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‘The Key to Your Door . . .’ ‘The Key to Your Door . . .

proudly funded by . . .

A Guide to Successful
Tenancy . . .

Assisting refugee communities to

understand ‘rental tenancy’


Proudly funded by the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA),

Interlink Housing & Support Association Inc. and Acces Services Inc.
Introduction Repairs and Maintenance Form
√ If it needs repairing...
This booklet has been designed to assist members of
six new emerging culturally and linguistically
diverse (CALD) communities in the Logan/Gold Coast
regions. It aims to help them understand the rights and
responsibilities of rental tenancy.

Funded by Queensland’s Residential Tenancies

Authority (RTA) through their Community Education Tap Stove Light globe
Public Grants Scheme, Interlink Housing & Support
Association Inc. and Acces Services Inc. , the research
base for this booklet was gaining first-hand knowledge
about the REAL issues CALD communities face when
renting a property. This project was managed by Interlink
Housing & Support Association Inc.

The support and cooperation from six refugee

communities within the Logan/Gold Coast regions
throughout this project was very much appreciated;
important information obtained through conversation,
Shower Toilet Lock
questionnaires and focus groups, all of which helped to
create this booklet - a resource aimed at educating and
empowering CALD Communities, with the view to posi-
tively impacting both the immediate and wider

This publication is a simplified guide to
Queensland’s tenancy law. It is not a comprehensive Hot Water Door Window
statement of law. You are encouraged to obtain
assistance if you are unsure how these laws apply to
your situation.

The enclosed information was accurate at the time of

printing and may be of use to relevant organisations
working within CALD communities. However, Ceiling Light Roof Switch/power point
organisations wishing to reproduce or alter this
document in any way should first contact Interlink REPORT REPAIRS:
and the Residential Tenancies Authority for approval.
0-6 months—Interlink: 3808 2206 OR 0419 794 391 63
6 months onwards—lessor/agent or contact numbers listed on
your Lease Agreement
Continued: Important Organisations to know . . . Table of Contents
Table of contents……………………………………………3
⇒ Multilink 3808 4463 Acknowledgments…………………………………………..4

Section 1
⇒ Tenancy Advice & Advocacy Key Information for Finding a place to rent
Service (TAAS) Logan 38261598 When you first arrive………………………………………...7
Renting from Interlink………………………………………..8
Renting in Queensland—the Laws for renting…………….9
Renting in Queensland- Rights & Responsibilities…......10
⇒ Tenancy Advice & Advocacy Where to find a new property to rent…………………… .11
Service (TAAS) Gold Coast Applying for a new property to rent……………………….12
Two service locations: Section 2
Southport 5591 1102 Key Information for Successful Renting
Beginning a tenancy…………………………………… 15-17
Paying rent……………………………………………… 18-19
Palm Beach 5598 3230 Repairs and maintenance……………………………...20-25
Looking after your home inside and out…………… ..26-34
⇒ Tenants Union Queensland (TUQ) Property inspections……………………………………35-37
Outside Brisbane 1800 177 761 Problems you could have during a tenancy………… 38-40
Mail & correspondence……………………………….. 41-42
Brisbane area 3257 1108
Section 3
Other tips for renting and living in a house in Australia
⇒ Translating & Interpreting Safety in the house…………………………………….. 44-46
Services (TIS) 131 450 Household Bills…………..………………………………….48
Water restrictions are important ….……………………….49
⇒ Residential Tenancies Authority 1300 366 311 Section 4
Important words to understand
At the start of the tenancy………………………………52-52
During the tenancy………………………………………53-54
If you are having problems with a tenancy……………….55
At the end of a tenancy……………………………………..56
62 Other important things to know…………………………….573
Important organizations to know……………………….59-62
Important Organisations to know . . .
Acknowledgements How to contact them (Logan/Gold Coast)

We would like to thank the following

organisations for their help—this booklet
would not have been possible without them: ⇒ Acces Services Inc. 3808 9299

⇒ -Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA)

⇒ Department of Housing 3884 9800
⇒ Acces Services Inc.

⇒ BCA’s (Bilingual Community Assistants) ⇒ Department of Housing 5583 2200

Gold Coast
⇒ Multicultural Families Organisation

⇒ Tenant’s Union of Queensland

⇒ Gold Coast Housing 5528 6650
⇒ Multicultural Development Association Company
⇒ Youth Family Services

⇒ Anglicare Refugee and Migrant Services

⇒ Interlink Housing & Support 3808 2206
(ARMS) Association Inc.

