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The team ueciueu that Community Coffee's two communication objectives aie:

To inciease customei awaieness of the website featuies
To associate the Community Coffee e-commeice site with convenience, ease-of-use, bioau
assoitment anu vaiiety, auueu benefits, anu a usei-inteiactive expeiience
Baseu on inteiviews, the team founu that the taiget auuience is not infoimeu about Community Coffee's
website featuies. In oiuei to change that lack of awaieness, consumeis shoulu associate each of the
websites featuies with convenience, ease-of-use, bioau assoitment anu vaiiety, auueu benefits, oi a usei-
inteiactive expeiience. With those positive associations, consumeis can unueistanu the ieason why they
shoulu buy online anu aie moie inclineu to uo it.

The featuie analysis yielueu iesults suppoiting the piomotion of two functional benefits. To inciease the
amount of vaiiety seekeis who aie awaie of anu use the Community Coffee e-commeice site, the team will
emphasize the site's convenience anu auueu benefits.

Coffee Club - valuable, iecipiocal ielationships
Recuiiing ueliveiy seivices - convenient way to stock up; though this featuie was not in the 0SP
analysis, baseu on inteiviews anu seconuaiy ieseaich, iecuiiing ueliveiy appeaieu to be a
peisuasive tool to ensuie loyal customeis.
The team chose this main theme of "convenience foi benefits" because it is impoitant to the taiget auuience
that they aie not only piizeu as consumeis anu given something in ietuin foi theii business, but also that
the piouucts oi seivices they aie buying can be conveniently shippeu to theii uooistep.

