Volume of Cylinder

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Class Rules:

1. Do not disrupt the class

2. Be on task
3. Mobile phones if seen, will be conscated after initial
4. No food, no chewing gum, no drinks in the classroom
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Today we will learn :
> Formula for the volume of cylinder
> Find the volume of cylinder ( Solve problems)
> Practically nd the volume of liquid in the cylinder.
Volume of Cylinders
What is a cylinder?
It has two equal shapes at the base
How can we nd the volume of
Area of base X Height
Lets do this together !!
Solve this!!
Now try this !!
50.27 ml
Let us try this !!!
Diameter: 7.8 cm
Radius: 3.9 cm
Actual radius:
3.9 cm - 0.4 cm =
3.5 cm
height : 9 cm
Volume = 346.4 ml

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