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You must get your physicians approval before beginning this
exercise program.
These recommendations are for educational purposes only and are
not medical guidelines. Before starting, you must consult your
This program is designed for healthy adults 18 years and older. If you
have a preexisting injury or medical condition that contraindicates
physical activity do not start this program.
The information contained within this report is not meant to
supplement or replace proper exercise training and the user
understands that all forms of exercise pose some inherent risks.
TrinkFitness does not take any responsibility for the actions of
anybody who uses the information contained within this package. It is
also advised that the equipment you use is well-maintained and that
the user does not take risks beyond their level of aptitude, training,
and fitness.
Dont lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or
fatigued and always as for instruction or assistance when lifting. If you
experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath
while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.
This publication is intended for informational use only. Dan Trink and
TrinkFitness will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any
form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this
Now lets get on with it

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written consent of Dan Trink.
2 Tickets To The Gun Show

The Ultimate Arms Specialization Program Featuring the
Supercompensation Slingshot

By: Dan Trink, CSCS

He who possesses the biggest guns, wins - Anonymous

Thank you for purchasing 2 Tickets To The Gun
Show: The Ultimate Arms Specialization
Program. Id like to start by saying
congratulations, and Im sorry.

The congratulations are for choosing to follow a
program that will deliver exactly what you are
looking for. You are only a few short weeks away
from the biggest, veiniest, strongest and most
defined arms that have ever had the honor of
hanging down from your shoulder sockets (a little
bit more on why this is a worthwhile and
important goal follows below).

Id also like to apologize. The next few weeks are going to require an all-out
effort, deliver remarkable soreness and may leave you feeling like you
never want to do a biceps curl or rope press-down again.

No one said that winning the title of Biggest, Most Ripped Arms at
_________________ (fill in the blank: Spring Break, Your High School
Reunion, The Office Christmas Party, The Shady Brook Retirement Home)
was going to be easy. But the first time some girl says to you, Steve, your
arms look different. Can I touch them? youll realize that it was all worth it
(bonus points if your name is actually Steve).

Prepare for Arm-ageddon

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written consent of Dan Trink.
If youve already purchased this program, I dont have to tell you about the
importance and value of arm training. But just because I dont have to tell
you about it doesnt mean Im not going to tell you about it.

In todays functional fitness-crazed world, arm training (and certainly arms
specialization training) has been pushed to the dark corners of only the
most hardcore bodybuilding gyms. Fitness pros and studied gym
enthusiasts will argue that arm training has no carryover to sport, everyday
activities or other aspects of life in the same way as a squat, deadlift, power
clean or squat will. In my opinion this is an extremely limited and narrow-
minded point of view. Heres why.

Try telling an offensive lineman that having bigger arms wont help him
protect his quarterback. Or ask a Mom if having strong arms wont help her
hold her toddler or carry groceries home from the store. Take a look at the
gym rat whose trying to deadlift 500 pounds for the first time.

What is usually his biggest limiting factor? His grip. In fact, I would say that
having rock-solid grip strength is one of the most critical factors in
improving almost every lift in the gym.

But lets get to the real reason that youve decided to take on an arms
specialization program -- because big, defined arms look and feel

Maybe youve developed a really great physique but your arms have
always been lagging behind. Or maybe you want to be able to feel
comfortable wearing a tank top to a relatives wedding (ok, a distant
relatives wedding). Or maybe youre just tired of the gap in the sleeve of
your size XL t-shirt.

Whatever the reason, theres nothing wrong with chasing your life long
dream of sporting a pair of attention-getting arms. This program is aimed at
helping you accomplish that goal.

Winning The Arms Race

While I can respect an I just do what I am told attitude, I always find its
best to understand the thought process behind any program. With that in

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written consent of Dan Trink.
mind, I am going to share with you the principles that make this program so

There are three critical factors to the success of any mass building
program. These are:

Volume - Volume is defined as the total amount of work done in any given
training session and can be altered through total reps, sets and load used.
While volume is an important variable that should be managed in any
training phase, it is extremely critical in mass gaining programs. Without
sufficient volume, you will not experience optimal growth. Too much volume
and you wont recover in time for your next training session. For 2 Tickets
To The Gun Show, I have manipulated the total volume on a week-to-week
basis to provide the optimal amount of work to stimulate muscle growth
while allowing for proper recovery.

