PPC Metro Davao Post Offices List of Names of Postmasters and No. of Manpower Complement As of December 31, 1999

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Annex 1


List of Names of Postmasters and No. of Manpower Complement
As of Deem!er "#$ #%%%
Names of Post Offie Postmaster No. of
1. Davao City Central Post Office
Aquilina Niepes 118
2. Ateneo Post Office
Gracia B. Villanueva
. !niversity of "in#anao Post Office
$#a Caroline Puerto %
%. "atina Post Office
&''anuel Puerto 2%
(. )oril Post Office
Delia Gulanes 12
*. )alo'o Post Office
+elicisi'o &sten,o -
.. Calinan Post Office
/ope )ar0 1r. 8
8. )i2un3co Post Office
&#uar#o A'si# %
-. Buna4an Post Office
5ene #ela Pe6a %
17. Davao $nternational Airport Post Office
/eonora )ion3co -
11. "intal Post Office
5afael Pa3lina4an *
12. "an#u3 Post Office
Guiller'o Carta3ena 1
1. Victoria Pla,a Post Office
&#it8 "urin3
1%. "etro Davao Circle Post Office
9elen "anlaya 2
1(. A3#ao Post Office
/in#a 5ivera 2
1*. C:;quare Post Office
Araceli "artos 2
1.. Gaisano "all Post Office
/olita ;ison
T O T A L 21%

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