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Meeting Minutes

Action Team Name: _________Youth Action Team_______________________________

Meeting Date: ____10/26/07________

Note Taker name: ______Taraya Gibson___ Telephone #: ____215-685-5272________ e-mail: ___taraya.gibson@phila.gov____


Agenda Item Discussion: Main Points Follow-up Actions Responsibility

Introductions Each individual identified their name, organization they None

are representing (if available), school, area of experience
or expertise

Previous Meeting Follow-up N/A

New Topics I.PUFFA overview
II. Youth Action Team overview
Reinforcement of the youth action team description
Stress importance of youth involvement throughout the
entire PUFFA process
Mention of free community ice-skating night
Plan for fun activities 3-4 times per year
III. Recruitment
Youth need to encourage other youth & reach out to
other organizations
IV. Discussion
Do we expect students to come from different areas of
the city? Yes, tokens will be provided to cover
transportation costs.
Can youth join even if they are unavailable to attend
several meetings? Skip Weiner (Urban Tree Connection)
may have some youth that will not be able to participate
on a consistent basis but they are welcome to attend on a
rolling basis or whenever they can.
Logistics, how many meetings, when, and where?
Meeting locations and times will rotate each meeting.
Suggestion that different constituents host meetings.
V. Evaluation Review
Rickie Brawer introduced the evaluation process and the
flash survey

Next Steps Recruit more youth participants Contact youth groups and organizations Danny Gerber &
Open meeting on 11/15 Encourage youth to attend open meeting Taraya Gibson
Synergy: List examples of The cooking squad helped to provide food.
synergy provided at meeting Skip Weiner (UTC) would like to connect with the
Cooking Squad to do cooking lessons for harvest from
their 55th & Pearl Street garden.

Data/Information Requests none

Next Meeting Date November 29, 6:30PM- 8:30PM Will secure location & send a flyer via e-mail for the Danny Gerber &
next meeting Taraya Gibson

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