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Grade: 3

Teacher Interview on Assessment

1. What types of mathematical tasks do you think help students learn Mathematics at this age? Any
hands on opportunities. Math that can be linked to real life.
2. When you prepare a lesson, about how much time do you allocate to the development of
mathematical concepts and how much time to skill and practice? In a sixty minute lesson I
typically use 30 minutes for the concept and 30 for practice.
3. When you teach math, how do you assess conceptual development? By asking students to
explain how they got an answer or how they are doing the problem.
4. How do you use this conceptual assessment to advance students learning? If they understand we
move on, if not we revisit.
5. How do you use your assessment of students to help them to do well on end-of-grade test
(EOG)? By revisiting what they do poorly on when assessed.
6. How does the EOG affect your teaching practice throughout the year? We focus on common
core standards and what will be on the EOG, how it will be presented.
7. How does your school or school system use the results of the EOG? It determines who moves on
and who is required to attend summer school or be retained.
1. What were your impressions about the teachers attitude towards assessing students learning?
The teachers attitude as she explained to me in conversations is based on what the school system
requires. She said they expect them to teach for the test and only teach what the students should
know for that test. They spend most of the time I was there on 3 digit adding because several
were struggling.
2. What is your reaction to the teachers comments about students conceptual assessment?
Based on what I have been learning during these integrative blocks I think that she should assess
in another way besides just asking questions so that she can fully see if they understand what the
topic is.

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