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Submitted by
Anupama C.T
Physical Science
Register No: 13371002

Name of the Teacher : Anupama C.T.
Name of the School : A.M.H.S.S., Thirumala
Standard : VIII
Subject : Physics
Unit : Force
Topic : Different types of Force
Duration : 40 minutes
Date : 22-07-2014
Strength : 22/25
Period : I

Curricular Statement
Through observation and communication pupils understand about the
concept of different types of force.

Content analysis
Internal force, External force, Balanced force, Unbalanced force,
Contact force, Non Contact Force.

(i) We cannot lift a chair by sitting on it with our legs not touching the
(ii) We can lift a chair by standing on the floor.
(iii) If two boys push a table standing on the opposite sides, exactly opposite
to each other, applying equal force, the table cannot be moved.

(i) Internal force cannot move a body
(ii) For a body to change its state of rest or of uniform motion, external
unbalanced force is required.

1. Internal Force
If the force is applied from within the body, the force is called internal
2. External force
If the force is applied from outside the body, the force is called external

Balanced force
Forces which are equal and opposite and hence cancelling each other
act as balanced force.

Unbalanced Force
Forces which do not cancel each other act as unbalanced force

Learning outcome
1. Storage
The pupil views power point presentation images related to Different types
of forces.

2. Explore
The pupil searches more details related to the topic Different types of

3. Remember
The pupil remembers terms facts, concepts and definition by
Recognising and
Retrieving the idea of different types of forces.

4. Understand
The pupil understands the above mentioned terms, facts, concepts and
definition by
Explaining and
The concept of force and its different types.
5. Apply
The pupil applied the knowledge of different types of force by
Implementing and
Executing the idea of different types of forces in a new situation.

6. Analyse
The pupil analyses the content of different types of force by
Differentiating and
Distinguishing the content of different types of force.

Previous knowledge
i) The pupil knows that force can change the state of rest of a body.
ii) The pupil knows that force can change the direction of motion of a
iii) The pupil knows that force can change the shape of a body.

Materials required
Arrangements for power point presentation
Classroom interaction procedure Response
Teacher starts the class by showing the slide
containing the picture of a man pushing a car.

What is the man doing?

Is the force applied while pushing the car?
He is pushing a car



A slide containing the picture of an apple
falling from the tree is shown next

What can you inter from the picture?

Is there any force acting here?

An apple is falling

Yes, Gravitational force
of attraction.
Is there any difference between the applied forces
in the above two cases? Think on the basis of
contact between the force applied and the body on
which the force is applied.
Dont know.


Is there any difference between the forces
applied in the two cases shown above

Yes, one is contact force and the
other is non contact force.

The slide containing the topic to be taught is

Yes, in the first case
there is contact between
applied force and body
on which force is
applied. In the second
case there is no contact.

Teacher shows another slide containing the
image of a magnet attracting iron nails.

What do you see in the picture?

A magnet attracting
iron nails.

Different Types of forces



What kind of force is acting here?

Non contact force

Teacher shows another slide containing
picture of a boy pushing a table

What kind of force is applied by the boy
while pushing the table?

Can you define contact and non contact

Contact force

In contact force there is direct
contact between the applied
force and the body on which
force is applied. While force
in non contact force there is no
direct contact between the two.

Concept to be consolidated

1. Force applied by direct contact is
called contact force.
2. Force applied not by direct contact
is called non contact force.


Discussion points 2
Teacher shows the slide containing the picture of
a man pushing an auto-rickshaw standing outside

Can the man in this picture push the auto
rickshaw into motion by sitting in side it?


Activity 1
Teacher asks a student to come to the front
and sit on a chair and try to lift the chair
without touching the floor Can be lift the

Can you say why?

In the case of pushing an auto-rickshaw by
sitting inside it there is no movement to the
vehicle. Similar is the case while
trying to lift the chair by sitting on it.

He is not able to lift the chair

He is sitting on the chair. He
cant lift the chair by sitting
on the chair.


Can you say why there is no movement to
the vehicle or chair even after applying

Teacher asks the student to lift the chair by
standing on the floor?
What happened now?

The man could push the autorickshaw into
motion by standing on the floor and the
boy could lift the chair by standing on the
floor. Can you say why?

If so can you define internal force and
external force.

Concept to be consolidated
1. The force applied from within the
body is called internal force
Eg:Trying to lift a chair by sitting on it
without touching the floor.

2. The force applied from outside the
body is called external force.
Eg. Trying to lift a chair by
standing on the floor.

3. Internal forces cannot cause
movement to an object or a body

4. External forces can cause
movement to a body.

The force is applied from

He lifted the chair.

The force is applied from

The force applied from inside
is called internal force.
The form outside the body is
called external force.

Discussion Points -3
Teacher shows a slide containing the
picture of a table pushed by two people
with equal force in opposite direction.

Will the table move in this case?

What is the reason?

Activity 2
Teacher asks two students to push the table
in a particular direction by standing on the
same side.

Two students are required to push a table
with different forces applying the force
opposite to each other

Why does the table move in the above two


The force applied is equal
and opposite.

The table moves in the
direction in which force is

The table moves in the
direction in which greater
force is applied.

The forces do not cancell each


What can we call equal and opposite

What can we call the forces which do not
cancel each other?

Dont know

Unbalanced force

Balanced Force


Unbalanced force


Concept to be consolidated
1. Equal and opposite force is called
balanced force.
2. Forces which do not cancel each
other can be called as unbalanced
3. A bucket filled with water hold
above the water level in the well is
an example for balanced force.
4. A bucket filled with water lifted
from well is an example of
unbalanced force.

1. What is (a) balance force (b) unbalanced force?
2. What are internal and external forces?
3. What are contact and non contact forces?

Follow up activity
(i) What will happen if no unbalanced external force is applied on a body at its
uniform motion?

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