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Date 27.11.2013
My name is Haricleia Plesoianu and I am interested in working or you!
I am currently em"loyed as Teac#er o Frenc# and Englis#$ at t#e %ocational Hig#
sc#ool o Ploiesti Romania! I acce"ted t#is "osition &ecause I like 'ery muc#
teac#ing and I like communicating wit# students and "eo"le in general! I also
worked as a teac#er or (u&lin City )ni'ersity in (u&lin$ Ireland!
I also #a'e e*tensi'e e*"erience in com"uter skills !
I am interested in a""lying or t#e "osition o DIRECTOR OF STUDIES - at y!r
"#$a%y &ecause I consider t#is to &e a great o""ortunity or me to gain work
e*"erience in t#e )+!
l also want to &e "art o a com"etiti'e en'ironment$ working in t#e )+ and so t#is
would &e an occasion or me to get ac,uainted wit# t#e system o la&or rom t#e
)+ !
I consider t#at I am a good candidate or t#is "osition as I #a'e e*"erience working
as a secretary and call center o"erator and I am -uent in Englis# and Frenc#! I am
a goal. centered "erson and a good team "layer! I #a'e work e*"erience in CRM
sotware and I am "re"ared to enlarge my sotware knowledge!
To urt#er ac,uaint you wit# t#e details o my &ackground$ I am enclosing my
resume! I #o"e you will consider my a""lication or t#is "osition!
I look orward to meeting you and discussing my ,uali/cations more t#oroug#ly!
0ours ait#ully$
Haricleia Plesoianu
07&2& 3&' &(0

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