Variety - Muscles are very efficient and stingy. If you train them with the
same exercises in the same manner over and over again they will get very
efficient at those movements. Thats great if you want to get better at
performing a skill, but a training program that lacks variety is a critical error
if you are trying to force your body to adapt and grow. By utilizing different
exercises, angles, grips and positions leads youll be causing the greatest
amount of muscle damage and allowing for maximal growth.

Metabolic Distress - Incomplete rest periods between sets cause
metabolic distress. If youve ever felt the burn caused by hydrogen ion
buffering due to exercising above your lactic threshold, you know exactly
what I am talking about. Not allowing a muscle to fully recover between or
within sets provides a unique hormonal cascade that optimizes the
potential for growth. Remember, the muscles themselves are only part of
the big picture when it comes to gaining mass. You must provide a positive
hormonal environment as well and this is where metabolic distress comes
into play.

Of course 2 Tickets To The Gun Show includes all these factors but also
features two lesser-known, lesser-used techniques that are just as
important not only in mass building programs but particularly in
specialization phases.

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written consent of Dan Trink.
Time Under Tension - the speed at which you lift and lower the load with
each rep and the resulting total time of each set from start to finish may be
the most overlooked part of any muscle-building program. We are not going
to make the mistake of ignoring this critical factor. By following the proper
rep and tempo prescriptions for each set, you are guaranteed to hit the time
under tension sweet spot that has been proven to be most effective for
muscle growth.

Supercompensation Slingshot
- if there is a true secret weapon
technique in this program, this is it. Allow me to go into more detail.

The term supercompensation most often refers to the ability to cause
stress during a training session, recover from that stress and the bodys
ability to handle greater stress in subsequent training sessions.

What allows you to curl 20-pound dumbbells one week and then, seemingly
miraculously, allow you to curl 25-pound dumbbells the next. This is not the
type of supercompensation I am referring to.

The supercompensation effect that this program will utilize has nothing to
do with strength and much more to do with the protocols bodybuilders
have been using for years while peaking for competition.

Before getting on stage, bodybuilders will go through a period where they
come to the verge of overtraining while simultaneously nutritionally
depleting their muscles of stored glycogen (usually with low carbohydrate
diets). Then, in the days leading up to competition, they take in a ton of
carbs while lowering the training volume. What results is a rebound effect
allowing them to show off their muscles at their biggest, fullest and leanest.

Now, I realize most of you are not using this program as preparation to
enter a bodybuilding competition. However, Ive used what Ive learned
from the bodybuilding world to create what I call the supercompensation

For the next 4 weeks, youll be training your arms with more volume than
youve likely ever trained them before. This is going to lead to a
phenomenon called overreaching which is like the overtrainings younger,
and cooler cousin.

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written consent of Dan Trink.
Overreaching is a planned training block in which some aspect of training
(in this case, volume) is drastically increased. Overreaching (when properly
managed) is not dangerous and can be effective in delivering dramatic
physical results. Rather than dietary restrictions, we are going to use this
high volume of training to deplete muscle glycogen.

What this means to you is that
1) You will get greater results from this program than a more typical body
part split or total body program.

2) You will actually see the majority of the benefits from this program 2
weeks after its completed, once your muscles are entirely healed and
muscle glycogen is properly restored. And, as long as you continue to
follow sound-training programs once this one is over youll hold onto these
hard earned gains.

Lets Set These Guns A-Blazin

Enough with the discussion on why the program works, lets get to the ins
and outs of the training and how to complete each session to get the effect
that you want and maximize results.


As we discussed earlier, metabolic distress is a key factor in hypertrophy

Given that getting bigger, ripped arms is the goal it is very important that
you pay attention to rest periods. These days there are a lot of ways to
make sure that you adhering to proper rest periods.

Check around the gym for a clock with a second hand, download an iPhone
app, buy an interval timer watch, whatever it takes to make sure you are
starting the next set when the rest period is over.


