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Battles Royal of the Chessboard

Collected and presented by

R. N. Coles
Cadogan Books
R.N. Coles 1948
This edition published 1995 by Cadogan Books pic, London House,
Parkgate Road, London, SW114NQ
ISBN 185744 182 6
Printed and bound in Finland by Werner Sderstrm Oy
* An asterisk signifies the winner. No asterisk signifies a drawn game.
1. Mc D o n n e l l *d e L a b o u r d o n n a i s , 47th match
game, London, 1834 ......................... .. 11
King's Bishop's Opening
2. * d e L a b o u r d o n n a i s Mc D o n n e l l , 78th match
game, London, 1834 ....................... . x4
Queens Gambit
3. B o n c o u r t *Sa i n t -Ama n t , Paris, 1839 . . . . 18
Giuoco Piano
4. St a u n t o n Sa i n t -Am a n t , 2nd match game, London,
1843........................................................... .. 20
King's Bishop's Opening
5. * B i r d Ho r w i t z , London tournament, 1851 . . 23
Ruy Lopez
6. v o n d e r L a s a "'St a u n t o n , 2nd match game,
Brussels, 1853 .. .. .. .. .. 26
King's Bishop's Opening
7. A n d e r s s e n Mo r p h y , 2nd match game, Paris, 1858 28
Ruy Lopez
8. A n d e r s s e n *St e i n i t z , 3rd match game, London,
1866...................................................................... 31
Evans Gambit
9. Z u k e r t o r t *St e i n i t z , ist match game, London,
1872...................................................................... 34
Giuoco Piano
10. Ma s o n *Zu k e r t o r t , London tournament, 1883 .. 37
Queen's Gambit Declined
11. B u r n *Ma c k e n z i e , 4th match game, London, 1886 41
Queen s Pawn Game
12. *Ta r r a s c h Gu n s b e r g , Frankfort tournament, 1887 44
French Defence
13. *Ma c k e n z i e B l a c k b u r n e , Bradford tournament,
1888.................................... .. .. .. 46
Queen's Pawn Game
14. W e i s s T c h i g o r i n , ist tie-match game, New York
tournament, 1889................................................49
Ruy Lopez
15. * P i l l s b u r y T a r r a s c h , Hastings tournament, 1895 52
Pillsbury Attack
16. *St e i n i t z P i l l s b u r y , St. Petersburg tournament,
1896...................................................................... 54
Petroff Defence
17. P i l l s b u r y T c h i g o r i n , St. Petersburg tournament,
1896...................................................................... 57
Tchigorin Defence
18. Ch a r o u s e k P i l l s b u r y , Nuremburg tournament,
Falkbeer Counter-Gambit
19. St e i n i t z L a s k e r , 5th match game, Moscow, 1896..
Pillsbury Attack
20. L a s k e r * B l a c k b u r n e , London tournament, 1899
Ruy Lopez
21. Ja n o w s k i B u r n , Paris tournament, 1900
Ruy Lopes
22. ^Ma r s h a l l Ma r c o , Monte Carlo tournament, 1904
Scotch Gambit
23. * L a s k e r N a p i e r , Cambridge Springs tournament,
1904 .....................................................
Sicilian Defence
24. Du r a s T e i c h ma n n , Ostend tournament, 1906 . .
Ruy Lopes
25. ""Ru b i n s t e i n L a s k e r , St. Petersburg tournament,
Tarrasch Defence
26. Ma r s h a l l *Ca p a b l a n c a , nth match game. New
York, 1909 ...........................................
PUlsbury Attack
27. Sc h l e c h t e r L a s k e r , 7th match game, Berlin, 1910
Sicilian Defence
28. Mi e s e s Ca p a b l a n c a , Exhibition game, Berlin 1913
Centre Game
29. *Ca p a b l a n c a Ma r s h a l l , New York tournament,
1918 .....................................................
Ruy Lopes
30. R u b i n s t e i n * A l e k h i n e , London tournament, 1922
Slav Defence
31. Re t i B e c k e r , Vienna tournament, 1923 ..
Reti System
32. Z n o s k o - B o r o v s k y A l e k h i n e , Paris tournament,
1925 ...........................................................
Alekhine Defence
33. * T a r t a k o w e r B o g o l y u b o v , London tournament,
Ponsiani Opening
34. A l e k h i n e Ca p a b l a n c a , 22nd match game, Buenos
Aires, 1927 ...........................................
Pillsbury Attack
35. Ca p a b l a n c a N i mz o w i t c h , Kissingen tournament,
1928 .....................................................
Nimso-Indian Defence
36. E u w e B o g o l y u b o v , 8th match game, 1928
PUlsbury Attack
37. *Vid ma r Eu w e , Carlsbad tournament, 1929
Queen's Pawn Game
38. A l e k h i n e B o g o l y u b o v , 11th match game, Weis-
baden, 1929 .. * * . *
PiUsbury Attach
39. Spiel mannSt ol t z , Bled tournament, 1931
Queen's Gambit
40. Co l l e * K a s h d a n , Bled tournament, 1931
Colle System
41. St o l t z *Co l l e , Bled tournament, 1931 . .
Alekhine Defence
42. E u w e Y a t e s , Hastings tournament, 1932..
Kings Indian Defence
43. S u l t a n Khan * A l e k h i n e , Folkestone team tourna
ment, 1933 ................................
Queen's Pawn Game
44. Sp i e l ma n n L a s k e r , Moscow tournament, 1935
Scotch Game
45. Euw e A l e k h i n e , 19th match game, Eindhoven
1937 ........................................................
Nimzo-Indian Defence
46. R e s h e v s k y B o t v i n n i k , Avro tournament, 1938
Nimzo-Indian Defence
47. E u w e K e r e s , Avro tournament, 1938
Dutch Defence
48. F i n e "K e r e s , Avro tournament, 1938
Ruy Lopez
49. * B o t v i n n i k A l e x a n d e r , Anglo-Russian radio
match, 1946 .........................................
Nimzo-Indian Defence
50. Smy s l o v Katetov, Moscow-Prague match, 1946.
French Defence
I n d e x o f Op e n i n g s ...........................................155
I can do no better in giving my reasons for making the present
collection of games than to tell the story of an incident which
occulted at a British Chess Federation congress. Two moderate
players were engaged in a very complicated and exciting game and
a well-known master was looking on. When the game finished in
a draw White said to Black, I enjoyed that. It was a really good
game. " Good ? interposed the master. But White could
have won a piece nine moves ago, and Black three moves later
missed a forced mate in six ! The pieces were set up again and
the correctness of the masters analysis was established. All the
same it was a rattling good game, said White. A look of puzzled
exasperation came over the masters face. The mate in six, with
a queen sacrifice and a knight sacrifice, that is good, yes, but you
did not see it. No, said Black, and I never shall see things
like that though I study master brilliancies till the cows come
home. " Then the game is not good? All right, agreed
Black, it was not good, but it was the most enjoyable game Ive
had for months. With a helpless shrug of his expressive shoulders
the master left them.
The artist is a being apart, searching ever after perfection ; the
rest of us can admire works of art but we cannot create them. As
with art, so with chess, the difference being that we do not leave
the playing of the game to the experts; we continue to extract
the utmost pleasure from the humble rough-and-tumble chess of
which we are capable, and if we occasionally miss a brilliancy
because our imagination will not rise to it we probably get greater
pleasure from a greater number of games than the artist does who
cannot appreciate anything less than perfection. So long as a game
is hard fought, and especially if it is complicated and exciting, that
game is enjoyable and good enough for most of us.
Many collections of games have been made in which the bril
liancies which are beyond the average player are beautifully dis
played. We admire them but cannot relate them to our own play
over the board. We watch the defeated master in the ineluctable
toils, but our own opponents wriggle out of our best laid schemes
and as like as not we then have to struggle to avoid defeat our
selves ; we seek to attain supremacy only to find our opponent
securing the ascendancy on some other part of the board. This is
chess as we know it and as we have to play it.
The present collection consists of master examples of the sort
of game which White and Black enjoyed so much at the congress ;
here may be seen how the masters react when a combination goes
wrong or when their opponents fight back ; in these games neither
player is content to be smothered by the brilliant imagination of
the other, nor to allow master technique to win a won game by
copybook methods ; here is complicated, fighting chess.
A few of the games will be old favourites, which could not well
be omitted from a collection of this nature ; such are Nos. 15 and
20, but if their presence serves to whet the appetite for more like
them, well and good. Many of the others will be less well known.
The notes are indebted to many sources for analyses, and these
have frequently passed through so many hands that it has not
been possible to acknowledge the original except in a few cases ;
the few original notes are designed to throw into relief the up-and-
down nature of the various battles. As for the titlethe contes
tants are all of the blood royal of chess aristocracy and the games
ate in all senses Battles Royal.
Harrow, 1948
L. C. M. de Labourdonnais (1795-1840) was the greatest chess-
master of the first half of the nineteenth century, no rival worthy
of him being found until 1834, when he came to London and played
A. McDonnell (1798-1835) in a series of games which still bears
comparison with those of any later age. The Frenchman won the
majority because of his greater versatility and position judgment.
The premature death of both players was an irreparable loss and
it is fitting that they lie now in adjacent graves at Kensal Green.
1st game of the 4th match and
47th of the series.
London, 1834.
K i n g s Bi s h o p s Op e n i n g
1. PK4 PK4
2. BB4 BB4
3. PQB3
QKt4 was a later fashion.
3. Q-K2
4. KtB3 PQ3
5* OO BKt3
6. PQ4 Kt KB3
7. KtR3 BKt5
If Kt xP; 8 RKi, P
KB4 ; 9 BQ5.
8. KtB2 QKtQ2
And now if Kt x P ; 9 B
Q5, at once.
9- QQ3
Better was BKKt5. Black
is now able to take advantage of
the queens position with a
beautiful pawn sacrifice which
opens a phase of absorbing in
terest and complexity.
10. KPxP
P - Q 4
An alternative was BxP, but
not QPxP, Px B ; 11 PxKt ,
Px Q; 12PXQ, Px Kt ; win
ning a piece. Even now White
must play with the greatest
exactness to avoid losing a
10. PK5
11. QQ2 PxKt
12. R Ki KtK5
13. QB4 PKB4
14. PxP
[Diagram 1]
14. PKt4
15. Q-K3
If QxKtP, not 15 . . ., Kt x
Q; 16 RxQch., Kx R; 17
(b l a c k ) d e l a b o u r d o n n a i s
(w h i t e ) MCDONNELL
Position before Black's 14th move.
(Di a g r a m i )
BxKtch., and 18 P x B with
two pieces for the rook, but
15 . QxQ; 16 BxQ, Bx
BP ; with advantage to Black.
15. KtK4
A fine continuation threaten
ing both Kt X B and Kt x Pch.
16. BKtsch.
This holds the extra pawn,
but BK2 was probably
16. PB3
17. P x B
Not 17 P x P, Kt x Pch.;
retaining the piece.
17. K tx K t P
Black must proceed with care.
If PxB ; 18 PxP, winning
back one of the knights with
the better game.
18. QK2 P x B
19. PB3
Now it is White who must be
careful. If at once 19 Q x Pch.,
KB i ; 20 PB3, KtQ3 ;
21 QBi, KtK4 ; 22 PB4,
P x P ; 23 BxP, QKt2ch
and 24 . . ., Kt (K)B2 ; re
taining the piece.
19. Kt (Kt)B3
20. P x K t K tx K P
21. Q x Pch. QQ2
22. QxQch. KxQ
23. PB4
A new phase begins, each
player endeavouring to use the
passed pawns.
23. QRKi
24. PB5 BQi
25. P-Q6
Better was BK3. Now the
bishop cannot cross to the de
fence of the king.
25. PB5
26. P Kt4 KRBi
27. RBi
Blacks PKt5 cannot be
long prevented, but the rook
will be needed here whether it
is or not.
27. PKR4
28. KtR3 BB3
29. BKt2 PKts
30. KtB4
Not 30 RxP, BxPch.
30. PB6
31. KtK5ch. B x Kt
32. P x B PR5
33- QRQi P - B 7ch.
34. KRi PR6
Now 35 . . PKt6; is a
serious threat, after which
White has to avoid both 36 . . . ,
PKt7 Mate and 36 P x P, Kt
X Pch.; with Black winning
the exchange.
35. RQ3 RKKti
36. PKt5 PKt6
Position before White's 37th move
(Diagram 2)
37. PxP RxKtP
Stronger than Kt X Pch.; 38
RxKt, RxR; 39 RxP, and
Whites pawns compensate for
the loss of the exchange. Clearly
the rook cannot be taken.
38. RQ4 R (K)KKti
Whites last move has
brought Blacks attack to a
standstill. Insufficient would
be 38 . . . , Rx P ; 39 PB6ch.,
P x P ; 40 PxPch., K x P ; 41
RB4CI1., RB4 ; 42 RxKt,
while 38 . . ., RKt8ch.; leads
to no more than a draw after 39
R x R ,K tKt6ch.; 40KR2,
PxR=Qch.; 41 KxQ, Kt
K7ch.; 42 KR2, K t x R ; 43
BxKt, and the pawns will be
too strong; for example, 43 . . . ,
KK3 (or RK K t i ; 44 P
B6ch., P x P ; 45 P x Pch., K x
P ; 46 B x P, RKt7ch.; 47
KxP, R x P ) ; 44 PB6, P
Kt3 ; 45 P-Q7. RK K t i ;
46 KxP.
39. PK6ch.
To prevent a Black rook going
to KRi.
39. KQi
Not K x P ; 40 RxKtch.,
KQ4 ; 41 RK5ch., K
B 5 ; 42 RxP, and Blacks
last hope of attack is broken.
40. R (4)Qi
In spite of the threat on
KKti, White can play R x K t
for then 40 . . ., RKt8ch.;
41 KR2, R x R (threatening
RR8ch.); 42 BB6ch K
B i ; 43 PQ7ch., KB2 ; 44
PQ8=Qch., RxQ ; 45 B x
Rch., K x B ; 46 RKB4, but
he hopes now for more.
40. PR7
Threatening to win by 4 1 . . . ,
RKt8ch.; 42 K x P , R (1)
Kt7ch.; 43 KR3, Kt
Kt4ch.; 44 KR4, RR7
Mate. If White replies 41K x P,
then the combination of R(6)
Kt3 with the mating threat
forces White to play his pawns
as in the actual game.
41. PK7Ch. KQ2
42. PB6ch. P x P
43. PxPch. K x P
44. PK8=Qch. RxQ
45- K x P
Sooner or later he must take
the pawn. If 45 PQ7, R (K)
K K t i ; 46 PQ8=Q, R x Q ;
47 R x R, RKt8ch.; 48 K x
P, R X R ; 49 RKB8, KQ4 ;
and wins. However, Blacks
reply to the text move also
decides the game.
45. RK3
46. RBich. KKt4
More decisive than K x P ;
47 KRQich., KK2 ; 48 R
B7CI1., K K i ; 49 B Kt7,
R (K)KKt3 ; 50 R-QKti ,
KQ i ; etc. It is the virtual
end of a very great struggle.
47. PR4ch. KKts
48. BB3ch. R x B
49. R x R K x R
50. PQ7 RQ3
51. KKt2 R x P
52. RBich. KQ6
53. KBi KK6
2nd game of the 6th match and
78th of the series.
London, 1834.
Qu e e n s Ga m b i t
1. PQ4 p - q 4
2. PQB4 P x P
3. Pk 4 p k 4
4. PQ5 PKB4
5. KtQB3 KtKB3
6. B x P BB4
7. KtB3 P x P
A very famous game, the
50th of the series, continued
7 . . ., QK2 ; 8 BKts, B x
Pch. ; 9 KBi, BKt3 ; 10
QK2, PB5 ; 11 RQi, B
K ts ; 12 PQ6, P x P ; 13 Kt
Q5, K t x K t ; 14BXQ, Kt
K6ch.; and Black won magni
8. KtKKt5 OO
Daring, for after 9 PQ6 dis.
ch., KR i ; 10 KtB7CI1.,
R x K t ; 11 BxR, Black has
nothing better than PxP,
though his pressure in the centre
is then considerable.
9. 00 BQ3
10. KtK6
Kt(5) x KP leads to an equal
game. White finds that a pawn
on K6 exerts less pressure than
one on Q5.
10. B x Kt
11. P x B KRi
12. BKKt5 KtB3
13. Kt x P QK2
14. KRi QRQi
15- QR4 PQR3
16. BQ5 KtQ5
Sacrificing a pawn on the
Q side in order to force White
to give up his KP. The threat
is 17 . . PB3 ; 18 BKt3,
PKt4; 19 QxRP, RR i ;
20 QKt6, KRQ K t i ; win
ning the queen.
17. B x Kt P x B
18. B x P Qx P
19. QRKi
Reluctant to accept the offer.
If 19 QxP, PKB4 ; 20 Ktx
B, Rx K t ; 21 QR4 (not Q
R3. KtB7 ; nor QQ3, P
K5 ), PK5 ; with a strong
19. PKB4
20. KtB3
Threatening Q x Kt.
20. Q B3
21. Qx P
Better was RK3, for the
attack on his king is stronger
than is at first apparent.
21. PK5
22. QB4
Now RK3 was essential.
Position before Black's 22nd move.
(Diagram 3)
22. B x P
Clever but not best. After
KtB6; 23 RK3 (P x Kt,
Q K4), QR5 ; White is lost.
23. RK3
Not 23 K x B, QR5ch. ; 24
KKti, KtB6ch.; 25 Px
Kt, RKtich.; and mates.
With the text move White be
gins to fight his way out.
23. KtB6
The only move to continue
the attack, but better was B
24. RxKt PxR
25. K x B RQ5
26. QB5 PxP
He cannot prevent the bishop
returning to the defence of the
king, for Q or RRsch.; 27
KKti, RK t i ; 28 BxP,
with a solid position.
27. B x P RKKti
Threatening 28 . . ., R
R5ch.; 29 KKti (BR3,
Rx Bc h. ; and mates), Q
Kt2 ; 30 QQ5, RK5 ; win
28. PB4
This loses the pawn. Better
was BR3, and if RR5 ; 29
Qk 3.
28. QKt2
29. RB2 R x P
30. RK2 RKKts
31. BR3 RKB5
32. RKt2
If QK3 (to prevent the
threatened checks on Kti and
Kt3), QQ5 would lead to
positions similar to those in the
32. QO5
33- QxQch. RxQ
34. RKB2
After 34 B x P, R X Rch. ; 35
Kx R, RQ7ch. ; White could
not hope to win.
34- PB5
35. PR4 KKt2
36. BKt2
Envisaging the advance and
possible queening of the QRP.
Blacks reply prepares a subtle
counter to this plan.
36. RKBi
37. PR5 RQ3
38. BKt7 RB4
39. PR6 PB6
By this sudden counter
attack (threatening RKKt3
and RR4 Mate, and later
another mate on KR8) Black
hopes to force 40 Bx P, R x P ;
ending the threat on the QR
file, but he is one move too late.
40. KKti RKt3ch.
41. KBi RR3
42. KKi RR8ch.
43. KQ2 RR8
Now Black seems to have
succeeded in his plan to halt the
QRP, and is in a position to
advance his own pawns.
44- KQ3
This unassuming move is a
necessary preparation for yet
another plan to advance the
K -B 3
(white) d e l a b o u r d o n n a i s
Position before White's 40th move.
(Diagram 4)
Hoping to induce White to
waste time capturing the QBP
while he mobilises his K side.
Both players are still scheming
to win.
45. KtQsch.
Apparently accepting the
bait, but actually continuing
the plan made the previous
move to bring the knight to
QR3 or QR5, cutting off the
Black rook.
45. K - K t 4
46. KtK3 RB3
The purpose of Whites 44th
move is now clear; KtB4
cannot be prevented, whereas if
only 47 KtB2 had been avail
able, Black could have replied
47... , R(8)R4 or R5.
47. KtB4 PR4
If RR5 ; 48 PKt3, R
R8 (more point to Whites
44th; with the K on Q2, Black
could now play RR7CI1.); 49 P
Kt4, RR5 (aiming to get
rid of both Whites Q-side
pawns for his rook) ; 50 KB3,
and only then KtR5. Black
therefore proceeds with his own
plans, though he stood a better
chance of drawing by Rx P;
48 BxR, Rx B; 49 RxP,
48. KtR3 RQ8ch.
49* KB2 RQx
50. PR7 KKt5
51. PR8=Q RxQ
52. BxR
White is now two pieces
ahead but Blacks pawns are
becoming increasingly dan
52. KKt6
53. RBi KKt7
54- R - Q i p - b 3
Cutting off the bishop and
threatening PB7. White is
now in difficulties and his next
move suggests that the best plan
he can find is to play BB8 and
then sacrifice the bishop for the
RP, with a draw.
55. B Kt7 PB7
56. KtB4 R- K3
Not PB8=Q; 57 Kt
57. KtQ2 PR5
58. PKt4
Finding the correct method
just in time, which is to reopen
the diagonal.
58. PR6
59. PKt5 PR7
60. B x Pch. KKt6
61. BRi RQKt3
62. RKti RKti
63. PKt6 Resigns.
For after 64 KtBich., K
R6 ; 65 RKt3ch., the pawns
begin to fall.
P. C. F. de Saint-Amant (1800-1873) became the leader of
French chess after the departure of de Labourdonnais from
France. He won a short match against Staunton early in 1843 but
in the big return match later in the year, which was virtually for
the world championship, he was decisively defeated. An un
successful appearance at the Birmingham tournament of 1858
was his only other incursion into competitive play. Boncourt was
a strong French master who drew a match with Szen in 1835.
Played in Paris, 1839.
Giuoco P i a n o
1. PK4 PK4
2. BB4 KtKB3
3- P - Q 3
The normal gambit continua
tion of the King s Bishop's
Opening is PQ4. Now the
game transposes into a quiet
version of the Giuoco Piano.
3. BB4
4. KtKB3KtB3
5. PB3 BKt3
6. 00 00
7. BKKt5 PQ3
8. PQKt4
The advance of the Q side
pawns in this opening was later
strongly commended by Bird.
8. BK3
9. QKtQ2 PKR3
10. BR4 KR2
Preparing to support a K side
attack with RKKti.
11. PR4 PR3
12. KRi RKKti
13. QB2
While White prepares an at
tack in the centre with PQ4,
which would at present be
answered by 13 .. ., BxB ; 14
14 Kt x B, Kt X KP.
13. PKt4
14. BKKt3 PKR4
15- PR3 PR5
16. BKR2 KtKR4
17. PQ4 PKt5
The game has suddenly be
come exceedingly critical. If
White replies 18 PQ5, Black
gets a very strong attack by
PxKt ; i g Kt x P, Bx RP; 20
PxB, QB3; 21 QK2, Kt
K2 ; threatening KtKt6ch.
18. BxB
Or 18 RPxP, Bx B; 19 Kt
XB, Rx P; with variations
similar to those in the actual
18. PxB
19. RPxP Rx P
20. Px P Px P
21. KtB4 KtKt6ch.
A splendid continuation,
ignoring the threatened loss of
the KP and continuing the
attack at all costs.
22. P x Kt P x P
23. QRQi
Now the form of Blacks
attack is clear. If 23 Kt(4) x P,
Kt x K t ; 24 Kt x Kt, RR5 ;
25 KtB3, Rx Bc h. ; 26 Kt
X R, QR5 ; while if 23 Kt (3)
xP, RR5 ; 24 Kt xB, Rx
Bch.; 25 KKti, RR8ch. ;
26 Kx R, QR5ch. The best
line was 23 Kt xB, P x K t ; 24
QRQi, QK2; 25 QQ2 (not
RQ3>R - R i ; 26 R(B)Qx,
KKt3; 27 RQ7, Rx Bc h. ;
28 KKti, R(Kt)R5, R
Q i ; 26 QQB2, RR5.
23. 0K2
24. PKt5
(b l a c k ) s a i n t -a ma n t
Position before Black's 24th move.
(Di a g r a m 5)
White also plays to win ; he
is a piece ahead and hopes to
capture another while Black
goes after the condemned
bishop. Nevertheless 24 Kt x B
still gave him better chances.
24. RR5
25. Kt x B
Of course not 25 P x Kt, when
RxBch., brings Blacks attack
to one of its successful conclu
25. RxBch.
26. KKti QB4ch.
27. RB2 P x Kt
Not PxRch. ; 28 Kx R, P
x Kt ; 29PxKt .
28. Kt X R
Now 28 P x Kt does not win
a piece because RR3 in reply
followed by the capture on his
KB2 leaves him the exchange
down. He must therefore take
the rook while it is still there.
28. P x P
29. P x P RKBi
30. KtB3
And now not 30 PxKt , Rx
R ; with a winning game, Black
brings all his pieces on to good
squares before recovering the
30. KtR4
31. QK2 KtB5
32. KtKtsch. KKt3
33- KtB3
If 33 Kt xP, QxRch. ; 34
QxQ, PxQch. ; 35 KBi,
KtK6ch. ; winning.
34- R - Q 3
QxP QxQch.
Kx Q Rx P
37- R - Q 7
That this move, which looks
perfectly good, actually loses
shows how carefully Black has
calculated the whole of the pre
ceding play. On the other hand
after the better 38 KKt3, R
B2 ; White can hardly save the
ending, for if 39 RQi, PK5 ;
40 KtQ4, PK4; 41 Kt
K6, KB4 ; 42 KtQ8, R
Kt2ch. ; 43 KB2, PK6ch. ;
44 KKtx, PK7 ; 43 RKi,
RQ2 ; or 39 RxR, Kx R;
40 KKt4, KB3 ; threaten
ing KtQ3.
38. PK5
39. KKt3 PxKt
A brilliant conclusion to a
tremendous game.
40. PxP PK4
H. Staunton (1810-1874) was the only British player to become
world champion, a position he was generally considered to have
attained after his victory over Saint-Amant in Paris in 1843. His
record in match play is unequalled by any other British player,
among his other conquests being Popert, Cochrane, Horwitz,
Harrwitz and Jaenisch. He was a profound theorist, author of a
number of books, the editor of the first successful chess magazine
and a great pioneer, organising the first game by telegraph and
the first international tournament. A weak heart limited his
capacity for strenuous play after 1849.
2nd match game,
London, 1843.
K i n g s B i s h o p s Op e n i n g
1. PK4 PK4
2. BB4 KtKB3
3- PQ4 QK2
Better was PxP at once.
KtQB3 Px P
Q - k 3
Pb 3
8. P-KR3
P - Q 3
10. PB4
11. 00
p - b 5
As a result of Blacks in-
different opening White has now
much the better game.
14. RQKti
15. BQ2 Kt(4)Q2
16. KRRi QQi
17. KtR4 BK2
18. KtQ4
Not 18 BR5,PQKt3.
18. 00
19. BR5 QBi
20. KtKt6
But now White rushes
matters too fast, and Black is
able to counter the flank attack
with a thrust in the centre which
recovers the pawn. 20 Kt
KB3 first was better.
20. Kt x Kt
21. Bx Kt PB4
22. KtB3 QB3
23. BR5 Kt x P
24- PQKt4
Losing a pawn, but if 24 R
Ki, PQ4; 25 PB4, B
Kt 4; 26 Kt xB, K t x K t ; and
Black controls the K file.
24- PQ4
25. PB3 KRKi
26. PKt5
Forced by the threat of PQ
Kt3. Black could safely con
tinue Q X P ; 27 BB7, QR
B i ; 28 PB4, Qx BP; 29
Rx P, KtB3. The line chosen
is less decisive but good enough.
It is now Black who calls the
A/. X---XJ------------ U j
28. Q-3 P -QKt3
29. BKi PQ5
30. KtQ2 KtxKt
31. BxKt BQi
32. RKBi BKt4
If BB2 ; 33 BB4, show
ing that he should have played
BKt4 a move earlier.
33. BxB PxB
34. PB6 PKt3
If PxP; 35 QB5- Now
Black threatens RK6.
35. Q-KB3 PQ6
36. QKt4 QK4
(b l a c k ) s a i n t -a ma n t
Position before White's 37th move.
(Di a g r a m 6)
37* R x P
Just as Black appears to be
consolidating his advantage,
White returns to the attack
with a splendid fighting com
bination which all but secures
the draw. Black cannot reply
37 . . ., K x R ; 38 QQ7ch.,
RK2 ; 39 P x R, K
K t i ; 40 QQ8ch., KR2 ;
41 RB^ch., KR3 ; 42 Q
B8ch., winning.
37- QK6ch.
38. KRi QK7
39. RKt7ch. KBi
40. RB7ch. K x R
4i- QQ7ch. RK2
42. QxRch.
Of course if now 42 PxRdis.
ch., Q x Rch.
42. QxQ
43. K x P
44. KKti
If 44 RQi, RQi; 45
RQ2, RQ5; 46 PQKt3,
KK3 ; 47 KKti, K - K 4 ;
48 KB2, KK5 ; 49 KKi,
KK6; with advantage.
44- RQi
45- RQi RQ5
46. P - Q K t3 PQ7
47. KB2 RQ6
48. KK2 Rx Kt P
49. R x P RQB6
50. RQ5 Rx BP
51. Rx Kt P KB3
KB2, to hold the QKtP, is
correct, as he discovers.
52. R-Q5 K - K 3
53. RKts KB2
54- RQ5 RQKt5
55. R - Q 7 < * . K - K 3
56. RQB7 KB4
57. RB7ch. KKt4
58. KQ3 RXP
59. KB4 RKtsch.
60. KQ5 RKt7
61. PKt4 RKt5
62. RB7 RKt6
63. RKR7 RKts
64. RQB7 PB5
65. KQ4 PKt4
66. RB5ch.KR5
67. RB6 KKt4
68. RB5ch.
(b l a c k ) s a i n t -a ma n t
Position before Black's 68th move.
(Di a g r a m 7)
68. KR3
Up to this point Black has
played with exemplary pre
cision and has foiled all Whites
efforts to ensure the draw, but
now he errs in allowing White to
obtain a passed pawn. The win
ning line was 68 . . ., KR5 ;
69 RB6, PB6; 70
Kx P, RB5ch.; 71 RxR,
P x R ; 72 Kx P, K x P ; 73
PKts, KKts.
69. PR4 RKt6
70. PR5 RKt6
71. P x P
Better than 71 RxKt P,
RxPch. ; 72 KB3, P x P.
R x Pch.
Now the draw is certain.
82. RxKt P PB6
83. R-QB5 RQB8
84. K-Q5 P - B 7
85. KB6
The way White now shuffles
down the file without allowing
Black a' check is amusing. So
magnificent a struggle in an off
hand match made a later set
match a virtual certainty.
76. K - -B6 RB8ch.
K - -K6 RQKt8
86. RB4 KK4
78. K - -b 7 RB8ch. 87.
K - -K6 RK8ch.
80. K - -b 7 RB8ch. 89. KB4
81. K - -K6 K x P 90. KKt3
B. Horwitz was one of the most eminent of the famous and
brilliant school of seven German masters, known as the Pleiades,
which flourished between 1836 and 1846. He resided in England
after 1845 and it was during this latter part of his career that he
was associated with Kling in the compilation of their famous book
of end-game studies.
H. E. Bird (1830-1908), a genial and popular British master,
played regularly in international tournaments between 1851 and
1899. A player of dashing originality, his success was limited by
a predilection for risky and unusual openings, his best results being
1st at London, 1879 and 1889, equal 2nd at Hereford, 1885, and
3rd at Philadelphia, 1877. He met both Morphy and Anderssen,
and contested matches with Steinitz and Lasker ; against Steinitz
in 1866, just after that player had become world champion, he
only lost by the odd game in 17.
2nd game, 1st round,
London tournament, 1851.
Ru y Lo pe z
1. PK4 PK4
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
3. BKts KtB3
4. PQ4 Kt xQP
Allowing White too much
scope. P x P was better.
5. Kt xKt PxKt
6. PK5 KtQ4
7. OO
An unnecessary gambit. Q
xP was strong and took full
advantage of Blacks 4th move.
7. BB4
8. P-QB3 P-QR3
9. BQB4
BK2, playing to win the
centre pawn, is answered by
Q - R 5.
9. KtKt3
10. BKt3 P x P
11. Kt xP OO
12. KtK4
Now and in the following
moves White plays for attack at
all costs ; the more solid RKi
does not achieve all it might
because of his failure to take the
pawn on the 7th move. Black
defends skilfully after his initial
weak play.
12. QK2
*3- Qr 5 PQ3
14- B Kt5 QxP
15- QR Ki KtQ4
By sacrificing another pawn
White has developed a danger
ous attack and threatens Kt
B6ch., winning the queen.
Black finds a brilliant defence.
16. Kt x B
Now KtB6ch., would lose
a piece.
16. KtB3
17- QR4
If 17 RxQ, Kt xQ; 18
R moves, P x K t ; recovering
the piece with a winning game.
17. QxKt
18. BxKt Px B
19. RK3 BB4
20. QxP B Kt3
21. RKt3 QK4
22. QR4 QxP
Satisfied that he can hold the
threat to his bishop, for which
he has an ingenious defence pre
pared. The likely looking KR
Ki only gives a draw after 23
PB4, QK2 ; 24 QR6,
QB i ; 25 QKt5, QK2
(not PKR3; 26QxBch. ).
23. PB4 QQ5ch.
Pinning the BP on the queen.
24. KRi QR Ki
25- QKt5 QB7
Beautifully conceived. The
rook is to be forced off the KKt
file, so that the queen will be
left undefended and a further
pin made possible on the diag
onal. White cannot reply
RKKti because of RK8.
26. R-KB3 Q-Q7
27. PKR4 PB3
A waiting move, but KKt2
was better. He has another
pretty defence against the ad
vance of the RP, which also
hinges upon the pin of the KBP,
but he cannot put it into opera
tion until PR5 leaves the
queen undefended again.
28. PR5 RK4
Position before White's 29th move.
(Di a g r a m 8)
Apparently turning the tables
entirely for if the queen moves,
RxPch. But though both
pawn advances are held White
finds another gallant, if not
quite sound, method of keeping
his flag flying.
29. BxPch. R x B
Forced. If KKt2 ; 30 P
R6ch. , KxB( KR i ; 31 Q
B6 Mate); 31 P x R
and 32 QxQ.
30. QQ8ch. RBi
Not KKt2 ; 31 P x R, win
ning the exchange.
31. QxRch. Kx Q
32. P x KKt2
An error. After KK2 ; 33
PxB, RP x P ; 34 PxPch.,
Q x P ; Blacks extra pawns
should win.
33. P x B QPxP
A graver error, and strange
coming from a famous end
game composer. Now the king
will be entirely exposed. Black
should not hope after his pre
vious move for more than a per
petual check; in playing to win
he loses. Correct was K x P ; 34
P x P (not RB6ch., which is
answered by KKt2 ; 35 R
B7ch., KK t i ; and not by
KKt4 ; 35 R(i)Bsch., K
Kt5 ; 36 RB4ch., Q x R ; 37
RxQch. , K x R ; 38 PxP,
34. P x P K x P
35. KR2 PK5
36. RR3ch.KKt3
37. RKt3ch. KR2
If KR4 ; 38 RB8,
threatening RR8 Mate.
