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Executive Summary

Educational tour is a program designed and embedded in the curricular practices

among fourth year students. This program helps upgrade and expand the knowledge
about the pedagogical practices, services, administrative ways, aspiration, goals, vision
mission tools, technology etc., of other relative school subjected for the observation .
From the beginning , fourth year students were acquainted that this coming 2

week of August, the educational tour is to be held . Unfortunately there were still
uncompleted requisites such as documents , etc., for the said tour that were not
submitted into the administration resulting to the disapproval of the tour to be
happening , thats why the tour has been reprieved for another week . Exactly the
tentative decision became final when the head of the tour made a pronouncement
that the said event was scheduled at the third week of August . Before the approval of
the said tour , series of meeting were conducted from parents down to the students
supervised by the Head Dr. Romeo Redulla. Such agreements involved payments ,
money allotted , regulations , places , responsible individuals for the tour , behavior and
other related matters that everyone of us should be observing during the conduct of the
tour,. The Venue has been fixed that early morning at 3:30 am at exactly in the Shell
Station as the rendezvous point to where we must all meet . Fortunately, on the third
week August from Wednesday-Thursday the tour has been made through when Dr.
Olandria finally approved the said thing even just at his finished appointments from far
away . During the early morning , before the arrival , the tour head master assigned
group leaders of each cluster to take responsibility before during and after the tour .
Everything was well organized since a minute of tribunal and reminders were given by
the tour headmaster Dr. Romeo Redulla. Mr. Redulla evenly made a roll call before us .
Such instructions and meeting conducted lasted approximately 20 minutes. During that
time the time of arrival as well as the time for departure has been given emphasis by the
head master before we arrived to a Davao .
We had all arrived going to Davao proper at approximately 4:50 to 5:00 am .
Series of breaks were made since others felt something bad but since we were at a
convoy. One of the condition is if one stops then all must do as well . so many sojourns
during our venture straight to Davao exactly 5 or even 6 times has been recorded .,
Such eventualities were due to personal necessities and others .

The time we enter the Davao proper , we immediately proceed to Blue Carabao
for a breakfast . Thats the beginning of our first day I the said tour . Right after the we
took our breakfast, we immediately proceed to UIC elementary and high school , to
which we made our observation by exploring their wide hence clean playground , gym ,
auditorium , prayer session hall , libraries , science labs ,orchidarium, halls ,
Administration office, canteen and the individual classrooms itself . There we observed
various things how they maintain the orderliness of their school , their practices ,
intended locations for events and their ways on how to manage the school themselves .
The UIC elementary and high school are just nearby so the accessibility to go to high
school is at easy stake for us . There we took a slight presentation prepared by the
school teachers then right after the presentations made we went to Sampaguita inn for
us to be accommodated for 2 nights, Unfortunately they cant due to the early booked
rooms. Others went to Green windows inn /hotel for others to be accommodated and to
have rooms for 2 nights . After we found our respective rooms . We took our lunch at
late noon, then proceed to the Davao SPED School for us to observe how the school
manages the special kids . Indeed they have their peculiar ways and tools to manage
such types of learners . They were truly well equipped from psychological tools and
practices , technologies prior to teaching-learning development of the special kids . .
learning environment and well trained teachers . We took an hour for the presentation
made by their schools head administrators, and well-trained teachers of the special kids
. we made some observation for half an hour then we proceed shopping at SM Lanang,
afterwards we went back into our respective hotels for a rest .
On the second day, we went to Ateneo De Davao grade school and high school .
for another observation. There we observe their respective classrooms , playground ,
clean pool , computers , science labs , observatory , gym and food court as well. The
design of their buildings and infrastructures are well organized and conducive for basic
learning . Their way of learning is highly engaged to highly technology end with a highly
competent practice and tools upon learning and is continuously upgrading. Next is the
Mindanao Kukosai Daigako international school . Special practice is their amalgamation
of Philippine curricular practice to their way of highlighting Japanese practices . During
our visit they were having their performance for the Buwan ng Wika. During our visit and
observation of the said school. The institutions head master conducted an intensive
presentation and demonstration of their intricate dressing practices and language , They
commend of blending Filipino to Japanese mannerisms . After almost 2 hours of the
said presentation we took our lunch . We proceed to Ateneo de Davao College . There
we saw their tall buildings, facilities , various sections of their libraries and their well-
constructed food court situated at the ground floor . What we merely observe there was
their structure and facilities . The last school we visited was the UIC College, there we
went up and down using their elevators to observe around their classrooms. We took
observation of their mini playground . Their teaching practice is as well excellent
likewise that of its elementary and high school practices.. After such we went shopping
again at the end of the day then rest at our respective hotels/inn we were booked .
On the third day , what we did was all morning and noontime went shopping
everywhere it is the last day . Then we left at Davao proper at 2 pm August on
Thursday afternoon .
Educational tour was actually a very good experience of ours /. We have
experienced the different system and people of different places we have visited It was
really a worthy tour even despite of our being feeling exhausted , drained and sleepy.
We have actually learned various things about other schools such as learning institution
, rules and regulations , building structures, learning practice and standards , medium of
instruction , technology , tools and learning materials , etc. everything is well organized
and prepared for the sake of good teaching-learning effect. Some of the school has
organized time scheduled for a particular activity for a week . The educational tour for
us teachers to be is truly a marvelous experience of honing our idealism that sooner if
we become teachers such good practices will be fully absorbed and put into a
realization for better teaching learning outcome . Teacher matters in managing the
classroom , the control of learners attitude and materials /instruction used in the growth
in learning is a must for a teacher to observe keenly . Our partial engagement to the
reality in teaching strengthen and grow our dedication to teach and change the child for
better . This tour is the one of the experience of ours that we can say worthy to spend of
time , money ,effort and energy since our ideas and horizon in regards to teaching are
being widen and our creativity on how to teach is improving . Multitude of ways can be
taught to a child . We have realized that everything depends priory on the teacher and
the support of the administrator in making all the things that consider the best in
teaching for those to be feasible .

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