⇒ Elder’s Real Estate Woodridge & others

⇒ Multicultural Families 5571 0381

Organisation (MFO)

4 61
Continued: Important Organisations to know... Team

What they Do…… The team included people from diverse cultural
backgrounds who offered unique skills that
enriched the creation of ‘The Key to Your Door:
Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS) A Guide to Successful Tenancy.’
Service to help tenants understand information in
their own language Team members included:

Department of Housing - Sue Boothroyd (Project Coordinator)

Government housing for people on a low income
- Jenny Schultz (Project Manager)

Brisbane Housing Company - Anne Siakisini (IHSS Accommodation Worker)

Government housing for people on a low income
A special thank you to:

Interlink Housing & Support ⇒ Valentina Dimoska—Senior Community

Education Officer (Rental Tenancies
Association Inc. Authority)
Provides support, assistance and affordable
housing to people on low incomes ⇒ BCA’s (Bilingual Community Assistants)
for the Burmese, Burundi, African, Somali,
Afghani and Sudanese communities

⇒ Sylvia Vallender—Graphics

⇒ David Browning—Mentoring & technical


60 5
Important Organisations to know . . .
What they Do . . .

Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA)

The RTA makes sure that both tenant and
lessors understand and follow the rules of the
Residential Tenancies Act 1994, by providing
information about the rules for renting and safely
Section 1 keeping the bonds for each tenancy

Small Claims Tribunal (SCT)

Key Information for ⇒ A tribunal/court which deals with tenancy disputes
and other disputes about money below a certain
finding a place to ⇒
In most cases. you must first try to resolve your
rent. dispute through the RTA before applying to the
Small Claims Tribunal; to have them make a
decision about the dispute
⇒ When you first arrive
⇒ Renting from Interlink Centrelink
⇒ Government agency who gives money to help
⇒ Renting in Queensland—the Laws the unemployed, sick, parents, migrants,
for renting refugees, and those with a disability
⇒ Renting in Queensland- Rights &
Tenant’s Union of Queensland (TUQ)
⇒ An agency that protects tenant rights
⇒ Where to find a new property to
rent Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service (TAAS)
⇒ Applying for a new property to ⇒ Service providing support and information to
rent tenants
⇒ Trained in the law for renting and can assist you
with information
⇒ Come with you to the Small Claims Tribunal or the
RTA if you need help to discuss any problems
have with your lessor
When You first Arrive
Just arrived in Australia as a refugee?

*Interlink will find you a property to rent .

O—6 months- Rent through Interlink (Fixed Term
Important Organisations to Lease/6months)
know . . . You will need to:
- pay rent
- pay bills (e.g. electricity)
- pay rental bond
- sign a lease agreement (Form 18a)
- sign a Bond Lodgement (Form 2)
- fill in & sign an Entry Condition Report (Form1a )

1 month before your Fixed Term Lease expires,

……...What they do ...p60 INTERLINK will help you decide if you want to:

…...How to contact them...p62 1. Stay in the property you are renting OR

2. Look for another property to rent

6 months onwards— Rent directly through

You will need to:
- pay rent
- pay bills (e.g. electricity)
- pay rental bond
- sign a lease agreement
- sign a Bond Lodgement (Form 2)
- fill in & sign Entry Condition Report (General Tenancies)

Good Tips for Tenants:

If you stay in the same property and sign another
Tenancy Agreement (Form 18a), you DO NOT have to fill
58 7
in another Entry Condition Report (Form 1a)
Renting from Interlink Other Important Things to Know . . .

There is a PROCESS for paying your rent. Public Housing

Houses or units for rent by the government and rented out
to low income earners at a lower rent than in the private
⇒You (tenant) will pay Interlink sector.
(from your Centrelink payments)

⇒Interlink will pay the Agent Private Sector Rental

Properties for rent that are owned by individuals who rent
⇒Agent will pay the Lessor/owner them out directly or pay a real estate agent to manage

Maintenance Lodgement Form

A form you can use at Interlink and with your
lessor to report repairs that need to be completed.
This is not a legal RTA form, but can help you
explain to your lessor/agent what is wrong.

Interlink Centrepay
Housing & Money you agree to be taken from your Centrelink
Tenant Support payment to pay for household bills (example: rent,
telephone, electricity)

Family Tax Benefit A&B

Centrelink payment to help raise a child/children.
Lessor Agent
Someone who does not have a job they are being
paid money for