38. RB7ch.KR3
39. RB6ch. KR4
If KR2 ; 40 R(6)Kt6,
threatening R(6)Kty.
40. RB8 QQ5
41. RR8ch.
Prettily destroying Blacks
position. But Whites task even
now presents difficulties.
41. QxR
42. RR3ch. KKt5
43. RxQ KB5
44. RB8ch. KK6
45. KKt3
KKti was much stronger.
Now Black comes almost within
reach of victory again.
45. PB4
46. RQKt8PKt4
47. RKt6 PB5
48. Rx RP PB6
49. R-QB6 K -Q 7
50. KB4 PK6
51. RQ6ch. KK7
If White had played 45 K
Kti, and 50 KBi, Black
would have been forced into
51 . . ., KB7 ; when 52 K
K2, wins.
52. PKt4 KB7
53. RKR6 PK7
54. RR2ch. KB8
55- K - B 3
The saving clause and a
pretty one. If now PK8=Q
or PB7 ; 56 RRi Mate.
55. PK8=Ktch.
56. KK3 KtKt7ch.
If PB7 ; 57 RRich., K
Kt2 ; 58 R x Kt. A cut and
thrust game of exceptional bril
liance all through.
57. R x K t K x R
58. PKt5 PKts
59. KQ3 Resigns.
von Heydebrandt und der Lasa (1819-1899), the most brilliant
and the strongest of the German Pleiades/ was prevented after
1840 from participating in competition play by his duties as an
Ambassador of the Prussian court. He always retained an interest
in the game, but an unfinished series against Staunton in 1853 was
his only play of a competitive nature.
2nd match game,
Brussels, 1853.
K i n g s B i s h o p s Op e n i n g
1. PK4 PK4
2. PQ4 P x P
3. BQB4 KtKB3
4- P - K 5
Modem practice is KtKB3.
Whites method of play is an
swered by Staunton with crush
ing logic.
4- PQ4
5. BKt3 KtK5
6. KtK2 PQB4
7. OO KtQB3
8. PKB3 KtKt4
9. KtB4 PB5
10. BR4 BQB4
11. KRi KtK3
12. PQKt4 BKt3
I f B x P ; i 3 K t x K t , B x K t ;
I4Q xP.
13. Kt x Kt B x Kt
14. PB4 BKB4
15. BR3 OO
16. KtQ2 PQ6
17. PKt5 KtK2
Safe enough, but better was
von der Lasas suggestion 17. .
P x P ; 18 B x P, B x B ; 19
QxB, KtQ5 ; 20 QQi,
RKi. Staunton even recom
mended the sacrificial line
17 . . KtQ5 ; 18 B xR, Kt
K7 (threatening QR5 and
KtKt6); 19 QKi, Qx B ;
20 P x P, P x P ; 21 BQi, B
Q5 > 22 RQKti, QR6.
18. P x P B x P
19. RB3 RKi
20. BB2 BXB
If BKt3 ; 21PKt4.
21. QxB KtKt3
22. RQi QBi
Kt x P was threatened.
23. BKt2 QQB4
24. KtKti QR=Qi
25. KtR3 QK2
26. RR3 PKR3
27. RKB 1 QB4
28. PK6
In a difficult position White
produces a magnificent move to
make a fight of it. Clearly the
pawn cannot be captured with
out loss of a piece, and Blacks
Kt x P would now be answered
by 29 PxPch., K x P ; 30 R x
Ktch. Moreover, White in turn
Position before Black's 28th move.
(Diagram 9)
now threatens 29 P x Pch., K x
P >30 QBsch.
28. RQ3
29. QB3 PB3
30. RKt3
If 30 PB5, KtB5 ; 31
RKt3, KtQ6; 32 R x
Pch., KR i ; and now if 33
30. R(3)xP
The saving clause and a splen
did one. 31 PB5 would now
be answered by RK6, and 31
Rx Kt by. the beautiful move
0- B 7.
31. KtB2 Kt x P
32. QB3 QB2
33. RKt4
Q x Kt would allow mate.
His brave effort is now over and
Staunton winds up powerfully.
33- pKt4 37. Q Kt4ch. KB2
34. PKt3 PKR4 38. QxP QxKt
35. RxKt P x R 39. Bx P Q Ksch.
36. QxRP QR2 Resigns.
A. Anderssen (1818-1879) did not become prominent until he
was 30 years of age, but then rapidly became known as the most
brilliant combinative player of his time, and was regarded as the
world champion from his victory at the London tournament of
1851 until his loss of a match to Steinitz in 1866 ; the only break
in this period of supremacy was when Morphy was playing. Among
his other great tournament victories were London, 1862, and
Baden-Baden, 1870.
P. Morphy (1837-1884), the greatest master of the open game,
has claims to be regarded as the greatest player of all time. His
career was limited almost entirely to the years 1857 to 1859, *n
which time he defeated every player he met including Anderssen,
Lowenthal and Harrwitz. In style he was sound and deep but
capable of exceptional brilliance when opportunity offered. After
a meteoric career he retired completely, being afflicted with a form
of melancholia.
2nd match game,
Paris, 1858.
Ru y Lo pe z
1. PK4 P K4
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
3. BKt5 PQR3
4. B R4 KtB3
5- PQ3
Lines involving PB3 and
PQ4 were only developed
5. BB4
6. PB3 PQKt4
7. BB2
Better was B Kt3 to hinder
Blacks PQ4.
Introducing for the first time 7. PQ4
the defence now named after 8. Px P Kt xP
him. 9. PKR3 OO
10. OO PR3
11. PQ4
Anderssen prepares to attack
along the diagonal. The diag
onal could be opened without
allowing an isolated pawn by 11
Kt x P, Kt x K t ; 12 PQ4,
but the pawn is a bait in
Anderssens plan.
11. P x P
12. P x P B Kt3
13. K t - B 3 Kt(Q)Kt5
14. BKti BK3
Refusing to be tempted. If
14..., Kt x QP( BxP; 15Kt
K2, BKt3 ; 16 P R3, Kt
O4; 17 QB2, wins); 15 Kt x
Kt, B x Kt (Q x K t ; 16 QB3,
BK3; 17 PR3, KtQ4; 18
RQi); 16 QB3, BK3; 17
QK4, and White has a very
dangerous attack. Zukertort
has shown that Black can prob
ably just weather it, but over
the board it would be a danger
ous venture.
15. PR3 KtQ4
16. KtK2
Threatening QB2. The
alternative 16 Kt x P would be
answered by KtB3 ; 17 Kt
B3>Kt xP.
16. KtB3
17. BK3 RKi
18. KtKt3 BB5
[Diagram 10]
19. KtB5
Morphy has now manoeuvred
himself into a position where the
isolated pawn can be captured
Position before White's 19th move.
(Diagram 10)
with impunity, for if 19 RKi,
Kt x P ; 20 Kt x Kt, B x K t ;
21 BxB, RxRch. ; 22 QxR. ,
QxB. White therefore takes
his courage in both hands and
sacrifices the exchange. The only
alternative was BQ3.
19. B x R
20. QxB KtK2
21. Kt(3)R4 Kt x Kt
22. Kt x Kt QQ2
23. B x P
The counter-attack begins to
gather weight. A simple and
good reply was 23 . . . , B x P.
24. Q - B i
P x B
B x P
What was good a move earlier
is now inferior, and on such
small nuances do success and
failure so often depend. The
correct line, given by Zukertort
was 24 . . KtR2 ; 25 Q x
RP, PKB3 ; 26 BR2ch.,
(KtR4, RK8ch.; 27 K
R2, R x B), KRi ; 27 Kt
R4, RKKti ; 28 BxR,
Kx B. Even so Morphys line
is not obviously inferior by any
25. Q x RP RK8ch.
26. KR2 KtK5
27. B x Kt
And it is only this brilliant
continuation which shows up
the weakness of Blacks 24th
move. Now if 27 . . ., R x R ;
White can force a draw by 28
KtK7ch., Q x K t ; 29 B
R7ch., or he can play an ending
with two minor pieces against a
rook after 28 Kt x B, QQ3ch.;
29 QxQ, P x Q; 30 BxR.
Once again the simple text
move seems to leave White no
27. R x B
28. QKt5ch.KBi
29. QR6ch. KKi
30. Kt x B
And once again White finds
a surprise move to keep his
game alive. If now 30 . . . , Q x
Kt ( RxKt ; 31 RKich.,
wins); 31 QB6ch., KK2 ;
32 Q xQR, with a probable
30. QQ3ch.
31. QxQ PxQ
32. RQi KBi
Black has fought his way
through all Whites brilliancies
into an ending where he is the
exchange ahead, only to find
that White can nevertheless
hold everything.
R-Q2 R(R)Ki
PKKt4 R(i)K4
Pb 3
KKt3 PR4
38. PR5
40. KKt3 KR2
KKt3 pb3
KB4 RK i
KKt3 RK2
Black has no target for his
rooks and he cannot play KR
3 because of KtBsch.
Equally White can do nothing
with his K side pawns so long as
Black sits tight.
W. Steinitz (1836-1900), a Bohemian Jew, was world champion
from 1866 to 1894, and the first great master of position play. He
was an outstanding match player, and besides winning against
Anderssen he won among others three matches against Blackbume,
two against Zukertort, two against Tchigorin, one against
Mackenzie and one against Gunsberg; he was finally beaten by
Lasker. His tournament record, though slightly less impressive,
included 1st prizes at London, 1871, Vienna, 1873, and New York,
1894, an equal 1st at Vienna, 1882, and 2nd prizes at Dundee, 1867,
Baden-Baden, 1870, London, 1883, and St. Petersburg, 1896.
3rd match game,
London, 1866.
E v a n s Ga m b i t
1. PK4 PK4
2. KtKB3KtQB3
3. BB4 BB4
4. PQKt 4BxP
5. PB3 BB4
6. PQ4 P x P
7. 00 PQ6
The Compromised Defence
by 7 . . . , P x P, though possibly
playable, leads to too difficult a
game for over-the-board play.
The text move has the advan
tage that White is denied the
square QB3 for his knight, a
form of development which
seems essential if White is to get
up a good attack.
8. QxP
But this makes even less of
the position than usual. Either
QKt3 or KtKt5 was pre
ferable, hindering Blacks cast
P - Q 3
10. QKtQ2 Pk r 3
11. BR4 00
12. KtKt3
PKR3 Bk 3
14- QR-Qi
Preventing P
15- B - Q 5
16. BKt3 Q R - K i
PB4 B x B
18. KPx B QKtK4
19. Kt x Kt Kt x Kt
[Diagram n]
21. Pb 5
White has slightly the better
development for his pawn and
now starts an ingenious attack
which turns a material disad
vantage to a material ad
(b l a c k ) s t b i n i t z
(w h i t e ) a n d e r s s e n
Position before White's 21st move.
(Di a g r a m i i )
21. P x P
22. Kt x P QB4
If 22 . . ., Bx Kt ; 23 QxB,
RBi (RK2 ; 24 PQ6,
P x P ; 25 BxP) ; 24QXRP.
23. K t x P RK7
Both players go all out for
attack ; Black allows White to
win a pawn on the Q side rather
than indulge in difficult and
elaborate defensive measures.
24. PQ6 P x P
25. K t x P QK3
26. PQR4 BQi
If 26 . . ., PQR4 ; 27 Kt
Kt5, threatening 28 RQ6.
27. q - b 5 p b 4
28. QxRP PB5
29. BR2 KtR5
30. QKt7 QKt3
31. RQ4
The position is extremely
critical now owing to Blacks
mating threat. The text proves
to be merely loss of time which
puts his knight in chancery,
though the alternative 31 Q
Q5ch., is not entirely satis
factory after 31 . . ., KRi
(KR2 ; 32 QQ3) ; 32 Kt
B7ch., KR2 ; 33 QQ3 (Kt
xB, RxKt ), RK5 ; 34 P
Kt4, BK2 (PxPe. p. ; 35 B x
P, or R x K t ; 35 QxB) ; 35
KtQ6, B x K t ; 36 QxB.
KtB6ch.; 37 KRi, R
B3; 38 QQ7. KtK4 ; 39
QKt5,PKR4; for Whites
extra pawn is of less value than
Blacks attacking chances.
31. BKt3
32. R(4)Qi
RKt4 would allow B x
Pch. ; 33 RxB, R x R ; 34 K
X R, QB7ch. ; 35 KBi,
QQ6ch. (not PB6 ; 36 R
Kt2); 36 KKti, Q x K t ;
with advantage.
32. RK3
Now Whites troubles are
severe, for if 33 KtKt5, R
QB3 ; 34 PKKt3, P x P ; 35
BxP, QxBch. White there
fore offers the QRP to draw the
Black bishop off the dangerous
33. PR5 BB4
[Diagram 12]
34- P-R6
Black is not to be drawn, but
now White has a chance of utili
sing his pawn which he seizes
in splendid style. If in reply
Position before White's 34th move.
(Diagram 12)
34. . . , B x K t ; 35 PR7, R
K2 ; 36 PR8=Q, winning.
K t ; 38 RK6, Q x Pch.; 39
QxQ, K t x Q ; 40 R(6)xB,
KtR5 ; 41 RQ8, and the
threat to Blacks BP enables
White to draw.
37. KRKi RxRch.
38. R x R KR2
A move as subtle as Whites
defence has been fine. He sees
that the forced exchange of
queens is imminent and evolves
a plan to continue the attack
without the queen ; the im
mediate threat of RQi is only
subsidiary to his real plan.
39. QK4 RB3
40. KtKt5 RK3
The point, temporarily giving
up the bishop. The play
both sides is most brilliant.
The thrusts and counter
thrusts are most exciting. Black
delays the capture of the knight
until he has attended to the
threat of PR7, White being
always hampered by the neces
sity of keeping his queen on the
long diagonal.
35- QQ5ch. KRi
36. PR7
White still cannot rescue his
knight because of the answer
36 . . ., RQ2; forcing the
queen off the diagonal. He
therefore sacrifices the QRP in
order to break out of Blacks
36. B x P
I f R x P ; 37 KRK i , Bx
Rx Q
42. Kt x B RxPch.
KRi RxBch.
K x R KtB6ch
KKt2 Kt X Rch.
46. KBi KtQ6
Now follows a difficult knight
end-game in which it is doubt
ful whether Blacks extra pawn
is sufficient to win.
KK2 KtB4
KB3 KtK3
KtK5ch. KB4
K t - Q 3
A serious error, as P. W. Ser
geant has shown, for the knight
is soon reduced to abject help
lessness, whereas after KtB4
it would retain its freedom of
action. From this moment
Whites chances of saving the
game vanish.
52. KtKi
53. KKt2
54- KBx
55- KKtx
56. KR2
57. K - K t3
58. KR2
59- P x P
60. KKti
Even now the White knight
cannot come back into play, for
if 60 KtB2, KQ6 ; 61 Kt
Kt4ch., KK7 ; 62 KKti,
PKt6 ; winning.
60. K-Q5
61. KtB2ch. KQ6
62. KtR3
Atkins has shown that no
better was 62 KtKt4ch., be
cause of KK7 ; 63 KtQ5,
PKt6; 64 KtB4ch K
K8 ; 65 KtKt2ch P x Kt ;
66 P x P, KtK6; 67 PKt4,
KK7 ; 68 P Kt5, KB6 ;
69 PKt6, KtB4 ; winning.
62. PKt6
63. K t - K t 5
Of course not 63 PxP, K
k 7.
63. PKt7
and wins.
For after 64 KR2 (KtR3,
KtKt6), KK7; 65 KKti,
KK8 ; 66 KtR3 (KtB3,
KtKt6 preventing KtK4),
KtK6 (preventing Kt
B2ch.); 67 KtKti (KtKt
5, KtKts ; 68 KtB3, Ktx
P), KtKt5 ; 68 KtR3, Kt
X P ; 69 KtB2ch., KQ7 ;
K - K 5
P - K t 5
P x P
J. H. Zukertort (1842-1888) was a Pole who lived in England
from 1871. He was a very gifted and very brilliant player but of
a nervous temperament and indifferent stamina. He scored quite
remarkable wins in tournament play, including 1st prizes at the
great tournament at Paris, 1878, and London, 1883, 2nd prize
at Berlin, 1881, and equal 2nd at Leipzig, 1877. He was for a long
time regarded as Steinitzs only great rival but in their two
matches, in 1872 and 1886, his stamina proved insufficient, though
he never understood why he failed to win.
GAME 9 Giuoco P i a n o
2. KtKB3KtQB3
1st match game, London, 1872. 3. BB4 BB4
4. PB3 K t - B 3
5. PQ4 Px P
6. P x P BKt3
Less aggressivethan the usual
BKt5ch. as White can now
play 7 KtB3 and Black must
give up all hope of playing the
QP forward two squares. It
should be remembered that the
Moller Attack, preventing
Blacks PQ4 even after 6 . . .,
BKtsch. ; had not yet been
7. 00
Preferring to precipitate an
immediate crisis in the centre
rather than follow orthodox
7. Kt x KP
8. RKi 00
Less favourable would be
PQ4 ; 9 BxP- Qx B ; 10
KtB3, as the Black king is
then still in the centre.
9. Rx Kt PQ4
10. B x P QxB
11. KtB3 QQi
12. PQ5 KtK2
13. BKt5 PKB3
14. QKt3
The force of Whites attack
begins to be revealed. If 14. . . ,
P x B ; 15 PQ6, R
B2 ; 16 Px Kt, QK i ; 17 Kt
xP, BKB4; 18 RKs.with
advantage. The simplest reply
is 14 . . ., KR i ; avoiding all
complications on the dangerous
diagonal, but Black allows
Whites attack to continue in
the belief that the pressure can
not be maintained.
14. RB2
15. QRKi KBi
Position before White's 16th move.
(Diagram 13)
16. PQ6
Continuing the attack with
unabated energy. If 16. . . , Q x
P ; 17 RQi, threatening R
Q8 Mate.
16. P x P
17. KtQ5 Kt x Kt
If now 1 7 . . . , Px B ; 18 Rx
Kt, Rx R (against RK8ch.) ;
19 Kt xR, BQ2 ; 20 Kt xP,
with advantage.
18. Qx Kt
Now not 18 RK8ch., Q x R ;
19 RxQch., K x R ; 20 Qx Kt,
P x B ; and Black has two rooks
and a minor piece for the queen.
Moreover, White cannot con
tinue 21 Ktx P because of Rx
P. After the text move White
threatens 19 QxPch., and if
QxQ ; 20 RK8 Mate.
18. BQ2
Black has nothing better than
to sacrifice the QP, for 18 . . .,
BQB4 is answered by 19 Kt
K5, and 18 . . . , BB2 by 19 R
K8ch., Qx R; 20 RxQch.,
K x R ; 21 BB4, with severe
pressure on Blacks position.
19. QxPch. KKti
20. KtK5 BxPch.
A counter-attack just in time
and a very pretty one. If in
reply 21 K x B, P x Kt ;
22 KKti, Q X B ; winning.
21. KRi BxR
22. Kt x R K x Kt
23- QQ5ch. KKt3
The key move of Blacks de
fence. 23 . . ., KBi would fail
against 24 BB4, threatening
B Q6 Mate.
24. RxB BB3
But here Black misses the
best line. PxB could at last be
played for if 25 RQi, R
B i ; 26QXB, QxQ; 27 Rx
Q, RB8ch.
25. QxQ RxQ
26. BK3
The bishop has been en prise
for 12 moves, but the time has
come to withdraw it at last.
Black has emerged from his
hammering a pawn ahead but
the bishops of opposite colours
indicate a probable draw.
26. KB2
27. KKti PKKt4
28. R K2 PQR3
29. RQ2 RKi
An exchange of rooks would
be a surrender of his last thin
chance of winning, and sure
enough White makes an error
on his very next move, allowing
Black to win another pawn or
force the bishops off.
KB2 B x P
B x P
P x B
K x B k - b 3
K -B 3
In a technically lost position
White is not prepared to allow
Black to proceed along known
lines. Instead he throws every
possible complication in
Blacks way. If 34 . . ., PKt
5ch. ; 35 KB4, and Black's
progress is barred, for if 35 . . .,
RKKti ; 36 RKt2, or if
35 .. ., KKt 3 ; 36 R Q5, or
if 35 .. K-K3 ; 36 K Kt5.
34. PxP
35. RQ4 KKt4
36. RQsch. KKt3
37. RQ6ch. KB4
38. RQ4
Now if RQsch., RK4.
Blacks king has therefore ad
vanced one rank as a result of the
manoeuvre of the last three
38. PR6
39. RKR4 KKt4
40. R x P PR5
41. KB2
The only move to get the
rook back into play, for if 41
RR2 then RBich. ; 42 K
Kt2, KKts.
41. RBi
42. RKt3 RB7ch
43. KKti PKt4
44. P R 4
The second rooks pawn to be
44. P x P
45. RKt4 RB8ch.
46. KR2 RQKt8
47. R x QRP R x Pch.
48. KR3 RKt6ch.
49. KR2 RKt3
50. KR3 KB4
Successfully and elegantly
forcing the issue at last. RR3
was a much slower process.
51. K x P RKt3
52. KR5 RK3
53. RRsch. KK5
54- K - K t 5
A blunder, but the result is
inevitable after 54 KKt4,
RKt3ch.; 55 KR5, R
QB3 ; 56 KKt4, KQ5 ;
57 KB4, KB5; 58 K
K4, KKt5 ; 59 RRi, P
54. RK4ch.
J. Mason (1849-1905), bom in Ireland but taken to America in
infancy, sprang into prominence when he won the American
championship in 1877. His style was simple and elegant and on his
day he was the equal of the strongest players. His play was, how
ever, uneven, his best results being 2nd at London, 1892, equal
2nd at Hamburg, 1885, 3rd at Vienna, 1882, and equal 3rd at
Bradford, 1888. He won matches against Bird, Mackenzie and
Blackbume. He was an extremely popular chess author.
London tournament, 1883.
Qu e e n s Ga m b i t De c l i n e d
1. POB4 PK3
2. PK3 KtKB3
3. KtKB3 PQ4
4- P - Q 4
KtB3 00
B - Q 3
P x P P x P
8. KtK5 BKt2
00 PB4
10. B-Q2
A better development is by
PQKt3 and BKt2.
10. KtB3
11. Kt x Kt
Better would be PB4. The
text merely helps Black to mo
bilise his Q side by enabling him
to dispense with the usual P
QR3 on his 13th move.
11. B x Kt
12. RBi
BKt5 will not delay Black,
for then BKt2 ; 13 RBi,
P-QR3 ; 14 BQ3, PB5 ;
leading in one move more to the
position reached in the actual
r2. PB5
13. BKti PQKt4
14. KtK2 PKt5
15. KtKt3 PQR4
16. RKi
The natural reaction to
Blacks Q side push is to play
PK4 as soon as possible, but
the text surprisingly loses the
exchange by preventing the QR
from going to K i later. Much
better was QK2.
16. PR5
17- KtB5
Loss of material being in
evitable, he plays for a K side
17. PR6
18. PK4
Not 18 PxP, PB6; and
Whites 16th move comes
home to roost at last.
20. PK5 KtKi
20 . . ., B x R ; 21 BxB,
would merely be a transposition
of moves. The text is the only
knight move to win the ex
change, although other moves
still give Black an advantage,
as for instance KtK 5 ; 21
QKt4, PKt3 ; 22 BR6,
BxR; 23 BxR, KBxB; 24
BxB, RxP.
21. QKt4 BxR
22. BxB RR3
Deciding after all that dis
cretion is the better part of
valour. He plays to return the
exchange in order to break up
Whites dangerous attack.
23. KtR6ch. RxKt
He would be better off play
ing to hold his material ad
vantage by KR i ; 24 QB5,
PKt3 ; 25 KtxPch., KKt
1.; 26 Kt xQ, Px Q ; 27 Kt
Kt7, R x P ; 28 BR6, Kt
24. Bx R QR4
25. RKBi
White is forced back. He can
not play BQ2 because of P
Kt6; 26 BxQ, P x B ; winning.
25. QxP
26. QB5 PKt3
[Diagram 14]
27- QQ7
18. RPx P
19. RB2 BR5
In this apparently desperate
predicament White still finds
Position before Whites 27th move.
(Diagram 14)
means of attack. Black cannot
save his bishop, for if BR5 ;
28 PKt3, PKt6; 29 B
Kti . In addition the rook is
27. PKt6
28. QxB KtKt2
29. BKti PB6
Pretty play. White cannot
answer 30 BxQ because of P
XB; 31 QKt4, PR8=Q;
32QXBP, QxRch. Now Black
recovers his bishop at least.
30. QB5 PB7
31. B x P KtK3
He finds after all that P x B
probably only draws after 32
QxBP, RK t i ; 33 RKti,
KtK3 ; 34 BK3, KtB2 ;
35 BBi, or 32 . . . , RRi (to
answer RKti with Q x Rch.);
33 PKt3, KtK3 ; 34 B
K3, KtB2 ; 35 KKt2, Kt
Kt4; 36 RQKti. He
therefore tries another tack, to
which White finds another neat
32. Qx P P x B
Forced, if he is not to remain
a piece down.
33. QxQ RKti
34- PQ5
If RKti, then 34 . . ., P
Kt4 cutting off the bishop and
threatening PB8=Qch. But
White is out of the wood now
and actually a pawn ahead.
34. PKt8=Q
35. QB4 KtKt2
36. PK6
But this attempt to exploit
his advantage is premature and
loses the pawn at once. Some
thing like RBi first is in
36. PxP
37. PxP QKt6
38. QB7 Kt xP
A violent battle has ended in
equality. By rights the analyst
should be able to draw a line
and write Drawn, but White
with stubborn obstinacy per
sists tediously in trying to pur
sue the vanished win and, as so
often happens, makes a slip and
loses. The game continued 39
QK7, QQ4 ; 40 PKR4,
QB3 ; 41 RKi, RK i ;
42 QR3, RQi ; 43 Q
QKt3, KB2 ; 44 BK3, R
QBi ; 45 BBi, QB5 ; 46
QB3ch., KKt i ; 47 Q
KB6, KtKt2 ; 48 BKt2,.
QKB2 ; 49 QQ4, PR4 ;
50 RQBi, KR2 ; 51 Q
Q3. QB4; 52 QQ4. Q
B2 ; 53 QK5, QB2 ; 54
Q-B6, R - Q i ; 55 Q-KB3,
KtB4 ; 56 QK2, RQBi ;
57 PKt3. And here is the slip
though it is not necessarily
57. Kt xKt P
58. Q-Q3
Best was P x Kt, QKt3ch.;
59 KKt2, Q X B ; and Black
can hardly hope to win. Now
White must lose a second
58. KtB4
59. QK4 QQB5
60. QKt7ch. RB2
61. QKt8
White is still fighting and now
threatens mate.
61. QKtsch.
62. KRi
If KBi, then QQ8ch. ;
63 KKt2, with the same posi
tion as after the 65th move in
the game.
62. Q x Pch.
63. KKt2 QKtsch.
64. KRi
If KR2, QB5ch.; 65 K
Kti, KtKt2; 66 KKt2,
RB2 ; 67 QKt6, KtB4 ;
64. QQ8ch.
65. KKt2 KtRsch.
66. KR2
Playing the king to the 3rd
rank would allow mate in two.
66. QQ3ch.
67. KKti KtB6ch.
68. KBi
Now if KKt2, QR7ch.;
69 KBi (K x Kt, RB2ch. ;
and wins), KtQ7ch. ; 70 K
moves, RK2ch.; winning.
68. QR3ch.
69. KKt2 KtRsch.
70. KR2 QBi
After this, which breaks
Whites mating threat, posi
tional and material superiority
must tell.
71. QKt6 KtB6ch.
72. KKt2 QKtsch.
73. KBi RK2
G. H. Mackenzie (1837-1891) was a Scotsman who in 1863
emigrated to New York and became an American citizen. He was
an exceptionally brilliant player and besides being American
champion for many years, frequently played in European master
tournaments. Hj s best results were 1st at Frankfort, 1887 and
2nd at Bradford, 1888.
A. Bum (1848-1925) was one of the finest of all British masters,
though his quiet unobtrusive style caused him to be overshadowed
in the public imagination. Between 1870 and 1887 he only played
in England, but scored a continuous run of first prizes. Afterwards
competing abroad also he was strikingly successful, his best results
being 1st prizes at Amsterdam, 1889, and Cologne, 1898, and 2nd
at Breslau, 1889.
b u r n - m a c k e n z i e
4th match game, London, 1886.
Qu e e n s P a w n Ga me
I. KtKB3
Pk 3
Pk 3
P -QKt3
BKt2 KtB3
6. QKtQ2 PxP
B - Q 3
00 R - Q B i
10. PB4 00
11. RKi KtK2
12. p - b 5
P - Q K t4
In view of Whites decision to
play on his Q side majority,
Black seeks to provoke a target
for his own attack on the other
15. BKBi PKR3
16. PKts KtR2
17. PKt3
He has no objection to falling
in with Blacks plan since his
white squares can be protected
by his bishop, and the Black
knights retreat will allow White
to enforce a weakened Black
17. KtKt3
18. BQ3 PB4
19. RK2
In order to play PB4.
19. KtB3
20. KtKi KtK5
21. PB4
[Diagram 15]
21. Bx BP
So far White has had de
cidedly the best of it and is now
ready to resume his Q side
operations. Black must there-
Position before Black's 21st move.
(Di a g r a m 15)
fore adopt fighting tactics if he
is to have any counter-chances.
22. P x B Kt x KBP
23. Kt(2)B3
If RK3, QKt4ch.; 24 K
Bi (KRi, KtB7 Mate),
QR5; 25 RB3, QxP
(threatening QR8 Mate) ; 26
BxKt , BP x B ; with a tre
mendous attack.
23. KtxRch.
24. Qx Kt BKi
25. BBx
To prevent QKt4ch., in
reply to his intended KtK5.
25. PKt4
26. KtK5 QB3
27. RR3
A possible line for Black is
27 >Kt B6; 28 QQB2,
R x P ; 29 PxR, Qx Kt ; 30
KtKt2, KtK7ch.; 1 B x
Kt, Q X R ; and though some
preparatory moves to strength
en Black's game may be pre
ferable first, the mere possi
bility of such a variation in
dicates the value of this move by
White. In addition it is the
easiest way of bringing the rook
to the defence of the other wing
if it is required.
28. BB2
29. KtKt2
30. BKt2
31. P - R 5
32. KtK3
So that if 33 PR6, P x P ;
then 34 RxP, threatening Kt
P - K t 5
P x P Rx Kt P
Even better was 36 QBi,
and after KtR6ch.; Black
cannot play KtB5. The
game now becomes most exci
36. KtR6ch.
37. KRi KtB5
38. QQ2 Kt x B
39. Kt xQP
Just in time. After 39 Q X Kt,
B x P ; 40 Kt xQP, B x Q ; 41
Kt x Qch., KKt2; 42 Kt x B,
K x K t ; Black gets a good
39. QKt2
Not QQ i ; 40 RQ6, B
Q2; 41 Kt xB, Rx Kt (PxKt;
42 KtB6ch.); 42 Rx R, Qx
R ; 43 KtB6ch.
Position before White's 40th move.
(Diagram 16)
40. Rx KP
Another fine move, giving up
a piece to carry on the attack.
B x P is now prevented by the
threat of RKKt6.
40. Kt x Kt
41. KtB6ch. KB2
If KB i ; 42 PxKt , B x P ;
43 QQ6ch., KB2 ; 44 Q
Q5, transposing back into the
42. Px Kt B x P
Not K x R ; 43 QQ5ch.,
KK2; 44 QxRch., KBi ;
45 QxR, winning.
43. Q05 KBi
44. PB6 QKt4
Defence is no longer to be con
sidered, and counter-attack is
his only chance. The text move
threatens QK6K8ch., fol
lowed by PR6 Mate.
45. R K8ch.
Not 45 PxR, RB8ch.; 46
KKt2 (BxR, QxBch.; 47
KKt2, QB8 Mate), P
R6ch.; 47 K Kt3, PBsch.;
or 47 KB2, QB5CI1.
45- R x R
46. BR3ch
Missing his chance. P x R can
now be played for if QK6 ; 47
QKt8ch., KK2 ; 48 Kt
Q5ch., KQ2 (KQ i ; 49 Kt
X Q, R x Q; 50 PKt8=Qch.);
49 QB7ch., KB3 ; 50 Kt
X Q, wins easily. Or else 46 . . . ,
Q x K t ; 47 BR3ch., KKt
2 ; 48 PxQch. , but not 47 Px
Q, RK8ch.; 48 KKt2, R
K7ch.; 49 KBi, RK4 ; 50 KB2, RK7ch.;
46. KKt2
47. KtxRch. KRi
48. P x R QK6
Black has taken a long chance
and it has come off. White's
reply is forced, for if 49 Q
Kt2, QK8ch.; 50 QKti,
49. BB5 QB8ch.
50. BKti BB3
51. KtB6
He has no time now to queen
his pawn. A grand fight, even if
Black was lucky.
51. BxQch.
52. Kt x B QKt8
I. Gunsberg (1845-1930), a Hungarian, spent almost all his
chessplaying life in England. His tournament successes, which
included firsts at Hamburg, 1885, and at London, 1888, secured
his recognition as a contender for Steinitzs world title. Unsuccess
ful in this, he concentrated on chess journalism and practically
retired from serious play.
S. Tarrasch (1862-1934), for all his failure to win the world title
from his compatriot Lasker, remains one of the greatest of all
chessplayers. His tournament record from 1884 to 1914 is studded
with prizes and even to an advanced age he remained a dangerous
competitor in International tournaments. His style, based on that
of Steinitz, was simpler and more logical, if less imaginative,
while his crystallisation of Steinitzs theories into precise dogmas
made him one of the greatest of chess teachers and profoundly
influenced the strategical appreciation of later players.
Frankfort tournament, 1887.
F r e n c h De f e n c e
1. PK4 PK3
2. PQ4 PQ4
3. KtQB3 P x P
4. Kt x P KtKB3
5- B-Q3
More usual is Kt x Ktch.
5. QKt-Q2
6. BK3 Kt x Kt
7. B x Kt KtB3
8. BQ3 B-Q2
The best development of this
bishop is on QKt2, and though
an immediate PQKt3 would
have been answered by 9 QB3,
he would have been better
advised to try 8 . . ., BK2 ;
9 KtB3, PQKt3. Now the
bishop is condemned to a de
fensive role at best.
9. KtB3 BQ3
10. O0 KtKt5
A premature attempt to
create weaknesses in White's
position. After Whites reply
he had nothing better than
1 1 . . . , BK2.
11. BKKts PKB3
12. BQ2 QK2
13. PKR3 KtR3
14. PB4
Threatening PB5.
14. PB3
15. PQKt4
Now he is in a position to
attack Black on whichever side
he castles, for 15 . . ., OO
would be answered by 16 B x
Kt. Black must castle into
trouble, for he cannot play
15 . . ., B x P ; to which Tar-
rasch gives the answer as 16
BxB, Qx B ; 17 RKti, Q
Q3 ; 18 RxP, 00 ; 19 Q
B2, PKB4; 20 PB5, Q
Q4; 21 BB4, QK5; 22
QBi, BB i ; 23 RQB7,
PB5 ; 24 RKi, QKt3 ;
25 RxB, QRx R; 26 RxP,
winning. A long but convincing
15. 000
16. RKi B x P
17. RKti B x B
18. QxB KKti
So as to defend the QKtP
with the bishop, the threat
otherwise being 19 QKt2, B
K i ; 20 RxP.
