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Varianta 3

Prob scris pentru examenul de corigen

Clasa a V-a
I. Answer the questions: (2p.)
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live?
4. Have you got a pet?
5. What is your favourite season?
II. Choose the correct variant: (5p.)
1. ive ! are playing in the s"hoolyard.
a# "hilds$ %#"hildren$ "#"hildrens
2. !. name is &usan. &he is a tea"her.
a# Her$ %# His$ "# 'our
3. (he dogs !. running in the par).
a#is$ %#are$ "# am
4. We !. a new "ar. It is a errari.
a#have$ %#has$ "#haves
5. *y "at +ulu is sleeping !. my %ed.
a#ne,t$ %#on$ "#%etween
-. In summer we wear !. and shorts.
a#gloves$ %#.a")ets$ "# (/shirts
0. !. is a red pen"il. It1s here.
a# (his$ %# (hat$ "# (hese
2. What is the "orre"t spelling for 1- ?
a#si,ty$ %#si,teen$ "#si,tyn
3. In !. it1s very "old.
a#summer$ %#winter$ "#spring
14. (im %rings us letters. He1s a !. .
a#%a)er$ %#me"hani"$ "#postman
III. Translate into Romanian.(2p)
1.*y house is ne,t to the museum.
2.Who is that man?
3.We aren1t at s"hool now.
4. Have you got a new %i)e?
5.I am the third pupil in my "lass.
Varianta 3
5arem de "ore"tare6
7,. 1 /2p
7,. 2 /5p
7,. 3 /2p
1 pun"t din ofi"iu
(otal 14

I. Read the text below:
Their school has got 800 pupils
from 6 to 15 years old. They go to
school by car or in a special bus
and they have lunch at school.
Mike is 12. fter a day of lessons!
Varianta 3
he does t"o hours of home"ork.
#n $undays he has got special
lessons. %e "atches only one hour
of television a "eek and he doesn&t
have any 'nglish friends. Mike and
his (omanian friends learn 'nglish!
)rench and *erman! mathematics!
science and arts. They also learn
ho" to act in theatre plays.
1.) 8otriviti "uvintele din "ele doua
/ four /5una dimineata
/short /9ati ani ai?
/ gal%en /:ood morning

/ patru / How are you?
/ s"und /How old are you?
/ 9e mai fa"i? / 'ellow 5p

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