8 57
Renting in Queensland
Continued: Important words to
understand . . . The Laws for Renting . . .
⇒ at the end of a tenancy Whether you are renting from Interlink, from other
public housing or privately, there is a law in
Refund of Rental Bond (Form 4) Queensland about renting.
A form to claim back bond at the end of your
tenancy This law sets out what lessors and tenants can and
can’t do when renting.
Notice to Leave (Form 12)
A tenant receives this form if they have breached their Below are some of the words you will hear or see when
Tenancy Agreement and NOT fixed the problem in the you are renting or when you read this book .
seven days—after they received a Notice to Remedy
Breach (Form 11) The Residential Tenancies Act 1994
This is the law that sets out the rules for
Notice of Intention to Leave (Form 13) renting in Queensland:
A form to say the tenant intends to leave the property
they are renting. Agent
Someone who looks after a property for a
⇒Fixed Term Agreement—the tenant must give 2 lessor/owner
weeks notice, 2 weeks prior to the expiry date of the
agreement Real Estate Agent
⇒Periodic Agreement—the tenant must give 2 weeks Manages a property for the lessor/owner
notice anytime
Exit Condition Report (Form 14a) A person who is paying rent to legally live in a house or unit
A form which the tenant fills out at the end of the
tenancy which shows the condition of the place when Tenancy
they leave; to record whether items in the property are When you have signed a tenancy agreement and are
clean, working, undamaged (example: stove). This paying rent for your home, you have a tenancy. A tenancy
form is compared with the Entry Condition Report. has a beginning and an end .

Good Tips for Tenants:

Protect your bond—if you damage the property or Owner of a property that is being rented
do not pay your rent, the lessor/agent will keep
some or all of your Bond! 56 9
Renting in Queensland Continued: Important words to
Understand . . .
⇒ if you are having problems with a
Rights and Responsibilities under the law
TENANT is responsible for: Dispute
Disagreement or difference of opinion
⇒ Living in a property according to the conditions agreed between at least two people
with the lessor in the Tenancies Agreement
⇒ Paying rent on time (amount agreed on lease) Breach
⇒ Keeping the property clean INSIDE and OUTSIDE When the rules of the General Tenancy
⇒ Not making too much noise in your neighbourhood Agreement have not been followed by the
⇒ Reporting any damage or need for maintenance to the tenant or the lessor/agent
⇒ Not using the house for anything against Australian Rent Arrears
law Rent money is not paid on time
⇒ Making sure you or your visitors do not
deliberately damage the property
⇒ Paying for any damages you make Dispute resolution
This is a free and confidential service
provided by the RTA to tenants and
LESSOR/AGENT is responsible lessors who want to discuss their dispute
for: and come to an agreement. You can put in
a request for dispute resolution by sending
⇒ Keeping the property safe and livable in a Form 16 to the RTA. You can choose
⇒ Fixing repairs when required to have a friend or support worker speak
⇒ Allowing you to live in the property as your home for on your behalf to the RTA
the time stated on lease
⇒ Not entering your home without giving you correct
Dispute Resolution Request (Form 16)
notice in writing A form to be completed when you want the
⇒ Supplying keys for the property RTA to assist you about a dispute
⇒ Making sure the bond is lodged with the RTA
Good Tips for Tenants: Good Tips for Tenants:
The (RTA) uses a free interpreter service. If you need to Always speak with your lessor/agent if you have a
call the RTA, ring the Translating and Interpreter problem when you are renting, or find someone who can
Service(131 450 ) - ask to be connected to the RTA in 10 speak on your behalf. 55
Continued: Important words to
understand …. WHERE to find a new property to rent:
⇒ during a tenancy
⇒ Real Estate Agent
⇒ Newspaper
⇒ Friend
Property Inspection ⇒ TO LET or TO RENT sign
The lessor/agent can inspect the property every 3
⇒ Internet
months to record how the tenant is looking after the
property, and to see if repairs are needed. This is a
good time for the tenant to inform the lessor/agent of When Looking for a New Property
any repairs or concerns. To Rent

Entry Notice (Form 9)

Form given to the tenant so the lessor/agent can do:
1) a property inspection (7 days notice) or
2) maintenance repairs (24 hours notice)

Mail & Correspondence ⇒ Work out how much you can afford to
Letters received in the mail pay on rent
⇒ Ask the Real Estate Agent for their property
⇒ Look at the property from the street
⇒ See if you like the neighbourhood that the
property is in

Good Tips for Tenants:

Good Tips for Tenants:
If you don’t have a car, make sure the property you are
Keep your property clean always, and not just when you
looking to rent is near public transport
have a property inspection. 54 11
APPLYING for a new property to rent: Continued: Important words to

⇒ during a tenancy

Money paid regularly to live in a property that the
tenant does not own

Part Payment of Rental Bond (Form 7)

A form to say how much extra bond a tenant pays
Fill in an ‘application form’ with your: if the rent increases

