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It is the contractors responsibility to field check all dimensions of shop drawings. Any
failure to do so makes the contractor liable for all necessary corrections to rectify
2) a) Description of materials and methods in words,

e)In conflict between the Drawings, or Specifications and the eneral !onditions of
"eference standards are specifications prepared and published by a recogni#ed
technical society, or other speciali#ed or competent group for the
$) !ommon practice is the summation of the e%perience of all persons from all phases
&) 'he sample si#e to be submitted is $((mm % $((mm
).*) 'he metal toilet partitions sheet steel is to be commercial +uality to
AS', A)*2-, with ./((* designation #inc coating.

).2) 'he 0inges are to be1
*) 0ea2y duty, self 3ubrication, nylon bushings
2) ,aterial4/inish1 !hrome plated non ferrous casting
$) Swing inward
&) "eturn ,o2ement1 ra2ity mo2ement
)) Ad5ustable door6 open angle

).$) Door and panels 1 2) mm thick, two sheet faces pressure bonded to
honeycomb core, to si#es indicated

).&) 'he paint is to be 1
*) Spray apply finish enamel to !S7 *6869*,
2) Spray apply finish enamel to !S7 *66*(&,a, 'ype 2, semi6gloss, 2 coats
and bake to smooth hard finish (.(2)mm.
).)) 7rackets are to be anchored to masonry surfaces.
-) -.*) A $(( mm long sample is to be submitted of profiles and colors for corner
and wall guards.
-.2) ,etal corner guards are *.-mm thick, :(mm % :(mm si#e, *2((mm long
with $mm corner radius.

-.$) /asteners are to be self tapping stainless steel, flush mounting.
-.&) 'he finish is to be , type $(2 satin finished stainless steel, with
remo2able protecti2e paper co2er, surface, mechanically mounted.
;) ;.*) 'he si% fi%tures specified are 1
*) 'oilet tissue dispenser
2) "ecessed paper towel
$) <aste receptacle
&) 3a2atory mounted 3i+uid soap dispenser
)) rab 7ar
-) "ecessed 'ouch button hand dryer
;.2) *) !hrome and nickel plating1 to AS', 7&)-6;: polish finish
2) 7aked =namel1 !ondition metal by applying one coat of metal
!onditioner to !S7 $*68699, of type 2 and bake. Apply 2
!oats type 2 enamel durable finish. Sand between final coats.
!olor selected form standard range by Architect.
$) Stainless Steel to AISI >o & satin luster finish.

9) "oof hatch to be 7ilco type S or e+ual roof hatch
:) 'he bid depository is a system to impro2e tendering practice in the construction
industry. It pro2ides for the receipt of sealed tenders for sub trade contractors
whereby the sanctity of bidding is protected and contractors recei2ing
subcontractors tenders obtain firm +uotations in writing and in ade+uate time to
compile their bids completely and accurately.
a) Separate prices shall be pro2ided for each complete trade section specifically
re+uested in the tendering documents.
b) A lump sum bid may be +uoted for two or more complete trade sections, but
only if a separate price has been +uoted on each trade section concerned, as
determined by the specifications.
c) 'rade !ontractor?s tenders shall be place in official en2elopes as follows16

