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Lilly Gonzalez, Hannah Hodson

Meya Holmes, Madeson Moritz

Ms. Bailin
English 11 Honors
How to survive prohibition
When something becomes illegal, not all people are willing to completely stop what they
were doing before it was illegal. For example, if cigarettes were to become illegal in modern
society the majority of smokers would not just quit. They would find some type of way to get
around it. That is exactly the case in regard to prohibition. People used many ways to get
around prohibition. Everyone knows that Prohibition has hit the United States hard. Americans
across the country are now stuck without their favorite beverages and left without a way to
unwind from their daily struggles. This guide will help you find the best way to survive
prohibition. The best ways to achieve alcohol are through speakeasies, bootleggers, and the
Anyone whos anyone knows what a speakeasy is; but for those who are socially
inept, speakeasies are clubs. Except, they arent just any club. These roaring parties just so
happen to sell your favorite alcoholic drink. Although, speakeasies are very secretive. The first
step of getting into a speakeasy is finding one. There wont be a giant electronic sign above it
saying illegal alcohol! Some of the best speakeasies are in New York City. The Cotton Club,
Connies Inn, and Chumley's are some to put on your bucket list. Now that you know where to
go, you need to know how to get in. Each speakeasy is different and requires a different
password. The password changes very often so its important to stay updated. They also have
secret entrances. A known entrance for Chumleys is through Pamela Court.

The next step is to dress appropriately. You cant just walk into one wearing the sweater
grandma gave you for Christmas. Ladies need to wear dresses and sensible shoes. Although,
its okay to ditch some of the old fashioned stockings and floor length gowns. The flapper style
is a very popular way of dressing in speakeasies. For men, its recommended to dress nice like
you would for work. Finally, you are able to enter the speakeasy. These clubs have wonderful
entertainment and different people for you to mingle with. Its important to remain level headed
and not act suspicious. The reason for its name is to speak easy. Try using coffin varnish,
white mule, horse liniment, monkey rum, panther sweat, rot gut, and tarantula juice in substitute
for the word alcohol. Now that youve followed all these steps, enjoy yourself!
Bootleggers and mobs are also ways people survive prohibition. Bootleggers are people
who transport alcohol across the border. Its a good job and a good way to get access to the
substance. Speakeasies and bootleggers are often under the control of different gangs and the
mafia. The mafia has many connections that allow them to smuggle and sell alcohol across
America. Other ways people get alcohol include using sacrificial wine and medicinal alcohol.
Bootleggers are the founding fathers of getting around prohibition. They are a part of an
elaborate system of organized crime that involves smuggling, distributing, storage, and
transportation. They frequent speakeasies in search of desperate alcoholics willing to purchase
shady concoctions of alcohol. The U.S. Coast Guard has made it more difficult to smuggle
alcohol from other countries. Out of necessity, bootleggers use trial-and-error to distill and
produce their own drinks. This rotgut is a bigger problem than illegal drinking, as it can cause
paralysis, blindness, and death.

Speakeasies, bootleggers, and the mafia are all a part of avoiding prohibition.
Speakeasies are clubs that allow people to forget the troubles of society. Gangs and
bootleggers have realized what the people want, and are willing to give it. Avoiding prohibition
gives people a sense of freedom because they feel as if theyre right to enjoyment is being
taken away. As innovative people in the 1920s, we create unique ways to solve this big
problem. They are not always legal but it helps people feel empowered. Although, some may
argue that they are not right, the ways people get around prohibition contribute to shaping our

Works Cited
Pow, Helen. "Inside the Speakeasies of the 1920s: The Hidden Drinking Spots That Transformed
New York City's Night Life during the Prohibition Era and beyond." Mail Online. Associated
Newspapers, 26 Jan. 2013. Web. 08 Apr. 2014.
"Prohibition: Speakeasies, Loopholes And Politics." RSS 20. National Public Radia, 10 June
2011. Web. 08 Apr. 2014.
S, Jen, and Ceyana A. "History of the Roaring Twenties." : Prohibition and the Speakeasies. N.p.,
10 June 2010. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
Zimmer, Lori. "Flavorwire." Flavorwire. N.p., 25 Jan. 2013. Web. 08 Apr. 2014.

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