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Rolling Channels
Equipment Number(s)

The channels are fed through a rolling machine to form it into an arc. The channel is
fed through the machine until a hook can be attached to the second slotted hole.
The hook is used to support the channel as it is continually fed through the machine.
As the channel is eiting the machine a second person !ill hold the channel to
pre"ent it from rolling o"er. The channel is then lo!ered using the hoist !hile the
second person pre"ents it from rolling o"er.
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS (Equipment, Knowledge Required)
1) Personal Protective Equipment that must worn :
Safety Glasses
Hard hat
Safety shoes
2) No loose clothin
!) "ust have trainin on how to operate the section roller#
Initi#l Rolling
1) $wo people are required at all times to roll channels#
2) $he anle is loaded manually onto the roller ta%le that feeds the section roller#
!) $he channel is moved forward into the section roller until it ma&es contact with the rollers
') $he section roller is then turned on# $he channel will then %e drawn into the machine#
() )s the channel is e*itin the machine a hoo& that is attached to a hoist is placed into the
second hole of the channel# Never insert your finers into the hole of the channel+ if the
hoo& slips a serious hand in,ury may result# -ne person will control the hoist and the other
person will rasp the channel as it e*ists the machine to prevent it from rollin over#
.) /hen the channel has e*ited the machine the hoist is used to the lower the channel to the
roller ta%le# -ne person must always %e holdin the channel until it is restin fully on the
roller ta%le so that no weiht is %ein supported %y the hoist#
0) $he channel will then %e rolled onto its side %y two people and moved into position for
Corre$ting R#diu%
1f the radius is incorrect+ the arc must %e corrected#
Dou&le !ull
1) $wo people are required at all times to rewor& the channel#
2) Each person will rasp the channel at one end# -ne person will coordinate the effort %y
ivin a count e one+ two+ pull# -n the pull sinal each person will pull on the channel#
Several pulls may %e necessary to correct the pro%lem#
Single !ull
1) $wo people are required at all times to rewor& the channel#
2) Each person will rasp one end of the channel# $hey will then position one end under the
anle welded on the column#

!) /ith the channel securely placed under the anle one person will pull on the opposite end
of the channel to correct the arc#
1) $wo people are required at all times to re2roll the channel#
2) $he hoo& must %e attached to the second hole in from the end farthest away from the
machine to raise the channel while the other person directs the lower end into the section
!) -nce the channel has %een positioned into the machine it can then %e turned on in the
reverse direction#

') $he channel is fed throuh the section roller until a%out 134 is remainin#
() )t this point the channel must %e fed throuh %y %umpin the machine until the end of
the channel is reached# $he section roller does not have a %ra&e and will coast when the
machine is shut off#
.) $he channel must not %e allowed to completely roll throuh the machine+ as there is no
support and it will tip over#

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