⇒ Name Maintenance
⇒ Current address Looking after something regularly (example: mowing the
⇒ Previous rental address lawns or vacuuming the carpets regularly)
⇒ Contact details
⇒ How many people will be renting property (names/
ages) Repairs
⇒ Employment/income details Fixing something that is broken
⇒ 100 credit points of identification ( e.g. Medicare card)
⇒ Centrelink card, passport, electricity bill with your name Notice of Lessor’s Intention to Sell Premises
on it) (Form 10)
⇒ Pet’s names and how old A form to let the tenant know the lessor/agent
⇒ Reference—for example: a letter from a previous intends to sell the property they are renting
lessor/agent saying if you followed the rules of
your Tenancy Agreement (e.g. if you paid your rent on

Good Tips for Tenants: Good Tips for Tenants:

Ask someone to help you fill in an application form If you don’t understand something about renting, ask
if you are having problems or need help your lessor/agent—they are there to help you.
12 53
Continued: Important words to
understand ……….

⇒ at the start of a tenancy

Bond Loan
Money borrowed from Department of Housing to pay for
Rental Bond. This money MUST be paid back

Bond Lodgement (Form 2)

Form signed by you and the lessor that is sent to the
RTA by the lessor with your bond money. This form is
held by the RTA with the tenant’s rental bond money
Section 2
until the end of the tenancy—the tenant or lessor can
then apply to have the bond paid back to them
Key Information for
Entry Condition Report (Form 1a) Successful Renting
A form the tenant completes at the beginning of the
tenancy to record whether items in the property are ⇒ Beginning a tenancy
clean, working, undamaged (example: stove).
This form is compared with the Exit Condition Report ⇒ Paying Rent
of the previous tenant and compared with your Exit ⇒ Repairs and maintenance
Condition Report at the end of your tenancy. ⇒ Property Inspections
Renting a home: a tenant’s guide to the rules for ⇒ Problems you could have during
renting in Queensland (Information Statement your tenancy
Form 17a) ⇒ Mail and Correspondence
Tenant information about the law and the rules for
renting in Queensland. You should be given a
copy of this Form by the lessor/agent when you
start your tenancy

Good Tips for Tenants:

Vacuuming carpets regularly reduces dust.
52 13
Important words to
1: Beginning a tenancy …………………...15 Understand . . .
Tenancy Agreement
Entry Condition report ⇒ at the start of a tenancy

2.Paying Rent ….………...18 General Tenancy Agreement (Form 18a)

A legal agreement between the tenant and lessor/agent.
Methods of payment When you sign the tenancy agreement, you are agreeing
Important Tips to live in the property according to the rules in the
Agreement .

3.Repairs .& Maintenance …………..….....20 Fixed Term Agreement

A set time a tenant rents a property (example: 6 or 12
Repairs ...
Reporting Repairs & Maintenance
How to ask for Help
Repairs & Maintenance Forms Periodic Agreement
Common Repairs A tenant rents a property for NO SET TIME. There is a
Emergency Repairs start date but NO END DATE. A periodic
agreement starts when a fixed term agreement
Maintenance ……. expires and the tenant does NOT sign a new fixed
Looking after your property in- side term agreement
and out
Rental Bond
Money paid at the beginning of tenancy, and sent to the
4.: Property Inspections……….………….....35 RTA by the lessor. This is NOT rent. At the end of the
tenancy you can apply to have the RTA return your
 Property Inspections………..
bond to you. The lessor/agent may also apply to keep
some or all of the rental bond for damages to the
Who TO let In...
 Who NOT TO let in…
property, or if you are in rent arrears when you leave
the property.

5. Mail & Correspondence……………..40

- What to do with correspondence? 14 Good Tips for Tenants: 51
- Who to speak with The Residential Tenancies Act 1994 protects your
rights and the lessor’s rights
. Beginning a tenancy
To begin renting your home you will need to:

⇒Fillin & sign a General Tenancy Agreement


⇒Fill in & sign Bond Lodgement (Form 2)

⇒Collect keys

Section 4 ⇒organise to have telephone/electricity or gas to be


Important words to ⇒organize removals

understand… ⇒inspect the property you are going to rent - then

fill in & sign an Entry Condition Report (Form 1a ) and
return one copy to the lessor/agent within 3 business days
⇒ at the beginning of your Tenancy

⇒ during your tenancy

⇒ if you are having problems with your


⇒ at the end of your tenancy

Good tips for Tenants:

If you don’t understand something about renting, ask
your Lessor/agent—they are there to help you. Good Tips for Tenants:
50 ALWAYS ask for help if you don’t understand! 15
Beginning a tenancy
Residential Tenancies Agreement (Form ARE IMPORTANT . . .

