Week 02 Overall Feedback

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Week 02 Exercise: Project Manager Attributes

Hello PD5 Students! We hope you found the Project Manager Attributes Exercise valuable.

Overall, this exercise was well done; however, there were reoccurring issues. Most students
lost marks on discussing the benefits of the skill to the project. Some simply forgot to answer
this part of the question, where some needed further elaboration. When discussing how the
quality is presented, use specific examples from the case study. This will help exemplify your
ability to make connections from the course material to the specific project case study.

Furthermore, be sure to refer to the course material (including the reading, lecture and video
material) when answering the given question. The course material will provide insight on the
appropriate specific qualities possessed by a successful project manager, in this particular case,
and also the applicable terminology that can be included in your response.

For full marks on this exercise, you were to identify two distinct qualities that Ryan possesses,
as mentioned in the readings, lectures, and/or videos; describe how Ryan embodies the quality
using specific examples related to the case study; and explain the benefits of a project manager
possessing these qualities to the project as a whole.

Best of luck with the Week 03 Assignment!

Jacklyn and Kevonn
PD5 Teaching Program Assistants

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