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by Zacharias Beckman on September 16, 2011 in Education, Getting Things Done, Leadership
Mike Myatt, Chief Strategy Officer N2growth, recently posted a very savvy article regarding the
difference between training (a typically rote, stale process) and development (more dynamic, needs
based, and effective) in the conte!t of leadership" #hat $ really liked is his pointbypoint
comparison of the strengths and weakness of training vers%s development&
'" (raining foc%ses on the present ) *evelopment foc%ses on the f%t%re"
2" (raining foc%ses on techni+%e ) *evelopment foc%ses on talent"
," (raining adheres to standards ) *evelopment foc%ses on ma!imi-ing potential"
." (raining foc%ses on maintenance ) *evelopment foc%ses on growth"
/" (raining foc%ses on the role ) *evelopment foc%ses on the person"
0" (raining indoctrinates ) *evelopment ed%cates"
1" (raining maintains stat%s +%o ) *evelopment cataly-es innovation"
2" (raining stifles c%lt%re ) *evelopment enriches c%lt%re"
3" (raining enco%rages compliance ) *evelopment emphasi-es performance"
'4" (raining foc%ses on efficiency ) *evelopment foc%ses on effectiveness"
''" (raining foc%ses on problems ) *evelopment foc%ses on sol%tions"
'2" (raining foc%ses on reporting lines ) *evelopment e!pands infl%ence"
'," (raining is mechanical ) *evelopment is intellect%al"
'." (raining foc%ses on the knowns ) *evelopment e!plores the %nknowns"
'/" (raining is finite ) *evelopment is infinite"
$ co%ldn5t agree more" #hen it comes to leadership development, yo% can5t 6train the leader"7
(raining on technical, proced%ral topics is of co%rse highly effective, b%t leadership re+%ires too
m%ch conte!t%al differentiation, too m%ch innovation, and frankly relies m%ch more on innate skills
that can only be developed over time, not absorbed from a short training co%rse"
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