19. PB5 BBi
20. RKt3 QQB2
21. KRKti KRi
22. RKt6
The attack becomes fierce
and brilliant. If now 22 . . .,
P x R ; 23 PxP, QQ3; 24
QRsch., and mates. Less
strong was 22 BR6, RQ2 ;
but not 22 . . ., P x B ; 23 Q
R5, QB5 ; 24 PKt3, and
Black must give up his queen
to prevent mate on his QKti.
22. PK4
23. R(i)Kt4 KRKi
Beginning counter-action in
the centre just in time ; the
threat is PK5, and it now be
comes a race between White's
attempts to break through on
the wing and Blacks to break
through in the centre. 23 . . .,
P x R ; would still be fatal
because of 24 P x P, QQ3 ;
25 RR4ch., KK t i ; 26 R
R8ch., K x R ; 27 QRsch.
24. P x P P x P
(b l a c k ) g u n s b e r g
Position before White's 25th move.
(Di a g r a m 17)
25. RQR4 PK5
26. QR5 QKti
27. B x P BB4
The culmination of Blacks
counter-play; all his pieces
come to life and White cannot
move the bishop because of
28 . .., RQ8ch.; 29 KtKi,
R(8) x Ktch. Nevertheless,
better was 27 . .. , R08ch.;
28 KtKi, KtB4.
28. RR6
Attack and counter-attack
continue in delicate balance.
Now White threatens mate in
two and if 28 . . P x R ; 29
28. RQ8ch.
29. KtKi R x Ktch.
Apparently turning the tide
in his favour, but White is not
finished yet.
30. QxR B x B
31. R x B
The saving clause. 31 R x
Pch., Qx R; 32 RxQch. , K x
R ; 33 PB3, BKt3 ; 34
QRsch., would leave him very
problematical drawing chances.
The text gives up a piece but
wins the game.
31. R x R
32. QxR P x R
33. Q x Pch. QKt2
34* QK8ch. QKti
35. QK4ch. QKt2
36. PB6
The key to his 31st move.
36. QQB2
37. QK8ch. QKti
38. Q-Q7 QKt8ch.
There is no longer any de
fence to the threat of PB7.
39. KR2 KtB4
40. PB7 Resigns.
J. H. Blackbume (1841-1924) was the greatest of all British
tournament players, and so dangerous that he was known as
The Black Death. No great player ever had a career at once so
successful and so long; his first International tournament was
London, 1862, and in his last, at St. Petersburg in 1914, he won a
brilliancy prize. His brilliant, ingenious style was unsuited to
match play ; among his best tournament results were 1st prizes at
London, 1876, Berlin, 1881, Hereford, 1885, equal 1st prizes at
Vienna, 1873, Weisbaden, 1880, London, 1886, and 2nd prizes at
London, 1872, Nuremburg, 1883, and Manchester, 1890.
Bradford tournament, 1888.
Qu e e n s Pa w n Ga me
1. KtKB3 PQ4
2. PQ4 BKt5
Irregular but playable. There
is nothing for White in 3 Kt
K5, B-R4.
3. PK3 Pk 3
4. BK2 KtKB3
5. PQKt3 PB4
6. BKt2 KtB3
7. QKtQ2 RBi
Now Black is playing the
Pillsbury Attack with the
colours reversed.
8. OO
9. PxP
10. PB4
11. R Ki
P xP
But here he loses time. Better
was QK2.
12. PQR3 KtQ2
13. PB5 BB5
14. PKt4 PKKt4
The point of his nth move.
But though the attack, espe
cially in Blackbumes hands,
may become dangerous, it
creates a serious weakness on his
K side, and White remains with
a solid Q side pawn majority
once the attack is broken.
15. KtBi QB3
16. P Kt3
This leads him into a very
involved defence. Simpler was
16 PR3, BR4; 17 Kt (3)
16. BKti
17. Kt K3 PKR4
An ingenious continuation,
for if in reply 18 Kt xB then
P x K t ; 19 KtQ2, Kt xQP ;
threatening Kt xBch., or Kt
18. KKt2 QKt2
19. Kt xB PxKt
20. KtKti PB4
21. PKts KtQi
22. RKti
Black threatened 22 . . ., Kt
xP; 23 P xKt, Q xB.
22. KtKB3
23. PB3 P x Pch.
24. Kt xP PKts
25. KtR4 PB5
26. BQ3 KtR4
27. KtKt6 PB6ch.
The position is now most
complicated and both players
are going all out to win. Black
is not content to force the draw
by 27 . . ., Px P; 28 Kt xR,
KtBsch.; 29 K Kti (K
Ri, PKt7ch.; 30 KKti,
QR3 ; 31 Q x Pch., K x K t ;
32 BB2, KtK7ch.; 33 R x
Kt, QxPch. ; wins), KtR
6ch.; 30 KKt2, KtB^ch.
Any attempt by White to side
track this variation fails, as for
example 28 QxP (PxP, R
B6), KtBsch; 29 KRi,
PKt7ch.; 30 KKti, Kt
28. KB2 RKB3
29. QB2 PKt3
Black now wants to force
White to play PB6, for
though this will give him a
strong passed pawn, it blocks
the Q side to any activity by
the pieces.
30. QRQi BQ3
31. P B6 KtB2
32. BQBi RB2
33. PQR4 B Kts
Preventing PR5 and so
keeping the Q side blocked.
34. RRi KtQ3
Now he returns to his K side
attack with the idea ultimately
of posting a knight on his K5.
35. KtK5 KtB4
36. B x K t
Virtually forced, for if 36
BKt2, then KtR5 ; 37
PxKt , PKt6ch.; 38 PxP,
QxPc h. ; 39 KBi, RK
Kt2 ; 40 PB7, QKt7ch. ;
41 Q x Q, P x Q; 42 K
Kti, Px R=Qc h. ; 43 KxQ,
R x P ; winning.
36. R x B
37- QQ3 KtB3
38. BB4 KtKsch.
39. K - B i
(b l a c k ) b l a c k b u r n e
Position before Black's 39th move.
(Diagram 18)
39. QR2
Though this threatens 40 . . . ,
QR6ch.; 41KKti, QKt7
Mate, the square KR3 would be
even stronger for the queen, and
a better line was 39 . . ., R x B ;
40 PxR, QR3; 41 PR4,
KtKt6ch.; 42 KB2, Ktx
Rch. ; 43 R x Kt, RKKt2 ;
44 QKt3 (PB7, R x P ; 45
QKt6ch QxQ; 46 Kt xQ,
RB7ch.; wins), Qx BP; 45
Q x B, PKt6ch.; winning.
40. PR4 R x B
41. P x R KtKt6ch.
41. KB2 KtKsch.
He has sacrificed the ex
change one move too late, for
now after 42 . . . , Kt x Rch. ; 43
RxKt , he has nothing better
than 43 . . ., QKt2 ; 44 Q
Kt6, or 43 . . . , Q xQ ; 44 Kt x
Q, BB6; 44 KK3, holding
43. KK3 RKKt2
44. PKR5
Now White fights back a-
gainst the dangerous passed
pawns by threatening to force
the rook off the Kt file.
44- BQ3
45. PR6 B x Kt
The persistence with which
Black keeps up his attack is as
remarkable as it is brilliant.
Now if 46 P x R, B x BPch.; 47
Kx B, QB4ch. ; 48 KK3,
QKt4 Mate.
46. QPxB RKB2
Now the threat is QB4.
47. RR5 PKt6
Making a last determined
effort to win, whereas after the
more natural PB7 he could
hardly lose; for example, 48
QK2, PKt6; 49 QKt
4ch., KR i ; 50 RQBi, Kt
B3; 51 PxKt , QKsch. ;
52 KQ2, PKt7; 53 P
B7, PB8 =Ktch.; 54 R x Kt,
PxR=Kt ch, or 48 QK2,
QKt3 ; 49 R(Q)-KRi, P -
Kt6 ; 50 R(i)R4, KR2.
As it turns out, the safer PB
7 was a better line.
48. K x P RxPch.
The point of his previous
move. If in reply 49 Kx R,
then QB2ch.; 50 KKt4
(KK3, QB7 Mate), Kt
B7ch.; 51 Kx P, Kt xQ ; win
49. KKt2 RB7ch.
50. KKti QKB2
51. RR4
Now White threatens to
break the whole attack by 52
RxKt , P x R ; 53 QxPch.
Black had no better reply than
51 . . ., RB4; after which
52 R xKt, Px R; 53 QQ8ch.,
KR2 ; 54 PB7, wins.
51. RB6
52. PR7ch. KRi
53- PB7
The passed pawn now comes
in with devastating effect.
53- QxBP
54. Q x R QB4ch.
55. KRi QKB7
Fighting to the bitter end,
but the game is past saving now.
56. QxQ KtxQch.
57. KKt2 Kt x R
58. K x P Resigns.
M. Weiss (1857-1927), during the few years in which he partici
pated in master chess was a frequent prizewinner. His biggest
success was in his last tournament when he tied for 1st prize at
New York, 1889. He was a Hungarian.
M. I. Tchigorin (1850-1908) was the greatest Russian master of
the second half of the nineteenth century. His aggressive un
orthodoxy secured him many prizes, of which his tie for 1st prize
at New York, 1889, was one of the most noteworthy. He unsuccess
fully contested two matches with Steinitz for the world title.
GAME 14 Ru y Lo pe z
1. PK4 PK4
WEISSt c h i g o r i n 2 KtKB3 KtQB3
New York tournament, 1889. ^ BR4 KtB3
Tie Match, 1st game. 5. KtB3 BKt5
Preferring to try for a trans
position to the Four Knights
Game rather than defend
against the Ruy Lopez by P
QKt4 or PQ3. However, he
finds next move that he has to
revert to the Ruy Lopez after
6. KtQ5 BK2
For if Kt xP ; 7 QK2, Kt
B3 ; 8 Kt x P, with a good
7. PQ3 PQ3
8. Kt xB QxKt
9. PB3 PR3
10. PKR3 00
11. PKKt4
This advance, indicating a
determination to play for a win
at all costs, is only possible
because he has reserved the
option of castling on the Q side.
11. KtKR2
To prevent PKt5. If 11. . . ,
P KKt4 ; 12 PR4, B xP ;
13 PxP, securing open files
against Blacks king.
12. RKKti KtQi
13. BK3
Not so good now would be 13
PKt5,PKR4; 14 PKt6,
Px P; 15 RxP, Bx P; 16
B R6, KtK3 ; threatening
13. KtK3
14. PR4 PKKt4
Forced at last, but White is
now unable to derive any ad
vantage from it.
15. Px.P PxP
16. Q-K2 Q-B3
Preventing White from play
ing QBiR3
17. 0 00 KtB5
18. B x Kt Q x Bch.
19. KtQ2
If 19 K Kti, BxP. Black
has now managed to obtain the
initiative, and in what appears
to be a solid position he pro
duces a series of tactical threats
in order to reinforce and in
crease his advantage.
19. KKt2
20. PB3 BK3
21. B Kt3 RRi
22. RRi KtB3
23. KKti BQ2
Threatening 24 . . ., Ktx
KtP; 25 P x Kt, Bx P; 26
QKt2, B x R ; which would
at present be answered by 25
24. R(Q)Kti PKt4
25. KtBi PR4
26. PR3 PKt5
27. BP x P PxP
28. RxR
Not 28 PxP, RR8ch.; 29
K x R, QB8ch. ; 30 KR2,
RRich.; 31 B R4, B
K3CI1. ; 32 PKt3, RxB
Mate. Whites position is now
seen to be exceedingly precari
ous ; he gains a pawn which is
of little value and loses the KR
28. RxR
29. PxP RR6
30. BQi BKt4
31. KtK3 KBi
Threatening 32 . . K t x
KP; 33 BPxKt , R x K t ;
which would at present be
answered by 33 KtBsch.
32. KtB4 RR7
33. RKt2 RR8
34. KB2 PQ4
35. KtR3
Black is fighting all the time
to establish an advantage. If
now 35 P x P, Kt x P ; 36 K
Kt3 (QxP, Qx Q; 37Kt xQ,
KtK6ch.), BxKt c h. ; 37 P
xB, KtK6; 38 RB2, R
x B ; winning.
35* BB3
36. PKt5 BKt2
37. RB2
The threat now was 37 . . .,
P x P ; 3 8 QP x P , Kt x KP ; 39
P x Kt, B x Pch.; 40 KKt3,
B x R ; 41 QxB, R x B ; and
37. RKt8
38. Q-Q2 QKt6
39. RR2 P x P
40. QP x P
[Diagram 19]
40. R x B
Now White had a threat of
QQ8ch., followed by QR
8ch. The text move is a fine
attempt to force the win. If in
reply 41 K x R then Q x Pch. ;
42 RK2 (KBi, QB8ch. ;
43 QQi. QKBsch.; 44 R
Q2, Kt x KP), B x P ; 43 Q- Q
8ch., KKt2; 44 QxP, Kt
x P ; with a dangerous attack.
41. RR8ch.
Position before Black's 40th move.
(Diagram 19)
A magnificent counter-attack
which comes within an ace of
41. KKt2
42. Q x Pch. K x R
43. Q x Ktch. KKti
44. K x R QB7
It is Black now who must
fight for a draw, since he must
come out a pawn down.
45. KtB2 QB8ch.
46. KQ2 QxKt P
47. PKt4 BR3
48. QQ8ch. KR2
49- Qx P QQ6ch.
50. KBi QxBP
51. Qx P QxKt P
52. QB5ch.
Even with the queens off,
White cannot quite force a win.
52. QxQ
53- PxQ KKt2
Preferring to try for a trans
position to the Four Knights
Game rather than defend
against the Ruy Lopez by P
QKt4 or PQ3. However, he
finds next move that he has to
revert to the Ruy Lopez after
6. KtQ5 BK2
For if Kt x P ; 7 QK2, Kt
B3 ; 8 Kt x P, with a good
7. PQ3 PQ3
8. Kt xB QxKt
9. PB3 PR3
10. PKR3 00
11. PKKt4
This advance, indicating a
determination to play for a win
at all costs, is only possible
because he has reserved the
option of castling on the Q side.
11. KtKR2
To prevent PKt5. If n ...,
PKKt4 ; 12 PR4, BxP ;
13 PxP, securing open files
against Blacks king.
12. RKKti Kt Qi
13. B - K 3
Not so good now would be 13
P Kt5,PKR4; 14PKt6,
Px P; 15 RxP, Bx P; 16
BR6, KtK3 ; threatening
13. KtK3
14. PR4 P KKt4
Forced at last, but White is
now unable to derive any ad
vantage from it.
15. Px.P PxP
16. Q-K2 Q-B3
Preventing White from play
ing QBiR3
17. OOO KtB5
18. B x Kt Q x Bch.
19. KtQ2
If 19 KKti, BxP. Black
has now managed to obtain the
initiative, and in what appears
to be a solid position he pro
duces a series of tactical threats
in order to reinforce and in
crease his advantage.
19. KKt2
20. PB3 B K3
21. BKt3 RRi
22. RRi KtB3
23. KKti BQ2
Threatening 24 . . ., Kt x
KtP ; 25 P x Kt, Bx P; 26
QKt2, B x R ; which would
at present be answered by 25
24. R(Q)Kti P Kt4
25. KtBi PR4
26. PR3 PKt5
27. BP x P PxP
28. R x R
Not 28 Px P, RR8ch.; 29
K x R, QB8ch. ; 30 KR2,
RRich.; 31 B R4, B
K3ch.; 32 PKt3, RxB
Mate. Whites position is now
seen to be exceedingly precari
ous ; he gains a pawn which is
of little value and loses the KR
28. R x R
29. PxP RR6
30. BQi B Kt4
31. KtK3 KBi
Threatening 32 . . ., Kt x
K P ; 33 BP x Kt, R x K t ;
which would at present be
answered by 33 KtBsch.
32. KtB4 RR7
33. RKt2 RR8
34. KB2 PQ4
35. KtR3
Black is fighting all the time
to establish an advantage. If
now 35 P x P, Kt x P ; 36 K
Kt3 (QxP, Q x Q ; 37 Kt xQ,
KtK6ch.), BxKt c h. ; 37 P
xB, KtK6; 38 RB2, R
x B ; winning.
35* BB3
36. PKts BKt2
37. RB2
The threat now was 37 . . .,
P x P ; 3 8 QP x P , Kt x KP ; 39
P x Kt, B x Pch. ; 40 KKt3,
B x R ; 41 QxB, R x B ; and
37. RKt8
38. QQ2 QKt6
39. RR2 P x P
40. QP x P
[Diagram 19]
40. R x B
Now White had a threat of
QQ8ch., followed by QR
8ch. The text move is a fine
attempt to force the win. If in
reply 41 K x R then Q x Pch.;
42 RK2 (KBi , QB8ch.;
43 QQi. QKBsch. ; 44 R
Q2, Kt x KP), B x P ; 43Q- Q
8ch., KKt 2; 44 QxP, Kt
x P ; with a dangerous attack.
41. RR8ch.
Position before Black's 40th move.
(Diagram 19)
A magnificent counter-attack
which comes within an ace of
41. KKt2
42. Q x Pch. K x R
43. Q x Ktch. KKti
44. K x R QB7
It is Black now who must
fight for a draw, since he must
come out a pawn down.
45. KtB2 QB8ch.
46. KQ2 Q x KtP
47. PKt4 BR3
48. QQ8ch. KR2
49. QxP QQ6ch.
50. KBi Q x BP
51. QxP QxKt P
52. QBsch.
Even with the queens off,
White cannot quite force a win.
52. QxQ
53. PxQ KKt2
54. KQ2 KB3 KB5, BRi ; White can
55. KtQ4 KK4 only advance his pawn with the
56. KB3 PB3 help of his king or his knight,
Drawn and the king is tied to the
knight and the knight to the
For after 57 PKt5, B BP. A great game up to the
Kt2 ; 58 KB4, BQ4ch ; 59 very last situation.
H. N. Pillsbury (1872-1907), an American, was one of the
greatest players of his time and his premature death was a tragic
loss. He sprang to fame by winning the Hastings tournament,
1895, ahead of almost all the worlds masters. His chess was
marked by the will to win on all possible occasions.
Hastings tournament, 1895.
P i l l s b u r y A t t a c k
Pk 3
KtB3 QKtQ2
6. RBi 00
p- k 3
8. PxP PxP
10. 00 Pb 4
Both players are on familiar
ground, Pillsbury playing the
variation of the Queens Gam
bit Declined (4 B-Kts) named
after him, and Tarrasch playing
for a queen side pawn majority,
the advantage of which he was
the first to propound as a
11. RKi
The subsequent course of the
game suggests that this is loss of
p- b 5
12. B Kti p- q r 3
13. KtK5 PKt4
14. PB4 RKi
15. QB3
16. KtK2 Kt K5
17. BxB RxB
With a view to doubling
18. BxKt
A rather surprising move
since it gives Black more free
dom, but in return he secures
the free use of his KKt3 and
blocks any frontal attack on his
weak KP.
18. P x B
19. QKt3 PB3
Safe enough now that Whites
KB is gone, and at the same
time both driving White from
his outpost and forestalling any
attack by PB5B6.
20. KtKt4 KRi
21. PB5 QQ2
22. RBi RQi
Black loses a little time with
this rook. As he will soon have
to defend his KP a third time,
QRKi at once was better.
23. RB4 QQ3
24. Q-R4 R(Q)-Ki
25. KtKt3 BQ4
Threatening PKt5, which
White only manages to delay
for one move by threatening
the KP.
26. KtB2 QB3
27. RBi PKt5
28. KtK2
The drama begins to develop.
Against Blacks threats on the
Q side, White must bring back
this knight to cover his QBi.
28. QR5
29. KtKt4 KtQ2
Not yet Q X P because of 30
Kt xP, P x K t ; 31 QxPch.,
30. R(4)B2 KKti
And again not Q X P because
of 31 KtB4, BB2 ; 32 Kt
Kt6ch., B x K t ; 33 P x B, with
a winning game ; for example,
33 . . ., PR3; 34 Kt x RP
(threatening mate in two), P x
K t ; 35 QxPch., KK t i ; 36
RB4, and 37 RR4, or again
33. . . , KtB i ; 34Kt xP, Px
Kt (PR3 ; 35 Kt X R, win
ning easily); 35 Rx P, K
Kt i ; 36 RB7.
31. KtBi PB6
Now it is Blacks turn again
and he forces a dangerous
passed pawn.
32. PQKt3 QB3
33. PKR3 P-QR4
34. KtR2 PR5
35- PKt4 P x P
36. P x P RRi
Considering that he has only
to win Whites QKtP to have
an overwhelming game; yet
there is such latent power in
Whites attack that PR3
would be safer.
37. PKt5 RR6
38. KtKt4
[Diagram 20]
38. B x P
The correct line was to take
the pawn with the rook, since
after the exchange the bishop
could return to the defence
whereas the rook cannot. But
Black is still underestimating
Whites chances.
39. RKKt2
A threat again at last, though
it seems to have come almost
too late. The intention is to
(b l a c k ) TARRASCH
(w h i t e ) P i l l s b u r y
Position before Black's 38th move.
(Di a g r a m 20)
Now he must prevent 46 R
KKti and 47 QR4 Mate.
P x R
The last action of the hard
won passed pawn is honourable
hari-kari. This famous game is
unequalled for the breathless
ness of its split-second timing.
52. QxPMate
play 40 PxP, K t x P ; 41
40. P x P
P x P
Not K t x P ; 41 KtK5,
QK i ; 42 KtKt6ch.
41. K t x B
The key to his plan. Blacks
piece on his QKt6 is to be vir
tually out of the game.
42. KtR6
Rx Kt
The only move against R
Kt8 Mate, for if RK i ; 43
KtB7 Mate.
43. RxR K x R
44- QKt3ch KxKt
He cannot play KB i ; 45
QKt8ch., KK2 ; 46 QxR.
45- K Ri QQ4
St. Petersburg tournament,
P e t r o f f De f e n c e
1. PK4 PK4
2. KtKB3 KtKB3
3- PQ4
Steiriitzs own method of
treating the Petroff Defence,
introduced into master play for
the first time in this game.
3- P x P
4. PK5 KtK5
5. QK2
In another game against the
same opponent in the same
tournament Steinitz tried 5
QxP, PQ4; 6 P x P e.p..
K tx QP ; 7 BKt5, and again
ultimately won.
5. BKtsch.
Hoping to exchange his
knight on his Q7, White being
unable to play 6 PB3 because
of P x P ; 7 QxKt , P x P dis.
ch. ; 8 QxB, PxB=Qch.
6. KQi PQ4
7. PxPe. p. PKB4
8. KtKts
Though this wins a piece by
the threats of QB4 and P
KB3, Steinitz had previously
condemned it as leading to a
lost game.
8. 00
9. Q B4CI1. K R i
10. QxB
A new discovery, previously
not considered because of the
answer KtxPch. The more
obvious alternatives to the text
move fai l; for example, 10 Px
P, Kt xPc h. ; 11 KK2, Qx
K2ch.; 12 K x Kt, QK8ch.;
13 KB3, Q X B ; threatening
QK6 Mate, or 10 Kt xKt ,
P x K t ; 11 QxB, KtB3;
12 QQ2, B - K t 5ch.; 13 B
K2, R x P ; 14 RKi, Q
B3; 15 PB3, R x B ; 16
RxR, QB8ch.
10. KtQB3
11. QR3
After 11 QKi, Kt x Kt ;
12 PxP, QB3; 13 BxKt ,
Qx B ; Black has the better
game. Steinitz avoids this line
by his veiled attack on the
Black rook. Black must there
fore accept the offer of the ex
change as his best chance, and
the game becomes intensely
11. Kt x Pch.
12. KKi K t x R
13. P x P QKich.
14. B K2 PB5
Trying to bring all his pieces
to bear by BKt5. Should
White reply 15 PR3, the
cornered knight gets out.
15. KBi BQ2
16. KtQ2 KtK4
Another attempt to extricate
his knight by 17 . . . , KtKts >
and if 18 BxKt , BKt4ch.
White cannot answer the text
move with 17 KKti because
of KtKts ; 18QKB3( Bx
Kt, QK8ch.; or K x Kt, Q x
B), QK6ch.; i 9 Q x Q ( K x
Kt, KtB7ch.; 20 KKti,
KtR6 dbl. ch. ; 21 KBi,
KtxKt ), BPx Q; 20 KxKt ,
P x K t ; with advantage.
17. Kt(2)B3 KtKts
18. BQ3
White has been forced to sub
mit to the escape of the knight,
so he prepares a counter-attack.
The best reply was 18 . . .,
18. Kt(8)B7
19. Bx RP BKt4ch.
Underestimating Whites re
sources and hoping to force the
issue by his own attack. Correct
was 19 . . ., KtB3; 20 B
B5, Kt(7)-Kt5.
20. KKtl QK7
Threatening QQ8ch.
21. BQ2
(b l a c k ) p i l l s b u r y
(w h i t e ) s t e i n i t z
Position before Black's 21st move.
(Di a g r a m 21)
21. KtQ8
Not quite sufficient is Kt
K6, threatening KtR6ch., be
cause of 22 KtR4, defending
the KKtP and threatening Kt
Kt6Mate. White is suddenly
seen to have no small counter
attack. The text move
threatens QB8 Mate.
22. BQ3 B x B
The attack is held, as the
following variation shows:
22 . . ., QB7ch.; 23 KRi,
Kt(8)K6 ; 24 B x Kt, Kt x
B ; 25 RKKti, -BB3 ; 26
QQ6, RB3; 27 KtB7ch.,
R x Kt (not KK t i ; 28 Q
Q8ch., R x Q ; 29 P x R=Qch.,
K x K t ; 30 KtKts Mate) ;
28 QKt6, KK t i ; 29 Q
R7ch., KB i ; 30 QR8ch.,
KK2 ; 31 Q x R, B x K t ; 32
QQ8ch., KK3 ; 33 PB8
=Qch., and wins. Black must
therefore simplify in order to
try and establish his material
23. QxB QxQ
24. PxQ Kt x Kt P
This allows White to bring
his rook to the support of his
passed pawn, but if 24 . . ., Kt
(8)K6 ; 25 KtK6, obtain
ing at least material equality
and a positional advantage.
25. RKti Kt xQP
26. R x P KtB4
27. RKt5 KtQR3
28. KtK6 RB3
The battle continues un
abated. If KRB i ; 29 R
R5ch., KK t i ; 30 RKKts,
KtK6; 31 R x Pch.
29. Kt(3)xP RKi
RQBi at once would have
saved a move. The text move
prepares a not very dangerous
30. RRsch. KKti
31. RKKt5
Which White avoids. An
error would be 31 B x P, R x B ;
32 Kt x R, RK8 Mate.
31. KtK6
32. Kt x KtP RQBi
33. KtK6 KRi
If KB2; 34 RKt7ch.,
KK i ; 35 RKt8ch., K
Q2; 36 RQ8ch. But the
position of the king on the edge
of the board allows White to
develop sharp mating threats.
34. BR5 RB2
35. KtK2 RB4
White was threatening 36
BB3ch., KR2 ; 37 R
R5ch., KKt3 ; 38 Kt(2)x
Pch., R x Kt; 39Kt x Rch., K
B2 ; 40 RR7ch., winning.
36. BB3ch. KR2
37. RKt7ch. KR3
38. Kt(2)xP Kt xBP
Getting rid of the objection
able pawn at last, for if now 39
R x Kt, R x R ; 40 Kt x R, R x
K t ; and wins because of the
threats of RB8 Mate and R
B5. White, however, has a line
to recover the exchange with a
won ending.
39. RKt6ch. KR2
40. KtKtsch. R x Kt
41. R x R KtKi
42. BQ4 KtQ8
43. RR5CI1. KKti
44. RR8ch. KB2
45. RR7ch. KKti
46. RK7 RQi
47. Kt K6 RBi
48. PKR4 KtB6
49. B x Kt
There is no need for further
complications. The struggle,
one of exceptional ferocity, is
now over.
49. RxB
50. R x Ktch. KB2
51. RQR8 Kx Kt
52. R x P KB4
53. RR4 RB7
54. KR2 RQ7
55. KR3 RQ6ch.
56. PKt3 R QB6
57. R - R 5ch. KKt3
58. PR4 RB5
59. RR6ch. KR4
60. PKt4ch. Resigns.
For after 60..., R x P ; there
follows 61 RR6ch.
St. Petersburg tournament,
T c h i g o r i n De f e n c e
1. PQ4 PQ4
2. PB4 KtQB3
The Tchigorin Defence,
which has not been regarded
with great favour. If 3 KtQ
B3, PK4.
KtKB3 BKts
Pk 3
Q - K t 3
Px B KKtK2
8. B Q2 00
If Black is allowed to play
PK4 he will have a very good
game. After the text move he
has to have recourse to a most
eccentric development if he is
to get any counter play.
9. RKtl
10. 0OO P x P
11. B x P PQKt4
12. BQ3
Not 12 B x KtP, B x K t ; 13
B x B, PQR3 ; nor 12 Kt x
P, BxBc h. ; 13 RxB, PQ
R3 ; losing a piece either way.
12. B x Kt
13. QxB R Kt3
In order to play KtQ4.
14. KKti PQR4
15. KRKti KtKt5
16. BK4 Kt(2)64
17- QB5 Q - R i
Blacks whole scheme of de
velopment is strikingly irregu
lar, yet White has to treat it
with the utmost respect. The
threat now is KtB6ch., fol
lowed by QxB with a well-
posted queen and a considerable
reduction in Whites attacking
chances. But at the cost of ex
changing pieces White can now
win a pawn.
18. QBxKt P x B
19. B x Kt P x B
20. Qx P(4) RQR3
21. QKt3
The open QR file is good com
pensation to Black for his pawn.
White dare not open the QKt
file as well by 21 Q x P because
of RK t i ; 22 QK2, R x RP.
Equally 21 PQR3 will allow
Black to open the QKt file by
21 . . ., RR5; 22 QQ2,
21. RKti
22. RKts
Owing to the weakness of
Blacks QP, White is able to
develop a counter-attack along
his own open file without loss of
22. PQB3
23. R(Q)Kti PKt3
24. PB5 PKts
25. P x P RP x P
It is now a critical race be
tween the two attacks. Black
threatens RR6, but must first
attend to his K side.
26. QQ3
White has emerged with the
initiative. If Black replies
RxP, then White breaks
through with 27 R x Pch., K
B i ; 28 RKt8ch., transposing
into the actual game.
26. KBi
(b l a c k ) TCHIGORIN
(w h i t e ) p i l l s b u r y
Position before White's 27th move.
(Di a g r a m 22)
27. R x KtP R x P
He dare not play Px R be
cause of 28 QxP, RR2 (R x
P ; 29 QB6ch., KK i ; 30
RKt8ch., KQ2 ; 31 RKt
7ch. and mates); 29 QKt8ch.,
KK2 ; 30 QR7ch., KK
3; 31 QR6ch KQ2(K
B4; 32 QKt6 Mate); 32 R
Kt7ch., and mates.
28. RKt8ch. KK2
29. R x R QR5
Black now seems to be in
great trouble, having lost a
whole rook. He has, however,
this fighting reply which by its
threat of RR8 Mate ensures
recovery of the piece.
30. RKt7ch. K K3
31. KBi
He has nothing better, for if
he tries to lose the rook to his
own advantage by 31 RKt
6ch., PB3; 32 R x Pch., K x
R ; 33 KBi, Black still has
a mate by RR8ch. ; 34 K
Q2>QQ8 Mate.
31. RR8ch.
32. KQ2 RxR
33. QB2
K 33 QK2, Black answers
QR8 threatening both Qx
Pch. and QB8ch. Black will
now recover the pawn with a
drawn ending.
Kx Q RKt7
RxKt P Rx P
RKt7 RxPch.
For some time White con-
tinues his efforts to win, but in
vain. The game proceeded :
38 RQB7, KQ3 ; 39 R
B7, PB4 ; 40 P xPch., K x
P; 41 RB7ch., KQ3 ; 42
R2, RB6 ; 43 KQ4,
RR6 ; 44 RB2, KK3 ;
45 PKt4, RR5ch. ; 46 R
B4, RR8 ; 47 KB5, R
B8ch. ; 48 KQ4 (not 48 K
Kt6, RB6), RQKt8 ; 49 K
B3, RK8 ; 50 K-Q2, R
QR8 ; 51 KQ3, RR6ch.;
52 K K2, KK4 ; 53 R
Q4, RKt6; 54 RKB4,
RB6 ; 55 KQ2 RB i ;
56 KQ3, RB8 ; 57 K-Q2,
RQR8; 58 KK2, RR
7ch.; 59 KQ3, RKKt7;
60 KB3, RK7 ; 61 KQ3,
RQR7 ; 62 KB3. Drawn.
R. Charousek (1873-1899), was a Czech by birth but Hungarian
by adoption. In a very brief career before he was overtaken by
tuberculosis he showed himself a player of the very first rank, his
most striking achievement being the winning of the Berlin, 1897
Nuremburg tournament, 1896.
F a l k b e e r Co u n t e r -Ga m b i t
P-KB4 P-4
P x P
A variation rendered suspect
later and replaced by 5 KtQ2.
6. Q-K2
Kt x KP
The usual line is 6 KtKB3,
BQB4; 7 QK2, BB4.
Charousek is, however, leading
to a new variation of his own on
the 8th move, to which the best
answer is 8 . .., KtB3.
6. QxP
7. KtQ2 PKB4
8. PKKt4 BK2
9. B Kt2 QR4
10. P x P KtKB3
11. KtB3 OO
12. OO QB4ch.
An indifferent method of de
fending the bishop. KtB3 at
once was preferable.
13. KRi KtB3
14. KtKt3 QxKBP
15. KKtQ4 Kt x Kt
16. Kt x Kt QB4
Had he omitted 12 . . ., Q
B4ch. ; 13 KRi, he could
now play 16 . . ., BB4 ; pin
ning the knight.
17. KtK6 B x K t
18. Q x Bch. KRi
19. BK3 Qq 3
20. QKt3 PB3
21. QRQi QB2
22. BQ2
In order to bring the queen
over to the K side.
22. QRKi
23. QKt3 BQ3
24. BQB3 RK2
25- QR4 KtQ4
Leading to situations of criti
cal intensity in which he hopes
to out-manceuvre his unknown
26. B x Kt
27. QR5
28. QxP
P x B
B x P
28 BKt4 is answered by R
K4 ; 29 QKt4, QxP (not R
Kt4 ; 30 Q x R) ; 3o QR3(R
xB, R x R ; 31 QxR, Qx
Rch.), QKsch.; or 29 QR4,
PKtA; 30 QR3, RK6 ;
31 Q-R5, R(B)Ki . After
the text move, though there axe
no absolutely immediate
threats, Black finds that his
ingenuity may recoil upon him
self, for danger is imminent
owing to the pin of his bishop,
to the pressure on the long dia
gonal and to the possibility in
some eventualities of mate on
the first rank.