This is a legal agreement between the tenant and

lessor/ agent.
When you sign the Form18a, you are agreeing to live in the
property according to the rules in the Agreement. CAN I?
Make sure you understand what you are agreeing to.
For example:
⇒ Water or hose my garden, lawn, car,
Do you know when your rent is due? house etc
Do you know when your tenancy ends?

Do you know if it’s your responsibility to For information CALL . . .

mow the lawn and look after the gar- den?

Do you know if you are allowed pets? ⇒ Logan City Council— 3412 3412

Entry Condition Report (Form 1a) ⇒ Brisbane City Council— 3403 8888
This is a form the tenant completes at the beginning of the ⇒ Gold Coast City Council— 5582 8211
tenancy to record whether items in the property are clean,
working, undamaged (example: stove)
If you don't understand the items on the form, ask a friend or YOU CAN BE FINED A SUM OF MONEY
support worker to help you fill it out
Good Tips for Tenants:
Take photos of any damage to the property before you Good Tips for Tenants:
move in—this form and photos can be important DO NOT leave the tap running when you are
evidence if you and the lessor disagree about getting 16 not using it 49
your bond back at the end of your tenancy
Beginning a tenancy
Household Bills
Logan & Gold Coast Areas

Telstra Ph: 132200

Origin Ph: 131253
Important tips to remember . . .

Emergency (no electricity)

Ph: 131253
Natural Gas/ example AGLPh: 1300 309 132
Bottle Gas/ORIGIN Ph: 1300 308 624
(Maintenance fee = one off fee)

Electricity Ph: 1300 308 624 2) NEVER SIGN ANYTHING UNLESS YOU
0-6 months— Interlink will pay for your
electricity/gas connection or security deposit fee

6 months onwards— you will need to pay for your 3) KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING
telephone, electricity/gas connection or security
deposit fee

Good Tips for Tenants:

Remember to pay bills on time. If you don’t,
your electricity/gas or telephone may be CUT OFF. 48 17
Paying Rent . . . For more information about safety,
you could call:

Methods of payment:
⇒ Brisbane Council— 3403 8888
⇒ Rent Card (from the lessor/agent)

⇒ Gold Coast City Council— 5582 8211

⇒ Centrepay (from Centrelink payments)

⇒ Direct Debit (from bank)

⇒ Origin— 131253

⇒ Money Order (from post office) ⇒ Department of Emergency Services—

3247 8100
⇒ Deposit Book (from Agent )

⇒ Cash (if lessor/agent accepts cash, try and have

correct amount)

Good Tips for Tenants: Good Tips for Tenants:

Keep ALL receipts & papers in a safe place It is important to keep your home and your family safe.
18 47
Continued: Safety in the House . . . Continued: Paying Rent

Locks (X= NO) (√ = YES) Important Tips . . .

⇒ Lock doors and windows when you are not at ⇒ALWAYS speak with the lessor/agent FIRST if you want
home √ to change the way you pay your rent (example: you pay
cash for your rent and you want to start paying your rent
⇒ Keep security doors locked when you are at through direct debit from your bank account)
home √
⇒If you can’t pay your rent, ALWAYS speak with your
Hot Water
⇒If your circumstances change (example: if you get a job or
change jobs, ALWAYS tell Centrelink, because this may
⇒ DO NOT put hands or body under hot affect your Centrelink payment
water (It can BURN) X
⇒ A leaking hot water tap needs
repairing √

Emergencies ONLY! Dial 000

Good Tips for Tenants:

Good Tips for Tenants: If you are having trouble paying your rent, speak with
Remember to turn all electrical items off before going your lessor/agent to work out a payment plan
out or to bed 46 19
Repairs & Maintenance . . . Continued: Safety in the House . . .

Maintenance (taking care of the property) Safety Tips: (X= NO) (√ = YES)
The lessor/agent is responsible for :
DO NOT use electrical appliances
⇒ making sure the ⇒
near water (example: hair dryer) X
premises are fit to live in when the tenant moves in
⇒ making sure everything is working and livable on the
property during the tenancy ⇒ DO NOT put metal utensils into
toaster X
⇒ DO NOT leave burning candles
unattended X
DO NOT put blankets or clothes
The tenant is responsible for :

NEAR or ON heater X
⇒ keeping the property clean and in the condition it was
DO NOT sit close to the heater
when they first moved in ⇒
Repairs ⇒ DO NOT plug power cord into power
point when ON X
If there are any damages to the property the tenant should re-
port them immediately to the lessor. There are some damages
the lessor must repair and pay for. There are other damages ⇒ Turn heater OFF when leaving room √
which the tenant may have to pay for. Make sure you know
who to contact in case of emergency repairs .
Turn heater off when NOT using

⇒ Blow candles out before leaving the
Room √
Good Tips for Tenants:
Report Repairs Immediately! If you try to fix things ⇒ Light gas with a gas lighter √
yourself you may damage them more—you will then
have to pay for those damages
20 45
Continued: Repairs & Maintenance . . .
Safety in the House . . .

