United Nations Millennium Development Goal Primary Schooling Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia

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The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which range from halving extreme poverty

rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the
target date of 2015 form a blueprint agreed to by all the worlds countries and all the worlds
leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs
of the worlds poorest. The UN is also working with governments, civil society and other
partners to build on the momentum generated by the MDGs and carry on with an ambitious post-
2015 development agenda.

The second goal in the United Nations Millennium Development Goal is to achieve Universal
Primary Education, more specifically, to ensure that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls
alike will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling." Currently, there are more than 100
million children around the world of primary school age who are not in school. The majority of these
children are in regions of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and within these countries, girls are at
the greatest disadvantage in receiving access to education at the primary school age. Since the
Millennium Development Goals were launched, many developing countries, such
as China, Chile, Cuba, Singapore and Sri Lanka, have successfully completed a campaign towards
universal primary education.

1.4. Millennium Development goals: Performance gaps
The MDGs were aimed at improving the living standard of all the developing countries by
2015. Pakistan till now overall, has not been able to fully comply with the targets of MDG.
The literacy rate overall in Pakistan in 2009/2010 was 58% falling short of MDG target of
85%. The GPI in Pakistan is 0.81 in 2011 still showing a vast discrimination as for every
male there are only .81 female enrolled. The poverty headcount ratio was 21% in 2009
depicting a vast performance gap. At the provincial level , only Punjab and KPK have
performed slightly better compared with the rest of the provinces. Punjab has a decisive lead
especially in the area of education while KPK is following up but is restrained by the current
security situation. So, overall Pakistan has not been on track in achieving the MDGs and is
not likely to achieve any of the goal by 2015 if the current inefficiency and mismanagement

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