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Time Bazaar

What would it be like if trader from ancient civilization-from different times

and place-came together to exchange goods and ideas? You will create a
marketplace that transcends time and place.


Date Outcome Teacher
Groups and early civilization
are assigned to students.

Sept. 29 Students will know their
cooperative group role.

Group: ______________
Role: _______________

Research will be conducted to
find an artifact and form of
currency from the assigned
early civilization.

Homework: Find recycled
item(s) to create artifact and
currency. Have an adult help
you cut items like cardboard.
Sept. 30 Students will know which
artifact they will create
and will bring recycled
items tomorrow.

Suggested items like
cardboard, empty food
containers, foil, old spices
and rags.

Create artifact, currency,
and sign for early civilization.
Oct. 1
(Long Block)
Students will create and
decorate recycled items
into an early civilization

On index cards, write an
explanation of how the artifact
was used, what the material
could have been made from,
and where they found the
material. Use complete
sentences, proper grammar,
and remember neatness
Oct. 2 Students will have a
written explanation of
each artifact.

Conduct Time Bazaar
Group members will take turns
running the booth and
circulating around the bazaar to
other booths. Students
conducting the booth should
have knowledge about ALL the
Oct. 6 Students will be able to
orally explain to their
teachers and peers how
their artifacts were used
in their assigned ancient

Early Civilization

Group Members

My Cooperative-
Group Role

My Artifact

My group members
are creating...

Materials I should
collect for myself or
the group

information about
my artifact

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