Assignment M.E (Elp) Ept&d

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Dated: 09-09-2014 Last Date: 18-09-2014
Q. No.
1. What is electrical power supply system? Why higher oltages are re!uired to tra"smit electrical power? Draw a si"gle li"e
diagram o# a typical $.% power supply scheme..
2. What do you u"dersta"d &y sag ' te"sio" o# a power tra"smissio" li"e? (ow sag is calculated a"d what #actors a##ect it?
0). *+plai" arious types o# i"sulators used i" oer-head tra"smissio" li"es #or power tra"smissio".
04. ,a- Draw a"d e+plai" the types a"d co"structio"al details o# u"dergrou"d ca&les used #or electrical power tra"smissio"?
,&- ./etch a"d e+plai" Direct ,.olid- a"d Draw-i" methods o# layi"g u"dergrou"d ca&les?
0. $ 20-/m si"gle-phase tra"smissio" li"e hai"g 0.82) cm diameter has two li"e co"ductors separated &y 1.0 metre. 1he co"ductor
has a resista"ce o# 0.)11 ohm per /ilometer. 2i"d the loop impeda"ce o# this li"e at 00 (3.
4. $ si"gle-phase li"e has a" impeda"ce o# 0 405 a"d supplies a load o# 120 $6 )6)00 7 at 0.8 p.#. laggi"g. %alculate the se"di"g-e"d
oltage a"d draw a ector diagram.
8. $" oerhead6 si"gle-phase tra"smissio" li"e deliers 1100 /W at )) /7 at 0.8 p.#. laggi"g. 1he total resista"ce o# the li"e is 10
9hms a"d total i"ductie reacta"ce is 10 9hms. Determi"e ,i- se"di"g-e"d oltage ,ii- se"di"g-e"d p.#. a"d ,iii- tra"smissio"
8. $ )-phase6 00-(36 220-/7 tra"smissio" li"e co"sists o# co"ductors o# 1.2 cm radius spaced 2 meters at the cor"ers o# a" e!uilateral
tria"gle. %alculate the coro"a power loss per /m o# the li"e at a temperature o# 20:% a"d &arometric pressure o# 82.2 cm. 1a/e the
sur#ace #actors o# the co"ductor as 0.94.
9. ;" a )) /7 oerhead li"e6 there are three u"its i" the stri"g o# i"sulators. ;# the capacita"ce &etwee" each i"sulator pi" a"d earth is
11< o# sel#-capacita"ce o# each i"sulator6 #i"d ,i- the distri&utio" o# oltage oer ) i"sulators a"d ,ii- stri"g e##icie"cy.
10. $" i"sulator stri"g co"sists o# three u"its6 each hai"g a sa#e wor/i"g oltage o# 10 /7. 1he ratio o# sel#-capacita"ce to shu"t
capacita"ce o# each u"it is 8:1. 2i"d the ma+imum sa#e wor/i"g oltage o# the stri"g. $lso #i"d the stri"g e##icie"cy.
11. $ 1)2 /7 li"e with 1=904 cm dia. co"ductors is &uilt so that coro"a ta/es place i# the li"e oltage e+ceeds 210 /7 ,r.m.s.-. ;# the
alue o# pote"tial gradie"t at which io"i3atio" occurs ca" &e ta/e" as )0 /7 per cm6 #i"d the spaci"g &etwee" the co"ductors.
12. $ 1)2 /7 tra"smissio" li"e has the #ollowi"g data:
Wt. o# co"ductor > 480 /g?/m@ Le"gth o# spa" > 240 m
Altimate stre"gth > )100 /g@ .a#ety #actor > 2
%alculate the height a&oe grou"d at which the co"ductor should &e supported. Brou"d cleara"ce re!uired is 10 meters.
1). $ tra"smissio" li"e has a spa" o# 100 m &etwee" leel supports. 1he co"ductor has a cross-sectio"al area o# 2 cm
. 1he te"sio" i"
the co"ductor is 2000 /g. ;# the speci#ic graity o# the co"ductor material is 9=9 gm?cm
a"d wi"d pressure is 1=0 /g?m le"gth6
calculate the sag. What is the ertical sag?
14. $ tra"smissio" tower o" a leel grou"d gies a mi"imum cleara"ce o# 8 meters #or its lowest co"ductor with a sag o# 10 m #or a
spa" o# )00 m. ;# the same tower is to &e used oer a slope o# 1 i" 106 #i"d the mi"imum grou"d cleara"ce o&tai"ed #or the same spa"6
same co"ductor a"d same weather co"ditio"s.

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