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Brown and Boggs Shear

Equipment Number(s)
Instruct employees on the safe operation of the Brown and Boggs shear
Standard Operating Procedure Sections
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS (Equipment, no!"edge Required#$
NE%ER operate, service or adjust the shear, without proper instructions.
NE%ER place your hands, fingers or any other part of your body into the danger areas of the
machine, unless the motor is turned off and all main power switches are locked in the off position
and tagged.
Danger Areas are:
1) late hold down
!) "hear #lade
NE%ER attempt to pull a part out of the shear your hands. $f the part sticks in the shear, stop the
machine and call your supervisor.
NE%ER talk to another person while engaged in the operation of the shear. $f talking is necessary,
stop the machine and step aside away from the machine until the conversation is completed.
NE%ER wear jewelry, neckties or loose clothing when working on or near machinery.
NE%ER leave the machine running unattended

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