Minutes Youth Action Team Minutes 02 09 2008

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Meeting Minutes

Action Team Name: _______Youth_________________________________

Meeting Date: ___2/9/08__________________

Note Taker name: __Taraya Gibson________ Telephone #: _215-685-5272________ e-mail: _taraya.gibson@phila.gov______

Attendees: Myra Allen, Joshua Bryant, Taraya Gibson, Donnita Payne, Maurice Rosby, Kevin Tucker

Agenda Item Discussion: Main Points Follow-up Actions Responsibility

Introductions A brief introduction, youth stated there names and if they

had been to a PUFFA meeting before.
Previous Meeting Follow-up Myra gave a brief overview of the last meeting
New Topics 1. Visioning Activity
Youth had a magic wand “what change would they make
in order for youth in their community to be healthier?”
-Switch price of foods, make healthy food cost less &
unhealthy foods cost more
-Have famous rappers (50-Cent) do commercials or
songs promoting healthy foods. Ex. Healthy cereal
-Brand a healthy message, start a health movement

2. March Youth Conference Overview

-Discussion of what will take place and what is expected
of youth at the conference
-Assessment ideas (photovoice)

3. Website Brainstorming
-Pictures, Slide shows,
-Show Hard Core Facts
-Trivia, puzzle, games
-Challenge ex. pedometer check-in
-List of healthy restaurants, fruit stands & foods
-Pictures of local organizations being physically active,
& school programs
-Youth demonstrating product usage
-Identify good and bad aspects of healthy eating
-Show how meat is manufactured
Next Steps Youth will begin to search for some pictures and other Either e-mail, or save items to a flash drive. Youth
information that they would like to have on the web site.
Synergy: List examples of
synergy provided at meeting

Data/Information Requests

Next Meeting Date TBD

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