant and
but obvious, it is very strong and bitter. When brewed, it gives a
golden brown tea. This is further cheaper.
Matcha: It is the leftover powder of green tea, also called Dust. It
makes a beautifully green coloured tea and forms a lot of foam (froth)
as well, but has a lesser aroma than the leafy varieties. This variety of
Green Tea is very popular in the Ceremonies, sometimes also called
Ceremonial Green Tea. It is far less bitter than its formers and hence
when you sip it, it feels as if it is sweeter than them.
Houjicha: Also spelled as Hojicha, it is not a pure or absolute green
tea. Rather, it is mixture of green tea and powdered roasted cereals
such as wheat, barley, rice etc. The quality and price of this variety
depends upon the percentage or ratio of green tea to cereals. The
better ones, having more tea in them, are costlier and give greener tea;
while those, having more grains, yield a golden brown colour and are
Genmaicha: Like Houjicha, it is not a pure tea either. It is mixture of
green tea and roasted brown rice. On steeping, it yields a golden
yellow tea, very nice in taste and aroma, due to presence of roasted
brown rice in them.
Decaffeinated Green Tea: If not a variety, but it is also worth
mentioning here. Any of the above varieties can come in
decaffeinated form.
Other Varieties: The chief varieties mentioned above are blended
with different combinations to produce many more varieties with
different names, not necessary to mention here.
Risks: The risks associated with green tea are same as those associated with
any other kind of tea (common black tea, White Tea etc.) and are primarily
due to presence of Caffeine and Tannins in it. The contraindications may
vary with the percentage of caffeine and tannins in it. Most of you might be
familiar with these adversities, still, let me summarize the components
responsible and the associated risks here;
Triterpene Saponins: These compounds destroy the Red Blood
Corpuscles (Erythrocytes) and thus may aggravate situations of
anaemia, cause fatigue etc.
Caffeine: Everybody knows that it is an external stimulant and raises
blood pressure, actually toxic in nature (it may be fatal for lower
animals), addictive and in the long run has adverse effect on liver and
internal organs. But then, it is the thing in tea which makes it
energizing and refreshing.
Tannins: Tannins interfere with the breaking down of complex
proteins into simpler proteins and their absorption in the body.
Xanthine Alkaloids: There are possibilities that they aggravate
formation of uric acid in the body and thereby may trigger off and aid
formation of stones in gall-bladder and kidneys, rheumatism etc.
Other Risks: Long term consumption and in greater quantities may
give rise to problems such as insomnia, restlessness, annoyance,
irritability, headaches, hypertension, abnormal heart-beats, loss of
appetite, spasms, constipation and acute addiction to it. Many a times
it is seen that people who are addicted to it do not feel motion and
suffer from acute constipation, irritation and lack of concentration on
anything in absence of green tea.
Availability of Green Tea: Asian countries like Japan and China are the
biggest producers of green tea (they produce the best quality too) and are
also its biggest consumers. So, green tea available in other markets is in far
lesser quantity than black tea. Moreover, it is still gaining its popularity, as
barring a few Asian Countries; people around the world are more acquainted
with the black tea. Still, these days you can get it at any reasonably modern
shop. You can also order it with the local tea supplier, over phone or over
internet. It is almost invariably imported from China (bit cheaper) and Japan
(bit dearer), packed in sealed packs of 200grams, 250grams, 500grams etc. It
is better not to go for the bigger packs if it is easily available around you.
Please also check the date of manufacturing and packing before you buy.
Decaffeination of Green Tea: Aware of the bad effects of caffeine, many of
you must be thinking that how nice it would have been if green tea could be
decaffeinated. I say, it can be. There are two industrial processes and one
domestic process, listed as follows;
Industrial Process-1: In this, green tea leaves are treated with Ethyl
Acetate, which drains out most of its caffeine (of course, with a lot of
its anti oxidant Polyphenols and vitamins too).
Industrial Process-2: This involves processing of tea leaves with
water and carbon dioxide and is better in retaining the Polyphenols.
Domestic Process: This is a very simple process. It needs repeated
steeping of tea in hot water and throwing away the water (you may
use this tea to serve those who dont mind having caffeinated tea).
The more you do so, the less caffeine left in the tea, but so is the taste
and flavour. So, dont over do it. Twice or thrice is reasonably good.
After all, you want tea and not plain hot water. Isnt it?
Additional Information: Did you know what the term Cha means in
names of various qualities of green tea such as Gyokurocha, Sencha,
Bancha, Matcha, Houjicha etc? It simply means Tea, and tea is popular all
over India as Cha (In Bengal & adjacent states) and Chai in the rest
parts. Isnt it worth knowing it? So, that was all folks, see you next time.
This article is written by Aparup Mukherjee.
Source of Photo: Leena and

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