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Determine your objective. In one sentence, what do you want your audience to do believe or understand, as a result of your communication?
What style will help you reach this objective: tell, sell, consult, or join?
It is essential that you carry out a demographic and situational analysis of your audience. You should make a note of your audience's demographic
characteristics relevant to your presentation (e.g. age, gender, cultural background, education, financial status etc.), and your presentation's
situational elements (e.g. audience size, seating arrangement, time of the presentation, and available facilities).
Demographic Situational
State your audience's bias (negative, neutral, or positive) and involvement (high or low).
What kind of structure, direct or indirect, is best suitable for achieving your objective? Why?
What type of argument (one-or-two-sided) is best to reach your objective?
MP 1
MP 2
MP 3
MP 1
MP 2
MP 3
Whether you're writing or speaking, you've got to consider what questions and objections your audience will have. List a few questions and
objections here, and make a plan to address them:
Questions and Objections Response
What are the benefits of your message for your audience - what's in it for them?
Imagine you had only a few lines of text or a few seconds to communicate your message: What is your MAIN IDEA?
What are your main points? In what order (priority, chronology, step-wise, toical, problem-solution etc) should they be arranged?
You need to do something in the introduction to get the attention of your audience? What will it be?
What evidence (examples, statistics, quotations, etc) do you plan to use with each main point?
These are people you are communicating with - picture them as you write your document or prepare your presentation. What can you do to
acknowledge them? How can you make them feel a part of the communication? Make a point to make a personal connection. Consider and
reference your common experiences. And, as always, talk with them, not at them.
You'll repeat your message when you end your communication and offer next steps. What will they be?
If you're preparing a presentation: What are the best visual aids to use to reach your objective?

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