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Saral Holidays

Tour Name Kerala Calling

No. of pax: 02 Adults
Travel Date 21
February Feb.2014
No. of nights: 03 Nights / 04 Days
uest: Mr. Suhra! Dhut " 02
#ith the Arabian Sea in the $est% the #estern &hats t'$ering (00)2*00 + in the east and
net$'red by 44 ri,ers% Kerala en!'ys uni-ue ge'gra.hi/al 0eatures that ha,e +ade it 'ne '0
the +'st s'ught a0ter t'urist destinati'ns in Asia. An e-uable /li+ate% a l'ng sh'reline $ith
serene bea/hes% tran-uil stret/hes '0 e+erald ba/$aters% 1ush hill stati'ns and e"'ti/
$ildli0e% $ater0alls% s.ra$ling .lantati'ns and .addy 2elds% Ayur,eda health h'lidays 3
en/hanting art 0'r+s% Magi/al 0esti,als% hist'ri/ and /ultural +'nu+ents. An e"'ti/
/uisine...the .latter is endless.
Saral 4'lidays in $ith its $'rld /lass e"/ellen/e in guest /are 3 ser,i/e shall ensure
that y'u a/tually tae ba/ 3 treasure e,erlasting +e+'ries '0 the &'ds '$n /'untry% Kerala.
S!et"h #T#N$%&%':
Destination Hotel )%esort *eal +lan
Feb Arri,e in K'/hi) Dri,e t'
A/ Delu"e 4'use 5'at All Meals
Feb Alle..ey t' Munnar M'untain Club 5rea0ast 3 Dinner
Feb Munnar M'untain Club 5rea0ast 3 Dinner
Feb Munnar 6 K'/hi D 7 8 A 9 : ; 9 7 D 7 8 A 9 : ; 9 7
+a"!age #n"lusions:
03 Nights / 04 days a//'++'dati'n as .er ab',e +enti'ned h'tels <=r Si+ilar
Meals As sti.ulated ab',e.
All trans0ers 3 sight)seeing by Air C'nditi'ned ?nn',a <u. t' 1%3(0 K+s.>.
10@% Shree Shi, SaiNath C'+.le"% :8S A? 9'ad% Santa CruB #est% Mu+bai. 400 0(4.
:elC D@1)22)E*41(300/E*41(301% Fa"C D@1)22)E*41(303% M'bC
D@1 @F20F1EFF*
Saral Holidays
&uide ser,i/es $here,er
Tour ,ost per "ouple: -2./01 23ased on 2 people traveling together4
+ri"es do Not #n"lude:
Any Kind '0 8ers'nal 7".enses 'r =.ti'nal :'urs / 7"tra Meals =rdered.
Anything n't s.e/i2/ally +enti'ned under the head G8ri/es in/ludedH.
:i.s% 8'rter% 1aundry% 8h'ne Calls.

10@% Shree Shi, SaiNath C'+.le"% :8S A? 9'ad% Santa CruB #est% Mu+bai.
400 0(4.
:elC D@1)22)E*41(300/E*41(301% Fa"C D@1)22)E*41(303% M'bC
D@1 @F20F1EFF*

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