Critical Analysis 11

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An observation to the article is that the recommended hiring process is only applicable or biased

toward large corporations and is not applicable to small or growing successful company. These
bias can be clearly seen on Step 4, 5 and 6 which describes that a set of top ranking officials be
involved in the hiring process and transition process. These reuirements can only be achieved
by having a large pool of tenure employees which is likely the case in small and growing
successful company. !t is a fact that tenure officers have e"perience # knowledge of the
processes in the $ompany. %owever, these tenure officers can back fire the hiring process by
being threatened of their position and acuired power &'obbins # (udge, )**+,. %ence these
challenges must be recogni-ed by the %' management # make the necessary programs in order
to prevent these possible scenarios.
.astly, the seventh step is by auditing and reviewing the performance of the new hired
employees. These performances can be measured and monitored by %' management by creating
a control system and strategy against the /ob descriptions # targeted goals of the newcomer. !t is
recommended that a bad performing newcomer must be relieved within the first year # the
recruiting process be reviewed and updated regularly in order to save the company from wasting
time, resources and opportunities in the future.
The Article, however, fails to reali-e and mention the importance of .eadership as one of the
traits needed in hiring a top0e"ecutive. As mentioned in an 1rgani-ational 2ehavior &'obbins #
(udge, )**+,, a leadership skill can be natural to an individual or can be learned through
e"periences. !f a $ompany fails to measure the leadership skill of a candidate, the whole
recommended hiring process can be compromised due to the reuired additional skills that needs
to be taught to the newcomer.
Aside to the eual opportunity that the $ompany must provide to applicants &Auino, 1ctober
)3, 4+5+,, the Article recommends that it is better to hire top0e"ecutives than hire potential
applicants which can be trained to be leaders and top0e"ecutives &'obbins # (udge, )**+,. The
$ompany can hire more employees rather than one top0e"ecutive compared to the opportunity of
hiring two or more applicants of the same salary amount combined which in turn could deliver or
contribute twice or more. This way, the $ompany can be an ethical $ompany that gives more
individuals the opportunity to perform their right to work as mentioned in $atholic Social
Teachings &Abela,)**4,.
The recommended seven steps in hiring, guides the %' management of the $ompany to reali-e
the importance of having a structured and standard hiring process in order to achieve the goals of
the $ompany and support the company in terms of saving time, resources and opportunities in
the future. These factors could and should have been reali-ed by $61s in order to help %' in
structuring a standard hiring process.

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