28. RKKti
29. RQ4 BK4
Not B x P ; 30 RKR4, B
Kt6 ; 31 RxPch. , K x R ; 32
QR5 Mate.
30. RQB4
Preventing the exchange of
bishops and threatening if
30 . . ., QQ3; 31 QxRch.,
K x Q; 32 RQB8ch.
30. QKti
31. RKi
In this critical situation Tar-
rasch suggested that White won
by 31RK4, and the only lines
which prevent White capturing
the bishop are BQ3 ; 32 R
KR4, BK4; 33 RxPch. ,
K x R ; 34 Q K4ch., KR3 ;
35 QR4ch., winning, or R
K B i ; 32 RQi, BQ3 ; 33
RKR4, BK4 ; 34 QK4
and 35 RQ7, but in the latter
variation J. H. White suggested
33 . . BB5 ; holding every
thing, so Charouseks judgment
appears to be upheld. P. W.
Sergeant gives a fuller analysis
in his collection of Charouseks
3i. RQi
Position before White's 32nd move.
(Di a g r a m 23)
To this White can no longer
reply 32 B x B because the
bishop would then be pinned on
the rook, but apparently
Blacks move is still insufficient.
32. QB5
For, as G. W. Baines pointed
out, White could now play 32
RxB, R x Q ; 33 RxR(7), and
there is no satisfactory answer
to the four threats of B xPch.,
RxKKt P, R(4)B7 and R(4)
K4. His main analysis con
tinues 33 . . ., RQ8ch.; 34
KKt2, QQ i ; 35^(4)K4.
RQ7ch- ; 36 KR3, QB
i ch. ; 37 KKt3, R - Q i ; 38
RKKt4, RK t i ; 39 BK5,
QB i ; 40 R(7) x KKtP, with
a winning ending.
33. Rx R
The right idea just too late.
33- BxQ
34. R x KKtP
Not 34 R xB, QB5 ; 35 R
x KKtP, R>5-
34- RQ8ch.
35. RKti BQ5
The complications of defence
with counter-attack on both
sides constitute chess of the
richest quality.
36. BxBch. Rx B
37. Rx R
Now the two rooks are in
sufficient to win against the
threat of perpetual check,
though Charousek tries hard
still to force the issue.
37. QKBi
38. RQ3 Q-K2
39. PKR3 PKR4
Forestalling any chance of
mate on his KKti. Whites
attempts to get a rook onto the
KR file with check are neatly
40. R(3) - K K t 3 QKsch.
R(i) Kt2 QK8ch.
42. KR2
KKti QxP
Pb 3 Q-KB5
46. R Kts QK6ch.
48. R(2)Kt3
KR4 QKsch.
For if 51 K x P, QR2ch.;
52 KKt4, QKsch.; 53K
R3. QR8ch.
Dr. Em. Lasker (1868-1941) was world champion from 1894
to 1921 and through the whole of his playing career no master was
ever more dangerous or more difficult to defeat. Yet he had no
definable style; he sought even at the cost of some temporary
disadvantage to create a position where his skill could be given
full play. His philosophy of the struggle to succeed by any means
was applied by him to the chessboard as to life. He achieved a
wonderful succession of tournament and match victories, among
the greatest being his first prizes at St. Petersburg, 1914, and at
New York, 1924.
5th match game, Moscow, 1896.
P i l l s b u r y A t t a c k
1. PQ4 PQ4
2. PQB4 pk 3
3. KtQB3 KtKB3
4. BKts BK2
5. PK3 OO
6. QKt3
A variation which has long
since become obsolete.
8. PxP QR4
10. 00
B - Q 3
The threat was KtQR4
winning a piece. 11 BK2
looks more natural but White
plans an attack along the
ii- KtQKt5
12. BxKt Px B
Black cannot avoid the doub
ling of the pawns. If B x B ; 13
KtK4, QKt3 ; 14 Kt x
Bch., while if Kt x B ; 13 Kt
K4, QQ4; 14 QxQ, Px
Q ; 15 B xB, RK i ; 16 Kt
B6ch., P x Kt; 17 B x P, winning
a pawn.
13. BKti
The natural continuation
after his nth move, although it
shuts in the QR.
13- RQi
14- PQR3 KtQ4
15. QB2 PB4
16. KtQ4
Not PKKt4 at once, for
then KtB3.
16. BB3
17. PKKt4 Kt xKt
After Whites last violent
attacking move, which also has
obvious weaknesses, Black de
cides to play for a win. There is
a clear draw by B x K t ; 18
PxB, QxP; 19 PxP, Q
Ktsch.; 20 KRi, QB6ch.
18. P x Kt P x P
19 Q x Pch. KBi
20. BK4
For all the constricting ap
pearance of his 13th move, his
QR is free for action before
Blacks even now.
20. KK2
Threatening RRi winning
the queen.
2x. BKt6 RBx
22. QRKti QKKt4
Now Black prepares to turn
the opening of the K side to his
own ends.
23. BB2 RRi
24. QK4 BK4
QKR4 is answered by 25
25. KRQi B x Pch.
26. KBi PB4
Position before White's 27th move.
(Di a g r a m 24)
Black misses the best move
which is PKt3. If then 27 Kt
B6ch. (not QxR.BR3CI1.),
KBi ; 28 QKt4ch K
Kt 2; 29 QQ4ch. (BQ3, B
Kt2), PK4 ; 30 QQ3. B -
Kt2 ; with a pawn up and the
better position.
27. R x Pch.
Seizing the opportunity to
reassume the initiative with a
fine sacrificial attack. K t x
Pch., suggested by some, does
not seem to lead to such power
ful continuations.
27. B x R
If 27 . . ., KBi (KKi ;
28 BR4CI1.) ; 28 Kt x Pch., K
Kti ( B x K t ; 29 Qx B and
mates); 29 RQ8ch., Q x R ;
30 RKt7 Mate. If 27. . . , K
B3 ; 28 QB6, QKti (B x
R ; 29 Q x B leads to the actual
game) ; 29 Kt x KP, B x K t ;
30 R(i)Q7, RQBi ; 31 Q
R6, RB i ; 32 BKt3.
28. QxBch. KB3
29. Kt x KP
And now White in turn misses
the best move which was 29 Kt
x BP. If then P x K t ; 30 Q
B6ch., KB2 ; 31 RQ7ch.
Or if 29 . . ., QK t i ; 30 Q
K7ch., KKt3 (KK4; 31
KtQ6, RQB i ; 32 PQ
B4, R x P ; 33 Kt x R Mate) ;
31 KtKt7 dis. ch., KR3 ;
32 QB6 Mate. The best reply
is 29 . . . , QRK i ; 30 RQ7,
QKti ; 31 KtKt7, R Kt
1 ; 32 QK4, RR3; 33 Q
x P, with a winning attack.
29. QKti
Not K xKt ; 30 BKt3ch.,
K - K 4 ; 31 Q-Q5ch., K -
B3 ; 32 QB7ch., KK4 ; 33
QK6 Mate.
30. KtQ4
Whites attack would die
away after 30 KtB5, QB
5ch. ; 31 KtQ3, or after 30
KtB7, B x Kt. He therefore
plays for material compensa
tion for his sacrifice.
R - Q i
33- B03
34. QK4
35- P x B
38. QB5ch. KKti
39. QKt6ch. KBi
A fair ending to a game which
both players tried to win, and
which was all the keener for the
failure always to find absolutely
the best continuations.
To free his queen from the
need to guard his KRi, a plan
which Black immediately
London tournament, 1899.
R u y L o p e z
B - K t 5 P-Q3
P04 BQ2
P - Q 5
Preferring to have the K file
open before taking the checks.
35- QxQP
36. QKt6ch.
Now he has lost his material
equality but again has sufficient
positional compensation to se
cure the draw.
36. KK2
37. RKich. KBi
If KQ2 White draws by 38
QK6ch., KB2 ; 39 R B
ich., KKti ; 40 RKtich.,
KB2 ; 41 RBich.
A most unusual move, which
relieves the tension in the
centre but gives him a certain
space advantage. His next
move is the necessary corollary,
otherwise Black frees his game
with PKB4.
KtB3 KtKB3
8 KtK2 p - b 3
PB4 KtR3
10 KtKt3 KtB4
h BB2
With a view to breaking the
grip of the White pawns, but
his pieces are not well posted for
supporting the manuvre and
it recoils upon him.
12. PKt4 KtKt2
QPxP B x P
P x P Bx Kt P
16. OO
With a weak QP, and a Q
side majority against him Black
must try at all costs to get some
sort of attack going.
17. PR3 PKR4
18. BK3 PR4
19. PKts RQBi
20. RBi KtB4
21. KtQ2
Black was threatening P
R5 winning the KP. Now
White threatens to open up new
lines of attack by PB4.
ai. P R5
22. KtK2 PKt4
Desperate situations call for
desperate remedies, and Black-
bume decides to sacrifice a
pawn to hinder Whites attack
and further his own.
23. B x P RKKti
24. B x P B x RP
25. BKKt3 BK3
26. RK i KtKt5
27. KtBi BKt4
28. RKti
Had White appreciated the
full force of the attack which
Black has conjured out of a
lost position he would have
played PB4, though even
then BR5 gave Black a
powerful offensive.
28. RKRi
29. KtB3 BKB5
30. KtQ5
If 30 B xB, Black plays Q
R5, though he also has 30 . . .,
RR8ch. ; 31 Kx R, Kt x
Pch. The Black attack is now
beginning to show in its true
3- QKt4
31- PB3
Forced by the threat of Q
(b l a c k ) BLACKBURNE
Position before Black's 31st move.
(Di a g r a m 25)
31. RR8ch.
The brilliant culmination of a
fighting recovery.
32. K x R B x B
33. Kt x B
If RK2 (against KtB7
ch.), BB7; 34 RxB (against
QR5ch.), Kt x Rch.; 35 K
Kti, Kt x Q ; with an advan
tage even more marked than
that obtained in the actual
33- KtBjch.
34- KKti Kt xQ
35- KtB5 BxKt(B)
36. Px B QQ7
The game appears to be abso
lutely won, but it is Whites
turn now to fight back.
Q R - B i QxBP
Kt Kt6 RQi
40 KtB4 Kt Kt2
Kt K3
Q - B 5
42 KB2
RB7 KtB4
after his hopeless position of
eight moves earlier.
44. RQ2
45. RB8ch. KK2
46. R(i)R8
Making a last brave effort. If
in reply 46 . . ., QxP ; White
even now escapes with a draw
by 47 R(B)K8ch., KB3; 48
KtKt4ch., KB4 (KKt4;
49 R(R)Kt8ch.); 49 Kt
K3ch KB3 (KB5; 50
PKt3ch., KKt4 ; 51 R(R)
Kt8ch.); 50 KtKt4ch. A
great game, Laskers only loss in
the tournament, and one which
earned Blackbume the bril
liancy prize.
Threatening mate on the
move, a wonderful achievement
D. Janowski (1868-1927), a Pole by birth but French by adop
tion, was with Marshall regarded as the rising star of the beginning
of the twentieth century. Eventually he achieved a match with
Lasker for the world title, but was heavily defeated.
Paris tournament, 1900.
R u y L o p e z
1. PK4 PK4
2. Kt KB3 KtQB3
3. BKts KtB3
4. 00 Kt x P
5- PQ4 KtQ3
6. BR4
An unusual move to which
the best reply is PK5. The
normal variations are either 6
BxKt , QPxB; 7PXP, Kt
B4; 8 QxQch., or 6 PxP,
K t x B ; 7 PQR4, PQ3 ;
8 PK6.
6. P x P
7. P - B 3
A bold line by which he hopes
to take advantage of the poor
position of the Black knights. If
Black replies P x P then 8 Kt x
P, B-^K2 ; 9 Kt65, 0 - 0 ;
io BB4, pinning the knight
on the weak QBP. Black pre
fers to return one pawn.
7. BK2
8. P x P PQKt4
An elaborate but ultimately
effective freeing manoeuvre.
9. BKt3 KtR4
10. BB2 BKt2
11. KtK5 00
12. KtQB3
Again temporarily fixing
Blacks KKt. If 12 . . ., P
Kts ; i 3 KtR4, Kt(3)B5 ;
14 Kt x Kt, Kt x K t ; 15 Q
Q3, wins. The move chosen by
Black loses the QKtP and 12...,
PQR3 ; was more solid.
12. Kt(4)B5
13. PQKt3 KtKt3
14. Kt xKt P Kt x Kt
15. Q - Q 3 PKB4
16. Qx Kt PQR4
Threatening BR3.
17. QK2 BQ4
18. RKi BKt5
With a few rapid strokes
Black completes has develop
ment but comes out with yet
another indefensible QKtP.
19. BQ2 QR5
20. B x B P x B
21. QQ2 PQ3
22. KtQ3 PB5
Assuming the initiative. The
threat of PB6 prevents White
from taking the QKtP.
23. PB3 RB4
24. QB2
And now not 24 Kt xKt P,
RKR4 ; 25 PKR3, B x
BP; 26 PxB, Qx P ; with a
winning attack.
24. QR3
25. Kt xKt P RKR4
26. PKR3 RKBi
27. PQR4
Threatening PR5 winning
a piece. 27 Kt x B would not be
good because the Black knight
would settle on his K6.
27. BK3
28. PR5
(w h i t e ) j a n o w s k i
Position before Black's 28th move.
(Di a g r a m 26)
28. Bx RP
Getting in the first blow in a
very critical position and
threatening RKt4. Any less
vigorous line to save the knight
would allow Whites QRP to
become a menace. If now 29
PxB, R x P ; and wins.
29. P x K t P x P
30. BQ3
Too late to defend his KKt2.
30. B x P
31. QxB
The queen cannot be saved,
so he plays to get three pieces
for it.
31. RKKt4
32. RR2 RxQch.
33. R x R QB3
34. KtB6
Blacks attack is over and now
it is White'who has the initia
tive again. He now threatens
35 KtK7ch KR i ; 36 Kt
Kt6ch., P x K t ; 37 RR
2ch., KK t i ; 38 BB4CI1.
34- PQ4
35. KtK7ch.KB2
Not KRi ; 36 B x P
(threatening KtKt6ch.), Qx
Pch.; 37 KR i , RR i ; 38
36. R K5 P Kt3
37. Kt xQP QQi
38. RK7ch. KKti
39- BB4
B ; 40 RxPch. , KR i ; 41
RR6ch., KK t i ; but any
attempt to continue this varia
tion for a win leads nowhere;
for example, 42 R(6)R7, R
B2 ; 43 R(K) xR, Q x K t ; 44
R(B)Kt7ch KB i ; 45 R
Q7QKt4ch.; 46 KBi,
QKt4ch.; 47 KB2, K
Kt i ; 48 R(Q)Kt7ch., K
B i ; 49 RR7, KK t i ; 50
R (KR)Kt7, QKi.
39. KRi
40. RKR2 PKR4
41. RK6 RB4
Better than KKt2 or R2 ;
42 RKKt2. Black now
threatens to break the attack
by Rx Kt .
42. R(R)K2 KR2
43. RK7ch. KR3
44" RK8 QR5
45. RKKt2 PQKt4
Playing for a win. He could Position before White s 46th move,
force a draw by 39 B xP, P x (Di a g r a m 27)
Apparently succeeding at last
in breaking up Whites game
with advantage, but White
finds a brilliant continuation to
the attack.
46. RR8ch. KKt2
47. RKt8ch.
The point. Black cannot
reply 47 . .., K xR ; because of
48 KtK7 dbl. ch., KR2
(KKt2 ; 49 KtxRch. , or
KB i ; 49 KtxPch. ) ; 49
BKt8ch., KR3 ; 50 R x P
47. KB2
48. R(2)x P P x B
Black dare not try 48 . . .,
QK8ch.; 49 K-R2, Q -
B7ch.; 50 RKt2, QxQP;
51 R(2)Kt7ch., KK3 ; 52
RK7ch., K - Q 3 ; 53 R -
Q8ch., KB4 ; 54 RB7
Mate. After the text move
White must take the draw.
49. R(8)Kt7ch.
For now 49 R(6)Kt7ch.,
fails because the king can take
the knight.
49. KKi
50. RKt8ch. KB2
If RB i ; 51 KtB7CI1.,
KQ2(KB2; 52 R(8)Kt7
Mate, or KK2 ; 52 Kt
Q5ch., or KQ i ; 52 Kt
K6ch); 52 R(6)Kt7ch K
B3 ; 53 R x R. A tremendous
51. R(8)Kt7ch. KBi
52. RKt8ch. KB2
F. J. Marshall (1877-1944) was the brilliant young American
master who burst upon the chess world early in the twentieth
century with great tournament victories such as those at Cam
bridge Springs, 1904, and Nuremburg, 1906. A certain unsound
ness was compensated by exceptional ingenuity and this earned
him a reputation as the originator of the famous Marshall
" swindles. In matches he was not successful, being heavily
defeated both by Lasker and by Capablanca. G. Marco was a
prominent Austrian master.
GAME 22 Sc o t c h Ga mb i t
ma r s h a l l - ma r c o t p __p ________
Monte Carlo tournament, 2. KtKB3 KtQB3
1904. 3. PQ4 P x P
4. BQB4 BB4
5. PB3 PQ6
PxP had been known for
more than half a century to
give White a dangerous attack.
For example, 5 . . Px P ; 6
Kt xP, PQ3 ; 7OO, Kt
B3 ; 8 BKKts, BK3 ; 9
KtQ5, Bx Kt ; 10 PxB,
was a consultation game Saint-
Amant and HorwitzStaunton
and Harrwitz, Hull, 1847, or
7 . . . , BK3; 8BxB, Px B;
9 QKt3, QBi ; 10 BK3,
a match game, StauntonJae-
nisch, 1851. After the text
move White cannot easily de
velop the QKt. Compare Game
6. 00 P03
7. QxP
PQKt4, B Kt3 ; 8 Q
Kt3, to hinder Blacks castling
came into consideration.
7. KtB3
8. PQKt4 BKt3
9. PQR4 PQR3
10. RKi
Better was 10 B KKt5.
Marshall probably wanted to
retain the option of playing B
R3 and PK5.
10. KtKt5
11. RR2 Kt(5)K4
12. Kt xKt Kt xKt
13- QKt3
The inferiority of his 10th
move is now clear. PK5 is
prevented and if 13 QK2,
then 13 . . ., Ktx B; 14 Qx
Kt, BK3 ; winning the ex-
change. Marshall must there
fore counter-attack at all costs.
13. Kt xB
14. QxKt P RBi
15. PK5
It is not sufficient to get a
rook for two bishops by 15 B
R6, QK2 ; 16 Q x P, BK3 ;
17 BxR, QxB.
15. Kt xP
Better was Px P; 16 R(2)
K2, B K3 ; 17 BR6, Q
16. KRi
Threatening PKB4 re
covering the piece.
16. BK3
17. R(2) K2
The rapid doubling of the
rooks has the surprise effect of
recovering the piece, for he
threatens PKB4B5 as well
as 18 PKB4, KtQ6; 19
RxBch., Px R; 20 RxPch.,
and mates.
17- QK2
18. PKB4 KtQ6
[Diagram 28]
19. PB5
A most interesting situation.
19 . . ., Kt xR; 20 RxKt ,
BB7; 21 BKt5, with a
fearful grip on Blacks game as
for example after 21 . . ., QQ
2 ; 22 RK2, BKt3 ; 23
QB6, RK K t i ; 24 PxB,
Px P; 25 RxPch. , nor can
Black try 19 . . ., Kt x B ; 20
RxKt (bad would be RxB,
P x R; 21 RxP, Qx R; 22
(w h i t e ) Ma r s h a l l
Position before White's 19th move.
(Di a g r a m 28)
P x Q, RB8 Mate), O00 ;
21 PxB, with any effect. He
can however play 19 . . ., Kt x
R ; 20 R x Kt, and now OO
O ; 21 BKts, QQ2 ; 22
B x R . R x B ; 2 3 Px B, Px P;
with a slightly better game than
he actually gets.
20. P x B
21. BR6
22. B x Q
23. Bx Kt
24. R x R
25. PKt3
The pawn cannot be defended
and if R x P at once, 25..., R
Q i ; forces the rook back to the
first rank.
25- RQi
26. KKt2 RQ6
27. R x P KB2
28. RK2 BK6
Preventing RQ2 by White.
He is now content to draw, but
Marshall has other ideas and the
complex developments which
he conjures out of this simple
position are an object lesson in
fighting chess.
29. RB2 BR3
30. RB2ch. KK2
31. RB3 RQ8
32. RBi RQ6
33. RB3 RQ8
34. KtR3
The only move if he is to play
for a win, but it costs him his
34. RQB8
35. PB4 RQR8
36. PB5 BB8
37. KtB4 R x P
38. KtK5 BKt7
If R x P ; 39 RB7CI1., K
Q i ; 40 RQ7ch., KB i ; 41
RxP, threatening RR8 Mate.
40. RB4 P-QR4
RR4 P x P
42. R x Pch.
KtB4 PKt6
KtxPch. KBi
Now White has landed him
self in serious trouble and has
no prospect of stopping the
QKtP after R x Pch. The text
move is not quite sound
but the fact that it succeeds
shows how effectively Marshall
has brought the game into a
state of crisis.
P x P
R x B
P x R
(b l a c k ) m a r c o
(w h i t e ) m a r s h a l l
Position before Black's 45th move.
(Di a g r a m 29)
45. BK4
Black sees that the QKtP is
now brilliantly stopped after
45 . . P x P ; 46 RxPch. ,
KK t i ; 47 RKt7ch., K x
R ; 48 KtBsch., KKt3 ;
49 KtxRch. , KKt4 ; 50 Kt
xBch., KKt5 ; 51 KtKti,
PKt7 ; 52 PR4, PB4;
drawing, and a drawing line no
longer suits him. There was,
however, a win in the above
variation, had he seen it, by
48. . ., KR2; 49Kt xR, B
Q5 (BR i ; 5 PR4 K
R3 ; 51 KtBsch.); 50 K
B3, KR3 ; 51 KK4, K -
R4; 52 Kx B, K x K t ; and
the QKtP goes home. The text
move which looks secure enough
gives Marshall just the chance
for which he has been strug
46. P x Pch. KKti
47. KtB5 RR7CI1.
48. KR3 PKt7
49. RK7
A fine move. If in reply
49 . . ., P Kt 8=Q; 50 R
K8ch, KR2 ; 51 RR8ch.,
KKt3 ; 52 PKt8=Qch.,
K x K t ; 53 Qx Q, winning.
49. KR2
50. RK8 PB3
By covering Whites queen
ing square Black seems to have
assured the successful queening
of his own pawn, but White has
worked out one of the brilliant
combinations which became
known as " Marshalls
51. RR8ch. KKt3
52. R x R PKt8=Q
53- PKt8=Qch. Bx Q
54. RKt2ch. QxR
55. KtR4ch. KKt4
56. Kt x Q PB4
57. KKt2
And now the end game starts
all over again with White a
pawn to the good, but a great
deal of equality still in the posi
tion. If 57 PKt4, PB5 ;
58 PKt5, PB6; 59 Kt
Q3, KB5 ; 60 KtKi (Kt
Bi, BB5), KQ4 ; 61 K
Kt4, B x P ; draws.
57. PB5
58. KB3
If 58 Kt xP, K x K t ; 59
PKt4, and the Black king
crosses in time to stop the
pawns. For example, 59 . . .,
KQ4 ; 60 PR4, KK3 ;
61 KB3, BQ3 ; 62 KK4,
BK2; 63 PKt5, KB2 ;
64 KB5, KKt2 ; 65 PR
5, BxP.
58. PB6
59. KtQ3 KB5
60. KtKi
Not 60 KtBi, BQ3 ;
with the threat of BR6.
60. KQ4
Now if 60 . . KKt6 ; 61
PR4, PB7 ; 62 Kt xP,
K x K t ; 63 PKt4, and the
Black king is too far away. For
example, 63. . ., KQ6; 64 P
Kt5, KQ5 ; 65 KKt4, K
K4 ; 66 KR5, KK3 ; 67
KKt6, BK4; 68 KR7,
KB2 ; 69 PKt6ch., K
B i ; 70 PR5, BB3 ; 71
PR6, BK 4 ; 72 PKt7ch.
61. PR4 BQ3
62. PKt4 BK2
63. PKt5 KK4
64. KKt4 BBi
65. KtB2 KK5
Even at this stage White, who
has fought so hard to create
a win, has not succeeded. Black
draws by 65 . . ., KK3 ; 66
PR5, KB2 ; 67 KB5, K
Kt i ; 68 PR6, KR2 ;
69 KB6, BQ3 ; 70 PKt
6ch K x P ; 71 PKt7, B
K4ch. But even a master,
given sufficient opportunities
for going wrong, will frequently
do so sooner or later.
66. PR5 KQ6
67. KtRi KK5
68. PR6 KK4
69. KR5 KB4
70. KtB2 BQ3
71. KtQ4ch.
An elegant knight manuvre,
allowing the Black Pawn for
ward one square in order to free
his own pawns from the atten
tion of the Black king.
71. KK5
72. KtK2 PB7
73. PKt6 BR6
74. PKt7 K06
75. PKt8=Q
Decisively creating the fifth
queen to have appeared on the
board in this superb game.
75. K x K t
76. QR2 Resigns.
W. E. Napier (b. 1881) was taken from England to America as
a child and in 1908 assumed American nationality. He was known
as a child prodigy and won the championship of the Brooklyn
chess club at the age of fifteen. In 1904 he won the British cham
pionship, but in the following year retired absolutely from the
Cambridge Springs tournament,
Si c i l i a n De f e n c e
1. PK4 PQB4
2. KtQB3 KtQB3
3. KtB3 PKKt3
4- P Q4 P x P
5. K t x P BKt2
6. BK3 PQ3
7. PKR3 KtB3
8. PKKt4
An advance justified not by
the position but by Laskers
own ability. Blacks attempt
to disprove the move leads to
a game of enthralling com
8. 00
9. PKt5 KtKi
10. PKR4 KtB2
11. PB4 PK4
12. Kt(4)K2 PQ4
Overestimating his position,
though the ensuing course of the
game shows that Black had
sound reasons for believing that
by this move he would secure the
advantage. Correct was B
13. KP x P
Position before Black's 13th move.
(Di a g r a m 30)
13- KtQ5
14. Kt x Kt
If BxKt , P x B ; 15 Kt xP,
Kt x P ; 16 QQ2, RKi ch. ;
17 BK2, and Black can re
cover his pawn with the better
game by Kt x P.
14. K t x P
Beginning to force Whites
hand. 15 Kt x Kt is no reply
now as Px Kt would win by
16 B x P, Q X K t ; 17 B x B,
Q x R ; i 8Bx R, QxPch.
15. KtB5 Kt x Kt
16. Qx Q
If P x Kt, B x K t ; 17 P x P,
B x K P ; 18 B Q4, B Kt6ch.;
19 B B2 (K Q2, QQ4 ; 20
R KKti, BBsch.), QB2 ;
with the better game.
16. R xQ
17. Kt K7ch.
If Kt x B, Kt Q4 ; 18 O O
O, B Kt5 ; and White can
not play 19 RQ3, for then
Kt x B ; 20 RxKt , R Q8
Mate. Also if 17 PxKt , B x
K t ; 18 PxP, B x P ; 19 B
Q2, B Kt6ch.; with advan
tage. The shrewdness of Blacks
calculation on his 12th move is
becoming apparent, and White
must find the very best move
every time to escape defeat.
But at the same time White is
quietly preparing his own plans
against the Black king, as will
soon appear.
17. K Ri
18. P R5
In his increasingly difficult
position, White exercises every
subtlety to elude disaster. P x
Kt, so far from winning a piece,
would actually lose by P x P ;
19 B Q4, B x B ; 20 PxB,
RK i ; while if 18 Kt x B,
Kt Q4 ; retains for Black his
material and positional ad
vantage. The text move sud
denly threatens a winning at
tack by 19 RPxP, B P x P ; 20
KtxPch. , K K t i ; 21 B
B4ch., Kt Q4; 22 BxKtch. ,
R xB ; 23 KtK7ch.
18. R Ki
19. BB5 Px RP
It is Black who must now
take care not to lose a piece. If
P x B P ; 20 P x P, P x P ; 21
B B4, threatening both Kt x
P Mate and B B7. While if
19 . . ., Kt K5 ; 20 RPxP,
BP x P ; 21 B Kt5, B B4
(not R Q i ; 22 B B4); 22
Bx R, R x B (not Kt x B ; 23
Bx P) ; 23 Kt xB, Kt x B ; 24
Kt x B. The unlikely text move
is the solution to his problem ;
he will sacrifice the exchange to
obtain a probable draw with his
two bishops.
20. B B4
If PxKt , BB i ; 21 B
Kt5, R x K t ; 22 Bx R, B x B ;
with excellent drawing chances.
White, who has throughout
accepted all Blacks challenges,
prefers to continue his threats to
the Black king.
20. P x P
The alternative, giving
chances of a draw, was B K3 ;
21 Bx B, P x B ; 22 PxKt ,
BB i ; 23 R x P, B x K t ; 24
Bx B, R x B ; 25 PxP, R
Q B i ; 26 O O O, R x P ;
27 PKt6, but Black has yet
another surprise by which he
hopes to win.
21. B x P KtK5
22. B x R B x P
23. RQKti BB6ch.
24. KBi BKKt5
Position before White's 25th move.
(Di a g r a m 31)
The key move of Blacks plan.
White is now faced with no
less than four threats, RxB,
Kt xB, KtQ7ch., and Kt
Kt6ch. He can only return
his material advantage, for a
move like 25 KKt2, would
simply create another threat in
the advance of Blacks BP.
25. KBx P B x B
26. R x B KtKt6ch.
27. KKt2 K t x R
28. R x P
The complications are over,
and the material is still level.
It will soon be seen, however,
that Whites position is now
28. PR4
29. RKt3 BKt2
30. RKR3 KtKt6
31. KB3
And now White secures his
first material advantage, one
pawn. 31 . . ., BK4 ; is now
answered by KtKt6ch., but
more deadly to Black is the
threat of PKt6.
32. K x P
33- K - B 5
34. PR3
35- B - K 3
It is rare indeed that two
masters, both with considerable
justification, play to outcom-
bine one another in the same
O. Duras (b. 1882) was a brilliant Czech player of the first
decade of the twentieth century. He won tournaments against the
strongest opposition, notably sharing 1st prize at Prague, 1908, and
Vienna, 1908. After 1914 he retired from active play.
R. Teichmann (1868-1925), a German who lived for many years
in England, promised at one time to become one of the worlds
strongest masters, but eye trouble forced him to abandon the
practice of the game. His greatest success was winning the tourna
ment at Carlsbad, 1911.
Ostend tournament, 1906.
Ruy L o pe z
I. P K4 p K4
2. Kt KB3 Kt OB3
B Kt5
P - Q R 3
B R4 KtB3
0 0 B K2
6. R Ki
P - Q 3
P B3
8 p k r 3
P - R 3
Black plays a restricted varia
tion of the defence.
P04 B Q2
QKt Q2 R Ki
Kt Bi B KBi
Kt Kt3 P KKt3
B Kt3 Q K2
B K3 B Kt2
B 04 Q K2 ; 19 BxKt ,
Q x B ; 20 QxB, winning a
15- P05
Kt Qi
16. PB4 P Kt3
18. Kt R2 K R2
19. R Kti Kt Kti
20. P B4 P x P
The purpose of Whites last
move would appear if Black
played Kt QR4 here, for then
1 5PXP, P x P ; i 6Kt x P, Kt
x B; 17 PxKt , Qx Kt ; 18
After a typical Lopez period
of preparation Black now has to
make up his mind how to deal
with Whites first aggressive
ness. If he does not capture the
pawn, he may be faced with
either 21 PB5, or 21 KtB3
and 22 P x P. In the latter case
he would have to recapture on
K4 with the pawn on Q3, and
then Whites QR suddenly as
sumes a much more menacing
aspect after P QR3, P Q
Kt4 and PQB5.
21. B x P B K4
To permit 22 P K5 would be
to allow the full force of Whites
attack to develop against his
king. By exchanging bishops
and getting his queen off the K
file the threat is largely dimin
22. B x B Q xB
23. Kt K2 Q Kt2
24. Kt KB3 KtKt2
25. Kt Kt3 Kt B4
26. Q Q2 RK2
27. Q B2 QR Ki
It has been suggested that
here 28 PK5 must be pre
vented not for positional but for
combinative reasons, the con
tinuation given being 28 . . .,
P x P ; 29 Kt R5, QR i ;
3o RxP, R x R ; 31 Kt Kt
5ch., P x K t ; 32 Q x Pch., K
R3; 33 QxPMat e. However,
there seems no valid objection
to 29 . . ., QB i ; 30 R or Kt
x P, QRK i ; beyond the fact
that Whites position has been
improved by the pawn advance.
28. R K2 K Ri
29. P Kt3 KtB3
30. QR Ki Kt R2
31. B Kti Kt Kt4
32. Kt x Kt
Double-edged. He will now
have to prevent Blacks P
Kt5 and this lets the queen take
up a strong position on the
Black squares. In addition it
gives Black an open file against
the White king.
32. P x Kt
33- Q B3 Q Q5ch.
34. K R2 K Kt2
35. R KB2
To give his king a flight
square on Kti after 35 . .., P
Kts ; 36 Px P, RRich.
35* QKd
36. R(K) KBi R KRi
37. K Kti R R5
38. Q K3 R R3
The position is full of com
plications. After Whites last
move PKt5 would be
answered by 39 KtBsch., B x
Kt; 40 RxB, P x R ; 41 Q
Ktsch., KB i ; 42 QxR,
Px KP; 43 RB6 (threatening
39- P R3
P Kts
40. P x P B x P
41. RB4 B - Q 2
42. Q - B 2 BKi
R B5
Again frustrating Whites
attempts to develop a combi
native win. If instead P x R ;
44 Kt x Pch., K R2 ; 45 Kt x
R(6), K x K t ; 46 Q Rfch.,
K Kt2 (Q R4; 47 RB
6ch.); 47 RB3, Kt x KP ; 48
B x Kt, Q x B ; 49 RKt3ch,
and mates. But at last White
has succeeded in forcing PK5
and getting his bishop into the
44. P K5 P x P
45. RKts KR2
[Diagram 32]
46. KtB5
Very fine. He forces the pace
with a move Black had taken
steps to prevent.
46. Px Kt
47. Q x Pch. R Kt3
Not K R i ; 48 RR5, Q
K6ch.; 49 KR2, P K5 (Kt
(b l a c k ) t e i c h ma n n
(w h i t e ) d u r a s
Position before White's 46th move.
(Di a g r a m 32)
Q2; 50 RB3, QQ7 ; 51
RxRch. , Qx R ; 52 RR3);
50 QB6ch., KR2 (KK t i ;
51 R x R ) ; 51 R(i)B5, R
Q2 ; 52 R(B)Kt5, and mates.
48. QB6
With the triple threats of
Qx R(7), BxRch. and RR5
ch. In this precarious position
Black starts a vigorous counter
48. QQsch.
49. RB2
If KR2, QRsch.; 50
KKti, Qx R ; winning.
