Social Work As A Profession

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Profession= *Work whose obj is to provide living

*Require specific knowledge and skill which r provided through formal education
and training.
*Socially approved and accepted . Hence pros and beggary cant bz mp components
of profession- - - - - not found and also they are not profitable for society nor they
r given social approval
Attributes of a profession
1. There should be tested body of knowledge, consisting
of techniques and methods communicable through an
educational discipline which should not only be academic
but practical in nature
2. Standards for training, jobs and services should be set
3. There should be a sense of belonging, group
consciousness and and responsibilities, professional
ethics for every professional.
4. Profession should provide the professional with
continued occupation.
5. it should be responsive to public interest and work
towards social ends.
6. the goals should be the welfare of the people,
improved human relations, built on understanding and

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