Research Plan Template Jhms

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Haylee Blackmer

Miss Keene
Research Plan

Problem Question or Topic:

How can changing the source a story is read from help a reader comprehend it better?

Purpose and Rationale:

The purpose of the experiment is to help me understand that if I read a story on an iPad or in
an actual book, I can comprehend it better and paint a picture in my head. Also, it will show
me that reading on electronics can really damage the eyes I will read a chapter in a book on
my iPad. Then I will read that same chapter in the actual book. Both times I read the chapter I
will time it. The research is important because it will tell me whether electronics or physical
things appeal better to the eye.

Goals and Expected Outcomes:

I expect the paper book to be more comprehensive because it is a real item. I hope that when I
finish this experiment, I will know that looking at a screen while reading is not good for your


If I read out of a paper-back book, then I will comprehend and read a story faster and better,
because reading off an electronic device will give you tired eyes and even permanent vision

Research Methods and Questions:

I am going to take notes on anything interesting I see or anything that appeals to me. I will
look at times of books read on electronic devices and compare them to the timings of stories
read on real books.

Experimental Design:
Independent Variable background and font color
Dependent Variable how fast it will take to read a chapter of a book
Control (Group) paper book (non-electronic)
Constants chapter, amount of pages, and book


iPad, paper book, timer

1. Get all materials.
2. Start timer on iPad and immediately start reading chapter of a real book.
3. Record time when finished (immediately stop timer).
4. Repeat steps a week later, but this time read on iPad.
5. Make graphs and compare the time.
6. Write down how the eyes felt after reading comparing to before reading. Do this step
for both trials of reading.

Expected Trials and/or Sample Size:

Risk Assessment and Safety Precautions:

Possible, mild damage to the eyes

Data Analysis and Units:

I will put all data I receive into a table and graph it to get a visual. I will record the times of
both trials, opinionate how much worse the eyes feel, and how well I comprehended each one.


Special Projects Information (Optional):

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