Electricity (X = NO) (√ = YES) Examples of damages the tenant may have

to pay for:
⇒ Carpet damage—(Iron burns, cigarette burns,
children/animals weeing on carpet)
⇒ NEVER turn power points ON or OFF with wet
⇒ Broken window (throwing ball through window
hands X ⇒ Holes in walls
⇒ Ask lessor/agent to re-place power points if √ ⇒ Tearing screen doors/windows
cracked or have brown/yellow marks on them ⇒ Pipes blocked because wrong objects have been
put in
⇒ NEVER use electric appliances near water X
Stove Examples of damages the lessor may have
to pay for:
⇒ DO NOT use plastic containers
on hot stove X Any damage you or your visitors DO NOT cause to
the property. For example:
⇒ USE metal containers on hot ⇒ leaking roof
stove √ ⇒

broken pipes
Stove, hot water system, electricity doesn’t
work properly
⇒ NEVER put your hand on top of, or inside hot
stove X
⇒ When you are NOT cooking, turn stove knobs

Good Tips for Tenants: Good Tips for Tenants:

Leaking taps WASTE WATER! You may have to pay for DO NOT put nails or hooks in walls without getting
extra water if you use too much 44 permission from the lessor/agent FIRST 21
Continued: Repairs & Maintenance .

How to ask for help?

Find a person who can speak English and
ask them to help you fill in a maintenance
form and take it to:
- Interlink (0-6months)
- Community Leader (always)
- Lessor/agent (after 6 months)
- BCA (always) Section 3
Remember . . .
Other Tips for renting
If you don’t understand and living in a house
something; ask for HELP . . .

in Australia ...
* Interlink (0—6 months)
⇒ Safety in the house
* lessor/agent ( after 6 months)
* Community leader (always) ⇒ Household bills
* BCA (always)
* Acces Services Inc. (always)
* Multicultural Families Organisation (MFO) ⇒ Water restrictions
*Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) (always) Please note: The information in this
*Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service (always) section is NOT tenancy law but is
provided to help tenants understand
some important points about living in a house in
Good Tips for Tenants:
The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) uses a free
interpreter service. If you need to call the RTA, ring the
Translating and Interpreter Service (131 450 ) and ask to
be connected to the RTA in Queensland 22 43
Continued: Mail & Correspondence Continued: Repairs and maintenance . . .

Reporting repairs & maintenance

⇒Small Claims Tribunal (SCT)
1.When renting from Interlink (0—6 months in
⇒Department of Housing Australia)

When renting from Interlink there is a PROCESS for repairs
and maintenance.

You could receive letters from Interlink ... Step 1: Tenant reports repairs & maintenance to Interlink
Step 2: Interlink reports repairs & maintenance to the
⇒Your lease Agent (Interlink is ONLY responsible for fixing tenant
⇒Your rent damage)
⇒Disrupting the neighbourhood

⇒Keeping your home clean and tidy Step 3: Agent reports repairs & maintenance to the lessor
(Agents are responsible for fixing everything else)

2. When renting privately from a Lessor/Agent

Important! (6 months onwards)

When renting privately there is a PROCESS for

If you receive a letter from the repairs and maintenance.
Small Claims Tribunal:
Step 1: Tenant reports repairs & maintenance to Agent
1) Attend the court hearing date (you can give your
point of view) Step 2: Agent reports repairs & maintenance to the
2) Take someone with you who can speak and lessor
understand English Step 3: Lessor approves repair and Agent arranges
to have things fixed

Good Tips for Tenants:

Your agent or lessor may have a special form to fill out
42 for reporting maintenance .You can also use the form 23
on page 63 if you find it helpful
Continued: Repairs & Maintenance . . .
Mail & Correspondence
Common Repairs

⇒Leaking/dripping tap ⇒Try and read your mail
⇒If you can’t read your mail, speak
with someone who can help you within
the next day (24 hours)
⇒ No light? Light globe may need changing Who to speak with?...
⇒ Interlink Housing & Support (0-6 months)
⇒ Lessor/agent (after 6 months)
⇒ Community Leader (always)
BCA (always)

⇒ Shower rose falls down ⇒
⇒ Case Worker (always)
⇒ MFO (always)
⇒ Acces Services Inc.

Tenant mail you could receive . . .

