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Creating Civil 3D Corridors

from ARD
Written by Todd Brewster
Monday, 19 Janary !""9 1!#!$
VERSION:- ARD 2009.02
Q: W%at is t%e &ro'ess for 'reating a Civil 3D Corridor from Advan'ed Road Design( )ow
do * 'ontrol t%e &avement layers on t%e 'orridor ot&t(
A: T%e general &ro'ess to 'reate a 'orridor of yor ARD roads networ+ is#
1, Create t%e roads, +erbs et', as &er normal in ARD
!, Create a Civil 3D assembly 'alled Corridor-./0 and add t%e ARD 1&er
1bassembly on'e on eit%er side,
3, *f t%e ARD 1&er 1bassembly is not in yor Tool 2alette t%en#
1, *f rnning ARD !""9,"!, rn t%e 'ommand Road9 34 5tilities 34 Add
CADA&&s Catalog,
!, 6t%erwise navigate to t%e 'ommon folder and doble 'li'+ to rn at'-
ARD!""9,reg, Cli'+ 0es to add t%e entries to t%e registry and 'li'+ 67 to
'lose t%e dialog bo8,
3, 6&en t%e Civil 3D Tool 2alette, Corridors 34 1bassembly Tool 2alette,
9, 6&en t%e Civil 3D 1bassembly Catalog Corridors 34 1bassembly Catalog:
and t%e CADA&&s Catalog s%old be in t%e list,
$, Cli'+ on t%e CADA&&s Catalog, t%en 'li'+ on t%e CADA&&s 1bassemblies,
;ow left 'li'+ and drag t%e ARD 1&er 1bassembly to t%e Tool 2alette
9, Create t%e 'orridor by rnning t%e 'ommand Roads9 34 Civil 3D 6t&ts 34 Ato
Create Corridor,
*f yo ma+e a '%ange to t%e roads et', sim&ly rn t%e Ato Create Corridor 'ommand to re-
'reate t%e 'orridor based on t%e latest road data,
To in'rease 'orridor bild time, ARD is set to, by defalt, to only 'reate t%e <To&= srfa'e of
t%e 'orridor, T%is 'an be '%anged in t%e A'tive Drawing 1ettings from t%e Modelling tab,
'%ange t%e 1bgrade Create Met%od to >ll, 0o will need rn t%e Ato Create Corridor to re-
'reate t%e 'orridor wit% t%e sbgrade,

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