Earth Energy Boost

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About Earth Energy Boost
The Earth Energy Boost is a simple energy that works as an immediate and gentle pick-me-up. If you
are familiar with the Rescue Remedy flower essence, then youll understand that the Earth Energy
Boost can work in a similar fashion. Its something to use for fatigue, illness, or times of e!treme stress. It
can also "e used during strenuous acti#ity, to pro#ide an e!tra "oost. It is not meant as an instant
cure, "ut an additional energetic support.
There is no sym"ol to learn or memori$e. %nce attuned, you can recei#e or send the Earth Energy Boost
#ia intention. &et 'uiet, and #isuali$e the Earth Energy Boost coming up through the "ottoms of the feet.
The gentle, earth-"ased healing energy will slowly creep up the system for a "alancing effect.
Environmental Suort
If you ha#e a tree, plant or flower that is sickly and needs e!tra energy, then gi#e the plant an Earth
Energy Boost. (ou can use this energy to help heal and support nature.
Attunement Process
)se any Reiki attunement ritual of your choice. *sk for the assistance of &aia or +other Earth. Imagine
the Earth Energy "eing sent to the student. ,oing an attunement outside in nature is e#en "etter.
!ew "ools and Symbols
This manual has "een purposefully left simple, "ecause it-s really a"out the energy. If you find new
sym"ols, practices, or ways of using the Earth Energy Boost, please feel free to add to the system and
share with others.
More Reiki attunements and courses are available at
Element Energy Center (
Please share.
You may distribute this PD (intact) !reely as you see !it.
#oyright !otice
This manual is protected "y copyright. (ou can share this manual freely pro#ided it is left entirely intact.
(ou may not independently reprint, repu"lish, or reuse the words in this manual for any reason.
(ou can gi#e this manual to students that ha#e paid you for an attunement,
"ut you cannot resell this manually separately.
(ou are welcome to create your own manual, written entirely in your own words,
to teach people how to use this energy. .lease pro#ide proper credit.
(ou are also welcome to use this energy to create a new energy system.
/or permission to translate, contact . Thank you.
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