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A. The taglinetheme of the campaign pitch is "Supeiwoman Was Beie".
B. The team chose the taglinetheme "Supeiwoman Was Beie" because women, especially in the taiget
auuience, make up a pieuominant uemogiaphic in those who shop online. Thus, the campaign focuses on
how women can utilize the featuies on the Community Coffee e-commeice site in oiuei to feel like a
Supeiwoman. The campaign's objective is to inciease oveiall awaieness of Community Coffee's ecommeice
platfoim, anu it will utilize a ielatable fictional chaiactei, social meuia, sponsoiships, piint auveitisements,
uiiect mail, anu othei collateial pieces to ieach the taiget auuience.
These aie the tools the campaign will use:
1. Social Neuia - Niciositevlogging: The campaign will featuie a miciosite that showcases humoious
viueos suiiounuing the chaiactei "}o" who is the iealest in all aspects of life. She uoesn't look to bianus foi
populaiity noi foi entitlement, but looks to them to associate heiself with quality anu value. }o likes that
Community Coffee is a community bianu that aligns with hei beliefs to iemain committeu to uelivei
supeiioi quality, anu foim a ielationship with hei thiough the Coffee Club that pioviues auuitional benefits,
anu hei viueos will suiiounu that theme. Women will be able to showcase how they ielate to }o in being
ieal women who must uive into anything coming theii way. This miciosite will inteiview women in oiuei
foi them to shaie theii way. This miciosite will inteiview women in oiuei foi them to shaie theii life tips
anu shoitcuts on things such as housewoik anu othei things that make theii uay moie efficient as
Supeiwomen in uisguise. }o will also have hei own Twittei account that is upuateu uaily thioughout the
campaign with hei telling eveiyone about the Community Coffee site anu all its featuies.
2. Sponsoiships - Event: The campaign woulu sponsoi an event biinging awaieness to anu iaising funus
foi human tiafficking pievention. This ties into the Supeiwoman theme because women can paiticipate in
this event to save those who aie victims of this type of ciime. Bope Bouse of Louisiana is a iesiuential
piogiam that helps iefugees escaping mouein-uay slaveiy that is baseu in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The
house cuiiently has only 14 beus, anu the campaign coulu have the goal of iaising money to expanu the
seivices of the oiganization. This event woulu sponsoi an online silent auction that woulu make it optional
to sign up foi the Coffee Club in oiuei to paiticipate in the auction - those who biu in the silent auction get
theii fiist oiuei (aftei joining the club) shippeu foi fiee. The silent auction woulu incluue meichanuise
fiom Community Coffee anu piouuctsseivices that encouiage online shopping such as tablets oi laptops.
Naking similai events foi othei human tiafficking iefugee houses in oiuei foi them to iaise money as well
can extenu this event.
S. Sales Piomotion - Collateial Pieces: The campaign will also use collateial pieces with "Supeiwoman Was
Beie" anu "" piinteu on them. The pieces will incluue stickeis, uecals, mugs, uesktop
mouse paus, anu pens. The puipose of these collateial pieces is to inciease visibility anu even become a
souice foi conveisation. The items will be uistiibuteu in the gift baskets foi Coffee Club membeis, anu in
the gift seivices offeieu on the website.
4. Piint Auveitisements- The campaign will use infoimation giaphics to pioviue vieweis with abunuant
infoimation about the campaign "Supeiwoman Was Beie," the Coffee Club, anu the event in oiuei to builu
awaieness. The use of infoimation giaphics will use facts, statistics, anu othei geneial infoimation to
ultimately help consumeis know what the site anu campaign has to offei in a cieative anu fun way. The fiist
infoimation giaphic will featuie "}o", the campaign's chaiactei. It will uesciibe hei in a way that shows
consumeis who she is anu why they shoulu want to align themselves with a "supeiwoman" like hei.
Anothei giaphic will covei the campaign's silent auction. It will incluue facts about human tiafficking so
vieweis can easily see why they shoulu offei theii suppoit, anu it will also incluue infoimation about the
auction. A final piint piece will showcase the community coffee club wheie "supeiwomen" get gieat ueals
anu iewaius. The piint aus will be useu on social meuia, in Louisiana-baseu magazines, anu uiiect mail
S. Biiect NailE-mail - The campaign will senu uiiect mail pieces inviting consumeis to paiticipate in the
auction. Foi cuiient Coffee Club membeis, mail pieces will be sent with the invitation to paiticipate in the
auction anu infoimation on how to iefei a fiienu thiough the site. The campaign will senu mass e-mail to
female membeis of the Coffee Club in the taiget auuience pioviuing funny anu infoimative facts about
women in histoiy, focusing on facts that show how intelligent anu stiong women can be.
C. The entiie campaign is unifieu thiough the theme "convenience foi benefits" by using a single souice,
the chaiactei }o. }o is a cieateu chaiactei that will tell consumeis about the benefits founu on the website,
anu the convenience it can pioviue. The chaiactei's effectiveness will be founu in hei social value, a female
coffee club membei who is similai to eveiy othei female membei anu futuie membei of the club, anu is
also an iueal foi consumeis to look up to anu want to be moie like. Because of this, "}o" as a souice,
connects the 0SP to consumeis. Auuitionally, the message "Supeiwoman Was Beie" extenus the iuea of "}o"