49. QQ8ch.
50. KR2 PK5
By stopping two of the
threats his immediate loss is
limited to the exchange, and his
counter-attack continues.
51. QxR RR3ch.
52. KKt3 QK8
Much stronger than Q x KtP
ch., 53 RB3. The threat 53..
QK6ch.; puts both White
rooks in jeopardy.
53- QxB QK6ch.
54. KKt4 PB4ch.
Of course not Qx R; 55 Q
Kt8 Mate. Against the text move
White must be careful. If 55
K xP, QxR(7)ch. ; and mates
next move, while if 55 R(2) xP,
there is perpetual check by Q
K7ch. ; 56 KB4 (KKt3,
QK6ch.), QB7ch.; 57 K
K5, QKt7ch.
55. R(5)xP RKt3ch.
56. QxRch.
The climax of Blacks coun
ter-attack. White cannot play
KR4 because of QKt6ch.;
57 KR5, RR3 Mate. So he
must give up queen for rook.
But his two rooks are in co
operation and will still be strong
enough to win.
56. K x Q
57. RB6ch. KKt2
58. RB7ch. KKti
59. RB8ch. KKt2
60. R(2)B7ch. KKt3
61. RB6ch. KKt2
62. R(8)B7ch. KKti
63. KR5
Threatening mate in two.
63. QK7ch.
64. PKt4 Resigns.
If QR7ch.; 65 KKt6,
and there are no more checks.
A fine example of attack and
A. Rubinstein (b. 1882), a Pole by birth, came rapidly into
prominence early in the 1900s. IDs style was quiet and simple
but always extremely effective and frequent tournament successes,
such as his 1st prizes at Carlsbad, 1907, and Pistyan, 1912, and his
tie for first place with Lasker at St. Petersburg, 1909, brought him
into consideration as a challenger for the world title but he never
secured a match. He retired in 1930 suffering with a mental break
down from which he has never fully recovered.
St. Petersburg tournament,
T a r r a s c h De f e n c e
1. PQ4 PQ4
2. Kt KB3 Kt KB3
3. P B4 P K3
4. B Kt5 P B4
An inferior move which comes
better after 4 KtB3, as he can
then continue PB4; 5 B
Kt5, Px QP ; 6 KKt xP, P
K4. Now White removes the
pawn from the K file and he is
left with a weak isolated pawn.
5. BP x P KP x P
6. Kt B3 P x P
7. KKt x P Kt B3
Inviting 8 BxKt , Q x B ;
9 Kt xP, Qx Kt ; 10 Kt B
7ch., K Q i ; 11 Kt xR, B
8. P K3 B K2
9. BKts BQ2
He could play to hold the
pawn by Q Q3 but then
10 B KB4, or by Q Q2 but
then 10 Q R4, in both cases
with a difficult game. He prefers
to give up the pawn with the
chance of a quick counter
10. QBx Kt B x B
11. Kt x P Bx Kt
12. P x B Q Kt4
The point. If White con
tinues 13 Kt B7CI1., then
13. . . , K Q i ; 14 BxKt ,
B x B ; 15 PQ5 (Kt x R, R
Kich.), K x K t ; 16 P xB, QR
Q i ; 17 QBi, KRKich.;
18 KBi, Q Kt4ch.; with
at least an equal game.
13. Bx Kt B x B
14. Kt K3 O 0 O
Somewhat better was B x P ;
15 R KKti, Q R4ch.; 16
Q Q2, Q x Qch.; 17 K x Q, B
K5 ; and if 18 R x P, B Kt3.
15. o _ o KR Ki
16. R Bi
Position before Black's 16th move.
(Di a g r a m 33)
16. R x Kt
Threatening Q x P Mate.
Black has brought all his forces
into play in the minimum of
time, and White will have great
difficulty in preventing him
from equalising, but since
White can do so 16 . . K
K t i ; was better.
17. RxBch. P x R
iS. QBx
Taking counter measures just
in time. The complications are
considerable even though all
the minor pieces are gone. If
Black defends his QBP White
takes the rook and remains a
pawn ahead.
18. R x P
A splendid move. Now after
19 QxPch. , KKti ; there
are no more checks and White
must continue 20 Px R, Qx
Pch.; 21 KRi, QK 7 ; 22
RKKti (there are astonish
ingly enough still no checks),
RQ8 ; and the draw is almost
19. P x R
But White has no intention
of letting Black get the draw.
Now if 19 . . RQ3 ; 20 R x
P, with much the better game,
so the QBP falls after all.
19. RQ2
20. Q x Pch. KQi
Not RB2 ; 21 QR8ch.,
KQ2 ; 22 R xPch., KK3 ;
23 QK8ch. (RxR, QxPch. ;
24 KBi, QQ6ch.; 25 K
B2, QQ7ch.; 26 KB3,
QQ6ch.; 27 KKt4, Q -
B4ch.; 28 KR4, QBsch.;
recovering the rook with a prob
able draw), KQ3 ; 24 R xR,
21. RB4 PB4
Both players fight all the way.
Now if RQ8ch.; 22 KB2,
RQ7ch.; 23 KKi, Qx P ;
24 RQ4-ch., KK2 ; 25 Q
Q6ch., wins.
22. QB5
At last White establishes his
advantage. Black cannot de
fend the BP by PKt3 because
of 23 QB8ch., KB2 ; 24
RB4ch., KKt3 ; 25 Q
Kt4ch., KR3 ; 26 RB6
22. QK2
23. QxQch.
Removing the piece that is
most likely to give Black draw
ing chances in spite of a material
23. K x Q
24. R x P RQ8ch.
25. KB2 RQ7ch.
26. K B3 RxQKt P
27- RQR5
He has come through a haras
sing time into a won rook end
ing. There are, however, so
many positions in rook endings
where the extra pawn does not
win that he still has to be very
careful how he forces the
27. RKt2
28. R R6 K Bi
29. P K4 RB2
P Kt4 K B i
K B4 K K2
33- P R5 P R3
K B5 K B2
P K5 R Kt2
R - Q 6 KBi
R R6
If KKt6, K K i ; 38 P
K6, RK t 5 ; 39 Kx P, R x
Pch.; 40 K x P, and there are
still technical difficulties in
White's way.
37. KB2
38. R Q6 KBi
39. RB6
If R Q8ch., K K2 ; 40
RKKt8, K B2 ; and if 39
KKt6, R Kt5 ; 40 R
Q8ch., K K2 ; 41 R KKt8,
39. KB2
40. PR3
A delightful conclusion, pre
venting R Kt5- Now after
40 . . ., KB i ; 41 K Kt6,
RQ2 ; 42 RB8ch., K
K2 ; 43 R KKt8, R Q5(K
K3; 44 RK8ch., K Q4 ;
45 PK6); 44 RxPch. , K
K3; 45 K x P, with two united
passed pawns. Therefore
J. R. Capablanca (1888-1942), a Cuban, began playing as a child,
was champion of Cuba at the age of 12, of America at 21 and of
the world at 33. His style was simple and almost mechanical, of
an accuracy which reduced opponents to despair; he won a series
of tournament victories from 1910 to 1936, and it was only after
he lost the world title in 1927 that his infallibility was called into
nth match game,
New York, 1909.
Pi l l s b u r y At t a c k
i- PQ4 PQ4
2. PQB4 PK3
3. KtQB3 KtKB3
4* BKt5 BK2
5. PK3 KtK5
6. B x B QxB
7- BQ3
This allows Black to open the
long diagonal for his bishop.
The more normal line is Kt
B3, KtQ2 ; 8 QB2, fol
lowed either by Kt x Kt ; 9
P x Kt, or by PQB3 ; 9 Kt x
Kt, P x K t ; 10 QxP, QKt
7. Kt x Kt
8. Px Kt P x P
9. Bx BP PQKt3
10. QB3
He cannot hold the diagonal,
but this move leads to more
combinative possibilities than
the usual KtB3.
10. PQB3
11. KtK2 B Kt2
12. OO OO
13- PQR4
To prevent PQKt4; 14B
Q3. p - Q B 4 ; 15 QKt3, P
B5 ; 16 BB2, PQR4.
13. PQB4
14. QKt3 KtB3
15. KtB4 ORBi
16. BR2
If BKt3, KtR4. Black
already has the better position.
16. KRQi
17. KRKi KtR4
18. QRQi
Sacrificing the RP to obtain
open lines in the centre by P
K4 or PQ5.
18. BB3
19. QKt4 PB5
If at once B x R P ; 20 Kt x P,
P x K t ; 21 BxPch. , KR i ;
22 B xR, B x R ; 23RXB, and
it is White who is a pawn ahead.
20. PQ5
PK4 first gives a more en
during pressure.
20. B x RP
I f P x P ; 21 K t x P , B x K t ;
22 RxB, R x R ; 23QxRch. ,
RQ i ; and Black has no ad
21. RQ2 PK4
He must either submit to an
attack on his king, or by playing
P x P allow White freedom in
the centre.
22. KtR5 PKt3
He cannot avoid this weaken
ing move, for if QB i ; 23,
BKti, and PKt3 must fol
low, for 23 . . . , RQ3 (preven
ting KtB6ch.) is answered by
24 Kt x P.
23- PQ6
Position before Black's 23rd move.
(Di a g r a m 34)
23. QK3
24. QKt5 KRi
If R x P at once, 25 RxR,
Q xR ; 26 QR6, QB i ; 27
KtB6ch., and mates.
25. KtB6 R x P
26. R x R QxR
27. BKti
QR4 would be answered by
27. KtB3
28. BB5 RQi
P x B would permit 29 Q
29. PR4
BQy would prevent Blacks
next move, but White is two
pawns down and therefore in
haste to increase his pressure.
29. KtK2
30. KtK4 QB2
31. QB6ch. KKti
32. BK6 P x B
White continues to attack
with ingenuity, and the defence
has to be a model of fighting
carefulness. If RK B i ; 33
KtKt5, P x B ; 34 Q x Rch.,
K x Q ; 35 KtxPch, winning
the exchange.
33. QxKPch. KBi
34. KtKts KtKti
35. PB4 RKi
36. P x P
[Diagram 35]
The attack seems to have
been beaten off, but White
evolves still more surprises.
Black still loses the exchange if
he takes the queen.
36. RK2
37. RBich. KKt2
(b l a c k ) c a p a b l a n c a
(w h i t e ) ma r s h a l l
Position before Black's 36th move.
(Di a g r a m 35)
38. P R5 B Ki
39. PR6ch. KRi
Not K x P ; 40 QKt4, K
Kt2 ; 41 KtK6ch., nor Kt x
P ; 40 QB6ch.
40. QQ6 QB4
The attack continues. If now
Qx Q; 41 PxQ, RQ2; 42
RB8, R x P ; 43 RxB, and
the threat of KtB7ch., wins.
If 41 . . ., RK4; 42 PQ7,
B x P ; 43 KtB7 Mate. And
if 41 . . ., R x P ; 42 RB7,
B x R ; 43Kt xBMate.
Black is threatening Q x Pch.,
and if 41 QxQ, P x Q; 42 R
B8, R x P ; 43 RxB, R x K t ;
and Black wins.
R x P
41- Q04
PK6 dis. ch., must be
stopped, but if Q x P ; 42 R
B8 (not QxQch., Rx Q; 43
RB7, RK2), QxQ (forced
by the threat of R x B ) ; 43
KPxQ. BB3; 44 KtB7ch.,
R x K t ; 45 Rx R, K t x P ;
46 RxP, with good drawing
42. QQ7 RK2
The defence holds out against
White's last brilliant fling. Fatal
would be B x Q ; 43 KtB7
Mate. Had White tried 42 R
B7, the text move would have
equally sufficed, but then 42 . . . ,
Kt x P ; would have been
43. RB7 Bx Q
Or R x Q ; 44 Rx R, Kt x
P ; but not 44 . . ., B x R ; 45
KtB7 Mate. A perfect dem
onstration of the power even
of an unsound attack and of
the inexorable justice that must
come if the defence is correct.
C. Schlechter (1873-1918), of Vienna, early earned the unenvi
able title of drawing master, though at his best he was as
fine a stylist as any player of his time. However, when he shared
1st prize both at Vienna, 1908, and Prague, 1908, he was recognised
for the great player he was. In 1910 he played and drew a match
for the world title and oddly enough he only failed to win by not
playing for a draw. He died of under-nourishment in 1918.
7th match game, Berlin, 1910.
Si c i l i a n De f e n c e
1. PK4 PQB4
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
3. PQ4 P x P
4. K t x P KtB3
5. KtQB3 PKKt3
6. BQB4 PQ3
7. Kt x Kt
Introducing the sharp Mag
nus Smith variation.
7. P x Kt
8. PK5 KtKts
9. PK6
Magnus Smiths own analysis
continued 9 BB4, PQ4; 10
Kt xP, P x K t ; n B x P , B
K3 ; 12 BB6ch., BQ2 ; 13
BxR, Q x B ; 14 OO, but a
later improvement is 9 . . .,
QKt3 ; 10 QB3, BB4 ;
11 PxP, P x P ; 12 0O,
OOO; 13 KRKi, P
Q4; 14 PKR3. Black is just
able to evolve a satisfactory
defence against the text.
9. PKB4
10. 00 BKKt2
I f P Q4; 11 Kt xP.
11. BB4 QKt3
12. BQKt3
There is nothing in 12 QB3,
12. BQR3
13. KtR4 QQ5
14- QxQ
The immediate exchange of
queens is virtually forced, for
if 14 QB3, then QK5 ; 15
QxQ, P x Q ; 16 PB4, O
O ; and Black gains a move on
the variation actually played.
14. BxQ
15. PB4 O0
16. QRQi BB3
An inaccuracy, allowing
White to develop ingenious win
ning chances by sacrificing his
QB. Better was either KtK4
or BK4 blocking the bishop.
17. KRKi PKt4
18. BxQP P x B
19. R x P
(b l a c k ) LASKER
(w h i t e ) SCHLECHTER
Position before Black's 19th move.
(Di a g r a m 36)
Now White has a powerful
attacking position with the
threats of PB5 followed by
PK7 dis. ch., and of PKR3
and PK7 followed by RxB.
Only the most determined and
accurate resistance by Black
can hold the game. He has to
let his QBP go in order to hold
up the dangerous KP and
whether he tries 19. . . , BK4;
or 19 . . ., BK2 ; the reply is
still 20 PB5.
19. BK4
20. PB5 KRKi
Not 20 . . ., B x R ; 21 P
K7 dis. ch., KKt2 ; 22 P xB,
KRK i ; 23 PQ7, winning.
21. PKt3
Now the subtlety of Black's
defence in choosing 19 . . . , B
K4 ; is dear. If 21 PKR3,
BR7ch.; 22 KRi, Bx R;
23 PxB, Kt xPc h. ; 24 K
Kti, KtK5 ; 25 PK7 dis.
ch., KKt2 ; and the pawns
are held.
21. BB3
Still not B x R ; 22 PK7
dis. ch., KKt2; 23 PxB,
KtB3 ; 24 KtB5 (the move
not available to White in the
previous note), BB i ; 25
22. R x P BQKt2
Insufficient would be B Kt
4 ; 23 RQ6, BK4 (BxKt;
24 B xB, RK2 ; 25 BQ7) ;
24 PKR3, B x R ; 25 PxB,
KtB3; 26 KtB5.
23. RB7 BK5
24. KtB3 B x Kt
If BQ5 ; 25 Kt xB, P x
K t ; 26 R x KP, B x Pch.; 27
KKt2, KtB3; 28 R
QKt4, B - K 6 ; 29 R(4)Kt7,
and Black is in zugswang.
25. P x B KtK4
Blacks defence has been so far
successful that the worst threats
are over though the passed
pawns remain. He is now able
to interpolate a little attack of
his own.
26. RQi KtB6ch.
27. KBi Kt x Pch.
28. KKi
Of course not 28 KK2, B
28. KtB6ch.
29. KK2 KtK4
30. R(i)Q7
Recovering the pawn, for if
30 . . ., PKR3; 31 R Kt
7ch., K B i ; 32 RR7,
threatening mate. Black's de
fence still has to be extremely
30. P B5
31. R Kt7ch. K Ri
32. Rx Kt P B Q6ch.
Now Black suddenly produces
a threat to win the game him
self. Of course White cannot
reply 33 K Q2 because of
33. K Qi P x P
The point. White cannot play
34 R x Kt because of P x P ; 35
RB7, R K B i ; winning.
34. P x P Kt Kt3
35- R Q5 B K5
36. RQ6 B B4
37- B Q5 QR Kti
38. PB6 Kt Bi
39. R QKt7
Temporarily holding the KP,
for if now 39 . . ., K t x P ; 40
R x R, with a winning rook end
40. P K7
41. BB7
42. B x Kt
Kt Kt3
B Ktsch.
Although he has two pieces
en prise Black can save both of
them owing to the position of
White's king, and in fact this
enables him to save the game.
He now succeeds in remaining
a piece ahead.
KBi RK8ch.
K Kt2 P x B
Rx Kt P B B4
46. R B6 B K5
R x P RKt8ch.
48. K - R 3 B x P
The culmination of a magni
ficently accurate defence. Both
of White's advanced passed
pawns have fallen and Black
now threatens B Kt4 followed
by R x P Mate. White has
nothing better than to take
perpetual check.
Jacques Mieses (b. 1865) played in his first masters tournament
at Hastings, 1895, and what may be his last at Hastings, 1946. His
style was extremely aggressive and he delighted in such risky
gambits as the Danish. This brought him uneven results in tourna
ments, little success in matches, but frequent brilliancy prizes.
Exhibition game, Berlin, 1913.
Ce n t r e Ga me
1. PK4 PK4
2. PQ4 P x P
3. QxP KtQB3
4. QK3 KtB3
5. KtQB3 BKt5
6. BQ2 OO
7. 000 RKi
By simple play against
Whites risky opening Black has
secured the win of a pawn. If
now 8 PB3, PQ4 ; and then
if 9 BQ3, PQ5.
8. QKt3 Kt x P
9. Kt x Kt R x Kt
10. BKB4 QB3
Not liking PQ3 which
would allow White a strong
attack for the pawn. If now n
Bx P, QK3 ; 12 KKtx,
RK8; 13 B K2, RxRch. ;
14 B x R, QK8 ; 15 QB3,
PQ3; with the threat of
11. KtR3 PQ3
12. BQ3 KtQ5
RKi would lead to varia
tions similar to those in the
previous note. He did not like
them then, and similarly prefers
now to indulge in complications
based upon the threat of Kt
K7CI1., which would allow sim
plification without retreat.
13. B - K 3
Naturally not BxR, Kt
K7ch. ; winning the queen.
Also, if PQB3, KtK7ch.;
i 4Bx Kt , R x B ; and White
cannot play 15 P x B because of
Q x P Mate.
13- BKt5
Overcomplicated. Correct
wasRKt5 ; i 4 B x K t , R x B ;
15 PQB3, B x P ; 16 PxB,
RKKt5 ; 17 QK3, Q x
[Diagram 37]
14. KtKt5
White must exercise the ut
most care. 14 QRKti, Kt
K7ch. ; 15 BxKt , B x B ; is
far too unenterprising. 14 P
KB3 only gives equality after
R x B ; 15QXB. K1 4 P QB
3, then B x P is a possible reply,
for if 15 PxB, KtK7ch.; 16
16. B x K t R x B
17. KtK4
A tactical finesse, enabling
him to capture on K4 instead of
on K2. With the exchange a-
head in this simplified position,
any player might expect to win.
17- Rx Kt
18. Q x R QKt4ch.
The alternative of BB4;
19 Q x P, QQ i ; was not
19. PB4 QKt4
20. PB3 BB4
21. KRKi QB3
22. RQ5
An error of judgment. He
cannot force the K side and get
a quick mate by weight of
material, so the logical course
was 22 QxQ, P x Q; 23 R
K7, with a winning end-game.
22. QQ 2
23. PB5
And here QK7 with the
same idea was better. Black
could not reply QKt5 be
cause of 24 QK8ch. Now
that White has wasted two
moves. Black, whose position
still does not appear to hold
any promise, brings all his
pieces to bear on Whites king
with an economy of moves that
is quite remarkable.
23- PQB3
24. RQ2 PQ4
25. QB3 BK2
Preventing PB6 and
threatening BKt4.
(b l a c k ) c a p a b l a n c a
Position before White's 14th move.
(Di a g r a m 37)
B x Kt, Q x Pch. ; (the White
queen was defending this on the
previous move) ; 17 K-Kti, R
Kt5 Mate. And finally if 14
BxKt , R x B ; 15 PQB3,
B x R ; 16 RxB, R x B ; 17
QxR, BB4; with a pawn
ahead. Blacks combination is
seen in all its ingenuity.
14. R x B
The only move. If White now
takes the rook. Black plays B x
R and still comes out a pawn
15. QxB KtK7ch.
By his last move White has
proved the whole combination
to have been unsound after all.
Black must now lose the ex
change, for if RK2; 16 B
xPch., KB i ; 17 RxKt ,
wins a piece.
26. R(2)K2 BB3
27. QR5 PKR3
28. PKKt4 KR2
29. KKti RQi
The first stage. PQ5 is
30. RQi PB4
31. QR3 QR5
32. R(2)Q2 QKsch.
33. KRi PQKt4
And now the threat of P
Kt5 is worse still. The way in
which Black has seized the
initiative is an object lesson in
the correct use of material.
34. QKt2 QR5
35. KKti
Not R x P, BQ5 ; or even
Q xRch.
35. P - K t 5
36. P x P QxP
37- PQr 3
If now RxP, RQ K t i ; 38
r (5)Q2PB5 ; with varia
tions similar to those in the
actual game.
37. QR5
38. R x P RQKti
39. R(5)Q2
[Diagram 38]
39. PB5
Much stronger than Q x RP.
40. QKt3 RKtfx
Not PB6; 41 QxR, Px
R ; 42 R x P. The text move,
followed by PB6, makes de
fence of the RP an urgent neces
(b l a c k ) c a p a b l a n c a
Position before Black's 39th move.
(Di a g r a m 38)
41. Q-Q6 P - B 6
42. RQB2 P x P
43- RQ3 QK5
White has battled hard to
stave off the attack and just
when he seems to have suc
ceeded Black prevents R x R by
the double threat of QK8ch.
and R x R.
44. RQi RQB6
And with this beautiful con
clusion Black settles the matter.
He has not only escaped defeat
but has actually won a lost
For if 45 RQ2, R x R ; 46
Rx R, QK8ch.; and if 45
QQ2, R x P ; the very move
White has fought so long to
New York tournament, 1918.
R u y L o p e z
I. PK4 PK4
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
P - Q R3
BR4 KtB3
6. RKi
P - QKt4
BKt3 00
8. p - b 3
P - Q 4
The Marshall Variation, in
which a pawn is sacrificed for a
strong attack, was introduced
to master play in this game.
9. P x P Kt x P
10. Kt x P Kt x Kt
11. Rx Kt KtB3
12. RKi
Subsequently 12 PQ4, B
Q3 ; 13 RK2, was preferred
as a defence, but Capablanca is
out of the book and has to im
provise. He said afterwards
that as soon as Marshall allowed
him to play the Ruy Lopez, he
suspected a prepared variation
was coming, for Marshall had
never faced a Ruy Lopez from
Capablanca since his unhappy
experience against it in the
match of 1909. Capablanca
anticipated that the attack
would be terrific.
12. BQ3
13. PKR3
P-Q4. KtKt5 ; 14 P -
KR3, QR5 ; 15 QB3,
would merely be a transposition
of moves.
13. KtKt5
The attack begins and with it
a period of intense crisis. If in
reply to the text move White
plays 14 P x Kt, then QR5 ;
15 PKt3, KB x P ; 16 PxB,
QxPch.; 17 KBi, BxP; 18
QB2 (RK2, BR6ch.; 19
RKt2, Q xRch. ; 20 KKi,
QRKich.), BR6ch.; 19
KK2, QRKich.; 20 K
Qi, BKtsch.; winning. Or
15 QB3, QR7ch.; 16 K
Bi, Bx P ; 17 QxB, QR8
ch.; 18 KK2, QRKich.
14- 0B3 QR5
!5. PQ4
(b l a c k ) ma r s h a l l
(w h i t e ) c a p a b l a n c a
Position before Black's 15th move.
(Di a g r a m 39)
15. Kt x P
16. RK2
If 16 Q x Kt, BR7ch (B
Kt6 would allow the brilliant
reply 17 QxPch. , R x Q ; 18
RK8 Mate, showing how
delicately the game is now
balanced); 17 KBi, B Kt
6; 18 Q K2 (now if Q x Pch.
the queen is captured with a
check), B x P ; 19 P x B, QR
K i ; 20 QxR, QxPc h. ; win
ning. After the text the attack
must ease a little as Black loses
a piece.
16. B KKt5
The attack is continued with
the utmost ferocity. If instead
16 . . ., Kt xPc h. ; 17 PxKt ,
B x P ; 18 RK4, or 16 . . .,
B x P ; 1 7 PXB, Kt xPc h. ; 18
KBi, KtKt4; 19 Q Kt2,
but 16 . . ., Kt Kt5 ; 17 B
KB4, B Kt2 ; 18 P Q5, Kt
B3 ; was a playable alterna
17. P x B B R7ch.
18. K Bi BKt6
19. R x Kt
White has fought his way
into slightly calmer water. He
obtains two pieces for the rook,
but is still behindhand in de
20. K K2
21. B Q2
22. QR3
23- KQ3
24. KB2
25- QB3
26. B 5
B x R
B R5
QR Kich.
Q B8ch.
B B7
Q Kt8
A last attempt to revivify his
flagging attack, but White is
now poised for his counter-
thrust. The problem of Q side
development is to be solved by
the advance of the Q side pawns.
27. P x P B x P
28. P Kt4
29. P R4 P-Q R 4
Px Kt P P x P
R R6 P x P
Kt x P B Kts
P Kt6
The picture has now changed
completely, and Black is help
less against the passed pawn,
for the moment his rook leaves
the first rank. White has Q x
Pch., available again.
33. B x Kt
34. B x B P R3
35. P Kt7 R K6
36. BxPch.
Forcing the pawn home, for
if in reply 36 . . ., K R i ; 37
RR8, R x Q; 38 RxRch. ,
K R2 ; 39 RR8ch., K x R ;
40 PKt8=Qch., or 36 . . .,
K R2; 37 Q B5ch., K Ri;
38 BxPch. , K x B ; 39 Q
Kt6ch., K R i ; 40 Q x P
36. R x B
37. P Kt8=Qch. K R2
38. RxPch. Resigns.
It is mate in two after 38 . . . ,
K x R (P x R ; 39 Q x R Mate);
39 Q R8ch., K Kt3 or 4; 40
Q R5 Mate.
A. Alekhine (1892-1946), Russian by birth and French by adop
tion, was world champion from 1927 to 1946, except for the period
I935-7* At his best he was perhaps the most completely equipped
and gifted chessplayer of all time, at home in open and close posi
tions, orthodox and experimental, sound in theory and fiery in
imagination. In his early years overshadowed by Lasker and
Capablanca he showed by his decisive victories in such tournaments
as San Remo, 1930 and Bled, 1931, that in the fullness of maturity
he was as great if not greater than they.
London tournament, 1922.
Sl a v De f e n c e
1. KtKB3 PQ4
P - Q 4
3. p- b 4
4. KtB3
5- PQR4
6. P - K 3
7. B x P
8. OO
q. KtK2
P x P
II. KtR4 PB4
12. Kt xB RPxKt
Px P Kt xP
Q-K2 KKtK5
Kt xKt Kt xKt
16. Q Kt4 KtB3
p QKt3 Q-K4
19. RRz
Continuing the attack on his
K4 by threatening RR4 at a
suitable moment.
21. BKt2
K R - Q i
The theme of this opening is
control of Whites K4, and with
the text move Rubinstein
evolves an elaborate plan to get
rid of Black's QB. The more
usual play is QK2. From
this point the battle for control
of the vital square is fought out
with all the intensity and per
sistence of which the players
are capable.
9- QKtQ2
10. KtKt3 BKt3
Not 21. . . , QKB4 ; 22 R
R4 BQ7 ; 23BXKP.
B x B
Kt x B
The threat is 24 KRBi, Kt
Q4; 25 PK4, and White
controls the key squares and
comes out with the better game.
24. t x Pe . p. P x P
25. KRBi
Maroczy recommended Q
B4 here.
25. KtR7
26. RKi PQKt4
27. BBi KtB6
28. QB4
If 28 PK4, PKt5 ; and
the first stage of the game ends
in equality. White prefers a line
which will allow him to use the
open files in the centre later.
0 x 0
29. PxQ
PKt3 RR6
KKt2 KK2
R-O2 R - Q i
RB2 R - Q B i
Now White has succeeded in
developing a strong game in the
centre. The immediate threat
is 38 R x Kt and if 37 . . Kt
Kt3 ; 38 BxP, P x B ; 39 Rx
Pch., KB2 ; 40 R x Kt, R x
P ; 41 RKt7ch., KB3 ; 42
R(2)K7, with advantage.
37. KtB6
38. RQ2 RB3
39. PR5
Trying to increase his pres
sure by sacrificing a pawn, the
object of which is primarily to
weaken Black's KP. A new in
tensity comes into the game.
39- PB3
40. RK3 P x P
41. PB5 PK4
42. R(3)03
Position before Black's 42nd move.
(Di a g r a m 40)
Threatening RQ8 followed
by R(2)Q 7 Mate.
42. RR2
43. RQ8 KtK5
44. R(2)05 R03
Not KtQ3 ; 45 RKKt8,
Kt xP ; 46 R(5) - 08, K t - Q
3; 47 RKt8.
45. RKKt8 RR7
Whites attack has reached
its full force. He is certain to
recover his pawn and he is
threatening even worse things.
Black swings to counter-attack
just in time.
46. RxKtPch. KBi
47. RKt8ch.
Still neither player can tip the
scales in his own favour. White
must now adopt this very in
genious method either to force a
draw or to get back to intercept
the attack.
47. K x R
48. RQ2 KKt2
49. R x R(2) RQ7
50. R x R Kt x R
51. BQ5
A drawn ending has been
reached after all.
51- P - K 5
52. PB4
But this is a serious error, for
not only does it give Black a
passed pawn but it enables him
to keep the White king out of
action in a comer. Much better
was the line suggested by Bum :
52 P-Kt4, PR5 (KR3; 53
KKt3, KKt4 ; 54 PB
4ch., P x P e . p . ; 55PXP, K x
B P ; 56 B-B7) ; 53 K-R3,
KtB6; 54 PKt5 (BxP,
KtKt4ch.), P x P ; 55 BxP,
KtQ7 ; 56 BB2, KB3 ;
57 KKt4, KtB8 ; 58 B
Qi, drawing.
52. PK6
53- KKti KBi
54. KKt2 KK2
55- BKt8 KQ3
56. BB7 KB4
57. B x P Kt x P
Allowing White to bring his
king across at last, but now the
Black king is also in range.
58. KB3 K-Q5
59. BB7
A last effort to retain some
chances by 59 . . ., KtQ7ch.;
60 KK2, PKt6 ; 61 B x P,
Kt x B ; 62 PKt4, and Black
must now be careful for if 62 . . . ,
KtB4 ; 63 PKt5, KtQ2 ;
64 PKt6, wins. Correct is
62. . . , KK5; 63 P-Kt5, Kt
Qsch. (KxP(4); 62KXP,
draws) ; 64 KKi, KxP(4) ;
winning. The reply chosen by
Black crashes any chances re
maining for White.
59. K-Q6
60. B x Kt KQy
61. BB4 PKt6
62. B x P PK7
R. Reti (1889-1929), a Czech, was one of the most original
masters of the twentieth century and a leader of the school which
revolted against the dogmas of Tarrasch and was dubbed Hyper-
modem. The chief feature of their theory was that occupation of
a square or squares was often less effective and certainly less
flexible than remote control. The excesses of the Hypermodems
soon faded but their teachings left their mark and brought new
vitality into a chess that was becoming too orthodox. A. Becker was
a prominent Austrian master who frequently figured in the prize
list of continental tournaments.
Vienna tournament, 1923.
R e t i Sy s t e m
1. KtKB3 KtKB3
2. PB4 PB4
3. P KKt3 P KKt3
Whites first three moves
constitute the Reti System
which was introduced to master
play at this time. Blacks sym
metrical defence causes White
no trouble but the more aggres
sive replies based on 1 . . ., P
Q4; which call for a high de
gree of positional exactness on
White's part, had not yet been
BKt2 BKt2
KtB3 KtB3
P - Q 3
P - Q 3
8. PKR3
Not yet QQ2 threatening
BR6, because of 8 . . ., Kt
8. BQz
9. QQ2 RKti
10. BR6 KtKi
11. PKR4
Indicating his intention of
forsaking the positional basis of
the opening and of going in for
a combinative attack. The
KRP is to be given up to open
the file for the rook, but the
whole idea is somewhat specu
lative and out of key.
11. BKts
12. PR5 P x P
If B xP, White can $lay 13
KtR2, QQ2 (preventing P
KKt4); 14 PB3, PK
Kt4 ; 15 Q xP, BKt3 ; 16 Kt
Kt4, with a strong game.
13. KtKR4 QQ2
14. BK4 KtQ5
Threatening to break up
Whites attack completely by
15 . . ., KtB7ch.; 16 Q x Kt,
Bx B.
15* O O O P Kt4
16. PB3 PKt5
17. KtKt5
Position before Black's 17th move.
( D i a g r a m 41)
Black has now developed his
own attack and White is in
difficulties. If 17 P x B, P x K t ;
18 PxBP, QR5 (threatening
QR6ch.); 19 QRBi, B x
B ; 20 Q xB, QB7 Mate. Or
if 17 KtQ5, Kt xPch. ; 18
KKti (KB2, QRsch.; or
QxKt, BxBch.), KtB6ch.;
19 Kt x Kt, P x K t ; 20 Q
Kt5, Rx Pc h. ; followed by
QR5. The QKt file must
therefore be kept closed.
17. Kt x Pch.
A fine move, for if in reply 18
Q x Kt, B x Bch. ; and Black is
two pawns ahead with a com
fortable game, while if 18 K
Kti, KtB6ch.; 19 PxKt ,
P x P ; and wins. White must
therefore allow Black to sacri
fice his knight for the complete
disruption of the White pawns.
18. KB2 K t x P
19. P x B K t x B
20. P x Kt QK3
21. KtB5
A terrible position for White,
faced as he is with a threat to
his bishop, threats to three
pawns, in two cases with check,
and after the fall of the QBP
with a threat to the knight. He
has to stake everything on his
attack on Black's king.
21. QxBPch.
22. KKti QxKPch.
23. KRi P x P
Black has secured the re
markable and very unusual
bargain of six pawns for a
minor piece. Less good would
be 23 . . ., Q x P ; inviting a
direct attack on his king by 24
Kt xB, K t x K t ; 25 QRK
Kti, nor is R x Kt satisfactory
because of 24 QKt5, QK4 ;
25 B xB, Kt x B ; 26 QRKi,
QB3 ; 27 Kt x Pch., winning.
24. B x B Kt x B
After 24 . . . . Qx Kt ; 25
B x R , R x K t ; 26BxP, Whi te
with a rook for five somewhat
loose pawns is better off.
