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Ade is a sufx used to denote a cold beverage made from water (sometimes carbonated

water),fruit juice (especially citrus juice), and sweetener.[1] xamples of its usage
are! lemonade,limeade, c"erryade, and orangeade.
#imilar beverages t"at do not contain fruit juice may use t"e sufx aid in t"eir brand names,
e.g.,$ool%&id and 'lavor &id. Ade is also used as a sufx in several brand names,
including(uco)ade, *owerade, &ccelerade, #taminade, #porade, and +atorade, all of w"ic"
are mar,eted as sports drinks. (uco)ade was t"e -rst of t"ese brands. it was -rst
manufactured in 1/01 under t"e name +luco)ade.
2n most of t"e world, lemonade and limeade are not carbonated. 3"ey are most often found
carbonated in t"e 4ritis" 2sles and ot"er parts of urope. 5arbonated lemonade is often sold
in t"e 6nited #tates as 7'renc" (emonade.7[dubious discuss]
5"erryade is a carbonated beverage.[0]
8rangeade, as it is called in t"e 6nited $ingdom, is also carbonated, and for t"is reason it is
referred to as 7orange soft drin,7 in &ustralia and as 7orange soda,7 7orange pop,7 or 7orange
drin,7 in t"e 6nited #tates.

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