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!"#$%& ()*"&+" , -.

2+" 3"*)4 5)6#" 78 , -./-/00/9:
ueformasl Solld dan embenLukan
ak larld

1. Buktikan bahwa persamaan !
= !

According to the theory of tensor, in very tiny point of some object,
there are forces acting on it. It can be pressure force or pulling force in each
plane and in every side have accumulated number of force in some certain
direction. Dieter said that, if we assumed the area of the side of cubicle is
very small enough so the pressure changes in the plane could be neglected,
by accumulating moment of forces around in some axis (lets assume k axis in
this problem because the system that we used is ijk) we could show that !

= !
, as equation stated below
= !


! !
= !

!"#$%& ()*"&+" , -./-/00/-1
2+" 3"*)4 5)6#" 78 , -./-/00/9:
ueformasl Solld dan embenLukan
ak larld


In fact that this equation can be prove by unoccured deformation in some
object or point eventhough that object having tensile and compress force
acting from any direction. This phenomenon could be happe because the
direction of moment are countering or facing each other. As a result, the
magnitude or the value becomes !
= !
or the total momen equal to zero
! ! !!

Accordlng Lo Lhe lmage above, we know LhaL Lhe ob[ecL ls noL deform because Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe
momenL are faclng each oLher.

Momen 2 : !
x r (cw)

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