25. Kt x Kt K x K t
26. QR6ch. KKti
An error under time pressure.
After KRi White would have
great difficulty in saving the
game, for if 27 QRKKti,
RK t i ; 28 Kt x QP, P x K t ;
29 QB6ch., RKt2; 30 Q x
QP, RQBi. As it is White is
able to threaten R x Pch., with
deadly effect.
27. QRKKti KRi
28. R x P
The first pawn Black loses is
fatal to him. As curious and re
markable a game as any ever
28. Q x Rch.
29. QxQ RKti
30. R x Rch. Resigns.
The continuation might be
30 . . ., K x R ; 31 KtB7,
RQB i ; 32 KtQ5, RKi ;
33 QR4. KB i ; 34 Q x RP,
or 30 . . ., R x R ; 31 KKti,
PQR3 ; 32 KtB7, PQ
R4; 33 KtQ5, PK3; 34
KtB6, RKt2 ; 35 QR8
ch. Superior weight must tell.
E. Znosko-Borovsky (b. 1884), a prominent Russian master in
the years before the First World War, is best known for his lively
and excellent treatises on various phases of the game and is
perhaps the greatest teacher of elementary chess of all time.
Paris tournament, 1925.
Al e k h i n e De f e n c e
I. PK4 KtKB3
2. PK5 KtQ4
P-QB4 KtKt3
4- P04 P03
PB4 P x P
6. BPx P KtB3
8. KtKB3 Pk 3
KtB3 KtKt5
10. RBi PB4
As Tartakower has said
Whites formidable looking
pawn advances in this opening,
White has his initiative to de
fend, and with this move Black
begins undermining Whites
11. PQR3 P x P
12. BKt5
No doubt hoping for 12 . . .,
BK2 ; 13 B x B, Q x B ; 14
KtQKt5, KtB3 ; 15 Kt
Q6ch., with a good game,
though after 12 . . . , QQ2 ; he
can achieve little, and the
simple 12 Kt x P was sounder.
12. P x Kt
A startling reply indicating
that he is going all out to win.
13. BxQ R x B
The alternative line was P x
P; 14 BxKt , P x R= Q; 15
QxQ, KtB7ch.; 16 KB2,
P x B ; and Black, as in the
text, has a rook and a minor
piece for the queen, but chances
of a more rapid development
than in the line selected. He
prefers to retain a more com
plicated position at some cost in
14. QKt3 P x P
15. Qx P KtR5
16. QRi
He cannot satisfactorily con
tinue protecting his QB2, but
possibly a better line was 16
QKt3, KtB4 ; 17 QK3,
Kt(5)K6ch.; 18 BxKt , Kt
xBch. ; 19 KK2, BB4 ;
20 Q-Kt5, Kt x Rch. ; but not
16 QKB2, BB4 ; 17 Q
Kt3, KtB7ch.; 18 RxKt ,
B x R ; threatening RQ8ch.;
20 KK2, KtB6 Mate.
16. KtB7ch.
17. R x Kt B x R
18. KtQ4
Playing to bring his superior
weight to bear. If 18 BK2
(against RQ8ch.), BQB4.
18. BKt3
[Diagram 42]
19- PB5
The point. He now develops
his bishop with good effect
through the threat of B
Ktsch., winning a piece. If in
reply 19 . . . , PQR3; 20 P
Position before White's 19th move.
(Di a g r a m 42)
B6, PQKt4 (if BQB4 ; 21
PxP, B x K t ; 22 QxB) ; 21
PB7, RQBi ; 22 Kt x Kt
P, while if 19 . . ., B x P ; 20
BKtsch., KK2 ; 21 Kt
Kt3, winning a piece.
19. K t x P
20. BKtsch. KtQ2
21. QB3 PQR3
Now Blacks difficulties with
his development become ap
parent for if 21 . . . , BK2 ; 22
Q'B7 (preventing OO), P
QR3 ; 23 BR4, PQKt4 ;
24 BQi, and OO is still
impossible because of 25 Kt
22. BxKtch. R x B
23. QB8ch.
Preparing to give up a third
piece to keep Black tied up. If
23 OO, at once, Black has a
choice of B x P ; 24 Q xB, R x
Kt; or 23 . . PKt3;
threatening Rx Kt and BQ
B4. While if 23 KtB3, B
Q6; 24 QB8ch., RQi; 25
Q xP, B xP ; 26 QB6ch., K
K2; and Black obtains a
quick deployment of forces.
23. RQi
24. Q x P R x Kt
25. QB6ch. RQ2
26. 00 BQ6
27. R x P
The point of Whites 23rd
and 24th moves. Black must
now exert all his resources to
save the game.
27. BB4ch.
28. KRi BKt4
29. QxPch. RK2
30. RxRch. B x R
31. QB8ch. BQi
32. QK6ch. BK2
White can hope for no more
now, while Black cannot escape
perpetual check in his exposed
situation, for if 32 . . ., KB i ;
some such line follows as 33
QB5ch., KK2 ; 34 QKt
5ch. (or PQR4. B x P ; 35 Q
Kt4, RB i ; 36 QKt4ch.),
KK3 ; 35 QxP, R - K i ;
36 PQR4. BB3 ; 37 Q
Kt3, RB i ; 38 QKt3ch.,
KQ2 ; 39 PK6ch., K
B2 ; 40 QKt3ch., KBi ;
41 QQ3> KKt2; 42 Qx
KRPch., BB2; 43 QKt
ich., KR2 ; 44 PK7.
E. D. Bogolyubov (b. 1889), a Russian by birth, adopted Ger
many as his country after his internment there during the First
World War. He rapidly achieved prominence in the 1920s and his
vigorous and aggressive style won him a number of tournaments,
notably Moscow, 1925. By 1929 he was regarded as a challenger
for the world title, but was soundly defeated twice, in 1929 and
S. Tartakower (b. 1887), also bom in Russia, later took French
nationality. An original and aggressive player, he always seeks to
escape from the book and this has perhaps cost him a number of
prizes. He has, however, won many tournaments, as for example
at Liege, 1930, and at Hastings, 1946.
GAME 33 P o n z i a n i Ope n i n g
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
London tournament, 1927. 3. PB3 KtB3
Stronger and more usual is
PQ4 at once.
4. PQ4 P-Q4
5. KP x P Qx P
6. BK2 PK5
As a result of his choice on
the 3rd move Black must now
decide between this not very
satisfactory move, and 6 . . .,
P x P ; which leads to positions
akin to some in the Danish
Gambit or the Goring Gambit,
where White gets a strong
though not decisive attack at
the cost of a pawn.
7. KKtQ2 PK6
A sharp move, putting a keen
edge on the game. It is not
altogether satisfactory, how
ever, for though Whites king
side is broken up he secures
control of the centre.
8. P x P QxKt P
9. BB3 QR6
10. QK2 KtKKts
Preventing 11 QKt2, or n
BKt2, by the threat to the
11. KtK4 QRsch.
12. KQi
If 12 KtKt3, BQ3 ; 13
QKt2, Kt x RP; with ad
12. BQ2
He could retain some say in
the centre by 12 . . ., PB4 ;
13 B x Kt, P x Kt. White now
has time to work his QB round
to the K side.
13. BQ2 O0O
14* BK i QK2
If 14 . . ., QR4; 15 P
KR3, and if 14 . . QR6 ; 15
15. B x K t QxKt
16. BB3 QKt3
17. KtQ2 PB3
Preferring to hold his K4
rather than try and fight it out
for his K5 by PB4.
18. BKt3 PKR4
19. RKKti PR5
20. BB2 QB2
21. PK4 BQ3
22. BK3 KtR4
A rather pointless move. His
counterweight to Whites centre
lies on the other wing.
23. PKt4 BRsch.
24. KKi
Safer was KBi. The king
comes under fire on the other
24. KtB3
25. KtB4 B x RP
[Diagram 43]
A counter-attack just in time,
for he was threatened with Kt
Kt2, and if instead 25 . . .,
KtK2 ; 26 PKts, B x KtP ;
27 Kt x Bch., R x K t ; 28 Q x
B, with good chances of a suc
cessful storming attack. Of
course if now 26 Q x B, Q x K t ;
27 R x P, Q x Pch. ; while 26
RKt2, BKt6ch.; leaves
Black reasonably safe.
(b l a c k ) b o g o l y u b o v
(w h i t e ) TARTAKOWER
Position before White's 26th move.
( D i a g r a m 43)
26. KtKt2 B x R
27. B x B Kt xQP
He must lose another piece,
for if 27 . . PQKt4; 28 Kt
xB, P x K t ; 29 QR6ch., K
Q2; 30 BKt4ch., and White
will have two bishops for rook
and pawn. Attack and counter
attack now continue at a fast
28. P x Kt BB3
29. PQ5 B x P
He prefers a fighting line,
even at the cost of another
piece, rather than 29 . . ., B
Q2 ; 30 RBi, threatening 31
BR2, when Black has little
hope of saving the game.
30. P x B KRKi
31. BK3 PKB4
32. KBi PKKt4
The likely looking PB5
will not win the piece because
of 33 BKt4ch., KK t i ; 34
BK6, QB3 ; 35 BB2. He
must therefore stake every
thing on his K side pawns.
33. QKB2 P Kt5
34. BRi
If 34 BxKt P, R x B ; 35
B xPch ., KK t i ; 36 QxR,
Q x Bch. ; 37 QB2 (KKti,
RKtich.; 38 KRi, Qx
Pch.; or 37 KKi, Qx P ;
threatening QR8ch.), QR6
ch.; 38 KK2 (KK i , Q
R8ch.), QB6; 39 KBi, Q
R6ch.; drawing.
34- R x P
A surprise, but not the best
move. With 34 . . . , PB5 ; 35
Q x P (B x P, RBi), Q x Qch.;
36 BxQ, RB i ; his pawns
should give him at least a draw.
35- BB4
After 35 B x R, Q x B ; Black
would threaten 36. . . , PKt6 ;
37 QQ2QR8ch.; 38 K
K2, Q X R. The reply 36 BB4,
would allow 36. . . , PKt6; 37
QKt2, QKt4ch.; 38 K
Kti, RK7 ; while 36 QB4,
would be answered by QR8
ch.; 37 BKti, QR6ch.;
38 KB2, PKt6ch.; 39 K
B3, QR8 Mate.
35- R - K 5
Thrill follows thrill now that
Black is committed to an all out
effort. He must close one of the
two bishops' diagonals, for a
quiet move such as R(4)Qi
would allow 36 Q x QRP with a
terrific attack.
36. B x R PxB
37. KKti PKt6
Not 37 . . RKB4; 38
QxQRP, RxB ; 39 RQi,
PB3 ; 40 QR8ch., K2 ;
41 QQ8 Mate.
38. QK3 QB3
39. RKti RKB4
White has consolidated his
position, and Black with his
material inferiority cannot
afford moves like PKt3. This
attack, however, leads no
where and now the Black pawns
begin to fall.
40. QxRP RQ4
41 QR8ch. KQ2
42. QxP QQsch.
43. KRi PK6
44. RQBi
Correct was 44 Q x Pch. first,
defending the bishop. Now
Black can get out of his diffi
44. PKt7ch.
The point. White can no
longer answer 45 KR2 be
cause of 45 . . . , Q xBch.
45. K x P PR6ch.
Missing his opportunity.
After 45 . . ., QKsch.; 46
KKti (KR3, QB6ch.;
47 KxP, RR4 Mate or K
Bi, Q xBch.; 47 KKti, Q
Kt6ch.; 48 KRi, QR6ch.;
49 KKti, RKt4ch.), RKt
4ch.; 47 BxR, QxQ; 48
BxRP. QxP; 49 KtB4,P
K7; with very good chances.
Now it is easy for White.
46. KB3 KK3
47. R x P PR7
48. QB6ch. RQ3
Or 48 . . ., KB4 ; 49 R
49. QK8ch. Resigns.
For if 49.. ., KQ4 ; 50 Q
R5ch., KK3; 51 QB7 Mate.
A titanic struggle from start to
22nd match game,
Buenos Aires, 1927.
Pi l l s bu r y At t a c k
2. P-QB4
pk 3
P - 4
BKt5 BK2
Pk 3 00
6. KtB3 QKtQ2
RBi p b 3
B 03
P xP
B xP KtQ4
10. BxB QxB
If 11 0O, Black frees his
game with Kt x Kt ; 12 R x Kt,
PK4. The text move, how
ever, leads to a drawish position
unless he can play OO first
because of the check on his
11. Kt(4)B3
If Kt(2)B3 he not only
reduces his chances of playing
PK4 or PQB4 later but his
advanced knight would be a
target for the White KP.
12. KtKt3 QKtsch.
13- QQ2 QxQch.
14. K x Q RQi
15. K R - Q i
Better than 15 B Q3, P
K4; 16 PxP, KtKts ; 17 P
K6, Kt(2) K4 ; 18 Kt x Kt,
Kt x Kt ; 19 PxPch., K x P ;
20 RB3, PQKt4 ; as in the
20th game of the match. Now
if 15 . . ., P K 4 ; 16 K K2,
P x P (P K5 ; 17 Kt Kt5);
17 RxP, with considerable
15- PQKt3
16. PK4
Here KK2 would not be
sufficiently aggressive, Black
getting a solid position by
16 . . ., BKt2; 17 RQ2,
KB i ; 18 R(B)Qi, K
K2; 19 PK4, PKR3.
16. BKt2
17. PK5 KtKi
Against KtK4Q6.
18. KK3 KBi
Allowing White to get his
knights on aggressive squares.
Preferable was PKR3.
19. KtKts PKR3
20. Kt(5)K4K K2
If 20 . . ., PQB4; 21 P
B4, P x Pch.; 22 R x P, with
by far the freer game.
21. PB4 PKB4
22. KtB3 KtB2
Now PQB4 would be
answered by 23 PQ5.
23. Kt(Kt)K2 PKKt4
24. PKR4 PKts
Px P would lead to a prob
able draw after 25 RKRi,
RKKt i ; 26 RxP, Rx P;
27 R xP, QRKKt i ; but not
25 . . ., PB4; 26 RxP, Bx
P ; 27 RKKti, RKKt i ;
28 RxP, B Kt2 ; 29 R
R7ch., winning a piece.
25. KtKt3 PQR4
26. BKt3 QRBi
If 26 . . ., PKt4; 27 P
Q5 (PR4, PKts ; 28 Kt
(B) K2, QRB i ; 29 RB2,
KtQ4ch.; with equality), BP
xP (KtxPch. ; 28 B xKt, BP
xB ; 29 Kt xKtP) ; 28 Kt(B)
K2, QRB i ; 29 KtQ4,
with positional compensation
for the pawn, as in the 24th
game of the match.
27. PR3 RBi
28. RQ2 BRi
29. R(2)QB2 PB4
Not 29 . . ., KtQ4ch.; 30
Kt x Kt, KP x Kt (forced); 31
B xP. Black now seeks to
break out of his constricted
30. P x P K t x P
31. KtR4 Kt(2)R3
Not 31 . . Kt x B ; 32
RxKtch., R x R ; 33 RxRch.,
KQ i ; 34 RB3, KtR8
(KtB4 ; 35 Kt x KtP, win
ning) J 35 Kt xKtP, BKt2 ;
36 KtKz, RB2 ; 37 Kt
Q4 (threatening RBi), RB
2 ; 38 Kt x Pch., wins.
Position before White's 32nd move.
(Diagram 44)
32. B x P
A brilliant effort to force a
win. The likely looking 32 Kt x
KtP, loses a piece by RQKti;
33KtxB, RxBch.
32. K x B
33. Kt x KtP RQKti
White threatened PKt4-
34. K t x B RKt6ch.
Missing his best chance,
which was RxKt, for any
attempt by White to make
quick use of his rooks on the
QB file leads to an ending in
Blacks favour, as for example
35 PKt4, P x P ; 36 Px P,
Kt x P ; 37 R x Kt, RR6ch.;
38 R(5)-B3 (K-B2, K t - Q
6ch.), Rx Rc h. ; 39 Rx R, Kt
Q4ch.; or35 RxKt , K t x R ;
36 R xKt, KRB i ; 37 RxR,
Rx R. White must therefore
play 35 RQi, a change of file
which is less effective when
Black can oppose rooks, as he
can after 34 . . ., R xKt, than
in the game as played when
White controls the file. How
ever, Alekhine suggested R x
K t ; 35 KtK2, by-passing
the dangers.
35. RB3 RxRch.
36. P x R R x Kt
37. RQi RKBi
He must withdraw his king
from the defence of the BP, for
if KtKt2, the rook comes in
at QKt6 after 38 RQKti.
38. RQ6ch. KK2
39. R x P KtB2
40. RR7ch.
Black threatens KtKt4 or
KtQ4, but now White is
able to force the king back
further, since if 40 . . . , RB2 ;
41 KtxPch.
40. KQi
41. PB4 Kt(2)-K3
Preparing the counter
measure 42 . . ., K t x P ; 43
Kx Kt , KtK3ch.; 44 KK
3, PB5CI1.; but White pre
vents the manoeuvre by
threatening to exchange off the
rooks by RR8ch. Neverthe
less, the best reply was 42 Kt
42. RR7 KtB2
43. RxP Kt(4) - K 3
44. PR5 KQ2
Still not Kt x P ; 45 K x Kt,
Kt K3ch.; 46 KK3, P
Bsch.; 47 KK4, P x K t ; 48
PR6 Kt xP
46. KxKt KtK3ch.
K K3 PBsch.
48. KB2 PxKtch.
49. Kx P RKRi
RQ5ch. KK2
Not KB3 ; 51 RQ6ch.
Black's defence against White's
widely spread pawns has to be
extremely exact. Fortunately
for him each one is isolated.
P - B 5 RxP
PB6 KtBi
RB5 K - Q i
KxP RKt3ch.
P Kt4 KtK3
57- R - Q 5
Better than K x P ; 58 R
Q6ch., KKt4 ; 59 KK3,
and Blacks two pieces are com
pletely tied up, since he dare not
risk 59 . . ., KtB i ; 60 R x R,
Kt x R ; and the pawns cannot
be held.
58. RB5 KtK3
59* RQ5 KtBi
60. RR5
Fighting for a win, but now
the pawns begin to fall.
60. R x BP
61. KK4 RB8
62. RR7ch. KB3
63. RR6ch. KQ2
64. RR7ch. KK3
65. RR6ch. K K2
66. PR4 KtQ2
67. RR6
After RR5, to prevent Kt
B4CI1. and also the loss of the
KP, Black can play KK3.
K-Q4 Kt xP
Kt xP
70. RR7ch.
K - Q 3
PR7 KtB3
RQKt7 KtQ2
Bowing to the inevitable and
admitting that he cannot win.
Now, Black in turn tries to win,
but his hope is a forlorn one for
it must depend on a White
76. KB4 dis. ch. KB3
RKR2 RRsch.
78. KB3 R KKt5
81. KK2 KB5
82. RR4ch. KB6
KB2 R-Q6
86. KB3 K-Q6
A. Nimzowitch (1886-1935), a Russian who adopted Denmark
as his native country, first came into prominence early in the
twentieth century. His style was so unusual that for a time he
was regarded as a Hypermodern, but in fact he was an original
thinker and iconoclast and became a great teacher. He was always
highly placed in tournaments, his best result being the 1st prize
at Carlsbad, 1929, but never obtained the match for the world
title to which he was generally regarded as entitled.
Kissingen tournament, 1928.
N i mz o -In d i a n De f e n c e
1. PQ4 KtKB3
2. PQB4 Pk 3
3. KtQB3 BKts
4. QB2 PQ4
5- B - K t 5
A move proved inferior for
the first time in this game.
Blacks play, holding the gambit
pawn, leads to a great battle.
5- P x P
6. KtB3 P Kt4
7. P QR4 PB3
8. BxKt
Not PK3 because he wants
to take advantage of Black's
weakness on the long diagonal.
8. PxB
I f Qx B; 9 PxP, Px P; 10
QK4, with a position suffi
cient to deter Black from trying
the line, though Alekhine sub
sequently suggested the brilliant
continuation 10 . . ., QKt3;
11 QxR, QB7; 12 QxKt,
OO ; and Black must recover
his rook with a strong game.
9. PKKt3 P QR3
Beginning an unexpected
manoeuvre, as a result of which
Whites bishop on the long diag
onal will bite on thin air.
10. B Kt2 RR2
11. O O RQ2
12. QBi O O
13. QR6 B x Kt
The alternative answer to the
threat of KtK4 fails by 13...,
KR i ; 14 KtK4, BK2 ;
15 Kt(3)-Kt5, Px Kt ; 16
KtB6, BxKt ; 17 BK4.
The text move frees the White
knight from the defence of his
QP, but it remains without
much future even so.
14. PxB KRi
15. KtQ2 PKB4
16. KRKti
If now 16 PK4, PK4; and
the White centre goes to pieces
after 17 KPxP, RQ3; 18
QK3, Px P; 19 PxP, Rx
P ; 20 KtB3, RQ6. Now
White threatens 17 Kt x P, P x
K t ; 18 R x Kt, making Blacks
extra pawn valueless.
16. PK4
Now if 17 KtxP, P x P ; 18
PxP, Rx P ; 19 KtK5, R
Q3; 20 QBi, Q - B 3 ; 21
Qb 3, r - k 3.
17. KtB3 RQ3
18. Q-K3
He must try and hold what
centre he has, for if 18 QR5,
P x P; 19 KtKts, PR3;
20 KtxPch., Rx Kt ; 21 Qx
R, P x P ; and the Black pawns
will win.
18. PK5
19. KtQ2 KtQ2
20. PKt4
A fighting reply. A less ag
gressive line would lead to slow
suffocation. Now the game be
comes very critical.
20. KtB3
21. PxBP Bx P
The natural move and good
enough, but more decisive was
21 . . ., KtQ4; 22 QR3
(QxP, KtxP), KtB5 ; 23
QK3, QKt4; 24 QxP
(forced), B x P ; winning.
22. QB4 Q Q2
23. BxP
The only way to get freedom
in the centre, for if 23 Kt x KP,
B x K t ; 24 B x B, RKtich.;
25 BKt2 (KRi, RKt5),
KtQ4; 23 QK5ch, (QB3,
R(3)Kt3), PB3; 27 Q
R5, KtB5 ; winning.
23. Kt xB
24. Kt x Kt RKt3ch.
25. KtKt3
The climax of Blacks play,
for White must now lose the
exchange. If 25 KRi (K
Bi, Bx Kt ; 26 QxB, QR
6ch.), QQ4 (not RKt5 ; 26
KtB6); 26 PB3, R K i ;
threatening 27 . . . , R x K t ; 28
PxR, B x P ; winning easily.
25. BxR
26. R x B PKB4
Threatening RKt5 followed
27. PB3 QKKt2
But now Black begins to go
wrong, curiously enough in the
same way as Mieses did against
Capablanca in Game 28, by not
forcing exchanges after obtain
ing a material advantage. Bet
ter was 27 .. . , QQ3.
28. KB2 QB3
29. P x P BP x P
A further error, for though
the pawns look strong, White
has now a passed pawn which
enables him to fight back with
magnificent virtuosity.
[Diagram 45]
30. RQi KKti
31. PQ5 QxP
A final misjudgment; QQ3
was essential. The full subtlety
Position before White's 30th move.
(Diagram 45)
of Whites recovery has still to
32. PQ6 QB3
33. PQ7 PB6
34. Kt x P PB7
Of course not Q x K t ; 35
QxQ, Rx Q; 36 P-Q8=
Qch., nor RKt4 ; 35 RQ5,
R x K t ; 36 R x R, QKt3ch.;
37 KKt2, R x R ; 38 Q xR.
35- RQ6
A big surprise. The tame 35
RQBi, would lose by 35 . . .,
RKt4 (not QKt3ch.; 36
Q-Q4); 36 P-K4. Q - K t
3 ch.
35- QQ1
Threatening R x R and still
anticipating a won game. Other
lines lead only to a probable
draw ; for example, 35 . . . , Q x
R; 36Kt xQ, R x Q; 37 P
Q8-Qch., RB i ; 38 QB7,
R x K t ; 39 QxP, or 35 . . .,
PB8=Q; 36 QxQ, Q x K t ;
37 PQ8=Q, R x Q; 38 R x
R(8)ch. White uses his passed
pawn with magnificent effect,
so that Blacks move is the
most reasonable one.
36. QK5 Rx Kt
Of course not 36 . . ., PB8
=Q; 37 RxRch. , P x R ; 38
QKt7Mate. The text appears
finally to break Whites attack,
but there is more to it.
37- QK8ch.
The point. Of course 37 Q x R
would lose. Now if 37 . . . , K
Kt2; 38 RxRch. , P x R ; 39
QxQ, PB8=Q; 40 QK
7ch., KR3 ; 41 PQ8=Q,
and White actually wins, so
Black must submit to the draw
by perpetual check.
37- RBi
38. RxRch. Drawn.
M. Euwe (b. 1901), the Dutch master, won the world cham
pionship from Alekhine in 1935, only to lose it again two years later.
A player of deep and accurate positional sense, he has persistently
won prizes in master tournaments, though often just failing to win
the 1st prize. One of his best results was his 1st prize at London,
1946. (Pronunciation :Erver.)
8th match game, 1928.
P i l l s b u r y A t t a c k
i - PQ4 PQ4
2. PQB4 Pk 3
3. KtQB3 KtKB3
4. BKt5 QKtQ2
5. PK3 Pb 3
6. P-QR3
Preventing the Cambridge
Springs Defence.
6. BK2
7. KtB3 KtK5
8. B x B QxB
9. QB2 PKB4
A solid variation in which he
will labour under the permanent
disadvantages of weak Black
squares and a confined bishop.
10. BK2 0O
ix. OO RB3
PK4 is impossible because
of the loss of the QP, and if first
11 . . ., Kt x K t ; then 12 Q x
Kt, again prevents PK4.
12. KtK5
A double-edged move. He
permanently prevents PK4
but has to allow some weaken
ing of his position on the K side.
The more orthodox play would
be to operate on the Q side by
PB5 and PQKt4Kt5.
12. QKt x Kt
13. P x K t RR3
14. PKKt3
To prevent QR5. Were he
to permit QR5 and then play
PR3, Black could at once
continue with PKKt4Kt5.
14. BQ2
15. PB3 Kt x P
A bold sacrifice designed to
take advantage of the weakness
White has permitted. But prob
ably a quieter line like Kt
Kt4 would in the end have
proved more effective.
16. P x K t QKt4
17. KKt2
If KB2, then RR7CI1.;
18 KKi, Qx KP; 19 PB4,
17. RKt3
18. PKKt4 QxP
19. PB4 P x KtP
To prevent 20 PKt5 and 21
20. Q03 QKt3
21. PKt4
Preparing for 22 RRi with
the threat of 23 R x P, K x R ;
24 RRich., KKti; 25 Q
xR. White is now beginning
to recover the initiative.
21. RKBi
22. PQB5 QQi
23. QKt3 PKR4
24. RRi RR3
25. QRKBi PQKt3
Black is entirely without pros
pects unless he can open some
more lines.
26. QR4 6Ri
27. BQ3 PR4
28. QKt5 BKi
I f RP x P; 29RXP, R x R ;
30 QxR, RBi (against 31
BR7CI1.) ; 31 RP x P, with a
great advantage.
29. RRi i
Blacks manuvre has suc
ceeded in making White halt
his initiative. If 29 KtR4,
R P x P ; 30 Kt xP, Qx P ;
with good chances.
29. QKti
30. Kt PxP
This fails to keep Black con
tained. It was based on the line
30..., P x RP ; 31QRQKti,
QR2 ; 32 KtR4 (not R
Kt6, PQR5), and Black can
not get out. Better was 30 KR
QKti (not QRQKti, RP X
P ; 31 RP x P, P x P ; 32 P x
P, QR2), QR2 ; 31 Kt
R4, PKt4; 32 KtB3, and
White holds the Q side.
30. PKt4
31. KtK2 QR2
32. KtKt3
He cannot prevent Blacks
queen coming back into the
game, for if KRQBi, Q x R P ;
threatening QQ7.
32. Qx BP
33. PB5
If Kt x P, B x K t ; 34 R x
B, QK6; 35 Rx R, QB
6ch.; with a draw by perpetual
check. If 35 Q xP, R xR ; 36
Q x R, Q x B ; wins.
33- PR5
Position before White's 34th move.
( D i a g r a m 46)
34. R x P
A most critical position, with
both players on the attack. If
White here tries to continue his
attack at once with PB6,
Black plays PR6ch.; 35 K
Bi (not KR2, QKB7Mate),
R(3) x Pch.; 36 P x R, R x
Pch.; 37 KK2 (KKi , Q
B6ch.; 38 KK2, QKt7ch.;
39 KK3 ?, RB6 Mate),
QKB7ch.; 38 KQi, Q x K t ;
and White will have difficulty in
saving the game. Alternatively
in this variation, if White tries
35 R x P, then P x Rch. ; 36 K
Ri, RB2 ; 37 PxP, Q
KB7; 38 KtK2 (RKKti,
P - R 7 ; 39 RKt2, QK8
ch.;wins), QKt7ch.; 39Q x Q,
P x Qch.; 40 K x P, R x Pch.;
wins. Nor is 34 Q x KtP any
better, for then P x K t ; 35
R x R, QKB7CI1.; 36 KRi,
PKt7ch.; 37 Q x P, Q x Qch.;
38 KxQ, P x R ; 39 RRi,
PR4; 40 PB6, PB4 ; 41
PR6, PB5; 42 BKt6
(PR7, BB3), BB3 ; 43
RxP, PQ5 dis. ch.; wins.
Probably best is simply 34
KtK2, PQ5; 35 Kt
B4, QB6 ; 36 PB6, Q
Q7ch.; 37 KBi, RB2 ; 38
QxKt P, PB4. The text,
which looks strong, has one
small flaw.
34. R x R
35- P - B 6
If QxR, QK6 ; 36 QxP,
Qx B ; 37 PB6, and Black
must take a perpetual check,
or Q x KP is dangerous.
35. RR7ch.
Resolving the problem by
36. K x R QKB7ch.
Not 37 KRi, QB6ch.;
38 KKti, Q x Ktch.; 39 K
Bi, QxBch. ; 40 KKi, Q
R2 ; wins. A very keen-edged
M. Vidmar (b. 1885), of Yugoslav nationality, came into promi
nence early in the twentieth century and was for thirty years a
consistent prizewinner in master tournaments, though seldom
winning a 1st prize. IDs victory at Bad Sliac, 1932, was one of his
best results.
Carlsbad tournament, 1929.
Qu e e n s Pa w n Ga m e
1. PQ4 KtKB3
2. KtKB3 PKKt3
3* BKt5
An unorthodox development
of the bishop which almost in
evitably leads to giving up the
bishop for the knight.
3. BKta
4- QKtQ2 PB4
5. p- k 3
If PK4, Black will control
the long diagonal.
00 Pk r 3
8. BKB4
Pb 3 KtR4
White allows a certain
amount of disruption in his
pawn position to obtain open
lines for his pieces. The safe 10
BKt3, Kt xB; n RPx
Kt, offered fewer possibilities.
10. Kt xB
11. PxKt 00
If Px P; 12 Kt xP, and
Black can only give White an
isolated pawn at the cost of his
valuable KB. White can
not answer the text move with
12 B x P, because of PB5, fol
lowed by PQ4.
12. QRQi KtB3
13. BKti
Now B x P would be
answered by KtR4.
13. PxP
14. PxP PK3
Black cannot have the threat
of B xP hanging over him in
definitely, but now his QP is
15. KtK4 KtK2
PQ4 would allow White to
establish himself strongly on his
16. QR3 KtB4
17. RQ2 QK2
18. Kt Kt3 Kt xKt
19. BPxKt KRBi
20. P KKt4 RB2
21. PB5 KPxP
22. Px P PKKt4
23. RKi QB3
The immediate disruption of
his K side pawns has been
averted, and he threatens P
Kt5, winning the knight.
24. PR3 QRQBi
25- R(Q)-Qi
Of course if 25 Q x RP, B x
Kt. White is now on the de
fensive and Black's superior de
velopment begins to tell. Some
what better was R(Q) K2, and
if RB8 ; 26 RK8ch., R x
R ; 27 R x R.
25. RB5
26. PQ5
He can no longer stand the
threat of BxKt.
26. PQR4
It was better to play for
equality with Q x KtP ; for
then 27 QxRP, BRi (BxP;
28 RxB, RB8 ; 29 BQ3,
RxRch. ; 3oKtxR, QB8;3i
QK7, BB6; 32 KBi,
QBsch. ; with nothing more
than perpetual check) ; 28 Q
Q7 (not BQ3, R(5)B2 ; 29
QR4, BxP), RB8; 29
R x R (not RK8ch., BBi),
R x R ; 30 QK8ch. (BQ3,
Rx Rc h. ; 31 Kt xR, QB8 ;
32 QK8ch., BB i ; 33 Q x
B, QxKtch.), KR2; 31 P
B6 dis. ch., Qx B; 32 PxB,
RxRch. ; 33 Kt xR, K x P ;
and a draw is almost certain.
27. KtQ2 QQ5ch.
28. KRi QxQP
Better was simply R(5)B2 ;
29 KtK4, Q x KtP ; 30 Q x
QP, but Black sees mating pos
sibilities by means of a com
binative assault on the White
(b l a c k ) e u w e
( w h i t e ) v i d m a r
Position before White's 29th move.
( D i a g r a m 47)
29. BK4 R x B
30. Kt x R QxBP
31. Kt x QP B x Pch.
32. K x B RB7ch.
33. KRi QB5
tion. An apparently inescapable
mate on the move is threatened,
but White has seen further and
now brings his own still more
beautiful combination into
34. RK8ch. BBi
Clearly not KR2 ; 35 Q
35. R x Bch. K x R
Of course if KKt2 ; 36 R x
36. KtBsdis. ch. KKti
37. QB8ch. Resigns.
It is mate next move. A
galling resignation when he is
still left threatening his own
mate on the move. For this
exquisite piece of play Vidmar
was awarded a brilliancy prize.
nth match game,
Weisbaden, 1929.
P i l l s b u r y A t t a c k
1. PQ4 KtKB3
2. PQB4 PB3
3. KtQB3 PK3
4. KtB3 PQ4
5. BKt5 QKtQ2
6. PK4
The key to Blacks combina- A bold method of avoiding
the Cambridge Springs De
6. Px KP
7. Kt x P QKt3
QR4ch., would avoid the
break-up of his K side pawns.
8. KtxKtch. P x Kt
9. BBi PK4
10. BQ3
Sacrificing a pawn to secure
open lines for his bishops and
10. P x P
11. 0O BK2
He has no time for PQB4,
for then 12 RKich., BK2 ;
13 QK2, QQi (Q Q3 ; 14
BB4); 14 BR6 and the
threat of BKt7 followed by B
xBP ties up Black com
12. RKi KtBi
13. KtR4 BK3
14. KtB5 BKt5
Hoping to castle on the Q
side with a good game.
15. KtKt7ch. KQ2
16. RK4 RKKti
17. KtR5 BK2
[Diagram 48]
18. PQKt4
Black has now somewhat con
solidated his position, so White
gives up a second pawn to keep
the pot boiling. It is rare to get
such a tense situation so early
in a Queens Pawn opening.