a complete +uotation, as described abo2e, in a pink en2elope
addressed to each eneral !ontractor by name @one tender per pink
a copy of each +uotation to be retained by the 7id Depository @one
copy per green en2elope).
the abo2e pink and green en2elopes shall all be enclosed in a
designated white en2elope deli2ered to the 7id Depository, bearing
the names of the 'rade !ontractor, and the pro5ect being bid,
together with the total number of the green and pink en2elopes
enclosed. @=n2elope procedure 2aries from place to place).
d) <ritten ad2ice @including deli2ered telegrams) concerning amendments to
the 'rade !ontractor?s tenders may be submitted to the 7id Depository
pro2ided that each amendment and the white en2elopes are recei2ed prior to
the 7id Depository closing time. A copy of each amendment should be
addressed to each eneral !ontractor concerned and duplicates filed with
the 7id Depository.
e) 'enders shall not be altered or amended in any way after the 7id Depository
closing time.
f) 'enders may only be withdrawn up to A.. hours prior to the tenders closing
time for 8rime !ontractors and must be confirmed prior to the eneral
!ontractors? closing time. 'he responsibility of proof of time of effecti2e
withdrawal rests with bidder. It is the 'rade !ontractors? responsibility to
notify the 7id Depository and All eneral !ontractors affected of decisions
to withdraw.
'he time for withdrawal will be as decided by a 7id Depository. 'his withdrawal
time may 2ary from three @$) hours before the tender closing time to a minimum of
&9 hours when there are :- or more hours between closing times for 'rade and
eneral !ontractors. It may be stipulated by a 7id Depository that upon withdrawal
no bid may be altered or resubmitted. Also the 7id Depository may allow
withdrawals of bids by telephone pro2ided such withdrawal has been confirmed to
all parties by registered mail.
'he procedure to be followed by the eneral !ontractors recei2ing tenders from a
7id Depository is as follows16
a) It is the eneral !ontractors? responsibility to ad2ise 'rade !ontractors that
they are bidding and re+uire prices submitted through the Depository.
b) 'he eneral !ontractor? shall ad2ise the 7id Depository if they wish the
tenders mailed to them, in which case the 7id Depository assumes no
responsibility for deli2ery. Btherwise, it is assumed that the eneral
!ontractors will arrange to pick up their en2elopes.
c) A eneral !ontractor need not accept an unsolicited tender and may return it
unopened to the 7id Depository. 0e is bound to place a subcontract with one
of the bidders who uses the 7id Depository, but not necessarily the lowest. A
eneral !ontractor intending to use his own forces or a subsidiary company
for one or more of the complete trade sections shall deposit his bid in
accordance with the "egulations of the 7id Depository e2en if he bids only
to himself.
a) Immediately after the 7id Depository closing time, the tender bo% shall be
opened by an official of the 7id Depository and the white en2elopes opened.
'he information shown on the reen en2elopes shall be checked against the
information shown on the pink en2elopes and the pink en2elopes made
a2ailable to each addressee contractor. 'he green en2elopes will be retained
in the 7id Depository safe until the general contract has been awarded.
b) At this stage, the 7id Depository shall select all of the green en2elopes
addressed to the successful eneral !ontractor and tabulate them by trade
sections. All other green en2elopes shall be destroyed unopened. Bnly those
trade contractors whose tenders were accepted by the bid depository may then
e%amine the tabulated list prices for there trades . >o one else is entitled to see the
tenders e%cept the members of the committee in2estigating a complaint.
*() Additional documents that could be posted in article $A are
*) Supplementary !onditions
2) Specifications
**) 'he start and finish time is recorded in Article & 6 Schedule
*2) 'he sub contractor will submit to the general contractor for payment on a monthly

*$) Drawings C Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the sub
contract documents, where2er located and whene2er issued, showing
the design., location, and dimensions of the subcontract work, generally
including plans, ele2ations, sections, details and diagrams.
Shop Diagrams C Shop drawings are drawings , diagrams, illustrations, schedules,
performance charts, brochures, product data, and other data,
which the subcontractor pro2ides to illustrate details of portions
of the subcontract work.
*&) A Sub6Subcontractor is a person or entity ha2ing a direct contract with the
subcontractor to perform a part or parts of the subcontract work.
*)) *).*) 'he general conditions will o2errule the specifications
*).2) 'he definitions would o2errule di2ision - of the specifications.
*-) 'he sub contractor shall pro2ide all necessary super2ision and appoint a competent
representati2e who shall be in attendance at the place of work while work is being
performed. 'he appointed representati2e shall not be changed e%cept for 2alid
*;) 'he general contractor can take o2er the work of a subcontractor when1
*) 'he subcontractor is ad5udged bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for
benefit of creditors because of the subcontractors insol2ency, or if a recei2er
is appointed because of the subcontractors insol2ency.
2) If the sub contractor fails to correct a default in the time specified or in such
a time period as may be subse+uently agreed upon in writing by the parties.
*9) 'he subcontractor is responsible for cleanup and maintaining the subcontract work
in a safe and tidy condition .
*: ) Des, at any time during the term of the subcontract, when re+uested by the
contractor, the subcontractor shall pro2ide such e2idence of compliance by the
sub contractor and sub6sub contractor with workers compensation legislation
including payments due there under.
2() 'he warranty period under the subcontract is one year from the date of substantial
performance of the work.

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