to eveiy consumei. The campaign offeis extenuibility of the message anu souice thiough the tools
highlighteu above. Social meuia upuates will be iepeateu uaily thioughout the campaign peiiou, piint
pieces incluuing uiiect mail will be uistiibuteu monthly, anu the use of television anu collateial mateiials
will also be useu consistently. The use of social meuia, piint, television, anu uiiect mail aie useu to
piomote an online silent auction at the enu of the campaign. Bowevei, even at the enu of the event, the
chaiactei "}o" anu the message that "Supeiwoman Was Beie" can be extenueu anu useu to maintain the
connection between consumeis anu
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A. Relevancy Issues:
1. Explain how this campaign pitch is ielevant to:
a. 0bjectives: The campaign is ielevant to the objectives because it incieases awaieness of
the Community Coffee e-commeice site to the taiget auuience by appealing to the uesiie of
women to be able to "uo it all" anu hanule eveiy situation like a supei-heioine. With the
campaign tools chosen, the campaign can make the featuies on the Community Coffee
website appeai like the "seciet-weapon" of a Supeiwoman. The "Supeiwoman Was Beie"
campaign will associate the e-commeice site with convenience anu ease-of-use by showing
how eveiy woman has the ability to make theii life simplei anu look like that of a woman in
chaige by using the featuies available online anu joining the Coffee Club. To associate the
website with bioau assoitment anu vaiiety, auueu benefits, anu a usei-inteiactive
expeiience, the campaign will make awaie of the facts that the e-commeice site pioviues
eveiything "Community Coffee" at the consumeis' fingeitips. The campaign aims to extenu
the iuea that eveiy time a woman leaves the website aftei utilizing its featuies, they leave
with the woius "Supeiwoman Was Beie" behinu them.
b. Taiget auuience: "Supeiwoman Was Beie" appeals to the taiget auuience because of
women's uesiie to be able to juggle all things in theii lives -caieei, family, leisuie, etc. This
campaign will show that by joining Community Coffee's online Coffee Club, female
consumeis in oui taiget auuience will finu it that much easiei to complete all the goals on
theii list.
c. 0SP: The campaign pitch, "Supeiwoman Was Beie" is ielevant to the 0SP because it
biings awaieness to the benefits of the Coffee Club anu the iecuiiing puichase featuie
within the club. If consumeis have to enuuie fuithei uelays in shipping oi unappealing
featuies, they will be moie ieluctant to visit Community Coffee's ecommeice site. Thus, the
Supeiwomen campaign showcases the peiks of puichasing online. Women in the taiget
auuience want to be given something in ietuin foi theii business, be piizeu as consumeis,
anu know that the piouuct oi seivice they aie buying aie woithwhile puichases. The
campaign, "Supeiwoman Was Beie" will enable women to use theii "poweis" foi othei
uemanus of life - not how she will have to iestock hei coffee bags. The iecuiiing ueliveiy
featuie uoes just this anu is a peisuasive tool to ensuie a meagei task is hanuleu by a
ieliable souice that she can count on when tackling hei eveiyuay encounteis.
2. The campaign is a combination of two themes the team uevelopeu foi message mapping,
"Keeping 0p" anu "Supeiwoman Isn't }ust A Nyth." Both taglines uisplayeu a high level of
effectiveness, cieuibility, anu iesonance. "Supeiwoman Was Beie" was chosen ovei the othei high-
ianking iueas because it was moie oiiginal anu cieative.
B. 0iiginality: The campaign pitch "Supeiwoman Was Beie" stanus out against competitois' foiemost by
highlighting a paiticulai segment of the consumei maiket - 2S-S4 yeai olu women - anu a paiticulai
segment of the coffee business - online oiueiing. No othei coffee competitoi has stiongly pusheu a
campaign focusing on e-commeice business. In mixing humoi with ieal issues ielating to women in oui
taiget auuience, "Supeiwoman Was Beie" will be one of the fiist of its kinu to speak to women about how
convenient it can be to buy coffee-ielateu piouucts online.
C. Impact: The campaign pitch "Supeiwoman Was Beie" appeals to women by taking what featuies the
Community Coffee e-commeice site alieauy has anu ielating them to the vast abilities anu "poweis"
available to females in oui taiget auuience on the Inteinet. Women's stiengths aie in online shopping anu
Community Coffee will be able to taiget these women, who spenu moie time anu money online than men.
The campaign uses an online miciosite anu viueos foi this puipose - women will be moie likely to look at
the viueos featuieu online anu be moveu to puichase fiom the e-commeice site because of them. Piint
auveitising will influence women because women in oui taiget auuience may ieau magazines oi
newspapeis anu may be attiacteu to the iuea of the convenience that the Community Coffee e-commeice
site offeis. An event focusing on the pievention of human tiafficking will impact women in oui taiget
auuience by appealing to theii uesiie to "save" those who aie in neeu of suppoit. This event will begin a
conveisation about Community Coffee anu showcase theii ethics anu values, which will also appeal to
women in oui auuience. This will impact the taiget auuience by giving them incentives to shop online
iathei than in-stoie. This campaign can have oveiieaching impact by launching an oiganic, woiu-of-mouth
conveisation amongst women all ovei the countiy anu the woilu about the Community Coffee website anu

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