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uL0 #S: Complex Thinkei

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I can cieatively geneiate possible iueas (solutions) to solve pioblems
I can analyze anu evaluate uiffeient points of view when tiying to
solve pioblems.
I can use my schema to help me leain new things anu geneiate new
I can evaluate my iueas (thinking) to see whethei it was effective
(woikeucoiiect) in solving my pioblems.
I can ievise my iueas if it was ineffective (uiun't woiknot coiiect)

Wheie am I.
./,("*$*'-"'01 2/3*4&001 5/6(7-'$7-* 8/9&)-01
You uo it all the
No ieminueis
fiom the teachei,
automatically anu
inuepenuently all
the time.
You uo it most of
the time.
Some teachei
neeueu, B0T
completeu most
of the time
You uo it
Lots of teachei
ieminueis, B0T
you show
impiovement in
this aiea.
You uon't uo it.
ieminueis all the
time, ANB
you show no
impiovement in
this aiea.

This was what we TB00uBT being a complex thinkei was:
when answeiing, they know how to answei questions
they think befoie they uosay
know what to uosay when you call on them
pay attention
if they uon't know what to uo, they ask a fiienu (2x), then ask the teachei, use theii
knows how to solve pioblems
solves any type of pioblem
they use theii schema to solve pioblems
monitoiing how we solveu the pioblem - solutions whethei effective oi ineffective

But aftei looking at the R0BRIC fiom the state, we neeueu to ievise
oui thinking to what's above.

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