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An Interview

Anggota Kelompok :
1) Mayta Pramudani (25)
2) Rima Nurlita Sari (33)
3) Rizky Nur Utomo (34)
Newsreader : Four people died and five others were injury on Saturday because fire
in Plamongan Indah, Semarang, Central ava! "he survivors said
before the fire happened, they smelled some gas!
#ur reporter $ayta Pramudani is now reporting in front of the fire
spot! %
Mayta : &istener, this evening we get a bad story had heppened in Plamongan
Indah! 'ow, I am in front of the fire spot! I would li(e to interview
)ima, one of the survivors from the fire case! *ood evening!
Rima : *ood evening!
Mayta : )ima, how are you feeling now +
Rima : I feel so sad, because my beloved friends and family was died!
Mayta : I am sorry to hear that!
Rima : "han(s four your careness!
Mayta : mmmmm, can you tell me about what heppened before the fire +
Rima : ,ell, in this evening I and my friend were study together in my house!
-t this time my mom was coo(ing in the (itchen! "hen she left to do
some errands! ,hen she left I smelled some gas from the (itchen!
"hen I hear e.plosion from (itchen and flame became bigger and
bigger! $e and rest of family get rush from the house! /ut the others
can0t escape from the house!
Mayta : #(ay! ,ho0s the victim +
Rima : $ostly my whole family and my friend!
Mayta : "han(s for your time! $ay god with you!
Rima : "han(s!
Mayta : -lright listeners, $ayta Pramudani reported from Plamongan Indah!
/ac( to the studio!
Newsreader : "han(s $ayta! "hat0s our headline news from now! Stay in our

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