⇒ screen door/fly screen torn
⇒ Entry Notice (Form 9)

⇒ Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11)

⇒ Check smoke alarm every 6 months ⇒ Notice to Leave (Form 12)

⇒ Notice of Lessor’s Intention to Sell (Form 10)

⇒ Change battery every 6—12 months if
necessary ⇒ Letter from owner/agent saying your lease is about
to expire

Good Tips for Tenants:

Good Tips for Tenants: Check your mail box every day! There may be important
If you decide to change a light bulb yourself ALWAYS information, and you may have to take action straight
turn the electricity off first 24 away. 41
Problems you could have Continued: Repairs & Maintenance . .
Emergency Repairs
during a tenancy—what you
can do . . . Gas or electricity

Broken Element
If you receive a Notice to Leave (Form 12) or Notice to Remedy
Beach (Form 11) and you disagree with the lessor about the
problem, you can contact the RTA and apply for Dispute
Resolution Blocked toilet/
toilet doesn’t flush

⇒ The RTA can help you with a dispute.

⇒ You can speak with the RTA or you can

have someone speak on your behalf
Broken Window
⇒ You can sign a form giving permission for
another person to speak on your behalf.
FIRST . . .
⇒ The RTA is bound by the PRIVACY ACT. No Hot Water 1) go to meter box
2) If switch to hot water is OFF,
⇒ Anything you say will be click to ON. If switch stays
ON: Wait for water to heat. If
water doesn’t heat; report to
3) If switch to hot water is OFF,
and when clicked to ON
does not stay on; report to
lessor/agent .
Good Tips for Tenants:
If you need help to resolve your dispute or to speak with Good Tips for Tenants:
your lessor, you can also call tenant advice and People to contact for emergency repairs should be
advocacy services listed in the back of this book. 40 listed on your Lease Agreement. 25
Looking After your home inside and Continued: Problems you could have
out . . during a tenancy . . .what you
can do
It is the tenant’s responsibility to keep the house clean and in a
reasonable condition . Everybody has different ideas about what
clean means, but the next few pages will give you an idea of
some of the things in your home and ways you can clean them. Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11)
Remember that allowing stains to set into a carpet or mould to This form can be used by tenants and lessors
set into the bathroom may result in you losing some of your
⇒ it can be given to the tenant when they have not
followed the rules of the General Tenancy Agreement
Where can you buy cleaning products? (example: not paid their rent on time or if they have
⇒ From the supermarket disturbed the peace of the Neighborhood.
What products should you use to clean? ⇒ the tenant has 7 days to fix the problem
⇒ ONLY recommended products—see
instruction label on product, or ask for help ⇒ it can also be given to the lessor/agent by the tenant if
they have not followed the rules of the General
Environmentally friendly products …….. Tenancy Agreement (example: you have reported your
broken shower nozzle to the lessor many times and
Vinegar— mixed with water can help to remove mould the problem has not been fixed).
Dampened small paintbrush— can be used to clean ⇒ the lessor/agent has 7 days to repair the
window tracks problem if you issue the lessor with a
Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11)
Bicarbonate of soda—sprinkled onto a damp cloth, it
can be used in place of a cream cleanser

Bicarbonate of soda—sprinkle on carpet before

vacuuming to remove smells
Good Tips for Tenants:
It is a good idea to speak with your lessor/agent
FIRST to try and work out any problems before you
give them a Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11)
26 39
Looking After your home inside and
Problems you could have during out . …...Lounge & Dining Room . . .
a tenancy . . .

There may be problems during your tenancy

if for example:

You . . .
⇒ are late in paying your rent
⇒ have not mowed the lawn and the grass is very high

The Lessor . . .

⇒ comes into your home without giving you written notice

⇒ doesn't fix something after you have asked them to do
so repeatedly

If these sort of things happen . . .

Cleaning and maintenance tips . . .
You or the Lessor can: ⇒ Put things away when you have used them
⇒ Clean windows and sliding doors with glass
⇒ talk to each other and try to come to an understanding cleaner (for an extra shine—wipe over
⇒ give the other person a Notice to Remedy Breach windows with crumpled newspaper)
(Form 11) ⇒ Wipe up spills on the carpet as soon as Vacuum Cleaner
⇒ put a Dispute Resolution (Form 16) into the RTA and they happen—it might prevent stains
see if they can help you and the lessor sort out your ⇒ Try to vacuum carpet at least once a week
problem ⇒ Clean walls with cream cleanser or
recommended liquid (example sugar soap)
⇒ Clean window tracks and sliding door tracks
Good Tips for Tenants: If you receive a Notice to Leave or with a dry old toothbrush and then wipe over
Remedy Beach speak ,with your lessor/agent—you could
speak with the RTA or TAAS to check that you have been
with wet paintbrush.
given the right amount of notice Good Tips for Tenants:
38 27
Vacuuming carpets regularly reduces dust and possibly
Looking After your home inside and continued: Property Inspections

Clean the property (your home) INSIDE...

