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Iranian Elections

of 2009

New media breaks through

government control
Iran’s tenth presidential election

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Supporters gathered in massive public
Crowds and Protest Gatherings

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‫ندا آقا سلطان‬

S h e is re m e m b e re d a s th e “ vo ice
o f Ira n ”
(, 11)

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Protests continued for three months


 H o w h a ve p e o p le re a cte d to th e ir
g o ve rn m e n t in Ira n ?
 H o w h a s th e g o ve rn m e n t
im p le m e n te d ru le s to co n tro lp u b lic
o p in io n a n d te ch n o lo g y u se ?

 H o w / w h y d o p e o p le ch o o se
sp e cific te ch n o lo g ie s to co m m u n ica te
 H o w h a s th e te ch n o lo g y b e e n
u tilize d ?
 W h a t is th e re la tio n sh ip b e tw e e n
th e p e o p le a n d th e te ch n o lo g ie s th e y
u se .
Research Plan

• Conducting interviews with people

involved including protesters, the
Iranian diaspora and government
• Content analysis of tweets, of first
hand video accounts.
• Comparing Government accounts
with citizen reports from inside
Research Plan

• Compiling data such as the number

of tweets, video views and blog
• Obtaining statistics on the political
positions, ethnicity, gender and
socio-economic status of
Preliminary Findings
Findings in Political
Findings within
Communication Flow
The Iranian Election on
From June 7th till June 26th
2,024,166 tweets were about Iran
Preliminary Findings
Theoretical Perspectives:

• Structuration

• Resistance
Future Research

• Amateur versus Professional

news sources

• Effectiveness of social media
• Reliability of social media
• The interchange of information from
eyewitnesses to professional
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