Case Analysis Form - Fletcher Electronics

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Case Analysis Form

Faheem Arif Padela Group F
Case Title Fletcher Electronics Procurement Policy Communication Plan
Key Facts
Key Facts:
Fletcher Electronics procurement policy was not centralized
and work as separate entities. All the procurement was
conducted at plant level
Procurement procedures were followed for the past 1
years and production was distri!uted amon" #$ plants
%ue to increase demand for the defense industry products
and increasin" competition& the head'uarters were force to
decrease cost
(n order to decrease cost& the company decided to
centralized the procurement
)ill *an%yke was hired as *ice President of Corporate
Procurement in order to centralize the procurement
Key Players
Key Players:
)ill *an%yke +*ice President of Corporate Procurement,
-usan .ilks +E/ecutive Assistant,
#$ Plant 0ana"ers
#$ 0aterial 0ana"ers
Core Business
Problem &
Fletcher Electronics has !een followin" a decentralized
procurement procedure
1o centralized controllin" on procurement prices

Centralize procurement driven from the head'uarters in
order to reduce the num!er of suppliers and secure "ood
deals resultin" in cost reduction
All price and supplier comparison should !e conducted !y
the Central rather than plant level
(n order to !e e2ective& the mana"ement wanted this
messa"e to !e communicated to the plant mana"ers in an
e3cient manner.
(n order to achieve the a!ove mentioned o!4ective& an e2ective
communication plan need to !e developed which will result in
"ettin" the messa"e across to all the plant mana"ers and
materials mana"ers. 5he core of the pro!lem& ur"ency and
importance of a new procurement policy& should !e hi"hli"hted
as well as the !ene6t of this decision so that the messa"e is
clear and e2ective.
Please fnd the attached communication plan separately

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