18. PKB4
19. PB5 QxKt P
Position before Whites 18th move.
( D i a g r a m 48)
He has now no option but to
accept the offer. If QB2 ; 20
BKB4, QB i ; 21 R x Pch.
20. RK5
Better than 20 RKti, Q x
P ; 21 RxKtPch. , KB i ; 22
BQR6, P x R ; 23 RKt5
dis. ch., KQ i ; 24 R x Q,
B x R ; and Black has a good
20. KtKt3
Not liking PB3 ; 21 R
Kti, QR4 >22 R xPch., K
Ki (KB i ; 23 KRxB, Kt x
R; 24 Rx B) ; 23 KRxB,
Kt x R ; 24 B x P, KtB i ; 25
21. RKti QR4
I f Q x R ; 22 B x Q, Kt x R ;
23 Q x Pch., with advantage.
22. RK2 PKt3
Of course not BxBP; 23
KtB6ch. nor BxRP; 23
23. Px P Px P
24. R(K)Kt2 QRKti
25. BBi PB4
By careful play Black has
now practically consolidated his
position again and his extra
pawns begin to look formidable,
so White plans to open the QKt
file thus deriving what advant
age he can from his superior de
26. PQR4 KB2
27. RKt5 QRi
28. PR5 PxP
29. BQ2 RxR
If PR5; 3 RR5. Q
B3; 31BQKt5, with a strong
attack against the exposed king.
Black rightly considers that a
lead of two pawns is sufficient.
R x R RKti
R xP QKt2
32. Q^4
QR2 QKt6
K - Q 3
Not KB i ; 35 BR6ch.,
KQ i ; 36 BRsch., KK i ;
37 QxQ. RxQ; 38 RR8ch.
35* QR6ch. RKt3
36. QR5 RKt2
37. RR6ch. BB3
38. KtKt7 Q-Q4
Another stage of consolida
tion is achieved. The king is
covered and a White bishop
tied down by a mating threat.
39. PB3
There is nothing in 39 Kt
K8ch., KQ2.
39. KQ2
But here Black misses a
chance of shutting in the White
bishop and opening for his own
use the diagonal which White
has been forced to weaken. P
Q6 was much better and would
prevent Whites next move.
40. BQ3 BQi
And here KtR5, defending
the pawn and threatening a
dangerous attack by Kt x Pch.,
was more promising.
41. QRi KtK2
To prevent Kt xP followed
by BK4, but KtR5 was
still a better move.
42. Kt xP
The first pawn is recovered
elegantly. Black cannot answer
with Kt x Kt, for then 43 B
K4, winning.
42. QKt6
43. Q - K B i KtQ4
44. RRi
If 44 BQB4, QKt8 ] and
White cannot continue with 45
BxKt, in the hope of B x B ;
46 RQ6ch., because of 45 . . . ,
QxQch. ; 46 KxQ, BKt
44. BQKt4
45. BxBch. QxB
46. QKi
Black has succeeded in sim
plifying the position and is still
I I 9
a pawn ahead, so White now
switches his attack suddenly to
the other flank.
46. QB3
47. QKt3 Q - K K t 3
48. QR3 KB3
(b l a c k ) BOGOLYUBOV
Position before White's 49th move.
(D i a g r a m 49)
49. KtxPch.
And with a brilliant stroke
he recovers the second pawn.
The combination is delightfully
49. P x Kt
50. QB8ch. BB2
51. RBich. KtB6
If KKt3; 52 BRsch., K
x B ; 53 QxR, threatening
both RRi Mate and Q x Kt.
52. B x K t RKt8
Not Px B; 53 RxPch. , K
Kt3; 54 RKt3ch., preventing
QKt8ch. and winning the
53- QR8ch.
Not yet BQ2, for then
R x Rch. ; 54 B x R, QKt8.
53- K-Q2
54* QR+ch. KBi
55. BQ2 RxRch.
56. B x R QQ3
If QKt8 ; 57 QK8ch.,
BQi (KKt2 ; 58 QK
4ch.); 58 QB6ch. The game
is now an inevitable draw. No
world championship match ever
produced a finer struggle than
57. QK8ch. KKt2
58. QKtsch. KR2
59. QR^ch. KKt2
60. QKtsch. BKt3
61. GQ3 QKt3
62. QxQ BPxQ
63. KB2 KB3
R. Spielmann (1883-1942) was another of the young masters
who began to make a name for themselves early in the twentieth
century. In style he was a romantic and reverted to the gambits of
an earlier age. His greatest success was winning the big tourna
ment at Semmering, 1926. He was an Austrian.
G. Stoltz (b. 1910) is a young Swedish player who first
appeared about 1930 and was at once successful in international
Bled tournament, 1931.
Qu e e n s Ga m b i t
PQ4 P-Q4
2. KtKB3 KtKB3
PB4 P xP
Pk 3
B x P PB4
6. 00 KtB3
8. Q-K2 BK2
A move generally deferred in
order to avoid losing a move
with the bishop.
9. P x P BxP
10. PQR3 QB2
11. PQKt4 BQ3
12. BKt2 KtK4
13. Kt x Kt
Initiating a plan to reinforce
the advantage of a move which
he has already gained.
13. B x Kt
14. PB4 B x Kt
H BQ3; 15 QB3,
threatening PK4K5 with
a fine game.
15. BxB P QKt4
16. BxKt
The point. Black must sub
mit to the disruption of his K
side pawns.
16. QxB
17. QB3
If 17 QxQ, PxQ ; 18 BxP,
RK K t i; 19 BK5, BKt
2; 20RB2,RQBi; White,
though a pawn up, would have
diminished winning chances be
cause of the bishops of opposite
17- QQ4
18. PK4 Qb 3
19. B x P RKKti
20. BK5 BKt2
21. KR Ki
White has won the first
round. He is a pawn ahead and
Blacks king is fixed in the
centre. Black, however, has
some compensation in his pres
sure on the long diagonal and
his control of the QB file.
21. RQBi
22. QRQi
Not 22 QRBi, Q x R ; 23
RxQ, Rx Rc h. ; 24 KB2,
RB7ch.; 25 EK3. R(i)
X P ; with advantage.
22. QB7
23. PKt3 RKt3
To prevent an attack by B
B6, which in conjunction with
the doubling of the rooks on the
Q file would threaten mate on
his Qi.
24. PB5 P x P
25. Qx P QB3
BB6 is again threatened.
The inability of Whites KP to
advance owing to his weakness
on the long diagonal is now a
powerful counter-weight to
the extra pawn.
26. QB4 QK3
27. R-Q6 QKt5
28. QB5
White is prepared to allow
the exchange of queens only if
he can get his KP on to the B
file. If Black replies QxQ ; 29
P x Q, Rx R; 3oBxRdi s. ch. ,
KQ i ; 31 BB5, and the
threat of RK7 is difficult to
28. RQB3
29. RQ2 BBi
30. QB2 QKt4
31. RKBi
Correct was BB4. The
text move, which looks strong,
leaves the KP undefended and
after Black's reply there is no
more than a draw in the game.
Of course Black will not fall in
to Qx B ; 32QxPMate.
31. QK2
32. QB4 RKt5
33- QB2 R(5)Kt3
Forced by the threat of B
34- QQ4 RB5
35. QB2 BR6
(b l a c k ) STOLTZ
Position before White's 36th move.
(Di a g r a m 50)
36. QB4
Now if 36 BB6, R xB ; 37
QxR, B x R ; 38 QxQch.,
K x Q ; 39 Kx B, R x P ;
draws easily. White is not pre
pared to forgo his attempts to
win and evolves a plan based
upon drawing the bishop from its
present diagonal by sacrificing
the rook.
36. B x R
37. BB6 BR6
For if now QxB ( RxB ;
38 QKt8ch., is worse);
38 QKt8ch., KK2 (R
Bi is no longer possible) ;
39 QQ8ch K - K 3 ; 40 Q
Q6 Mate. But Black's subtle
counter is to allow White to
carry through the plan he has
played for.
38. RQ8ch.
Not B x Q, RB8ch.; 39
KB2, RB8ch.; 40 K
K3, Rx Q; 41 PxR, K x B ;
winning a piece.
38. K x R
Qx R ; 39 BxQ, leads to
identical positions.
39. BxQch. K x B
40. QR4ch. RB3
41. QxB
And now at the end of it all
Black has proved the more cun
ning and has the superior posi
tion. White, however, is still
full of fight.
41. RQB8ch.
42. KKt2 RQB7ch.
43. KKti RQ3
By means of this mating
threat Black will be able to
double rooks on the 7th rank.
44- QR5 KBi
Not R (3)Q7 at once because
of 45 QK5ch., KQ2 (K
Bi ; 46 QR8ch.) ; 46 QB
5ch., KB3; 47 QB6ch., and
Black can only avoid perpetual
check by withdrawing his rook;
for example, 47 . . ., KKt2 ;
48 QxPch., KKt3; 49 Q
B6ch RB3 ; 50 QRi.
45- QB3 R(3)Q7
46. QBi KKti
If RxP, he no longer
threatens mate in one and
White can play 47 QB6, K
Kti ; 48 QQ8ch., KKt2 ;
49 QKtsch., drawing.
47. PKR4 PKR4
48. PK5 RK7
49. PK6 P x P
A last trap. If R x P ; 50 Q
Qi, R(3)-K7 ; 51 QQ8ch
KR2 ; 52 QQ3ch., KR3 ;
53 QQ6ch., RK3 ; 54 Q
Qi, with perpetual check.
50. KRi
All Whites other moves are
exhausted, for if Q;Qi, then
RKt7ch.; 51 KRi, R
R7ch.; 52 KKti, R(B)
Kt7ch.; 53 KBi, RR8ch.
50. RB7
51. QKKti
Again forced because of the
same continuation.
51. K B2
White is in zugswang. An
exciting game.
E. Colie (1897-1932) was a brilliant Belgian master, whose name
is particularly associated with the form of the Queens Pawn Game
named after him. He won the International tournaments at Meran,
1926, and Scarborough, 1927, and 1930.
I. Kashdan (b. 1911) is a young American master who scored
an exceptional series of successes in the early 1930s, notably the
1st prizes at Gyor, 1930, and Stockholm, 1930.
Bled tournament, 1931.
Co l l e Sy s t e m
P04 P - Q 4
2. KtKB3 KtKB3
P - K 3
Pb 3
Pk 3
B - Q 3 B - Q 3
00 00
P x P B x P
The key move of Colles 01
system of attack.
10. P x P
Though this gives Black an
isolated pawn, it is not con
sistent with the scheme of at
tack, which requires the use of
the square K4. Better was 10
QK2 followed by RKi.
10. P x P
11. KtKt3 BKt3
12. QB2 RKi
13. BKKt5 KtK5
14. QRK i BKB4
15. BK3
Whites QKt and QB are un
usually ineffective as a result of
his 10th move.
15- BKt3
16. KtR4
(b l a c k ) k a s h d a n
Position before Black's 16th move.
(Diagram 51)
16. Kt x KBP
Black tries to force the issue
brilliantly before White can
recover. The immediate threat
is Kt xB, and if White tries to
counter this threat by removing
Blacks QB, Black wins either
by 17 KBxB, KtKKts; 18
B x BPch. (B x RPch., KR i ;
19 KtB3, KtxB), KRi ;
19 KtB3, R x B ; or by 17 Kt
XB, KtKKts; 18 PKt3,
Kt xB. An attempt to avoid
the mating threats in the above
variations by 17 QB x B equally
fails after 17 . . ., QxB ; 18
B x B, KtQ6 dis. ch. ; 19 K
Ri , Kt x R ; or 18 QxKt ,
QxQch. ; 19KXQ, B x B ; 20
RxRch. , R x R ; 21 RKi,
R x R ; 22 Kx R, BKt8.
White must therefore take the
knight and if 17 Q x Kt (K x Kt,
QBsch.; wins), QBxB ; 18
BxB, Qx B ; 19 RxRch. ,
R x R ; with advantage. The
text reply is the only one by
which he can hold the piece, but
it involves his king in consider-
able dangers.
B x Kt BxBch.
18. K x B QKt3ch.
20. R x R QxRch.
21. RB3 QKt4ch.
22. KR3 KtK4
Q - R 3
24. BB5
Not BxB, RPxB ; and
Black threatens to recover the
piece by PKKt4. White has
at last succeeded in holding his
piece, but his position is far
from happy.
24. RKi
He wants to renew his at
tempts to recover the piece by
BR4, PKKt4 and BKt3,
but if BR4 at once, 25 QQ2
would clear the air for White.
25. KtQ4
To free the queen from the
defence of the bishop.
' 25. B R4
(b l a c k ) k a s h d a n
(w h i t e ) c o l l e
Position before White's 26th move.
(Di a g r a m 52)
26. QB2
The situation is extremely
difficult and White is very
nearly in zugswang. For in
stance, if 26 BKt4, B x Bch.;
27 RxB, K t x R ; 28 KxKt ,
RKsch.; coming out the
exchange ahead, and if 26
Kt(Q)-B3, Bx Kt ; 27 PxB,
PKKtij.. The text move, how
ever, does nothing to ease his
game, and the only line that
promised anything was 26 B x
Pch., restoring material equa
lity. Black cannot reply 26 . .
Q x B ; 27 QxQch., Kx Q;
28 Kt(R)B5, and White has
the advantage ; he must there
fore play 26 . . KBi. Now
not 27 BB5, PKKt4; nor
27 Kt(Q)B5, Q-B5
(threatening BKtsch.); but
27 QB5, with good chances.
He never has the same oppor
tunity again.
26. PKKt4
27. BxPch.
The piece must be returned
as KBi cannot be prevented.
White therefore decides to make
sure that he gets his pawn back
in exchange for it.
27. KBi
Taking the sting out of
Whites last move, and much
better than the immediate re
covery of the piece either by
K x B ; 28 QB5ch., BKt3 ;
29 QxKt P, or by Qx B ; 28
RxPch. Now Whites reply is
forced by the threat of P
28. BB5
29. RK3
Px Kt
A beautiful move, to prevent
White capturing the rook with
a check, and so threatening
KtKt3. For example if in
reply 30 QKi, then KtKt3 ;
31 RxR, KtBsch.; 32 Kx
P, BK7dis. ch.; 33 KKt3,
QKt4ch.; 34 KB2, Q
R5ch. ; 35 PKt3, QxRPch. ;
36 KK3, KtKt7ch. Nor
does protection of his KB4 help
White, for if 30 KtK2, then
B x K t ; 3 i R x B ( Q x B , Kt
Q6), KtQ6 ; 32 QB3, Rx
R; 33 QxR, KtBsch. He
therefore plays to remove the
double threat to his K3 when
the Black knight moves, even
though it costs him the ex
30. RK i BKtsch.
Another fine move which
forces the exchange of queens,
without which the game would
still be difficult to win.
B x B KtQ6
QxP KtBsch.
Kx Q KtxPch.
KKt5 R x R
The end of c1 fine combi-
nation, and virtually the end of
a fine combinative game.
B- B3
KtB5 RKt8ch.
40. KtK3 RB7
4i- KtQi
K t x P
Kt x P
46. PR6 KtK4
KB4 KtKt3ch.
48. KK4 PKt3
KtB6 KtK2
Bled tournament, 1931.
A l e k h i n e De f e n c e
1. PK4 KtKB3
2. PK5 KtQ4
3. PQB4 KtKt3
4. P,B5 KtQ4
5. KtQB3 Kt x Kt
6. QPxKt KtB3
The normal lines against the
Lasker treatment of the
Alekhine Defence are 6. . . , P
Q3or6. . .,PK3. Blacksirreg-
ular attempt to use the advanced
White pawn as a target recoils
horribly upon him.
7. KtB3 PKKt3
8. BQB4 BKt2
By his previous move Black
has virtually committed him
self to PQ3 rather than P
K3, yet after Whites reply he
will be unable to play PQ3
without losing a pawn. Should
he attempt to overcome this by
playing PQ3 at once, then 9
KtKt5 is a very strong reply.
In fact, his 6th and 7th moves
already stand condemned.
9. B-B4 OO
xo. QQ2 PKt3
Now the only possible de
velopment for the bishop, but
Black is not allowed time to
11. PKR4 PKR4
He is already in trouble, for
he is faced with a series of White
moves such as PR5, PxP,
BKR6, B x B and QR6ch.
But the text move only creates
a new target for White to
.12. OOO PK3
A sad necessity, but he is
threatened with 13 QB2, K
Ri (against Q x P) ; 14 PK6.
13. BKKts PB3
Now his KKtP will be
gravely weakened, but if Q
K i ; 14 BB6, and Black can
hardly play B x B ; 15 PxB,
KR2 (against Q*R6); 16
BQ3, threatening QKt5
and QxRPch.
14. K P x P B x P
15- QB2 QKi
The only defence against the
two threats of Q x Pch. and B x
16. BQ3 KKt2
17. PKKt4 RPx P
18. QRKti
White prosecutes the attack
vigorously. If now 18 . . ., Px
K t ; 19 Bx P, QK2 (Qx B;
20 BxBch. ); 20 BR5, K
Ri (RR i ; 21 QKt6ch., or
BxBch. ; 21 PxB, KtK4;
22 QK4); 21 QKt6, Kt
K4 (QKt2 ; 22 Bx B) ; 22
QR6ch., QR2; 23 Q x Rch.
18. BxBch.
19. K t x B KtK4
20. BK4 BR3
In his almost hopeless posi
tion Black must go all out or go
under, so having temporarily
stopped the K side attack, he
offers a sacrifice of the
21. B x R
Whites attack has brought
him a gain of material, but he
would be better advised not to
take it, for it means abandoning
all pressure on Black. Better
was the further prosecution of
the attack by some such line as
21 PR5, P x P ; 22 P--B3,
RQKti ; 23 KBPxP, Kt x
P; 24RxKt , P x R ; 25 R
R7ch., KB3 (KKti ; 26
QR2) ; 26 QB2ch., and
mates next move.
21. KtQ6ch.
22. KKti QxB
Not R x P ; 23 QR4, K tx
BP ; 24 QQ4h.
23. PQB4 KtK4
24. QB3 Rb 4
[Diagram 53]
25. PB4
He wants to play RKi,
which at the moment is no
threat because Rx Kt would be
answered by QxRch., so he
evolves a problem-like ma
nuvre to induce Black to block
the diagonal himself. But un
fortunately it is not quite sound
and Black is given a strong
passed pawn. Better was the
slower line 25 RKi, P x P ;
26 KRKti, PQ3 ; 27KtX
Pch., KKt i ; 28 RxP.
Position before White's 25th move.
(Di a g r a m 53)
25. PxPe. p.
26. RKi PB7
27. Rx Kt
The first point of the combi
nation as White saw it. If now
QxRch. ; 28 RK l dis. ch.,
27. KKti
28. RKBi QKt7
29- QQ3
The second point of the com
bination as White saw it. The
threat against both rooks is met,
for if now R x R ; 30 QxPch.,
and mates.
29. B x P
The real point of the combi
nation, seen by Black, and a
beautiful one.
30. QxB R x R
31. Q83 QxRch.
A splendid climax, leading to
32 QxQ, RQ8ch. The threat
of 31. . QxRc h. ; could not
be avoided, for if 31 KB2,
then Rx P.
An object lesson in refusing
to reconcile oneself to impend
ing resignation, however hope
less the situation may ap
pear. A game is never lost until
it is won.
F. D. Yates (1884-1932) was many times British champion and
a frequent competitor in International tournaments. His style
displayed great tenacity and determination, and though he was
not sufficiently consistent to win the highest prizes, there were
few masters whom he did not beat in his time.
Hastings tournament, 1932.
Ki n g s Ind i a n De f e n c e
1. PQ4 KtKB3
2. PQB4 PKKt3
3. KtQB3 BKt2
4. P - K 4 PQ3
5. p - b 3
The most combinative line
against the Kings Indian De
fence, preparing OOO, fol
lowed by PKKt4 and P
5- 0 - 0
6. BK3 KtB3
7. KKtK2 PK4
8. QQ2 KtQ2
9. o oo
More in keeping with the
usual forms of the opening
would be 9 PQ5, KtK2 ; 10
PKKt4, followed by 11 Kt
Kt3. Now Black has succeeded
in forcing PKB4 if he wishes,
but he unwisely tries first to
force the White KKt in front of
the KKtP.
9. KtKt3
10. PQKt3
Giving Black a point of at
tack, but he has calculated that
it is immune for the time being
at least.
10. P-QR4
If White had played the usual
PQ5, this would be correct,
but now his centre is completely
destroyed. Whites reply
threatens B x Kt.
11 P x P
It is neck or nothing, so he
sacrifices a piece for an attack
i i . . . , P x P would be answered
by 12 QxQ, R x Q ; 13 Rx
Rch., Kt x R ; 14 BxKt , P x
B ; 15 KtQ5, winning.
12. B x K t RPx P
13. BK3
Stronger was RPx P and
Black could hardly risk 13 . . .,
P x B ; but would have to try
13. . . , B x P ; 14 BK3, Kt
R4; 15 QB2, with variations
similar to the actual game but
with White a QKtP to the good.
The loss of this pawn makes it
self felt later.
13. Px RP
14. Kt x P B x P
15. KKtB3 BK3
16. PB4 KtR4
17. QB2 BKt2
18. KtQ5 P-QB3
19. BKt6 QKti
20. KtB7 PQ4
A fighting continuation, for
he may as well be hung for a
sheep as a lamb. To be a major
instead of a minor piece down is
of small importance in such a
position. White could safely
reply 21 Kt x R, Q x Pch. ; 22
KKti, R x K t ; 23 BQ4,
but not 23 B xKt, R x B ; 24
BQ3, QK4. The Black
rook, however, cannot escape,
and he prefers to dose the long
diagonal first.
21. PK5 BB4
Position before White's 22nd move.
(Di a g r a m 54)
22. BQ3
This likely looking move
gives Black a fighting chance.
Better was QR4, Kt x P ; 23
Q x R (not Kt x R, Q x P ; 24
PxQ, BR3ch. ; 25 RQ2,
Bx Rc h. ; 26 KQi, KtKt
7ch. ; 27 K x B, Kt x Q ; with
good chances), Kt x B ; 24 Q x
Q, Rx Q; and White has re
duced Blacks chances of com
plicating almost to nothing.
22. B x B
23. R x B Kt x P
24. Kt x R Q x Kt
25. BQ4 RBi
Playing for a rapid advance
of his three united passed
pawns, the only line that offers
any real hope.
26. RKi
Not PK6 because of B x
B ; 27 PxPch., K x P ; 28R x
B, QR6ch. ; 29 KKti, Q
B4 ; threatening KtR6ch.
26. PQB4
27. BRi PQKt4
28. RK2 PKt5
29. QKt3
If 29 QQi, PKt6; but
unlikely as it seems the move
selected allows Black to achieve
virtual equality, and RQKt3
was better.
29. Kt x P
A brilliant knight manoeuvre.
If 30 P x Kt, PB5.
30. R x P PB5
31. QKR3
The only way to defend his
rook is to counter-attack
Blacks rook, but the move
leaves him open to a multiple
31. KtQ6ch.
32. KKti K t x P
The culmination of his knight
manoeuvres. At first sight he
seems to recover a whole rook
with a won ending, but White
discovers an ingenious move to
remain a minor piece ahead.
33. R-QR5 Kt xQ
Now it is Blacks turn to fail
to take full advantage of the
position. He should play Q
B3 ; 34 Qk 3 (not Kt x P, R
QKti), K t x R ; 35 BxB,
K x B ; 36 Q x Kt, keeping two
pieces, one to defend the pawns
and one to attack on the other
flank. Now his Q side pawns
will fall.
RxQ R x R
B x B K x B
P x K t PKt6
KtB3 R - Q i
KKt2 RQ6
KtR4 R x P
His only chance now lies on
the K side.
40. KtKt6 PKt4
41. Kt x P PB4
42. Kt02 KB3
Kt x P PR4
KtQ4 PR5
46. K-Q2 RR6
48. RK6ch KB2
R - K 5
All the White pieces have got
across to the defence just in
time and the game is a legiti
mate draw.
50. RR7
51. KB2 KB3
52. RB5 PKts
53. RB4 PB6
54. R x P P x Kt
55. RKR4 Drawn.
1 31
M. Sultan Khan (b. 1905) came to Europe in 1929, and left
again four years later as suddenly as he had arrived. In that time
he had shown himself, for all his lack of book knowledge and
inability to read any textbook, one of the worlds great masters,
winning many prizes in tournaments, winning the British cham
pionship and defeating Tartakower in a match.
Folkestone team tournament,
(Great BritainFrance)
Qu e e n 's Pa w n Ga me
1. KtKB3
P - Q 4
P - Q 4 PQB4
Pb 3 KtQB3
6. 00
White is playing the Grunfeld
Defence with a move in hand
and the colours reversed ; as a
result he gets less than he
should from the advantage of
the first move.
7. P x P
8. P x P 00
9. PKt3
Initiating a long struggle for
control of the centre ; his plan
is to control his K5 and then if
possible follow with PK4.
9. BQ2
10. BKt2 QKti
Countering Whites pressure
on his K4 and at the same time
preparing the advance of his
Q side pawns.
11. RKi RQi
Preparing an action against
the QP should White play
12. QKti Pk r 3
13- P - Q R 3
B - Q 3
p QKt4
18. BKt2
A better way of meeting the
threat of PKts, opening a file,
was PQR4, PKts ; 19 B
Kt2. As played his QB4 is
18. PR5
19. PQKt4 KtQKt3
20. BB3 KtB5
21. RR2 PB4
22. QRi
PK4 being now prevented,
he makes every effort to play
22. KtKKt3
23. BBi QB2
24. RBi QRBi
25. R(2)B2 QKtl
26. BKKt2 RBi
27. KtKi KtRi
28. Rt x Kt
He wants to play PB4 so
as to win the battle for his K5,
but can only do it by allowing
Black a passed QBP.
28. Kt PxKt
29. PB4 KtB2
30. KtB3 BK2
Beginning a new counter
action against his K4 by
threatening PKt4-
31. KtK5 KtQ3
32. BB3
After his efforts to establish
his knight he does not want to
exchange it for Blacks KB, so
there is no point in 32 KtKt6,
RKB2 ; 33 BB3, BB3 ;
followed by 34 . . KR2.
Instead he prepares for the im
pending action on the KKt file.
32. KR2
33. RKKt2 PKt4
34. QKti KtK5
35. QB2 RKti
An inaccuracy which should
have cost him the initiative as
well as a pawn. Better was
36. B x K t BPx B
37. Kt x B Rx Kt
38. Q x P RB2
39. RRi
Missing his chance, as Blacks
40th move now holds up the
pawns indefinitely. Correct was
39 QB2, RR2 ; 40 PQ
R4, threatening 41 RKti, for
if 40 . . ., B x P ; 41 RKti,
RQKt2; 42 QKt2, and wins.
Now Black reassumes the initia
tive in this delicately balanced
39. RR2
40. QQi QKBi
41. RKB2 P x P
42. R x P QKt2
43. RB2
Not PQR4, BKt4.
43- BQ3
44. R(i)R2
And now if PQR4, then
BxKKt P; 45PxB, QxPch. ;
46 KBi, Qx P; 47 QQ2
(Q K i , QR6ch.; 48 K
K2,QQ6Mate. Or47B Kt2,
R(2)KKt2), QR6ch. ; 48
KK2, R Kt6 ; 49 BKt2,
PK6 ; 50 QB2ch., KKt
1 ; threatening RKt7ch.,
when the White rook moves.
44. QKt4
45- QQBi R(2)KKt2
46. RKKt2
Now the threat of PR4
R5 by Black prevents a Q side
46. PR4
47. BKi PR5
[Diagram 55]
48. KRi
If 48 PxP, QxRch. ; 49
RxQ, RxRc h. ; 50 KBi,
RKt8ch.; 51 KK2, R(i)
Kt7ch. ; 52 KQi, B x RP ;
threatening BKt6, winning.
48. QKts
49. R(R)KB2 P x P
(b l a c k ) ALEKHINE
50. P x P
51. R x B
Bx KKt P
Not 51 RR2ch., B x R ;
52 RxBch. , KKt3 ; 53
RKKt2, KB4; 54 RxQ,
Rx R; and mate cannot be
RR2ch. QxRch.
Kx Q RKt7ch.
KR3 RKt8
Winning the bishop by the
threat of RR8 Mate.
55. KR2 R(i)Kt7ch.
56. KR3 R - K 7
57- 0Q1
The only move to save the
queen against the threat of R(8)
x B, followed by R x Pch.
R(8) x B
58. Q -R 4
61. KB4 RB7ch.
62. K - K 5
Position before Whites 48th move.
(Di a g r a m 55)
Missing the decisive line.
Kashdan pointed out that the
correct move was 49 . . ., QR
6 ; threatening PxP, and if 50
PKt4, R x P ; 51 R x R (Q
Q2, QxPch. ; 52 RxQ, R
Kt8 Mate), R x R ; 52 BB3,
B xRP ; wins. Now Black will
have great difficulty in winning.
Black has a potential win
with his passed pawns, but he
will have difficulty in avoiding
perpetual check. The struggle
between Blacks winning
chances and Whites drawing
chances is one of absorbing in
terest and intensity.
63. Q-Q7ch. KR3
64. QQ8 PK6
QR4CI1., was threatened.
65. QR8ch. KKt4
66. QR3 RB4ch.
67. KQ6 KB5
68. QBich.
White succeeds in getting rid
of the dangerous Black KP, but
at the cost of his own QP.
68. KK5
69. QKtich.
Not QQi, PK4 dis. ch. ;
70 KK7, P x P.
69. K x P
70. QQich. KB6
An amazing conception. He
could escape perpetual check
with 70 . . ., KK5 ; continu
ing as he does on the 76th move,
but first he plans to allow a
temporary series of checks
merely in order to win Whites
71. QBich. KKt6
72. QKtich. K x P
73. QRich. KKt6
The key to the Black kings
outing ; he does not seek to win
the KtP as well, for after 73 ..
Kx P ; 74 QKt2ch., KR4;
75 QR3ch., KKt3 ; 76 Q
Bsch., with an easy perpetual
74. QKtich. KB6
75- QRich. KQ6
76. Q-Qich. K - K 5
77. QKtich. KB5
78. QBich. KKt4
79. QKtich. KR3
80. QxPch. R(B)Kt4
81. QQB3
Threatening QR8 Mate.
The checks are temporarily
over, for after 81QR3CI1., K
Kt2 ; 82 QB3ch., KK t i ;
83Q-QR3. R - K t 6 ; 84 Q -
R8ch., KKt2 ; 85 QKt
7ch., KR3 ; White is right
out of position for making any
progress towards his draw.
82. KB6
The delicacy of the position
is shown by the fact that if
White tries 82 PKts, PQ5 ;
83 QxBP (of course not Qx
QP, RQ4ch.), RQ4ch.; 84
KB7 (or KK7, PQ6; 85
QR4ch., KKt2; 86 QKi,
P - Q 7 ; 87 QQi, P - K 4 ;
winning), PQ6; 85 QR4
ch., KKti ; 86 QK4, K
Kt2 ; 87 Q-KR4, P - Q 7 ;
88 QK7ch., KKti ; 89 Q
K8ch., KR2 ; 90 QK7CI1.,
83. QBi
84. PKt5
85. PKt6
86. QB2
87. QBi
P- 5
88. PKt7 PK4dis. ch.
Position before White's 89th move.
(Di a g r a m 56)
89. KB5
A bold and clever attempt to
keep drawing chances by bring
ing the king to counter the
Black pawns, his own pawn
remaining immune because of
the threat of QRich. Worse
than useless would be 89 K
B7, RKt2ch.; and the pawn
is lost.
89. R(3) - K t 3
90. QBi
Another fighting move, for if
90 . . R x P ; 91 QBsch.,
and the Black pawns fall if
Black tries to avoid perpetual
90. KKt2
91. QB5 R(7)Kt4ch.
92. KB4 PB7
It is Black's turn to play a
bold and ingenious move with a
pawn. After 92 . . ., R x P ;
Black might just escape per
petual check, but the text is
more decisive. The pawn is
immune because of the very un
usual and attractive line 93
QxBP, RB3ch.; 94 Kx R,
Rx Q; 95 PKt8=Q, R
Kt7ch.; winning the second
queen in the same way as the
93. QKt5ch. KB2
Perpetual check is just avoid
able, but in the most surprising
way, for the key square is K6,
to reach which the Black king
has somehow to get to the other
side of the White queen, at first
sight an impossible feat.
94. QB5ch. KK2
95- QKtsch. KQ2
96. QB5ch. KB2
97. QB8ch.
The alternative 97 QB7CI1.,
KK t i ; 98 QB8ch K x
P ; 99 QK7ch., KR3 ; 100
QR3ch., RR4; leads
nowhere. Thus the Black king
has succeeded in getting round
the White queen.
97- KQ3
98. QQ8ch. KK3
99. QB8ch. KB3
100. KQ3
To drive the king further
would only assist Black's game.
For example, 100 QB8ch.,
K Kt4 ; 101 Q K7ch K
B5; 102 Q R4.CI1., K K6;
103 Q Ktsch., K K7; 104
QKt2ch., KQ8; 105 QBi
ch., KQ7; 106 Q B2ch.,
KB8; 107 QRich., K
100. R x P
101. QR8ch.
If Q x P, RKt6ch.; 102
KK4 (KB4, RB6ch.; or
KQ2, RKt7), RK6ch.;
103 KQ5, RQ2ch.; and
104 . . ., RB6ch. ; winning
101. KKt4
102. K x P
There is still no perpetual
check, for if 102 QKt8ch., K
B5 ; 103 QB8ch., KKt6;
104 QKt8ch., KB7 ; 105
QB8ch., KK8 ; and the
checks are over with Black in
an improved position, for if now
106K x P , P K5 ; threatening
an unavoidable mate in two.
102 RQ2
io3- QKt8ch. K5
104. QB8ch. KK5
I05- QR8ch. R(2)Kt2
106. KQ2
A queen move, unpinning the
rook would allow 106 . . ., R
Kt7ch.; 107 KQi, RKt
8ch.; 108 KK2, R(2)Kt7
Mate. The tremendous struggle
is over at last.
106. R Kt7ch.
107. KKi KK6
108. K B i
Of course if 108 Q R3CI1,
R(2)Kt6 ; with mate to fol
low, but mate follows the text
move also.
108. R B7CI1.
Moscow tournament, 1935.
Sc o t c h Ga me
I. PK4
P K4
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
3- P-Q4
P x P
K t x P KtB3
6. Kt x Kt Kt PxKt
B Q3 P-Q4
8. P x P
The usual P x P is better, but
Lasker as so often seeks to
bring about a difficult game in
the hope of out-manoeuvring
his opponent.
9. QK2 Q x Qch.
10. K x Q P x P
11. KtKt5 KQi
12. RQi PB3
13. PQB3 RKich.
If P x K t ; 14 PxB, P
QR3 ; 15 BKt5, threatening
BB2 and BKt3.
