Chapter 6

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Fall From Grace
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Every breath in my body whooshed out of me. Next thing I knew, I was not in that busy
classroom but in a dark alley, with rain pouring down hard. I couldnt breathe. My heart was
pounding so hard Im sure it can be heard from a mile away. Im afraid my heart would beat right
out of my chest. My hand was trembling so terribly that I dropped the pen I was holding. Try as I
may, I couldnt shift my gaze away; his very presence transfixed me that I just sat there, my mouth
slack, my eyes staring right back. Then, a lop-sided smile, the crooked kind with one corner just a
tad bit higher than the other one, lit up his face and he broke the stare-fest.
I was sent reeling back to reality, back to that classroom with his eyes no longer holding me
in place. I blinked a couple of times and shook my head, trying to pull myself together, and looked
back up. He approached the only other chair left, which was right next to me on my left. Figures. I
shouldve exchanged seats with Libby, a dorky girl with no fashion sense who wanted to seat beside
Ian, when I had the chance. I straightened up a bit. Saying, Its nothing, over and over to myself.
As he was right next to me, he leaned down curiously and straightened up again, looking at me and
holding out my forgotten pen.
I believe this is yours, he said in that all too familiar voice. He held out the pen to me, still
wearing that annoyingly adorable smile. I took it gingerly from his outstretched hand; smiling
tightly as I thanked him. He sat down next to me, just as I feared.
By the way, he turned back to me, Im Gabriel McAllister, you can call be Gab, he
introduced himself, stretching out his hand. I placed the pen on my desk and shook it.
Im Sophie, but you already know that, dont you? I said hotly.
It sounded mean even to my own ears. Kirsten heard and sharply looked at me as if saying:
Dont be mean to the new hot guy! But much to my surprise, instead of being offended, he smiled
again and let out a small chuckle before turning back to face the board as Mrs. Danvers carried on
with the daily announcements.

I felt uneasy all throughout the day; fortunately, I only have two classes to share with him
thanks to my schedule. Almost all my subjects are AP and college credit courses. Okay, okay, Im a
geek, get over it. So anyway, I only have him in my AP World History and Latin class, which is kind
of a relief due to the stare fest thats happening. All the staring is creeping me out. But at the same
time, I cant help but feel a little flattered that a guy as hot as Gabriel McAllister cant seem to take
his eyes off of me. ME. A cute guy is actually checking out Average-Somewhat-Geeky-Sophie. I
took a moment and let myself savor that thought.
Wait, who said anything about him being interested in me? Okay, so I dreamed of him
before I even met him, he looks at me every single chance he gets and that means what? That
MUST be a sign. But it could still mean nothing, maybe he just thinks Im a freak with all the open-
mouthed gaping I did earlier that morning. Yeah, thats it. Still, cant explain the dream thing,
though. A tiny voice in my head says theres something totally stalker-ish about the whole thing.
The thought dampened my mood for the rest of the day.
So, when the last bell rang, I got hold of myself before I proceeded to the schools dance
studio to practice my routine before I face Madame. I had the room to myself as usual. Nobody
ever uses this room much anymore. I dont know why the school keeps it, though. Not that Im
complaining, just sayin. I changed into my practice attire, laced my pointes on and popped the CD
in the player for my routine. As the music started, so did I. I let myself get carried away with my
dance as always and felt all the realities melting away. It was only me and my dance.

Gab kept looking at me, or should we say, checking me out, all throughout the week. And I
know I havent been the only one who noticed. He was sitting with his new friends during lunch
and, occasionally, looks at me. Okay, MOST of the time he was looking at me. I was talking about a
pop quiz in Government with Ian when K blurted, S, I keep noticing that Gab, total-hottie-of-the-
year-Gab, is ALWAYS looking at you, looking at his table. S! Hes looking at you right now! she
Shut up, Kirsten. And stop looking at him! I whispered fiercely and thankfully she looked
back at Ian and me.
I think hes got the hots for you, Sophie, Ian said to me.
Not you, too! I complained. I put my head in my hands in exasperation.

Is he hitting on you? he asked, ignoring my complaints.
What?! No! I said, adding, I wish, under my breath.
Ian looked at me incredulously, You wish? Dont tell me you like pretty boy there already?
Kirsten choked a little on an olive before she looked at me again, incredulity plain on her
face. Shit! I thought they hadnt heard. AGH!
No! Its I and just UGH! Hes cute, okay? But thats about it, understand? I gave up
on trying to explain myself. I dont want them to find out that hes the guy from my weird dream or
else, it would be a one-way ticket to freaksville.
If Ks eyes could go any larger, they would pop out of their sockets. Cute? Is that it, S? Hes
cute? He looks at you every chance he gets, you look back at him, and you think hes cute? Open
your eyes, S! Hes beauty personified. This is your chance. A hot guy is practically eye-fucking you
and you say you dont like him? Oh, cmon, hes total boyfriend material, she cried. Students were
looking at us and I shushed her with a look that clearly said drop it.
Okay. I admit. Hes gorgeous; I like him, and everything. So, please, shut your trap because
people are starting to stare! I snapped and desperately wished I could make myself smaller so that
people would quit looking.
Ian and Kirsten just looked at me. K, clearly with a satisfied smirk and Ian was, I dont
know, rather unreadable. We went back to our lunch and moved on to Ks Summer Adventures
With Boys. She was talking when she choked for the second time. I wondered why, so I looked up
at what she was staring at and I saw Gab walking towards our direction.
Oh my God. she choked on my forkful of salad greens. I was hyperventilating by that time.
Maybe hes not going to our table, at all. Maybe
Hi! said Gab behind me.
Who? Me? I asked. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I swear I am going to slap myself all the way
into next week.
He lips quirked up in a smile, No. I was actually taking to your invisible friend here, he
said, nodding to the empty seat beside me.

