Journeys That Stay

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By: Daniel Jara, Daniela Carballido, Jenny
Hernandez & Gabriela Morale!
Some years after their trip, Mika, Ben, Ian and Anna were together one more time
on a Saturday night, just spending some time with each other, remembering about
the time when they were in high school.
They meet each other since they were ! years old, and they spent their whole
high school, since they were freshmen until their senior year, together on the same
school and classroom. So they were really close and "ery good friends.
They were at Ben#s house, ha"ing a coffee, when Mika said.
$%ou guys remember our trip to &ermany'
$(f course) $ Said e"ery one almost at the same time.
$*as one of the biggest e+periences we ha"e had together.$Ian said. $ And how to
forget all the things that went wrong since the first moment we stepped on the
At their senior year on ,igh School, they knew that they were not going to see
each others for a long time, because each one of them was going to attend a
different college at a different state. Ben was going to attend Te+as -ni"ersity. Mika
was going to the -ni"ersity of Southern /alifornia. /hris was going to study at
0lorida -ni"ersity and Ian and Anna were going to 1urope.
So they wanted to do something big, something they could remember for years.
(ne day /hris showed up with the idea of making a trip to &ermany and
e"erybody was e+cited about it. A few days later, after preparing e"erything, they
went to &ermany.
They were at the Berlin#s international airport, waiting for their suitcases and saying
how much they were going to enjoy the trip. After some minutes their bags were
still not there and it was "ery late so they were "ery few people at the airport.
Then they decided to go and ask for their things. They were shocked with what
they found out. Their things were putted on the wrong flight) So after talking with
the super"isor they were told to go to the hotel and when their things arri"e, from
were e"er they were at that time, the super"isor would call them and was going to
send them on a ta+i.
There they were, at the hotel ha"ing some sleep after a "ery e+hausting night at
the airport when suddenly, at 2 am /hris recei"ed a call from the super"isor of the
airport telling him that their things were there and that was going to be at the hotel
in a couple of hours.
$Since that moment I had a feeling that told me that wasn#t going to be the last
thing that was going to be wrong. $ Said Anna.
The ne+t day, with their things with them finally, they were ready to start their tour
at &ermany. *hen they left the hotel, two blocks away of the hotel /hris felt that a
man was "ery close to them. ,e turned around and he saw a man that was
appro+imately 34 years old. ,e was using a cap, a brown coat and sun glasses. It
was not necessary to wait for him to do a mo"e to know that he was a thief. At the
time /hris turned around, the man hit him in the stomach, took his backpack and
started running with all his things. ,e followed him for some seconds but it was
useless, the man was too far to reach him. ,e thought that it was a good idea to
tell the police what happened, but he reali5ed that it was not going to help because
they didn#t ha"e a lot of time and the in"estigation or whate"er they do with those
cases was going to take a while, so he accepted that his things were lost. But
fortunately all the important papers like his passport were at the hotel. The man
just took some money, his camera and other small things he was carrying in the
$1ach time I think about it I still get mad at that dude. 6 /hris said with an angry
$But luckily you didn#t lose important things. 6 said Anna.
$ %es but still, those were my things. 6 /hris answered with a frustrated tone in his
The ne+t thing they did in his troubling trip was going to a museum. It was a little
far, so they had to walk a lot to arri"e. *hen they were finally there at the entrance
of the museum, they noticed something that was going to make the mad. There at
the entrance was an announcement that said the museum was closed because
they were doing a reno"ation and was going to be opened until the ne+t month.
After their "isit to the door of the museum, they decided to go and ha"e dinner at a
restaurant close to the hotel. It was a "ery elegant restaurant and they had already
heard about it and that it was a good one. *hat they didn#t know was that it was a
"ery e+pensi"e place and they were not prepared for it.
So they entered to the restaurant and ha"e a delicious and nice dinner. But then
the moment they were not ready for arri"ed. They had to pay for the bill, but it
wasn#t the problem, the problem was that they ordered the dishes that cost the
e+act amount of money they had at the moment and the bill already included the
tip for the waiter, and they didn#t ha"e enough money for it. They counted their
money on the table se"eral times for being sure, but it wasn#t enough money. So
Ian and Anna went to the hotel for the money.
$That wouldn#t ha"e happened if that guy hadn#t stolen my backpack. 6 /hris
$/ome on dude deal with it. $ Said Ben.
0inally they paid the complete amount of the bill and went to the hotel wondering
what they did in the past to ha"e a trip that was supposed to be fun and that at the
time the only person who would find it funny would be a weird guy that enjoys
watching other people suffering.
The last day of their journey was not as bad as the other past days. It was normal.
they went to a tour around the city and returned early to the hotel to prepare all
their things for returning to the -SA.
The ne+t day they were at the airport ready for going back home. They waited
there for their flight and then entered to the plane. *hen the plane was about to
take off they heard the captain said that they were going to arri"e to another
They thought that that was the only thing that was missing happening to them after
all what they li"ed the other days.
*hen the plane landed they were desperate looking for a fight back to the -SA.
They found one that was lea"ing that night so they bought their tickets and entered
to the plane again. A few hours later they were finally at home after a "ery long and
e+hausting trip.
$%ou know' 7ow after all what happened there, I think about it and I guess the trip
wouldn#t ha"e been the same if none of those things had happened. 6 Said Anna
$I guess you#re right, those things are the ones that, at the moment you suffer and
keep you wondering why is e"erything going wrong, but in the end when you think
about them, you reali5e that was part of the trip and are the things that when you
think about them, are the ones that ga"e taste to the trip. 6 Said Ian.
$%es, the important thing was that we spent some time together and we figured out
together how to sol"e the problems. 1+cept the things that were stolen from /hris,
those were lost fore"er, right buddy' 6 asked Ben.
In the end, after all the things that went wrong that day, after all the stress suffered
after a problem appeared, they reali5ed that they actually enjoyed it, because they
were together for one last time before starting a new chapter in their li"es and
going to college. And they also disco"ered that if people are willing to enjoy no
matter what, big problems look like small ones and if they are together they can
sol"e them, because those things sometimes are the ones that you remember the
most and the ones you ne"er forget.

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