This is a CRITICAL and often overlooked aspect of mass gaining
programs. Training with a specific tempo means that you are getting the
right time under tension (TUT) (or total length) of each set. This translates

TrinkFitness. No part of "2 Tickets to the Gun Show" may be copied or reproduced without the expressed
written consent of Dan Trink.
into getting the appropriate physiological response -- also known as
ginormous arms.

The way we describe TUT is 4010.

The first number is the eccentric or lowering phase of the movement (for
example, in the close grip bench press the time you take, in this case 4
seconds, to lower the bar to your chest).

The second number is any pause in the bottom position (in this example,
no pause).

The third number is the amount of time it takes to lift (concentric phase) the
bar (1 second here).

The final number is any pause at the top of the movement. In this particular
program it is very important that you follow the tempo prescriptions for each
set of each exercise. Count it out loud or to yourself -- 4---3---2---1 --- every
rep. Yes, other people in the gym will look at you funny. Soon you will crush
those people with your giant biceps. If you go too fast on any particular rep,
just regroup and slow down.

Remember: The first number is always the lowering phase of the lift,
regardless if lowering the bar (or yourself) is the first thing you do. In a chin
up, for example, your first motion is to lift yourself to the bar, however the
first number in the tempo prescription still represents the lowering phase of
the movement. Lowering first, pause at the bottom second, lifting third,
pause at the top fourth for all lifts.

A word of caution to your fragile ego: following these tempos makes the lift
much more difficult so you may have to back off the usual weights you use.
Not a problem, the tempo and TUT are more important than the weight
right now.


If you are tackling this program (or any specialization phase) you should be
at the point in your lifting career where you understand exercise
sequencing (A1, then A2, back to A1, complete for all sets before moving

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written consent of Dan Trink.
onto B1, etc.) and know what a close-grip bench press and barbell back
squat look like.

Therefore I am only going to describe the unusual or special technique
exercises that are part of this program along with the finishers (FIN). If you
have a question on something I do not detail below, feel free to reach out to
me on my Facebook page ( and Ill do my
best to help you out.

For many of the exercises I filmed a video and uploaded it to my YouTube
channel. Ive included a link to the video beside the exercise where that is
the case.

Standing Barbell Perfect Curl -

The perfect curl is the opposite of the cheat curl. Rather than lean back
and try to cheat the weight up by using momentum, you are actually going
to lean into the bar as you curl it up. Start in a standing position with a
straight barbell in front of your thighs with your arms extended. Lean your
torso back 5 to 10 degrees. As you curl up the weight begin moving your
torso so that you are leaning forward 5 to 10 degrees by the time the
barbell reaches your collar bones.

Decline EZ Bar Triceps Extension -

You already know this movement, just by another name -- the skull crusher.
In this version use a decline bench and an EZ bar. At the bottom position
the bar should be between your eyebrows and hairline (not behind your

Incline DB Curl/Incline Cable Curl -

Sitting back on a 45-degree incline bench while holding a pair of dumbbells,
let your arms hang straight down. Without moving your upper arm, curl the
weight up as high as possible (if your elbow moves forward, you are doing
it incorrectly). For the cable version, bring the bench over to a double cable
station. Face the bench away from the cables (they should have D-handle
attachments and be at the bottom position). Grab the handles and perform
the curls in the same way as described in the DB version.

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written consent of Dan Trink.
Half Kneeling Cable Triceps Overhead Extension -

Facing away from the low pulley at a cable station (use a rope handle
attachment), take a half-kneeling position (one knee down, the other foot
flat on the floor -- as if you were in the bottom position of a lunge) reach
back to grab the ends of the rope in each hand. Keep your chest tall and
begin with your arms extended straight overhead. Bend at the elbows (your
upper arm should not move) until your hands reach the top of the back of
your neck. Extend back to the overhead position.

Trink Curls -

No, I did not invent this movement. I just had no idea what else to call it.
Plus having an exercise named after you is super bad ass. And its my
ebook, so Im doing it. Stand between two cable stations with D-handles set
in the high position. Simply grab both handles and, starting with your arms
straight and parallel to the floor, curl them to your ears (it should look like
you are doing a double biceps pose at the top position). Take that,

Lying DB Triceps Extension -

Same movement as the Decline EZ Bar Triceps Extension above, except
the bench is flat and you are using dumbbells. Target the top of your
shoulders at the end position (not your forehead).


