Case Analysis Form: Participant Name Case Title Key Facts Key Players

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Case Analysis Form

Arsalan Ahmed Patel
Case Title HP Company
Key Facts
Key Players
Core Business
Problem &
Business Problems:
1. Leakage of insider board information to the press.
2. Illegal and unethical investigative practices were adapted as a
knee-jerk reaction. This revelation caused an outcry both from
the board and the public.
Management Objective:
1. To immediately and swiftly restore board members and public
con!dence in the companys image and its policy making.
"#at NOT to o$
o The chairperson of the board should have initially taken the
board into confdence, advised against talking to the press and
requested the leak to come forward, instead of a knee!erk
reaction ordering an investigation"
o Patricia #unn or her successor should choose better avenues
for consultation$ i"e" perhaps seeking advice from more reliable
sources than a consultant whose company is already linked to
shady activities and the most scandalous board member"
o %nstead of sticking your head in the sand, taking keen interest
in how the investigators were going to proceed with their
investigation, because ultimately as the situation proved, the
responsibility lies with the decision maker"
"#at to o$
o %mmediately make a public announcement distancing the
company from the investigating frm &'& by discontinuing their
services" The announcement should also include a proactive
and aggressive policy against illegal and unethical
investigative techniques which would be adopted by the
company from then onwards" A new legislation should be
passed by the board against such practices, including but not
limited to prete(ting"
o Announce a strict policy against any private information leak to
the press or competitors"
o A legislation regarding the company)s new and stringent
privacy should also be announced within the organi*ation"

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