⇒Kitchen (example: Stove top and oven)
⇒All Floors
Ceiling Fan ⇒All Carpet
⇒All Walls
⇒All Cupboards
⇒Bath Tub
Bed ⇒Bedrooms
⇒Pick up & put away clothes in cupboards

Clean the property (your home) OUTSIDE...

⇒Wheelie bin (always wrap scraps before placing in bin)
⇒Mow Lawns
Desk and Lamp ⇒Weed Gardens
⇒Clean Windows


Good Tips for Tenants:
Wash and change bed sheets and pillow cases every
week 28 37

Looking After your property inside and
Who to let in; Who NOT TO LET IN for a
property inspection? out . .Kitchen..
Do Let In...

⇒someone you know OR

⇒someone who shows you proper identification

(example: is wearing a badge or shows you a business

Do Not Let In...

⇒Someone who cannot identify themselves

⇒Someone who has not given you an Entry Notice

(you can let someone in without an Entry Notice ONLY if
you agree)

Always CHECK...
Cleaning and maintenance tips . . .
1. Who is written on Entry Notice (Form 9) to do ⇒ Try to keep your kitchen clean and tidy
property inspection? everyday
⇒ Wash and put things away when you have used them
2. Where the person is from? ⇒ Wash walls from the bottom to the top
⇒ Sweep and mop the floor regularly so stains don't set in
⇒ Mop tile floors with a product recommended for cleaning
tiles (DO NOT use a product on tiles that is recommended
for cleaning wooden floors)

Good Tips for Tenants:

If you don’t know who’s at your door, you Good Tips for Tenants:
could say, ’What’s your name please? “Where do you ALWAYS put food away so you don’t attract ANTS,
come from?” COCKROACHES, MICE and RATS
36 29
Property Inspections . . .


⇒ Entry Notice (Form 9).

stove refrigerator

⇒ Date of inspection
baking tray
⇒ Who will be doing the inspection
cooking pot ⇒ Where the person comes from

electric jug

Cleaning and maintenance tips . . . NOTICE TO BE GIVEN?

Kitchen bench tops— all purpose cleaner, cream cleanser ⇒ Property Inspection — 7 days notice

⇒ Maintenance repairs —24 hours notice

Stove/cook tops—cream cleanser, all purpose cleaner

Stove/oven—oven cleaner, all purpose cleaner, washing up

detergent mixed with water
Good Tips for Tenants:
Kitchen utensils (example plates, cups, saucers, cutlery) — You should receive an Entry Notice for a property
washing up detergent inspection 7 days before the inspection.
30 35
Looking After your home inside and
Looking After your home inside and out ……...Bathroom...
out . .Outside the home

Wheelie Bin…

ALWAYS wrap or put kitchen scraps in a bag BEFORE putting

into Wheelie bin.

Cleaning and maintenance Tips

Vanity—cream cleanser, all purpose cleaner

Mirrors— glass cleaner
Shower screens/glass—glass cleaner
Mould— bleach
Toilet—clean regularly with toilet brush and use cream cleanser,
disinfectant, toilet cleaner
Rubbish bin Recycle Bin Floor tiles—a product recommended for cleaning tiles (DO NOT
use a product on tiles that is recommended for cleaning wooden
Good Tips for Tenants: Bath— cream cleanser, all purpose cleaner
Ask your lessor/agent what day you need to put your
wheelie bin and re-cycle bin out to be emptied. Good Tips for Tenants:
Bicarbonate of soda—sprinkled onto a damp cloth can be
34 used in place of a cream cleanser. 31

Shower—cream cleanser, bleach, all purpose cleaner

Looking after your home
inside and out . . Laundry . . . Looking after your property inside and
out . .OUTSIDE the home


Tips for outdoor Maintenance

⇒ Check with your lessor to see if you are responsible for
looking after the garden and mowing the lawn
Washing Machine and Dryer ⇒ If you are responsible for mowing but do not have a
mower, see if you can borrow one from a friend

Cleaning and maintenance tips . . .

Clothes— washing powder/liquid and fabric softener Lawn Mower

⇒ Use ONLY the recommended amount of washing

powder/liquid to wash your clothes Wheelbarrow

Good Tips for Tenants:

If you have a clothes dryer, clean the lint filter Good Tips for Tenants:
regularly or it could become a fire danger It may be easier to hire someone to mow your lawn
32 33
every 4-6weeks. Your local community centre may know
of someone who can help you with this

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