14. KBi BBi
15. KtQ4 KB2
16. BB4ch. KKt3
Here BQ3 ; 17 BxBch.,
K xB ; 18 KtB5ch., B x K t ;
19 B x B, would bring about the
draw which Black is trying to
17. PQR4 PQR4
18. P QKt4
With the better game. White
feels in a position to start an
attack. This sacrifice of a pawn
and the resulting passed RP
create considerable difficulties
for Black.
18. P x P
19. PRsch. KKt2
The loss of the exchange by
BB7ch. would be enough to
deter Black from R x P, though
actually he would run into mate
by 20 RxR, K x R ; 21 B
B7ch., KR5 ; 22 RRi
20. P x P KtK5
If B x P ; 21 KRKti, P
b 4 ; 22 KtB2, with much the
better game. The RP is now a
formidable threat.
[Diagram 57]
21. K t x P PKt4
Black has got more than he
bargained for. He cannot meet
Whites pretty attack by K x
Kt because of 22 QRBich.,
Position before White's 21st move.
( D i a g r a m 57)
KQ2 (KKt2; 23 RB7ch.,
KK t i ; 24 RK7 dis. ch.);
23 BKtsch., KK2 (K
Qi ; 24 R x Pch.); 24 RB
7ch., BQ2 ; 25 RxP, KR
Q i ; 26 B x B (threatening both
BB5 dis. ch. and RKsch.),
Rx B (KtB3; 27 BQ6
Mate); 27 R(5) x Rch., winning
easily. Or if 25 . . ., KRB i ;
26 R(5) xBch., KK3 ; 27 B
B4ch., KB4; 28 RxPch. ,
KKt3 ; 29 BQ3, R x R ;
30 RxR, RK i ; 31 PB3,
winning. Black therefore gives
up the KKtP in order to force
the White QB off its diagonal
and by the threat of K xKt to
win the White QKtP.
22. Bx K t R x B
23. KtQ8ch. KR3
24. B x P BK3
He cannot take the KtP yet
because of Kt xP, remaining
two pawns ahead.
25. KtB6
After Kt x B, P x K t ; 26
BQ2, B x P ; 27 BxB, Rx
B ; White would lose the QRP
and Black would draw.
25. BKt2
He finds he still cannot play
B x P because of 26 QRKti,
after which the bishop cannot
move because of RKt6 Mate,
for if BQB4 ; 27 BK7, is
decisive and if B x P ; 27 Kt X
B, K x Kt; 28 RRich., R
R5; 29 RxRch., K x R 30 R
Rich. The only reply would
be 26 . . ., KKt4 ; and then
follows 27 KtQ4ch., KB5
(KB4; 28 BK7ch., or K
R5 ; 28 RRich., BR6 ; 29
BBi) j 28 QRBich., B
B6 ; 29 KtK2, PQ5 ; 30
PB3, RK4; 31 RxPch.,
and wins.
26. QRBi RQB5
27. BK3 KKt4
Forced, to prevent White
consolidating with BB5.
28. KtR7ch. K x P
29. BKt6
Black has successfully sur
vived the first phase. The
struggle now shifts to the QRP.
29. RB6
30. RKtich. RKt6
31. KtB6ch.KR5
32. BQ4
Unless he can get a rook on
to the QR file he can never ad
vance thejpawn.
32. R x R
33. R x R BxB
34. Kt xB RR3
The pawn is still taboo, for
if K x P ; 35 RRich., and if
R x P ; 35RRich., KKts;
36 KtB6ch., winning the rook
either way.
35. RRich. K Kt5
36. KK2 BQ2
37. KtB2ch.
If KQ2, BR5 ; and the
RP falls.
37. KB6
38. KtK3 BKt4ch.
39. KKi
KQi is no better because
of PQ5; 40 KtQsch., K
Kt7 ; 41 RBi, BK7CI1.;
42 KQ2, R x P.
39- pQ5
40. RBich.
Now if KtQsch., KKt7 ;
41 RQi, RK3ch.; 42 K
Q2, RK7 Mate. White, so far
from having a win, suddenly
finds he must take care to avoid
a loss.
40. KQ6
Black is also not out of
danger, for if KKt7 ; 41 R
B5, P x Kt (not R x P ; 42 Kt
4ch.); 42 RxBch., KB
6 ; 43 P x P, with still some
definite winning chances.
41. RQich.
If RB5, BR5 ; 42 Kt
B5, RK3ch.; 43 KBi, K
Q7; 44PKt3, BB3.
A game that was in the
balance up to the very last
19th match game, Eindhoven,
N i mz o - In d i a n De f e n c e
1. P Q4 KtKB3
2. PQB4 Pk 3
3. KtQB3 BKt5
4. KtB3 KtK5
Premature. The knight will
have to return shortly.
5. QB2 P Q4
6. PK3 PQB4
7. BQ3 KtKB3
For if Kt x Kt, he will have
the utmost difficulty in castling.
8. BPxP KPxP
9. P x P B x P
Blacks lack of development
still hampers his castling. For
example if now OO ; 10 O
O, B x P ; 11 PK4, PxP
(P-Q5; 12 KtK2, B - K t 3 ;
13 B KKts, wins); 12 Kt x
P, BK2 ; 13 Kt x Ktch, win
ning a pawn. Or if n . . . , Kt x
P ; 12 Kt x P, Kt x P ; 13
BxPch., KR i ; 14 QxB,
10. 0O KtB3
11. PK4 BK2
If KtQKts; 12 BKtsch.,
BQ2; 13QK2,orif P x P ;
12 Kt xP, K t x K t ; i 3Bx Kt ,
with advantage.
12. PK5
In view of Black's difficulties
he could afford to wait and
secure himself with PQR3.
12. KtKKt5
13. RKi
BKB4 was the winning
line. Black now takes advan
tage of the vulnerability first of
KB7 and then of QB7 to fight
back. White will succeed in
forcing Black to give up any
idea of castling, but will now
have to waste time with awk
ward defensive tactics.
13. KtKts
14. BKtsch. KBi
If BQ2 ; 15 Q - B 5, P -
KR4; 16 PK6, winning.
15- QK2 BQB4
16. KtQi BB4
17. P KR3
[Diagram 58]
17. PKR4
If KtB7, White gets two
minor pieces for the rook, which
is more than good value when
Black's KR is shut in. Only by
the most bold and imaginative
play can Black still hope to
save the game.
Position before Black's 17th move.
( D i a g r a m 58)
18. BKt5
Now if P x Kt, P x P.; 19 Kt
Kts (forced, to prevent Q
R5), KtB7 ; 20 BKB4 (to
allow KtK3), PKt6. White
could not play 20 KtK3, at
once because of Q x Kt.
18. QKt3
19. KtR4
And again if P x Kt, P x P ;
20 KtR4, Black has the
choice of KtB7 threatening
KtQ5, or of PKt6.
19. BK5
20. P x Kt KtB7
21. KtQB3 KtQ5
22. QBi P x P
23. KtR4
Black has built up a threaten
ing position at the cost of a
piece. PKt6 has always to be
guarded against, and White
therefore tries to break up
Blacks hold on the dangerous
diagonal. Clearly if 23 Kt xB,
then P x Kt ; 24 BK2, P
23. QB2
24. RxB
The logical move was Kt x B,
QxKt ; 25 BQ3, remaining
a piece ahead, for if then R
R4 ; 26 QRBi, QKt3 ; 27
BK3, RxKt ; 28 BxB,
Px B ; 29 KRQi, RQi ;
30 QB4, wins. The specula
tive text move does not turn
out so well.
Kt xB
R x Kt ; 31 P x R, Q x Rch.; 32
QxQ, KtK7ch. ; with at
least an equal ending.
B R6
Rx Kt
Of course if RxP, KtR
6ch.; wins the rook, and if P x
P, KtK7ch.; 36KBi, Kt x
Pch. Black comes out a pawn
ahead and actually tries to win,
but there proves to be not quite
enough in it. A most astonish
ing recovery.
Subsequent events show that
PK6 was better with the
probable continuation Kt x P ;
29 KtKt6ch., Px Kt ; 30 Q
xKt. As played, Black will
surprisingly recover all his lost
28. QxP
29. B x R Qx B
30. QxQBPch.
For if now PKKt3, then
P x Pch.
K xP
R xP RxB
RxKt Rx P
R QKt4
40. R-
- K t 7 KKt2
41. K
B3 P Kt4
42. P-
-QKt4 KKt3
- K t 5
P-Kt6 RR6ch.
K -B2
46. R-Kt8 RQKt6
P--Kt7 KKt2
48. R-
R xP Drawn.
M. Botvinnik (b. 1911) began to win his great reputation in 1932,
when he carried off the Russian championship. In a nation of
many masters he has consistently shown himself the greatest. His
tournament successes include Leningrad, 1934, Moscow, 1935,
Nottingham, 1936, and Groningen, 1946.
S. Reshevsky (b. 1911) was taken as a child prodigy to
America and became a United States citizen. He reappeared in
the 1930s as a fully fledged master, and rapidly proved himself
the strongest player in America. His tournament successes include
the sharing of 1st prize in the strong tournament at Kemeri, 1937.
Avro tournament, 1938.
Nimzo-Indian D e f e n c e
1. PQ4 Kt KB3
2. PQB4 Pk 3
3. KtQB3 BKt5
4. PK3 OO
5. KtK2 PQ4
6. PQR3 BK2
7. P x P Kt x P
8. Kt x Kt P x K t
9. PKKt3
Deciding that the pressure of
his bishop on the centre is worth
the weakness of the White
9. KtQ2
10. BKt2 KtB3
11. 00 BQ3
12. KtB3 PB3
13. P-QKt4 P-QR3
14. RKi RKi
15. B Kt2 BBi
16. QQ3 BK3
17- PB3 KtQ2
18. KtR4 PQKt3
The apparent weakness of the
QBP after this move will be
effectively covered from attack
by the movement of the Black
knight to QB5. There is no real
reason for not playing the pawn
to the 4th at once.'
19. QRBi PQKt4
20. KtB5 KtKt3
21. B B3 RR2
22. PK4 KtB5
23. RRi B x Kt
So far the game has been one
of careful and slow develop
ment. Now Black prepares to
invade Whites game along the
Q file.
24. QP x B RQ2
25- QQ4 p- b 3
26. PB4 PxP
27. QxKP R Q6
28. QRBi R x B
This sacrifice, based on the
resulting weakness of Whites
KR, turns out a somewhat
doubtful speculation.
29. R x R BB2
30. RQ3
Not QKti because of Q
Q5ch., winning. White fights
every move from this point.
30. QKti
31. R(K)Qi RxQ
32. B x R
Of course if RQ8ch., R
K i ; and Black wins a piece.
32. QKBi
33. RQ8 BKi
34- RKi
Most ingenious. The more
obvious Bx BP would be
answered by B xB ; 35 RxQ
ch., K x R ; with good chances
for Black. Now Black cannot
prevent White recovering the
piece and coming out with two
rooks for the queen.
34- KB2
35. Bx RP
[Diagram 59]
35. KtK4
Another ingenuity, this time
by Black, who hopes by this to
keep the rooks split and to re
tain complications.
36. P x K t QRi
37. BB2 KK2
38. RB8
Blacks plan succeeds, for
(b l a c k ) b o t v i n n i k
(w h i t e ) r e s h e v s k y
Position before Black's 35th move.
( D i a g r a m 59)
White now makes a slip. The
rook needs to go one square
further, to Kt8, as will appear.
38. Pb 4
39. B x P QR4
40 PKt4 QKt4
41. RB7ch.
With the rook on QKt8 White
could now play RKt7ch., K
Bi (KQ i ; 42 RQich.,
winning); 42 BR7, threaten
ing RBich., winning.
41. KQi
42. RB8ch. KK2
43. PK6 PKt3
44. RB7ch. KQi
45. RQ7ch.
A last desperate attempt to
win, based on the passed KP.
If in reply BxR, then 46 P
K7ch., Qx P (not KK i ; 47
BxBch. , and the pawn
queens); 47 RxQ, K x R ; 48
BxB, Kx B ; 49 PKR4, 47. RQ8ch. KB2
wins. 48. RxB QxPch.
49. KRi QB6ch.
45* KBi 5* KKti QKt5ch.
46. PK7 PxB Drawn.
P. Keres (b. 1916) is the most brilliantly combinative player
among all the young masters. His gifts are allied with deep posi
tional judgment and he was thus able to take 1st prize in his first
major International tournament, the great contest at Semmering,
1937, and to follow it up by winning the Avro tournament of 1938.
He is an Estonian by birth.
Avro tournament, 1938.
D u t c h De f e n c e
1. PQ4 Pk 3
2. PQB4 BKtSch.
3. KtB3 PKB4
4. QKt3 QK2
5. P-QR3
The orthodox PKKt3
would be answered by 5 . . .,
KtQB3 ; 6 KtB3, KtR4.
Blacks withholding of Kt
KB3 has gained him a move
elsewhere with some effect.
White must therefore take pre
liminary steps before he can
play PKKt3.
6. QxB
B x Ktch.
7. PKKt3 PQ3
8. KtB3
If BKt2, PK4. The
game now transposes into a
kind of Queens Indian Defence
where Black has no need to
play KtK5 in order to get in
8. PQKt3
9. B Kt2 B Kt2
10. OO QKtQ2
11. PQKt4 OO
12. BKt2 QRBi
13. KRQi PB4
14. QPxP Kt PxP
He must accept the weakness
of the centre pawns, for if QP x
P; 15 KtK5, B x B; 16
KxB, KRQi; 17 P Kts,
threatening KtB6.
15- QQ3 KtKt3
Black has calculated accu
rately that his pawn position is
defensible owing to this counter
attack. If now 16 Q x QP, then
Q x Q ; 17 RxQ, Kt x P ; 18
BxKt , Kt x R; 19 BK7, Kt
K5 ; 20 B xR, K xB ; with
approximate equality.
16. PKt5 KRQi
17. P-QR4 P - Q 4
18. P x P R x P
19. QB2 RxRch.
20. Qx R
He must defend his QRP. If
20 RxR, then BK5 ; 21 Q
Kt3, PQB5 ; 22 QR2, Q
20. KtB5
21. BQBi
Somewhat better was B x Kt,
Qx B ; 22 RBi.
21. PK4
For now Black could play Kt
K5 with a very aggressive
position. Thetextmoveseriously
weakens the diagonal on to his
22. QKt3 BQ4
23. KtQ2
The game becomes compli
cated. The bishop is attacked,
and therefore indirectly the
knight also. Less good was 23
KtR4, PK5; 24 Kt xP,
Q - k 4.
24. Kt x Kt QK3
25. BR3 Bx Kt
26. QB2 BQ4
27. PR5
Naturally not 27 BxBP, Kt
27. BKt2
28. BKt2
30. P k 3 KR2
R - Q i
Q - K t 3
(b l a c k ) KERBS
After the alternative Kt
Kt 3; 24 BxBch., Kt(Kt)x
B ; 25 KtB4, the White Q
side pawns are a danger.
Position before Black's 35th move.
(Di a g r a m 60)
A most critical position,
especially for Black. White has
maintained his pressure on the
White diagonal and also con
trols the long Black diagonal.
Since he can make no progress
on the White diagonal, a switch
to the Black one by 35 BRi,
preparing QKt2, seems in
dicated. Black is then in diffi
culty as the following lines
show: 35 . . ., QK t i ; 36
QKt2, QQi (QK3 ; 37
QR8ch., RR2 ; 38 BKt
7ch., KKt4; 39 PR4ch.,
KKt5; 40 KKt2, threaten
ing BK2 mate. Or 36
.. ., RR2; 37 BxKt ,
B x B ; 38 QK5, BKt6 ; 39
QB4CI1., PKt4 \ 40 R
Q6ch.); 37 BxKt , B.xB ; 38
RxB, R x R ; 39 QKt7ch.,
KKt4; 40 PRjch. How
ever, Black can just hold the
attack off for the moment by
35 . . ., BR i ; 36 QKt2,
35- PB5
He must counter-attack or
36. KPx P
The best chance, as H. Go-
lombek pointed out, was for
White also to be aggressive and
play 36 RxKt , B x R ; 37 Q
B3, QKti ; 38 B xB, R x B ;
39 KP x P, threatening the im
mediate advance of the Q side
36. PK6
The point of Black's counter-
play. The long White diagonal
is to be opened to his bishop and
the KKtP weakened and made
an object of attack.
37. B x Kt PK7
The counter-attack has a
magnificent finale. If 38 B x Q,
RxRch. ; 39 KR2, RR8
38. RKi QxB
39. QxQ RxQ
40. PB3
If Rx P, again RQ8ch.,
and mates.
40. RQ8
41. KB2 Drawn.
R. Fine (b. 1914), the American master, first made a repu
tation as a member of the American team at the Folkestone
tournament, 1933. Since then he has consistently shown himself
one of the worlds masters, his best result being 1st prize at the
Moscow, 1937, tournament. He is a great theoretician in all
phases of the game.
Avr tournament, 1938.
Ru y L o pe z
1. PK4 PK4
2. KtKB3 KtQB3
3. BKt5 P-QR3
BR4 KtB3
0 - 0 BK2
Q K2
p QKt4
P - Q 3
8. P-QR4
The most vigorous reply to
White's immediate threat of
P x P and his ultimate threat of
RQi followed by operations
on the Q file. The alternative
RQKti is followed by 9 P x
P, P x P ; 10 PB3, BKts ;
11 RQi, OO; 12 PQ4,
and White has achieved his
ideal development.
9. PB3 0O
10. P x P P x P
11. RxR QxR
12. QxP
Safer was PQ3, but White
plays to win by disturbing the
balance of the game. He must
now be prepared to face consi
derable pressure on his Q side
down the open QKt file.
12. KtR2
Of course he cannot recover
the pawn at once, for if Kt x P ;
13 BQ5. Nor is the likely
looking KtQR4 sufficient
after 13 BB2, Kt x P ; 14 B
xKt, Qx B; 15 QxKt, Qx
QKt ; with a precarious game.
13. QK2 QxP
14. QxQ Kt xQ
15- PQ4
The result of Blacks subtle
12th move is now apparent, for
White must submit to the dis
ruption of his K side unless he
plays the awkward BQi. If
i SKt xP. PxKt ; 16PB3,B
B4ch.; 17 PQ4, PxP; 18
P x Kt, Px P dis. ch.; winning.
15. B x Kt
16. PxB KtKt4
17. KKt2
Still eschewing safe drawing
lines. After 17 B xKt, B xB ;
18 PxP, Px P; 19 RKi,
BB5 ; 20 RK2 (against
RKti), RQ i ; 21 KtR3,
the bishops of opposite colours
indicate a probably impending
draw. He prefers to keep two
bishops and accept a slightly
inferior pawn position.
17. RKti
18. B QB4 PxP
19. P x P KtK3
20. PQ5
The best way of defending the
QP. Black would get a passed
QP after 20 B x Kt, Px B; 21
RKi, KB2 ; 22 KtB3,
KtB3 ; 23 PQ5, PxP.
20. KtB4
21. KtB3 KtBi
22. R Ki KB i
23. RK2 PB4
24. KtKt5
If White were content to
draw, the strong position of the
knight would justify leaving it
undisturbed and preferring 24
B K3. But White now en
visages combinative play based
on the weakness of Blacks
24. KtKt3
25. PKt3 Kt x QP
26. KtQ4
The point. He is not in
terested in recovering the pawn
by 26 Kt x QP, B x K t ; 27
BxKt .
26. KtKt5
Any other move with the
knight fails to guard his vital
QB3, and White then wins by
27 RxB, K x R ; 28 Kt
27. BQ2
Position before Black's 27th move.
(Di a g r a m 61)
Again threatening to plant
the knight on QB6 after B x Kt.
2 7- P04
28. B x Kt
Insufficient would be 28 Kt x
P, P x B ; 29 R x B (KtxB,
RKi), P x P ; or 28 RxB,
Px B (not K x R ; 29 BxKt ,
Rx B ; 30 KtB6ch.); 29 R
xBP, P x P ; 30 RxKt , P
Kt 7 ; in either case leaving
Black with irresistible Q side
28. R x B
29. KtB6
The culmination of Whites
combination. If Black replies
RKt3, then 30 Kt xB, P x
B ; 31 P x P, with a good game.
But Black has conducted his
defence with great perspicacity
and reveals that he too is play
ing for a win by giving up the
exchange for strong passed
29. P x B
30. Kt x R P x P
31. KtQ5 KtQ6
The brilliant move on which
Black has based his counter
play. If now 32 Kt x B (not
RxB, PKt7), KtBsch., 33
KBi, K t x R ; 34 KtQ5,
PKt7 ; wins.
32. RQ2 PKt7
33. RQi PB4
Now there begins an intense
struggle around the pawns. If
at once 33 . . ., KtB8; 34
KtB3, BB3 ; 35 KtKti,
PB4 ; 36 RQ2, PQB5 ;
37 RB2.
34. KBi PQB5
35. RKti
Not KK2, allowing the
Black knight to go to QB8 with
check. The vital square in the
struggle is now QB2.
35- BB4
36. KK2 B x P
A magnificent move, coolly
establishing a majority on the
other wing. Whites apparently
convincing reply has been
allowed for to a nicety.
37. K t - K 3
(b l a c k ) k e r e s
The only move by which he
can keep a piece defending his
40. B x Kt
41. KQi BQ3
42. KB2 B x P
43. RKRi
The king can hold the two
pawns on the Q side as easily as
one, so rather than waste a
move capturing one of them,
White regards it as timely to
prevent Black obtaining too
great a majority on the other
(w h i t e ) f i n e
Position before Black's 37th move.
(Diagram 62)
37. PB6
38. KtB2
Not to be deflected from his
fight against the pawns. If 38
K x Kt, B x K t ; 39 K x P, B
B8; revealing the purpose of
his 36th move.
R x P KB2
RRi PKt4
46. RKi KB3
RKKti KKt3
48. RKi BB3
Brilliantly continuing his
fight to control Whites QB2.
If now 39 Kt xKt, B x K t ; 40
K or R x B, PB 7 ; or 40 K
39. KtR3 BB4
40. K x Kt
A fine move forcing the issue.
He only needs one passed pawn
on this wing.
50. P x P PB5
51. P - K t 5
Fighting to the end. If now
51 . . . , B x P ; 52 K xP, draws.
51- BQ5
52. RQi BK6
53. K x P BB8
54. RQ6ch.
KB2 fails because the rook
cannot hold the king and pawn
on the other flank. He there
fore plays to hold the Q side
with the rook and bring the
king over to the K side, but the
latter part of this plan cannot
be fulfilled.
54- K x P home after 58 RKt8ch., K
55. RKt6 PB6 B7 ; 59 RKt8, KB8; 60
56. KQ3 KB5 KK4 (RKt7, PB 7 ;
57- RKt8 KKt6 61 RKt8, KK8 ; 62 R
Resigns. K8ch., KQ8), PB7 ; 61 K
B3, KK8 ; 62 RK8ch.,
For one of the pawns get KQ8 ; 63 RQ8ch., BQ7.
C. H. O'D. Alexander (b. 1909) is a brilliant British master of
Irish extraction who won the British championship in 1938. His
best tournament result so far is the 1st prize at Hastings, 1947.
Anglo-Russian radio match,
Ni mz o -In d i a n De f e n c e
P - Q 4
Pk 3
KtQB3 BKt5
p k 3
P - Q 4
5- P-QR3
B x Ktch.
6. PxB PB4
10. PQR4
A move which introduces a
critical element into the game,
for the position is too simple
after 10 OO, BR3 ; n B x
B, Kt xB ; 12 QQ3, QB i ;
13 BKt2, Px P ; 14 BPxP,
KtB2; as in a game Reshev-
skyFine, New York, 1941.
The text move threatens the
squares QB5 by BR3 and at
a suitable moment QKt6 by
PR5. The QRP is however
weaker on the 4th than on the
3rd rank, a fact which Black
later turns to good account.
10. BR3
The key move of Blacks
system of defence, intended to
clarify the position in the centre
by hindering Whites PK4.
11. BxB
If BR3 at once, then B x
B ; 12 QxB, PB5 ; 13 Q
B2, RK i ; with positions
similar to the actual game but
with Blacks QKt on a better
11. Kt xB
12. BR3
Preventing the rapid move
ment of the Black knight to
OB2 and K3, by the threat to
the QBP.
12. R Ki
13- QQ3 PB5
The only alternative was Q
Bi, after which PR5 is play
able. Black must therefore
allow the easing of the tension
in the centre, and now Whites
PK4, if he can manage to play
it, fits into the position beauti
fully from a strategic point of
14. QB2 QQ2
Beginning a far-sighted plan
to take advantage of the weak
ness of the QRP, by bringing
the QKt to QKt6. This plan
takes four moves, and White
just has time to get a counter
attack started in the centre.
15. 00 KtKti
16. QRKi KtB3
17. KtKt3
If KtBi, against KtKt6,
thenKtQR4; 18 PB3, Kt
Kt6 ; 19 Kt xKt, Q xP ; and
Black still achieves his strate
gical object. E. Klein recom
mended KtK5 as the best
answer to the text move.
17. KtQR4
18. PB3 KtKt6
19. PK4 QxP
20. QKt2
The attempt to save a move
by BQ6 fails against KtB4.
But the need to play this time-
wasting move results in Black
getting a powerful Q side at
tack started.
20. PQR4
21. PK5 PQKt4
22. BQ6
After 22 P x Kt, PKt5 ; 23
KtB5, P x B ; Blacks pawns
are so far advanced as to be a
danger. Botvinnik prefers a
line which prevents so rapid an
advance of the Black pawns.
22. RK3
23. P x Kt
But now KtB5 was strong.
Alexander gives 23 KtB5,
QR Ki(KtKi; 24KtK7
ch., KRi ; 25 Kt xP, Kt
xB ; 26 KtKt6) ; 24 Kt
K7ch., R(3)xKt; 25 BxR,
Rx B; 26 PxKt , Rx R; 27
RxR, PKts; 28 QKB2,
threatening QKt3.
23. RxB
24. Px P P Kts
25. RK5 R Ki
He cannot allow White to
control the K file. If Kt x P ; 26
PxKt , PB6 ; 27 QBi, R
QBi (QB3 ; 28 KtB5,
RK3 ; 29 Kt K7ch.); 28
KtB5, RQ2 ; 29 Q Kts,
threatening KtR6 Mate, and
if Px P; 26QXP, QKts; 27
QK3, Q Kt3 ; 28 KtB5,
RK3; 29 R Ki, QRKi ;
30 QKt 5.
26. PB4
Not R(B)Ki, R x R; 27
RxR, Kt xP; 28 PxKt , Q
Q8ch.; 29 KB2, PB6 ; 30
QK2, QxQch. ; 31 Rx Q
(threatening RK8ch. and Kt
Bsch.), RK3 ; with advan
tage. White must keep a rook
on his back rank for the time
Defending the QP before
moving the other rook. The Q
side is now strong enough to
await the clearing of the issues
27. QK2 R(3)-K3
28. PB5 R x R
29. P x R P x P
He must submit to pressure
on his king, for if K x P ; 30
QKt4ch., KR i ; 31 Kt
R5, RK K t i ; 32 QxRch.,
Kx Q; 33 KtB6ch K
B i ; 34 Kt xQch., KK2 ; 35
KtKt6. He therefore con
tinues to develop his own threats
on the Q side, but with 30 Kt
R5 white could obtain the
better game.
[Diagram 63]
A bad spot for the queen as
will appear. With KtQ5 he
might seriously embarrass
White, the sort of threat re
sulting being 31 QK3, Q
Kts; 32 QxP, Qx Kt ; 33
QxQ, KtK7ch.; 34 KB2,
Kt x Q; 35 Kx Kt , P Q5;
with advantage, while if 31 Q
Position before Black's 30th move.
( D i a g r a m 63)
R5, then PB7; 32 QR4,
KtKt6 ; 33 KtB5 (threat
ening KtR6 Mate) Q x
Kt; 34 RxQ, PB8=Qch.;
31. KRi KtQ5
32. QK3 RRi
The unfortunate corollary of
his 30th and 31st moves. Only
thus can he unpin the knight,
and at the same time guard
against KtB5.
33. Q x P PR5
34- QxKt
A devastating and beautiful
continuation, which demolishes
Blacks game.
34- QxQ
35- KtB5 PR4
The only answer to the
threats of KtK7 Mate and Kt
R6 Mate.
36. Kt x Q RKi
37. KtB5 PQ5
38. PK6 Resigns.
For if R x P ; 39 KtR6ch.,
KR2; 40 PKt8=Qch., and
if P x P ; 39 KtR6ch., KR
2 ; 40 PB7.
V. Smyslov (b. 1921) is one of the youngest generation of
Russian masters and has already shown himself to be a potential
candidate for the highest honours.
Katetov is a prominent Czech player.
MoscowPrague match, 1946.
F r e n c h D e f e n c e
pQ4 p - Q 4
BKt5 P x P
Kt xP
The natural and more usual
move is KtB3. Black at once
prepares to counter in the
centre by PQB4.
8. BK2
9. QB2 P QB4
10. KtB3 QB2
11. P KKt3
If KtK5, PB3; 12 Kt
Q3, PB5 ; and the KBP is
11. PQKt3
12. ooo
More in harmony with the
fianchetto of the KB was O0
as soon as possible, but after 12
B Kt2, BKt2 13 OO,
Px P; 14 Kt xP, BB4;
Whites position is not alto
gether comfortable. He there
fore decides to adopt a riskier
and more aggressive develop
12. B Kt2
13. B Kt2 KtB3
14. Kt K5 OO
15. PxP
Threatening 16 Kt x Ktch.,
B x K t ; 17 RQy, winning a
15. KtQ4
16. KRKi
The attempt to win a pawn
by P x P may lead to trouble
after Qx P; 17 KtQ7, Q
K6ch.; 18 QQ2, KRQ l ;
19 KtK5, Q xQch. ; 20 R x
Q, KtK6; 21 BB3f P
B3; 22 RKi, P x K t ; 23 R
xKt, P x P ; 24 PxP, PK4.
16. P x P
17. PKR4 PB3
Now Black rids himself of the
pressure and frees his pieces for
action, though at the cost of a
weak KP.
18. KtB3 QR4
19. PR4
That White is already in diffi
culties is revealed by his having
recourse to this awkward de
defence. The more natural look
ing PR3 allows Black to sacri
fice on his QR6. For example,
19 PR3, PB5 ; 20 BR3,
P - B 4 ; 2i Kt(4)Kt5, B x P ;
22 PxB, Kt xQBP; 23 R
Q4 (R Q7. BB3 ; 24 R
K7, QRKti), QRK t i ; 24
KtK5, BKsch.; 25 Kt x
B, QxPch. ; 26 KQ2, K t x
Ktch. ; 27 KQi, RKt7.
19. BB3
20. BR3
Playing to avoid the loss of
the exchange would allow Black
a strong game after 20 PKt3,
PB5 ; or 20 QK2, B x P ;
21 RQ2 (or Q3), BKt6.
White prefers to retain attack
ing chances at the cost of
material and fixes on the weak
KP as an objective.
20. PB4
21. Kt(4)Kts B x P
22. QK2 B x R
23. QxPch KRi
24. R x B
Not 24 Q x Kt, QR8ch.; 25
KQ2, QRQ i ; nor 24 Kt
K5, QR8ch.; 25 KQ2,
QxPch. ; 26 K x B (KQ3,
QxP Mate), K t x P Mate, nor
24 KtB7ch., R x K t ; 25 Q
xR, QR8ch.; mating in the
same way. Now White threatens
to recover material by KtB7
ch. as well as by capturing the
bishop if the knight moves.
Black, however, keeps the at
tack going with a brilliant
sacrifice of the bishop.
Position before Black's 24th move.
( D i a g r a m 64)
24. Kt xQBP
25. Qx B
Not 25 KtB7ch., R x K t ;
26 QxR, K t x R ; 27 QxB,
RQ i ; wins.
25. QRKi
26. Q Q7 Kt x R
27. KtB7ch. KKti
28. BxP
He still cannot recover his
material, for if 28 K x Kt, R
Q i ; 29 Kt x R, R x K t ; and
wins. Now he threatens to draw
by KtR6ch.
28. QKt3
29. Kt(3)K5 KtK6
30. KtQ6
The White counter-attack
now reaches its peak. Black
cannot reply 30 . . ., RQ i ;
because of the well-known mate
by 31 QK6ch., KR i ; 32
Kt(5)B7ch., KK t i ; 33 Kt
R6 dis. ch., KR i ; 34
QKt8ch., Rx Q; 35 Kt (Q)
B7 Mate.
30. Kt xB
31. Kt x R QKt6
Black is suddenly in diffi
culties. He is faced not only
with the threat of a check on
the dangerous diagonal by Q
Q5 but also with the threat of
PKKt4 and if the knight
moves, QxP Mate.
32. P Kt4 QK6ch.
33. K Kti QxP
34. Q K6ch. KRi
35. P x Kt
KtB7ch., R x K t ; 36 Q
xR, QKsch.; allows Black
a draw by perpetual check, for
if 37 KBi, QK8ch.; 38 K
B2, KtQsch.; and Black
35- QxPch.
Forcing the queen off just in
time and very nearly securing
an end-game advantage. But
some adroit manipulation of the
White knights brings them in
to co-ordination and holds the
36. QxQ
KtQ6 RB8ch.
KtB3 RR6
40. KtB7ch. KKti
Kt(7)K5 RKt6
Black can force a passed KKtP
at the cost of his QBP. The
balance on the Q side is then
level, and two knights can hold
rook and pawn on the other.
(The numbers refer to the numbers of the games)
Giuoco Piano
Evans Gambit
Scotch Game
Ponziani Opening.
Ru y Lo pe z .
Pe t r o f f De f e n c e .
Ki n g ' s Bi s h o p' s Ope n i n g
Fa l k b e e r Co u n t e r Ga mb i t
Ce n t r e Ga me
Al e k h i n e De f e n c e . . 32,41
French Defence . . 12, 50
Si c i l i a n De f e n c e . . 23, 27
Qu e e n ' s Ga m b i t ........................................................................ 2, 39
Pi l l s b u r y At t a c k . . . 15, 19,26, 34, 36,38
T a r r a s c h De f e n c e . . . . . . . . 25
Sl a v De f e n c e . . . . . . . . . 30
Ir r e g u l a r Qu e e n ' s Ga mb i t De c l i n e d ......................................... 10
Ni mz o -In d i a n De f e n c e ......................................... 35, 45, 46, 49
Ki n g 's I n d i a n De f e n c e . . . . . . . 42
Du t c h De f e n c e . . . . . . . . . 47
T c h i g o r i n De f e n c e ........................................................................ 17
Co l l e Sy s t e m . . . . . . . . . 40
I r r e g u l a r Queen's Pawn Game . . . i x, 13, 37, 43
R e t i S y s t e m .................................................................................. 31
14, 20, 21
. 8
22. 44
24, 29. 48
. 16
1. 4. 6
. 18
. 28
This collection of fifty great chess games contains a
wealth of chess entertainment for players of all ages.
Contains wonderful games by Morphy,
Capablanca, Alekhine and other legendary figures
All 50 games annotated in depth
Contains pen-portraits of all the players of
the games
Discover the great players of chess history in
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ISBN 1- 85744- 182-6

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