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History and Background

Mexico was established in 1821.

Originally it was conquered by Spain and
Hernado Cortes in 1521. There are 31
federal states in Mexico. The ofcial
language in Mexico is spanish and the
current currency is pesos. Mexico has a
constitution and a president.
The current president of Mexico is
Enrique Pena Nieto. He is a native of
Mexico being born in the city of
Atlacomulco. He attended Panamerican
University in 1984 and graduate in 1989.
He has been in ofce since 2012. He is
part of the Industrial Revolutionary party.
The second in command is Chief
Executive is Jorge Carlos. In Mexico you
can only be in ofce for 6 years, re-
election is not allowed.
Three Branches of Mexico
Just as the United States has three branches of government so
does Mexico. Mexicos government is made up of the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches. The executive branch is the
president who is currently president Enrique Pena Nieto. The
judicial branch is the federal courts. This includes the 21
magistrates with 32 circuit tribunals and 98 court districts. Court
magistrates are chosen by president with approval from congress.
The legislative branch is made up of Congreso de la Union. This
is divided into an upper chamber camara de senadores and a
lower chamber Senadores. Both are responsible for the
legislation of laws.
President Enrique Pena Nieto Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
The Constitution of Mexico vs The Constitution of
United States
Just like the American government the Mexican government has
a constitution. There are some difference between them though.
February 4 is the constitution day in Mexico. Although religious
freedom is in the Mexican constitution there are very hard
restriction in clergymen, on being they can not run for office. The
Mexican constitution is longer than the American constitution.
Also the Mexican constitution allows the right to bear arms but
there are very strict gun laws.

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