Oh, okay. Hi, Gab. I said, looking anywhere but his piercing, blue eyes and plastered a
smile on my face. It probably looked as fake as it felt. I prayed to whatever heavenly being that
exists that my nerves arent painfully obvious. Its just that, God, what the hell am I saying?
So, er, how are you? he asked, flopping down to the seat next to me. Small talk? Why on
earth I mean, how am I? As if he wouldnt know? Hes been stalking me since hes been here.
Uh good, very well, thank you. You? I replied dumbly. I wonder where all those AP
English words went. I looked at K, pleading for help. She just shrugged and watched the spectacle
as I made a complete fool of myself in front of the whole cafeteria. Yes, the whole lunch crowd was
made witness to my social faux pas. This was probably the most exciting thing theyve seen all
week. Its pathetic, really.
Oh, er, great, he said. Uh, I was just wondering
Yes? I urged him on. Is he going to do what I think hes going to do? Maybe all that staring
meant something after all just as K had just said. And what if he does ask me out, should I go or
not? If yes, What would I wear? If no, how would you turn down a totally stunning guy who wants
to take you out? Not to mention that hes the first guy to actually be interested. Its not everyday
that a cute guy asks you out, and with him cute is an understatement.
A thought crossed my mind. What is hes not going to ask me out at all? What if hes just
asking for that History homework. What if... I mentally slapped myself. Get a hold of your self;
you wont hear what he has to say unless you stop this mental babbling!
Well, uh, I was just wondering, whether, uh he stammered. He looked as nervous as I
did. Why should he?
I looked at K, who left the table with Ian to give us a little bit of privacy, her expression was
one of disbelief, wide expectant eyes, lips in a slight O; shes practically shouting at him to get to
the point. She left me alone. That traitor. I looked at her and made sure I got that message across.
Another shrug and she pulled Ian by the arm out of the cafeteria.
Goddammit! I give up. Sophie, areyoufreeFridaynight? he asked so quickly that I almost
didnt catch it but I did. I could plainly see his nervousness from the set of his jaw as he stared
down at his hands. I could see the shadows cast by his impossibly long lashes that edged those
blue, blue eyes and SHUT UP! Just answer him already. Here I was barely even breathing when

he was, too. I got this strange feeling wondering how on earth a girl like me could make a guy like
Gab nervous. A tiny giggle escaped my lips; he looked at me curiously but I waved it off absently.
As a matter of fact, I AM free on Friday. Why? What do you have in mind? I asked, still
smiling. Relief flooded his expression and he let out a breath I didnt notice he was holding.
I was thinking of a tour-slash-welcome to New York kind of date, he said.
A date, huh?
Uh, yeah?
Are you asking me or are you telling me?
Telling. Yeah, a date.
Then the nerves kicked in hard! The hottest guy in school is asking me out. My mind went
completely blank and feeling kind of shocked at what just happened, I stood up, gathered my
things and walked away from the table towards K and Ian. I felt him staring at me. When I looked
back, I saw him, hunched shoulders and all, walking back to his friends. Wait a minute.
Gab? I called back. He turned around to face me but instead of a smile, he wore a little
Friday, 6 pm, the Met I said, smiling at him. I saw him smile radiantly at me, his smile
that not only lights up his beautiful face but makes the world seem brighter, just like the way he
smiled in my dream, and my heart just stopped.
I caught up with K and Ian, prancing a little, and when I looked back, I saw him knocking
his fists with one of his friends. Guys. I shake my head.
K, Ian, that was unbelievable! I exclaimed once we were out of the cafeteria. I draped my
arms over their shoulders as I squeezed between the two.
I know! said K, I thought you were going to turn him down. I wouldve smacked you
senseless if you did.
I thought so, too, but then, this might be a chance to figure him
Im going to class, see you later, Ian said, cutting me off.

Whats with him? I asked K once we were out of earshot. She just shrugged so we
continued talking about cute guys and then I felt a strange prickling at the back of my neck. I heard
the shrill laugh at the same moment I saw her: Mindy; the newest queen-bee of Brown Academy.
She was already with the popular girls in the school, laughing like shes been friends with them
since forever. She looked at me and scowled, hate clearly etched in her photoshoot-ready face.
Hold that thought; what the hell did I ever do to her? I scowled back, not knowing what else to do.
Her brows furrowed deeper, and then she flipped her hair and went back to gossiping with her
friends. That was weird. So, this could be the start of a nice friendship. Yeah, right.
so cute!
Huh, what? I said, turning back to K. She didnt even see the whole thing. Mindy and I
practically ripped each others throats out. In our heads, at least.
As I was saying, K enunciated slowly, that bag you bought was trs cute!
Totes, I replied absently. I was already thinking of when I could go back to the studio and
tune out the rest of the world again. Speaking of dance, I was supposed to meet Madame Delacroix
this Friday. Id have to cancel and move it to Saturday. Besides, I need a break. What better way to
take a break from it all than by going on a date with Gabriel McAllister?
Hopefully, agreeing to go out with him might mean a reprieve from the stare fest. But
honestly, I am actually happy that he kept on looking at me. One time, when I caught him looking,
he just smiled and mouthed two words that wouldve made me melt into a puddle: Cant wait
I shouldve been running to the police. It really was strange how he transferred right after
the weekend I dreamed about him. Yeah right, that would go over well with the cops. But
everything just seemed so sketchy. Still, I cant help but feel drawn to him, somehow.
It seems like not everyones happy with Gab asking me out. As I walked down the hallway, I
felt the glares of jealous girls and it was all I could do not to cower behind K and Ian. Ah, Ian, he
seemed a bit distant. Hm, maybe he just thinking of his mum.




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