Finishers (FIN) are designed to increase total training volume for a session
and have you leaving the gym feeling like youve given everything youve
got. On the 100 rep finishers, feel free to take some intra-set rest. Finishers
are utilized in Weeks 2 and 3 of the program.

Lucky 7s

This one is simple yet brutal. You are going to superset dips with push ups.
The first set will be 7 dips followed by 7 push ups. Next set is 6 dips
followed by 6 push ups. Next set is 5 dips followed by 5 push ups. Continue
this descending ladder until you are down to 1 dip and 1 push up. The goal

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written consent of Dan Trink.
is to rest as little as possible during the entire finisher. If this is too easy for
you, work your way back up the ladder (1 dip, 1 push up, 2 dips, 2 push
ups) until you get back up to 7.

Run The Rack DB Curls

Using a set of dumbbells that would allow you to complete 12 reps, perform
10 reps of standing DB curls. Rest 20 seconds. Grab a second set of
dumbbells that are 5 to 10 pounds lighter and perform up to 10 reps of curls
(10 reps or failure, whichever comes first). Rest 20 seconds. Grab a third
set of dumbbells that are 5 to 10 pounds lighter and perform up to 10 reps
of curls (10 reps or failure, whichever comes first). Finally, grab a fourth set
of dumbbells that are 5 to 10 pounds lighter and perform up to 10 reps of
curls (10 reps or failure, whichever comes first).

Criss Cross

In this finisher you are going to be supersetting chin ups with push ups.
Begin by completing 10 chin ups followed by 1 push up. Next complete 9
chin ups followed by 2 push ups. Next complete 8 chins and 3 push ups.
Continue in this criss cross pattern until you reach 1 chin up and 10 push
ups. The goal is to rest as little as possible through the entire finisher.

Youre Locked and Loaded

Ok, youre now armed and ready with all the information you need to get
the most out of this program. I certainly invite you to take measurements,
body fat and photos before the program begins so you can compare it with
your final results.

In fact, if you take a before and an after photo and send it to me, Ill give
you a hefty discount on a future Trink Fitness product. Just send them in to

Remember, part of yielding the maximum results is to make sure you have
proper sleep and nutrition during this (and, frankly, any) hard training
phase. Give yourself a full two weeks of nutritious eating after the program
is over as this will be where you will see the majority of your gains.

TrinkFitness. No part of "2 Tickets to the Gun Show" may be copied or reproduced without the expressed
written consent of Dan Trink.
Good luck, train hard and get ready to follow a program that actually
delivers the results you are looking for. I look forward to seeing how you do.

About Dan Trink

Dan holds over a dozen fitness certifications, most notably the Certified
Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and PICP (Poliquin) Level 3
certs. Hes also earned a USA Weightlifting Association certification as well
as several other specialty certifications from Athletes Performance,
Dynamax, TRX, FMS, Precision Nutrition and many more. He is a member
of the International Society of Sports Nutritionists and is BioSignature
Modulation certified.

Dan is currently the Director of Training Operations at Peak Performance
where he manages a staff of 55 trainers. He also trains a full roster of both
male and female clients, from corporate executives to professional athletes
to models.

Dan contributes features and weekly columns to Muscle and Fitness and
Men's Fitness as well as being a regular contributor to LiveStrong and T-
Nation. Hes a member of the Expert Board for the Greatist as well as being
a main coach and writer for the Personal Trainer Development Center

TrinkFitness. No part of "2 Tickets to the Gun Show" may be copied or reproduced without the expressed
written consent of Dan Trink.
which is an organization dedicated to improving the business of personal
training and the lives of personal trainers. He was also named on the lists
of the 65 Twitter Feeds You Should Be Following on Greatist, 20 Trainers
You Should Know on LiveStrong and recently named one of the 40 Top
Fitness Professionals of 2013.

Finally, Dan is currently writing his first book for Human Kinetics. It will be a
year-long progressive training program for those looking to train for 30
minutes per day. The project is due out in late 2013.

Dans been married for 12 years, has 7 month old son named Henry and
used to be a fat guy who was a creative director in advertising. The story of
his transformation (both physical and career) was featured on Greatist as
well as in the pages of the September 2012 issue of Men's Fitness.

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